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Ultimate Orgasm Techniques: The Master Plan 1

Discover How To Give Your Woman Earth-Shattering ORGASMS Using The Most
Remarkable, ‘Fool-Proof’ And Easy-To-Use Techniques On The Planet

“Ultimate Orgasm Techniques”

Part Of The “Outrageous Orgasms Series”

By Adam Armstrong

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques | Copyright © 2012 Adam Armstrong. All rights Reserved
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques: The Master Plan 2

The Master Plan

How To Put It All Together
The amount of new sexual techniques that you have discovered in the Ultimate
Orgasm Techniques program might at first seem daunting.

But don’t worry – you don’t have to use them all at once.

The orgasm techniques provided in this program have been done so in a logical

For example, we started off by looking at clitoral orgasms because these are
the easiest and most basic type of orgasm to give your woman.

Then we moved on to look at vaginal orgasms (both G-spot and deep spot)
because they enable your woman to experience a deeper level of sexual
pleasure and multiple orgasms.

Next, we talked about squirting orgasms (which are directly related to vaginal
orgasms) and then we talked about more advanced techniques like vaginal
orgasms during intercourse and anal orgasms (both of which are much easier
to pull off if you are already giving your woman vaginal orgasms using the G-
spot and deep spot methods).

Can you see the progression method?

First, get clitoral orgasms working using your fingers and oral sex.

Then get vaginal orgasms working using your fingers.

Then get vaginal orgasms working during intercourse and finally – look to get
your woman squirting and having anal orgasms.

The other thing you might be wondering is:

“Where exactly does dirty talk fit into all of this?”

The answer is…

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques | Copyright © 2012 Adam Armstrong. All rights Reserved
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques: The Master Plan 3

The only techniques I discussed with you that don’t directly benefit from the
addition of dirty talk are the oral sex techniques because you can’t talk when
you are giving oral sex.

However, even oral sex is a lot better for your woman when you make some
noise as you pleasure her with your tongue. Sure, it’ll only be caveman like
‘grunts’ – but that’s so much more exciting for your woman than silent oral

The truth about silent sex is that it is lame sex.

Dirty talk is where the party is at.

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques | Copyright © 2012 Adam Armstrong. All rights Reserved
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques: The Master Plan 4

A Great Way To Blow Your Woman’s Mind Every Time You Have
Here’s a fool-proof way to blow your woman’s mind every time you have sex
with her:

- Give her a clitoral orgasm

- Give her two vaginal orgasms using the G-spot or deep spot fingering

- Give her at least one vaginal orgasm during intercourse

Can you imagine how sexually satisfied your woman will be if you give her that
type of pleasure every time you ‘get it on’?

Most guys are struggling to find their women’s clitorises, let alone know what
to do with it when they find it.

Yet when you apply what you’ve discovered in this Ultimate Orgasm
Techniques program, you’ll just start to see the clitoral orgasm as a ‘warm up’.

It’s mind-blowing stuff.

Have fun with it.

Of course, you don’t always have to follow the approach I laid out above.

For example, sometimes you and your woman might want to have a ‘quickie’
and there’s nothing wrong with that… quickie’s can be a ton of fun.

But for the average guy, a 5 minute quickie is a problem because it’s probably
not long enough to give his woman an orgasm. So the quickie is not that
appealing for her.

However, once you really connect with your woman emotionally and get her
tuned into your dirty talk and having regular vaginal orgasms during
intercourse – you’ll see that it will become very easy to get your woman off
very quickly.

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques | Copyright © 2012 Adam Armstrong. All rights Reserved
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques: The Master Plan 5

Therefore, you will be able to have a quickie with your woman and have a clear
conscience. You’ll come and she’ll come too (maybe more than once).

Whatever you do, remember that the sex is only rewarding for your woman if
you give her orgasms.

Yes, some women say they don’t need to orgasm to have good sex – but these
are women who’ve almost certainly never had a vaginal orgasm and therefore
don’t know what great sex is.

And that’s the point – if you want to give your woman great sex… you must
give her vaginal orgasms.

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques | Copyright © 2012 Adam Armstrong. All rights Reserved
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques: The Master Plan 6

What To Expect When You Successfully Use The Techniques In The

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques program…
Most men take the easy way out and give their women lame sex.

Some of these guys don’t even realize it’s lame sex and others don’t give a

But the truth is that the guys giving their women lame sex will pay a huge

For starters, they’ll never experience the satisfaction and sense of achievement
that comes from giving their women incredible sexual pleasure. Such men
would probably rather watch football or drink beer until they can no longer
stand up straight.

More fool them.

Secondly, high value emotionally healthy women will not stand for lame sex
forever and such women will often cheat to GET BETTER SEX.

At this point, the guys on the receiving end of being cheated on usually say
their women are ‘bitches’ or use some other degrading term to describe them.

However, I choose to take a different view…

- He didn’t perform and meet her needs in the bedroom, so she found
another guy who could meet her needs. Simple as that

Anyway, given that you are reading this book it’s obvious to me that you are
serious about sexually satisfying your woman and giving her incredible sexual

When you start using the techniques in this book and do so to give your
woman amazing orgasms, you can expect the following things to happen…

- Your woman will want to have MORE SEX. In other words, her sex-drive
will increase. It is my experience than when a guy gives his woman
regular vaginal orgasms, his woman’s sex-drive will be at least as high as
his own and if not higher. So no more ‘dry-spells’ in your relationship
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques | Copyright © 2012 Adam Armstrong. All rights Reserved
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques: The Master Plan 7

- She will become more vocal during sex. She’ll scream louder (a by-
product of experiencing vaginal orgasms) and she might even join in with
the dirty talk

- She’ll go out of her way to please you. Again, once you start giving her
regular vaginal orgasms you’ll notice that your woman will start to give
you everything you want during sex. I have a concept that explains why
this happens.

The concept says that “Women are creatures of Sexual Reciprocation”.

Now, what do I mean when I say that “women are creatures of sexual

Well, when I say that women are creatures of sexual reciprocation, I

mean that they give back as good as they get in the bedroom. So if you
give your woman incredible pleasure, she’ll go out of her way to give you
incredible sexual pleasure too.

NOTE: This does not work the other way round. You have to give your
woman really great sex and then she’ll start giving you better blow jobs,
hand jobs, anal sex and whatever else you want in bed. This happens
every time

- When you give your woman great sex, including regular vaginal orgasms
– you will also notice that your relationship outside the bedroom will
likely improve as well. When the sex is good, it tends to draw to people
closer together and make them more grateful for having each other in
their lives

You now know exactly how to give your woman the best orgasms of her life.
But what if something doesn’t go as planned?

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques | Copyright © 2012 Adam Armstrong. All rights Reserved
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques: The Master Plan 8

Don’t worry, the next section covers some common problems and how to
overcome them…
(Please see the next section of the Ultimate Orgasm Techniques program, titled “FAQ’s” for help
overcoming common problems in the bedroom).

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques | Copyright © 2012 Adam Armstrong. All rights Reserved

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