Potential and Limitations of Applying HELP Model For Surface Covers

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Potential and Limitations of Applying HELP Model

for Surface Covers

Klaus Berger1

Abstract: Simulation models can be efficient tools, provided they are sufficiently validated. In the United States, the HELP model was
developed to simulate the water balance of landfills, especially of liner systems. HELP version 3 was examined under the humid climate
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of Germany in an extensive validation study. The aim of this paper is to put the validation results into practice by showing the potential
and limitations of applying the HELP model for surface cover systems using examples of practical planning. The examples cover the
components of surface covers: topsoil and vegetation, a compacted layer at the bottom of the topsoil, drainage layers and drainage nets,
geomembranes, and several liners. Potential errors are shown and classified, and recommendations for critical application cases are given.
In summary, the HELP model is a suitable tool for instructed users, but good knowledge of the model and its behavior and critical review
of the simulation results are essential. A German enhancement of the HELP model, HELP 3.50 D, was developed. It fixes errors shown
in this article and enhances some processes.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-025X共2002兲6:3共192兲
CE Database keywords: Drainage; Hydrologic models; Landfills; Sensitivity analysis; Liners; Percolation; Simulation models; Water

Introduction designs, processes, or sites.

To simulate the water balance of liner systems in the United
The main task of surface cover systems is to minimize the infil- States, the Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance
tration of precipitation water into the landfill body in order to 共HELP兲 model 共Schroeder et al. 1994a, b兲 was developed. The
reduce the mobility of contaminants. State of the art in a humid HELP model is discussed in engineering textbooks and also in the
climate are multilayered systems consisting of a topsoil with a German literature. However, only a few validation studies for the
vegetation 共usually grasses兲, a lateral drainage layer, and a liner. current version, HELP 3, were conducted 关in the United States:
Fleenor and King 共1995兲, Khire et al. 共1997兲, and Lange et al.
Standard designs are given in regulations as the German TA Ab-
共1999兲兴. To set up a scientific basis for the application of the
fall 共1991兲 for hazardous waste and TA Siedlungsabfall 共1993兲 for
HELP model in Germany, a validation study under the humid
municipal waste or in recommendations and guidance documents
climate of Germany was performed, and a German adaptation
such as the U.S. EPA 共1989兲 or the German GDA-Empfehlungen
was developed 共Berger 1998; Schroeder et al. 1998兲. The valida-
共DGGT 1997兲. An important aspect of the effectiveness of a sur-
tion study consists of three parts, a methodological part 共meaning,
face cover system is its water balance under the climatic condi-
aims, and procedure of validation兲, a theoretical part 共comparison
tions of a particular site. In this context, simulation models can be
of the modeling approach with the state of science; comparison of
efficient tools for several tasks in planning and aftercare, such as
model documentation, literature, and source code兲, and a practical
comparison of the effectiveness of alternative designs, optimiza-
part 共sensitivity analyses for topsoil and vegetation and for drain-
tion of particular layers with regard to cost-benefit considerations,
age layers; operational validation using data of the water balance
or estimation of particular risks of old liner systems.
test fields on the landfill Hamburg-Georgswerder兲. A summary in
Several error sources may affect the simulation results of a
English of the main results is given in Berger 共2000a兲. A recom-
model 共Table 1兲; therefore, an essential precondition for the re-
mendation of the German Geotechnical Society concerns the
sponsible practical use of any simulation model is its validation.
modeling of the water balance of landfill cover systems and the
In the validation the model can be confirmed, and thus the confi-
application of the HELP model in Germany 共GDA-Empfehlung E
dence can be enhanced that the simulation results, provided the
2-30 1998; Ramke et al. 2000兲. Based on the validation results,
model is properly applied, are more or less realistic for particular
the German enhancement HELP 3.50 D was developed 共Berger
2000b; Schroeder and Berger 2001兲.
Univ. of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science, Allende-Platz 2, This paper is written for practitioners in consulting firms or
20146 Hamburg, Germany. E-mail: k.berger@ifb.uni-hamburg.de authorities who want to conduct water balance calculations with
Note. Discussion open until December 1, 2002. Separate discussions the HELP model or who have to judge HELP simulation results.
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by Mainly based on the validation results of Berger 共1998兲, the paper
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
shows the potential, limitations, and pitfalls of application of the
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos-
sible publication on March 1, 2002; approved on March 1, 2002. This HELP model using examples of practical planning under German
paper is part of the Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radio- 共humid兲 climatic conditions. Though the German climate is quite
active Waste Management, Vol. 6, No. 3, July 1, 2002. ©ASCE, ISSN uniform and different from the climate in other regions of the
1090-025X/2002/3-192–203/$8.00⫹$.50 per page. world, many results hold in other climates also.


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Table 1. Categories of Possible Errors Affecting Simulation Results
Number Error category Examples
1 Model errors —
1.1 Model structure errors Neglect of relevant processes, false process descriptions
1.2 Systematic/procedure errors Numerical errors 共numerical dispersion, mass balance errors兲
1.3 Program/implementation errors May also exist in libraries linked to program
1.4 Run-time errors 共reproducible, nonreproducible兲 Computer arithmetic errors 共loss of significant digits, numerical
2 Errors in empirical investigations used for model development —
共leading to error category 1.1兲 or model validation
2.1 Errors in measurement concept Computation of value as residual value whose size is smaller
than sum of measurement errors of independent variables
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2.2 Systematic and accidential measurement errors Systematic errors of precipitation measurement
3 Application errors —
3.1 Conceptual application errors 共model is applicable, but not Unsuitable discretization in space and time
suitably applied兲
3.2 Underdetermination 共nonuniqueness兲 of system Incomplete description of system properties, boundary, or initial
4 Incompatibility of generic model and application case 共model is Scale not suitable
not applicable in this particular case兲

HELP Model and plant transpiration are modeled as a depth-dependent extrac-

tion out of the seven segments of the evaporative zone.
The HELP model was developed to estimate the water balance of Vertical flow is modeled in only one direction 共downward
open or closed landfills and especially of liner systems for the from segment to segment兲 using several assumptions. The capil-
surface and bottom of a landfill. The primary purpose is to assist lary potential is neglected as a driving force; just the gravitational
engineers and permit writers in comparison of design alternatives. and the hydrostatic potential are considered. Thus, the hydraulic
Version 1 of HELP was released in 1984, version 2 in 1988, and gradient is greater than or equal to 1 共with one exception for
the greatly enhanced version 3 in 1994. A detailed description of barrier soil layers兲. The minimum water content of the segments
the modeling approach, its technical solution, and the limitations is limited to distinct values—wilting point, field capacity, or total
of the model is given in Schroeder et al. 共1994a, b兲. Just a few porosity—depending on the layer type and location within or out-
aspects are pointed out here. side the evaporative zone. These assumptions lead to a physically
HELP is a ‘‘quasi-two-dimensional’’ layer model. Several one-
incorrect computation of magnitude and sometimes also direction
dimensional processes in the vertical and the lateral are combined
of vertical flow. However, implicitly, capillary rise and thus the
共vertical: precipitation, infiltration, evapotranspiration, percola-
capillary potential is considered within the evaporative zone, and
tion; lateral: surface runoff, lateral drainage兲, but two-dimensional
that in the submodel of soil evaporation. Soil evaporation is com-
flow actually is not modeled. A profile of a landfill or a liner
system has to be declared as a sequence of layers. Each layer puted with an empirical approach as a depth-weighted sink term
performs a specific task and must be of one out of four layer types for the segments of the soil evaporative zone, but not as an evapo-
共vertical percolation layer, lateral drainage layer, barrier soil layer, ration at the soil surface, as it is physically. Therefore, the total
or geomembrane兲. The layer type sequence must follow a set of effect of the assumptions on the water flow depends on the spe-
rules due to the concept of the ‘‘subprofile.’’ Evapotranspiration is cific application and is difficult to estimate.
limited to the evaporative zone, whose depth must be input by the Unsaturated vertical percolation is modeled for a one-domain
user. For a more detailed computation of the vertical soil water pore space with an unimodal pore size distribution. Preferential
distribution and the vertical flow, the evaporative zone and the flow through macropores, which may dominate the flow process,
layers are divided into segments. is not considered.
The evapotranspiration submodel is coupled to a model of Besides the capillary break, capillary diversion is also not
plant growth and decay for perennial and annual crops. This is an modeled in HELP. Therefore, capillary barriers with neither a
advanced approach that is seldom realized in water balance mod- horizontal nor a sloped interface can be simulated with HELP
els. The only vegetation considered are grasses. Soil evaporation 共error category 4, Table 1兲.

Table 2. Climatic Characteristics of Simulated Locations 共Mean Values 1986 –1995兲

Characteristic value Geisenheim Hamburg Lüdenscheid
Precipitation 共mm/year兲 535 835 1,258
Potential evapotranspiration according to Haude 共mm/year兲 755 570 492
Climatic water balance 共mm/year兲 ⫺220 265 766
Month per year with negative climatic water balance 6.5 4.1 2.7
Humidity Subhumid Moderately humid Humid


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Examples of Application ETa by 15% and overestimated the totals of percolation out of the
topsoil by 24%.
Preliminaries To enlarge the validation basis for evapotranspiration, the in-
fluence of soil texture and vegetation on the ETa was evaluated in
The examples of this section cover the components of surface HELP simulation runs and opposed to regression lines obtained
covers from top to bottom and are focused on critical cases and from lysimeter data. For each of the three locations mentioned
possible errors. All simulation results were obtained with a HELP above, a dry, medium, and wet year of the time period 1986 –
version 3.06 that was modified by the writer. The modifications 1995 was simulated. Five soil textures of less consolidated soils
cover 共1兲 the correction of some errors found in the theoretical from the HELP database were chosen that covered the whole
part of the validation study 共Berger 1998兲—these corrections are textural range 共sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam, and clay兲. For
included in HELP 3.07; 共2兲 the output of program variables that the vegetation, five levels of maximum LAI were used, 0 for bare
do not belong to the standard output of HELP; and 共3兲 several soil, 2.5 for a medium grass cover, 5.0 共the designated maximum
options for a further control of the simulation runs. Nevertheless, in HELP兲 for an excellent grass cover, and 10—and for some soil
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all statements are also valid for the current U.S. version, HELP texture, even 20—for woodland. Woodland was included in the
3.07. The enhancements of HELP 3.50 D are described in the analysis because under certain conditions it is the most favourable
appropriate sections. vegetation for surface covers 共for example at locations in a forest
Three locations were chosen that cover the climatic conditions or to maximize ETa兲. However, HELP was not developed to
of Germany except for extremely wet conditions. The latter are model woodland; therefore, the computed evapotranspiration
limited mainly to the Alps and are not important for landfills or might not be valid. To be comparable with the regression lines,
contaminated sites. The locations are Geisenheim 共dry兲, Hamburg
the topsoil thickness and evaporative zone depth of the simulation
共medium兲, and Lüdenscheid 共wet兲 共Table 2兲. The weather data are
results presented below are 100 cm for a maximum LAI from 0 to
from the German Weather Service and cover the time period
5 and 200 cm for maximum LAIs of 10 and 20. 共An evaporative
1986 –1995.
zone depth of 100 cm may be used for bare soil because no
In every water balance calculation, the precipitation data are of
transpiration occurs and HELP computes an internal value for the
major importance because they include systematic errors of mea-
soil evaporative depth.兲
surement that usually are not corrected by the national weather
The yearly sums of actual evapotranspiration computed by
services. The size of the systematic errors depends on instrumen-
HELP were opposed to regression lines based on Proksch 共1990兲.
tal, meteorological, and environmental factors 共Sevruk 1982;
Sevruk and Klemm 1989兲. The size of systematic errors differs Proksch 共1990兲 evaluated 1,132 years of lysimeter data from 88
between the measurement devices and procedures used in differ- German lysimeters to get a basis for the estimation of groundwa-
ent countries, and also for a particular device and procedure in the ter recharge on a local and regional scale. On the basis of yearly
same country depending on environmental and meteorological data of precipitation and percolation, regression lines
conditions. For example, the size of the measurement errors of ‘‘percolation⫽ f (precipitation)’’ for several soil textures and
yearly sums of precipitation from the German Weather Service kinds of vegetation were computed. These regression lines were
usually is 10–15% 共Richter 1995兲. Consequences concerning converted by the writer to regression lines ‘‘ETa
simulation with HELP are discussed in the next section. ⫽ f (precipitation)’’ 共Figs. 1 and 2兲. However, the regression lines
in Figs. 1 and 2 have to be interpreted very carefully for the
following reasons:
Design of Topsoil and Vegetation 1. In the conversion it was assumed that surface runoff and
The tasks of topsoil and vegetation regarding the water balance change in water content between the beginning 共April 1兲 and
are to minimize and equalize percolation into the underlying layer end 共March 31兲 of a year can be neglected;
by maximization of the evapotranspiration and the moisture stor- 2. The precipitation data include systematic errors of measure-
age, and to minimize the surface runoff to prevent erosion. The ment. Actually, ETa as well as precipitation is, for these er-
most important water balance component in a humid climate is rors, higher than shown in Figs. 1 and 2;
evapotranspiration. German regulations for topsoil and vegetation 3. ETa does not increase unlimitedly with increasing precipita-
are short and general; therefore, a simulation model can be very tion, but is theoretically bounded by the potential evapo-
helpful in the design process. In this section, the validity of the transpiration 共ETp兲. ETp depends on the location and is
evapotranspiration estimated by HELP is discussed. therefore not shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The convex shape of
In Berger 共1998兲, an output comparison of HELP simulation the HELP curves in Figs. 1 and 2 is caused by the differences
results and measured data of the test fields on the landfill of yearly ETp; and
Hamburg-Georgswerder from 1988 to 1995 was performed. The 4. The data underlying the regression lines scatter considerably
test fields were 50-m long and 10-m wide and had a 75-cm thick due to the fact that ETa depends on the seasonal distribution
topsoil made of loamy sand, a good to excellent grass cover of precipitation and on other climatic variables, such as air
共mowed; therefore, the maximum leaf area index 共LAI兲 was set to temperature.
3.5兲, and a drainage layer below the topsoil. If precipitation data Therefore, the regression lines were not used as a mark for the
with systematic measurement errors between 10 and 16% were HELP results, but just as an indicator for potential errors in the
used for simulation, HELP reproduced the totals of actual evapo- model.
transpiration 共ETa兲 from 1988 to 1995 in most cases within ⫾5% For a bare soil, HELP computed for the three loams on one
and also approximated the seasonal distribution quite well. How- hand and for sand and clay on the other hand nearly identical
ever, HELP tended to level the yearly sums of actual evapotrans- yearly sums of ETa, and both sets are close together 共Fig. 1兲.
piration and underestimated the influence of the relevant input According to the regression lines, the soil textures should have
parameters. But if precipitation data corrected for systematic er- much more influence on the ETa. Particularly, HELP overesti-
rors were used for simulation, HELP underestimated the totals of mates the ETa of bare sand. Though in a moderate climate bare


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Fig. 2. Actual evapotranspiration dependent on precipitation and

vegetation on topsoil of sand, simulated with HELP 3 versus regres-
Fig. 1. Actual evapotranspiration dependent on precipitation and soil sion lines according to Proksch 共1990兲
texture for bare topsoil, simulated with HELP 3 versus regression
lines according to Proksch 共1990兲

soil is unusual and not important for surface covers, Fig. 1 indi- • The reduction of potential soil evaporation with increasing
cates model structure errors of HELP 共see below兲. above ground biomass 关ED3, Eq. 共78兲兴 is too small. There-
Analogously, HELP underestimates the influence of vegetation fore, soil evaporation of a grown topsoil is too high and
on the ETa and in particular underestimates the ETa of woodland plant transpiration too small. The reduction equation was
共Fig. 2兲. Reasons for this are limiting assumptions of HELP 共grass revised in HELP 3.50 D.
as vegetation; ETp, interception evaporation, and plant transpira- 3. The implementation of the vegetative growth and decay
tion are higher for woodland兲 and model structure errors 共soil model, which was taken from the SWRRB model 共Arnold
evaporation is overestimated, plant transpiration is underesti- et al. 1990兲, was completed according to the description in
mated; see below兲. However, Fig. 2 also shows a limitation of the ED3, section 4.12. Moreover, aeration stress due to short air
evaluation of Proksch 共1990兲. The regression line of grass should was added from the EPIC model 共Sharpley and Williams
be steeper and should lie between the lines of bare soil and de- 1990兲.
ciduous wood. However, according to first validation results, the effects of the
HELP 3.50 D fixes most of the problems mentioned above by enhancements on the ETa are smaller than expected.
the following changes 关details in Berger 共2000b兲; in the follow-
ing, ED3 abbreviates the engineering documentation of HELP 3, Effectiveness of Qualified Cover
Schroeder et al. 共1994b兲兴:
1. The interception model was replaced by an enhancement of To safeguard landfills and contaminated sites with the standard
the model of von Hoyningen-Huene 共1983兲, which is based cover systems given in the German regulations is very expensive.
on empirical studies on agricultural plants with LAIs be- Moreover, the lifetime and long-term effectiveness of the standard
tween 1.2 and 14 –17. The enhancement includes an inter- design with a barrier soil liner is in discussion and at least ques-
ception storage. tionable. Therefore it is of interest if less complex systems are
2. HELP up to 3.07 overestimates soil evaporation of bare sand sufficient for safeguarding. One of the most simple systems is the
and grown soil and underestimates plant transpiration due to ‘‘qualified cover,’’ which is a topsoil with a vegetation that is
the following reasons: designed with regard to safety objectives considering the local
• The soil evaporative depth internally computed by HELP conditions. In the following, the water balance of such a cover is
is limited to a minimum of 18 in. 关46 cm; ED3, Eqs. 共84兲 estimated with the HELP model under favorable, that is, rela-
and 共85兲兴. Compared with the height of capillary rise, this tively dry German climatic conditions.
minimum is much too high for sand and coarser material Silt loam 共HELP No. 9兲 was chosen as the soil texture because
and was reduced to 6 in. 共15 cm兲. its soil physical properties are very good. Two variants of layer
• The upper limit of the constant rate stage of the empirical thickness were considered, namely, 1 and 2 m. Vegetation was
two stage soil evaporation model in the HELP source code excellent grass 共a maximum LAI of 5.0兲 that may take up water
was reduced to the original value from the literature 关ED3, from the whole topsoil. HELP estimates the ETa of such covers
Eq. 共81兲兴. with sufficient accuracy 共see the previous section兲. Simulations


Pract. Period. Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste Manage. 2002.6:192-203.

Table 3. Simulated Yearly Water Balance of Two Qualified Covers 共Geisenheim兲
Cover thickness Year Summer Winter ETp Surface runoff ETa Percolation
Year 共cm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲
Dry 共1991兲 100 372 180 192 743 0 359 14
200 372 180 192 743 0 371 0
Wet 共1995兲 100 682 340 342 717 0 508 173
200 682 340 342 717 0 593 92
Average, 1986 –1995 100 535 276 259 709 2 452 79
200 535 276 259 709 2 511 25
Note: summer⫽April to September; winter⫽January to March and October to December.
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were run for Geisenheim for the time period 1986 –1995 and also For both cover alternatives, in none of the simulated years can
two separate years, a dry and a wet year, to evaluate extreme the potential evapotranspiration ETp be completely utilized 共ETa
climatic conditions. is always less than ETp兲, especially not in those years with per-
The permission authorities have to decide in each particular colation. This is caused by the seasonal distribution of precipita-
case which average and maximum levels of percolation into the tion and potential evapotranspiration. In general, the level of the
landfill or contaminated site are still acceptable. For an orienta- ETa rises with the level of precipitation during summer and the
tion, maximum acceptable levels may be derived from the regu- level of percolation rises with the level of precipitation in winter.
lations. If a percolation for about 8 months a year at a hydraulic Typically, as compared with the ETp, the ETa breaks down during
gradient of 1 is assumed, for the German standard design for summer in two situations: in April and May, when there is still
municipal waste 关TA Siedlungsabfall 共1993兲, landfill category I兴 a water available in the deeper parts of the evaporative zone, but it
percolation of about 100 mm/year is still acceptable (K s ⫽5 can not be evapotranspired because the vegetation is not yet suf-
⫻10⫺9 m/s⫽0.43 mm/day⫽158 mm/year). In the long-term av- ficiently grown; and in mid- and late summer when the evapora-
erage, the yearly sum of percolation of both cover alternatives is tive zone is deeply dried out and the precipitation amounts are too
below this level 共Table 3兲. However, for the shallow cover there small 共Fig. 3兲.
are particular years with sums of percolation significantly above
that level. The percolation out of this cover occurs in just one or
a few months per year in winter or in spring, and that with daily Effect of Low Permeability Layer at Bottom of Topsoil
percolation rates that often exceed the daily acceptance level con-
siderably 共Fig. 3兲. In the German literature on design of the topsoil, sometimes an
As a qualification of these statements, it must be observed that additional third layer at the bottom is suggested, leading to the
HELP models only percolation through the primary pore system. following design:
If there are coherent macropores such as interaggregate pores due • An upper, humous layer, which can be penetrated easily by
to a strong soil structure or root channels, animal borrows, or roots and has a high infiltration capacity to prevent erosion;
desiccation cracks, water can move very fast through the cover. • A middle, nonhumous layer as a root zone for plants and for
Thus, the HELP simulation results are on the unconservative side. moisture storage; and
• A compacted bottom layer to reduce percolation by backing up
water for evapotranspiration and to prevent plants from root-
ing into the deeper layers.
A considerable effect of a compacted bottom layer on the
water balance may not be expected until the percolation out of the
topsoil under the climatic conditions of the site is higher than the
saturated hydraulic conductivity of the bottom layer. This requires
wet German climatic conditions. How large the effect of a com-
pacted bottom layer is can be estimated with HELP. However, the
simulation results depend on the layer sequence and the HELP
layer type of compacted bottom layer and are physically impos-
sible for some configurations. This is demonstrated for the ex-
tremely wet year 1993 in Hamburg 共precipitation 1,001 mm兲 and
the following five designs 共see Fig. 4; for convenience the upper
and middle layers are handled as a whole and denoted as topsoil兲:
1. Topsoil, 100-cm thick, made of silt loam 共HELP No. 9兲,
maximum LAI 5.0, evaporative zone depth 100 cm, HELP
layer type ‘‘vertical percolation layer,’’ no compacted bottom
2. Topsoil as in design 1; below is a 20-cm thick compacted
bottom layer made of medium compacted clay 共HELP No.
29, saturated hydraulic conductivity 6.8⫻10⫺9 m/s兲; the
Fig. 3. Simulated water balance of 100-cm thick qualified cover in
bottom layer is declared as HELP layer type ‘‘vertical per-
dry and wet year, Geisenheim
colation layer,’’ because the water flow may be unsaturated


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Fig. 4. Topsoil designs with compacted bottom layer

Fig. 5. Simulated daily percolation of topsoil designs shown in Fig.

and the layer may be considered as belonging to the topsoil; 4 共Hamburg, wet year 1993兲
the evaporative zone is as in design 1, which means it ends at
the top of the bottom layer. is also conspicuous by a drastic increase in surface runoff. In
3. Same as design 2, but the HELP layer type of the compacted contrast to design 4, design 5 yields the same, plausible, results as
bottom layer is a ‘‘barrier soil layer.’’ design 3.
4. Same as design 2; below there follows a drainage layer on a Both errors are fixed in HELP 3.50 D, the first error by check-
geomembrane liner. ing the computed percolation rate against the maximum percola-
5. Same as design 4, but as in design 3 the HELP layer type of tion rate as described above and reducing it if necessary, the sec-
the compacted bottom layer of the topsoil is a ‘‘barrier soil ond error by removing the corresponding check from the source
layer.’’ code. For HELP version 3 up to 3.07 the following recommenda-
The simulated daily percolation rates out of the compacted tion is given:
bottom layer are shown in Fig. 5 共for design 4, the lateral drain- • If a low permeability bottom layer of the topsoil is simulated
age rates are shown兲. Two implementation errors occur: one in with HELP up to version 3.07 under wet climatic conditions,
design 2, the other in design 4. A maximum daily percolation at least the lower part of the low permeability layer should be
through the compacted bottom layer can be calculated with Dar- declared as a barrier soil layer type, not as a vertical percola-
cy’s law and the assumption that no water is ponding on the soil tion layer. The thickness of the lower part depends on the
surface but is removed immediately by runoff. Then in the given evaporative zone depth because this must not extend into a
designs the maximum hydraulic gradient is 6 and the maximum barrier soil layer.
daily percolation is 3.5 mm/day. According to the simulation results for design 3, the intended
The first error—which may be overlooked easily—occurs in effect of the compacted bottom layer on the water balance in the
design 2 under sufficiently wet climatic conditions. The time se- main was not achieved. Evapotranspiration did not increase and
ries of the daily percolation rates of design 2 is almost identical to percolation did not decrease considerably. Only if the climatic
that of design 1. In particular, on several days of the year for conditions were wetter than given here did, in some cases, an
design 2, percolation rates above the maximum value of 3.5 mm/ increase of ETa of up to about 40 mm/year 共from 475 to 515
day occur. According to Darcy’s law these percolation rates re- mm/year兲 occur. Moreover, two qualifications of the simulation
quire hydraulic gradients that correspond to water ponding on the results must be noticed. First, a compacted bottom layer may
soil surface up to several meters 共Fig. 5兲. Nevertheless, the soil reduce plant growth and thus plant transpiration and evaporation
above the compacted bottom layer is unsaturated and the surface of interception due to wetting of the topsoil and shortage of soil
runoff does not differ significantly from that of design 1. Thus, air. This aeration stress is not considered in HELP up to 3.07.
the simulation results of HELP are physically false. But if the Second, a compacted bottom layer may lose its effectiveness in
bottom layer is declared as a barrier soil layer type 共design 3兲, the the medium or long term due to several processes such as root
simulation results are plausible 共Fig. 5兲. penetration, animal borrowing, or capillary drying. This deterio-
The second error—which may hardly be overlooked if the ration is likewise not considered in HELP.
daily simulation results are checked—occurs in design 4, which
differs from design 2 just in having a drainage layer 共which must
Use of Geosynthetic Drainage Net Instead of Mineral
lie on a liner兲 below the compacted bottom layer. For design 4,
Drainage Layer
HELP computes constant daily percolation rates out of the bottom
layer of the topsoil with a hydraulic gradient of 1, even if there is Drainage layers are usually built of mineral materials such as
a head on the compacted bottom layer. In this particular case, this sand, gravel, or broken rocks, or of residual material such as


Pract. Period. Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste Manage. 2002.6:192-203.

Table 4. Effect of Kind of Drainage Layer on Simulated Yearly Water Balance of Three Locations 共Systematic Error in HELP 3兲
Geisenheim Hamburg Lüdenscheid
Average yearly sum, Mineral Geosynthetic Mineral Geosynthetic Mineral Geosynthetic
1986 –1995 共mm兲 drainage layer drainage net drainage layer drainage net drainage layer drainage net
Precipitation 535 535 835 835 1,258 1,258
Surface runoff 2 2 9 5 69 54
ETa 427 117 486 166 503 357
Lateral drainage 102 421 335 670 680 849
Note: Mineral drainage layer: 30-cm thick, K s ⫽1⫻10⫺3 m/s. Geosynthetic drainage net: HELP No. 34 共0.6-cm thick, K s ⫽3.3⫻10⫺1 m/s兲. Maximum
drainage length 50 m, drain slope 10%.

granulated slag, and have a minimum thickness according to the 2, with the drainage net, the mean daily heads decreases drasti-
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German regulations of 30 cm. However, industrially manufac- cally from NSTEP⫽4, and this happens more drastically the
tured geosynthetic drainage nets with thicknesses of about 1 cm higher the mean yearly precipitation is.
and very high hydraulic transmissivities are also available. Be- The proper error source has not been located yet by the writer.
cause of the easy construction and less costly drainage nets, as Obviously for large values of NSTEP the computed unsaturated
compared to mineral drainage layers, these are of special interest vertical percolation in the topsoil is too high. In HELP 3.50 D, the
for temporary surface covers. In Germany, these may be used main problem of underestimation of the ETa was addressed by
until the main consolidation settlements of the waste are finished reducing NSTEP with an empirical formula developed from the
and the final cover will be constructed. results shown in Fig. 6. The price for this are daily heads a little
If a geosynthetic drainage net lying directly upon the upper- too high. However, because the average heads in drainage nets are
most liner is simulated with HELP, a systematic error occurs. This very small 共Fig. 6兲, the resulting increase of percolation through
is demonstrated simulating the following designs: the liner below the drainage net can be neglected.
1. 100-cm thick topsoil made of sandy loam 共HELP No. 6兲, Because from a simulation technical point of view the main
good grass cover 共maximum LAI 3.5兲, an evaporative zone problem is the thickness of the drainage nets, for HELP 3 up to
depth equal to the topsoil thickness; below follows a mineral 3.07 the following recommendation is given:
drainage layer in accordance with the minimum require-
ments of the German regulations 共30-cm thick; K s ⫽1
⫻10⫺3 m/s兲, drain slope 10%, maximum drainage length 50
m; below is an impermeable geomembrane liner.
2. Same as design 1, but instead of the mineral drainage layer,
a geosynthetic drainage net is used 共HELP No. 34, 0.6-cm
thick; K s ⫽3.3⫻10⫺1 m/s兲.
For the three locations mentioned above, the average yearly
simulation results show a drastic decrease of the actual evapo-
transpiration if a drainage net is used 共Table 4兲. The percentage
decrease of ETa is higher the lower the yearly precipitation of the
location is. Moreover, the yearly sums of ETa of design 2 are
unrealistically small. This is caused by a systematic error in
HELP that occurs if the internal variable ‘‘number of timesteps
per day’’ 共NSTEP兲 is very large. This is the case if a drainage
layer with a thickness of about 1 cm and a K s ⭓1⫻10⫺2 m/s lies
directly upon the uppermost liner. NSTEP can not directly be
influenced by the user. It increases with increasing saturated hy-
draulic conductivity, decreasing drainable pore volume, decreas-
ing layer thickness, decreasing maximum drainage length, and
increasing drain slope. For details see the HELP source code,
subroutine SETUPS; the main equations are given in ED3, page
NSTEP is constant in a simulation run and has an even value
between 4 共default兲 and 288 for the uppermost subprofile, and
between 4 and 48 for the lower subprofiles. The effect of NSTEP
on the water balance was investigated in a sensitivity analysis for
the two designs and three locations mentioned above. The modi-
fied HELP version used allows one to set NSTEP manually. This
was done from 4 to 288 in steps of 4. The simulation results are
shown in Fig. 6. For each particular NSTEP the mean yearly sums
of ETa are equal for both designs, and the mean yearly sums of
lateral drainage are almost equal. In contrast, the curves of mean
daily heads of the designs show significant differences. For design
Fig. 6. Effect of number of time steps per day and type of drainage
1, with a mineral drainage layer, the yearly sum of lateral drain-
layer on simulated water balance 共yearly averages 1986 –1995兲
age follows the mean daily head 共as expected兲, whereas for design


Pract. Period. Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste Manage. 2002.6:192-203.

Table 5. Maxima of Simulated Daily Spatial Average and Maximum Heads on Liner for Eight Drainage Layer Designs at Three Locations
共1986 –1995兲
Maxima of average and maximum heads 共mm兲 given K s 共m/s兲
1⫻10⫺4 1⫻10⫺3 1⫻10⫺2 1⫻10⫺1
共a兲 Geisenheim
50 m 5% 134.3 222.4 53.1 95.7 7.5 14.6 2.7
– 0.9 1.8
50 m 20% 73.7 140.3 34.1 66.4 – 2.4
2.7 4.7 2.7
– 0.2 2.4
– 0.5

共b兲 Hamburg
50 m 5% 227.5 351.9 115.5 194.5 19.9 37.7 11.4
– 3.5 6.8
50 m 20% 137.4 254.5 61.5 117.7 – 9.0
11.6 17.8 11.4
– 0.9 2.3
– 1.8
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共c兲 Lüdenscheid
50 m 5% 558.5 738.9 182.6 291.2 33.5 62.1 19.2
– 5.3 10.5
50 m 20% 214.6 386.9 113.1 211.5 19.2
– 13.9 27.4 19.2
– 1.4 2.5
– 2.8
Note: Days with maximum heads above 300 mm immediately after simulated thawing of soil were not considered 共see text兲. Numbers with strike out
marks do not correspond to theoretical values 关written in italics, computed from daily lateral drainage rates with McEnroe and Schroeder 共1988兲, Eqs. 共23兲,
共25兲, and 共26兲, and McEnroe 共1993兲兴.
• If cover designs with a drainage net directly above the upper- • At a maximum drainage length of 50 m, the maximum heads
most liner shall be simulated, first the design should be simu- for a drainage layer meeting the minimum requirements of the
lated with a usual mineral drainage layer to obtain reference German regulations are less than 30 cm. Thus, the drainage
values of the ETa. Afterwards the design should be simulated layer is sufficiently dimensioned except for extremely wet
with the drainage net with increased thickness 共e.g., 10 cm兲, German climatic conditions. But in a wet German climate, it
and the simulation results should be checked against that of has no safety reserves.
the mineral drainage layer. • Drainage layers with K s values of 1⫻10⫺2 m/s or more have
small heads on the liner and thus a very high effectiveness.
Hydraulic Effectiveness of Drainage Layer However, in some cases the average and maximum heads are
too large as compared with the theoretical values computed
The German regulations prescribe certain minimum requirements from the drainage rates with the approach underlying the
for drainage layers, such as a saturated hydraulic conductivity of drainage model 关McEnroe and Schroeder 共1988兲, Eqs. 共23兲,
at least 1⫻10⫺3 m/s over the long term. Drainage layers must 共25兲, and 共26兲; McEnroe 共1993兲; struck out numbers in Table
prevent an impoundment of water into the layer above the drain- 5兴. In a few cases average and maximum heads are even con-
age layer. Over the long term, drainage layers can lose their hy- tradictory 共maximum heads less than average heads兲. Presum-
draulic effectiveness due to physical or chemical processes such
ably in these cases the assumption of steady lateral drainage in
as incrustations and precipitation of ocher, lime, or gypsum. If
a time step is not fulfilled. However, the error can be neglected
this occurs uniformly over the area the effects can be estimated
in most practical tasks because the heads are very small.
with the HELP model by reducing the saturated hydraulic con-
• The hydraulic effectiveness of a drainage layer deteriotes dras-
ductivity. 共However, if this occurs locally—for example, at the
tically if K s descends from 1⫻10⫺3 to 1⫻10⫺4 m/s. Fig. 7
drain pipes—further engineering approaches are necessary.兲 Fur-
demonstrates this for a stress case of the wet location Lüden-
thermore, due to the availability of materials it may be desirable
to violate certain requirements of the regulations such as the K s scheid and the extremely wet winter 1993–1994 共precipitation
value and, for compensation, to overfulfill other requirements in December 301 mm; in January 200 mm; drain slope 5%兲.
such as the layer thickness. The flow dynamic presented by the daily drainage rates is
To estimate the effect of the saturated hydraulic conductivity considerably slower at a K s value of 1⫻10⫺4 m/s, and a head
on the effectiveness of a drainage layer in a surface cover system, is building that is much higher than the minimum thickness of
simulations were run for the three locations mentioned before, the the drainage layer according to the German regulations. There-
time period 1986 –1995, and eight designs. All designs had the fore, in this particular case, it is necessary to thicken the drain-
same topsoil and vegetation 共100-cm thick, made of sandy loam, age layer to prevent the head from backing up into the topsoil.
maximum LAI 3.5, 100 cm evaporative zone depth兲. Below was a If daily heads and daily drainage rates estimated by HELP are
lateral drainage layer lying on an impermeable geomembrane evaluated, extreme values immediately after the simulated thaw-
liner. The designs differed in the K s values of the drainage layer ing of the soil should be ignored. These values result from the
共1⫻10⫺1 , 1⫻10⫺2 , 1⫻10⫺3 , and 1⫻10⫺4 m/s兲, and the drain simple frozen soil submodel and are unrealistic 关Berger 共1998兲;
slope 共5 and 20%兲. Drainage layer thickness was 30 cm—100 cm see also January 1995 in Fig. 3兴. In the frozen soil submodel, the
if this was necessary to prevent impoundment of water into the soil water of the whole evaporative zone is modeled to freeze or
topsoil; the maximum drainage length was 50 m. thaw from one day to the next. In periods with frozen soil, the
In Table 5, the simulated maximum daily values of the 共spa- water content of the evaporative zone may increase due to infil-
tial兲 average and maximum heads are summarized. Extreme val- tration of rain or snow melt. In consequence, on the day of the
ues that occur as a consequence of the frozen soil submodel and simulated thawing of the soil, the drainable water of the whole
are too high 共see below兲 are not considered in Table 5. The main evaporative zone becomes movable and may lead to extreme
results are the following: peaks of daily heads and drainage rates. Moreover, for Germany


Pract. Period. Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste Manage. 2002.6:192-203.

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Fig. 7. Simulated daily lateral drainage and daily heads dependent

on K s of drainage layer, stress case extremely wet winter 1993/94 at Fig. 8. Cover designs for comparison of liner performance
wet location, Lüdenscheid 共drain slope 5%兲

the simulated periods of frozen soil are too long 共Berger 1998; with the lower saturated hydraulic conductivity controls the flow.
2000a兲, thus even increasing the peaks. In HELP 3.50 D, the This concept can influence the simulation results if it is not ob-
frozen soil submodel was pragmatically enhanced using the fol- served by the user, as shown in the following example of a con-
lowing concepts: Freezing and thawing of the soil is modeled for ceptual application error.
just one segment a day 共the evaporative zone consists of seven A surface cover system was simulated that is similar to one of
segments兲, the thaw period 关ED3, Eq. 共35兲兴 was shortened by 15 the German standard designs, but had a geomembrane as liner
days, and a snow cover of more than 6 mm 共0.25 in.兲 water only. Two designs were considered which had just one difference.
equivalent conserves the frozen soil state. For Germany this ap- The first design included the gas drainage and leveling layer 共Fig.
proach leads to a more realistic time distribution of daily heads 8, design 3兲; the second design neglected this layer. Both designs
and drainage rates and also of surface runoff. are valid profiles fulfilling the arrangement rules of HELP. The K s
of the drainage layer was 1⫻10⫺3 m/s, and the K s of the leveling
layer was 1.46⫻10⫺5 m/s 共compacted sand兲. Geomembrane
Use of Geomembranes
properties were in either case good placement quality, two fabri-
If properly installed, geomembranes are very effective liner ele- cation defects, and 10 installation defects per hectare. Table 6
ments that can be used separately or in combination with other shows the average yearly water balance for Hamburg, 1986 –
liner elements such as barrier soil layers, geosynthetic clay liners, 1995. The design without the leveling layer has a drastically
or capillary barriers. In HELP version 3, geomembranes for the higher percolation through the geomembrane than the design with
first time are considered an individual layer type, having a sepa- the leveling layer 共factor of about 50兲. In the first case the lateral
rate and extensive process model 共ED3, section 4.16兲. Three flow drainage layer is the flow controlling layer; in the second case it is
components are modeled: percolation/gas diffusion through intact the leveling layer. Therefore, the following recommendation is
sections of the geomembrane, and percolation through two types given:
of defects, fabrication defects resulting from manufacturing flaws • If designs with a geomembrane at the bottom of the profile are
and installation defects resulting from flaws during installation, simulated, that of the two layers adjacent to the geomembrane
e.g., seaming flaws. Specific assumptions were made concerning has to be included which has the lower saturated hydraulic
the shape and size of the defects. Fabrication defects have a di- conductivity.
ameter of 1 mm; installation defects an area of 1 cm2. The flow For a given layer configuration, the user can control the per-
through defects depends on the hydraulic conductivities of the colation through a geomembrane mainly with two parameters,
two layers directly below and above the geomembrane. The layer placement quality and installation defect density. Guidance for


Pract. Period. Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste Manage. 2002.6:192-203.

Table 6. Effect of Adjacent Layers on Simulated Percolation through fect’’ placement quality. For the remaining placement qualities,
Geomembrane Liner 共Hamburg, 1986 –1995兲 the installation defect density over a broad range of values does
Surface cover system with geomembrane liner not considerably influence the percolation through the composite
Average yearly liner, and especially not for realistic values. The yearly sums of
sum 共mm兲 Without Leveling Layer With Leveling Layer
percolation are less than one millimeter.
Precipitation 835 835
Surface runoff 9 9
ETa 486 486
Comparison of Liners
Lateral drainage 119 331 There are several elements available for the design of a liner that
Liner percolation 216 4 may be used separately or in combination with each other. The
main problem in question is the long-term durability of the liners.
HELP does not model the aging of a landfill profile, but assumes
realistic values is given in the HELP user’s guide. If metric units design properties that are constant for the simulated period.
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Texas Tech University on 05/14/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

are used for input, the installation defect density may be between Therefore, the user has to consider the aging of liners. This can be
0 and 107 ⫺1 defects per hectare. Thus, at the maximum, 10% of done by simulating worst case scenarios based on available data
a geomembrane are holes. Realistic numbers of installation de- of liner performance, as shown in the following example.
fects according to Schroeder et al. 共1994a兲 are usually less than For the three locations mentioned above, four surface cover
10/ha. To conduct simulation runs, it may be useful to have a systems were simulated that differed only in the liner and, where
rough overview of how these parameters affect the simulated per- applicable, had properties in accordance with the German regula-
colation through the liner. This was investigated in a sensitivity tions. The designs are shown in Fig. 8. In common for all designs
analysis for a surface cover with a composite liner similar to the were the topsoil 共100-cm thick, made of sandy loam, HELP No.
German regulations and the wet year 1994 in Hamburg. The de- 6兲, the vegetation 共maximum LAI 3.5, evaporative zone
sign of one of the test fields on the landfill Hamburg- ⫽topsoil兲, and the drainage layer 共K s ⫽1⫻10⫺3 m/s, drain slope
Georgswerder was used 共layer sequence: 75-cm thick topsoil, 5%, maximum drainage length 50 m兲. The following liners were
25-cm thick lateral drainage layer, geomembrane, 60-cm thick simulated:
barrier soil layer兲. Constant geomembrane properties were a 1. TA Siedlungsabfall, landfill category I: barrier soil layer,
thickness of 1.5 mm and, according to Schroeder et al. 共1994a兲, a 50-cm thick; design 1a with a K s of 5⫻10⫺9 m/s, design 1b
K s of 2⫻10⫺13 cm/s and two fabrication defects per hectare. The with deteriorated barrier soil layer, see below.
yearly sums of the percolation through the composite liner are 2. Geosynthetic clay liner: HELP No. 17; design 2a with a K s
shown in Fig. 9. The maximum value of 17.6 mm corresponds to of 3⫻10⫺11 m/s, design 2b with deteriorated geosynthetic
the percolation through the barrier soil layer without the geomem- clay liner, see below.
brane. If the placement quality is ‘‘worst case’’ and there is just 3. Geomembrane: HELP No. 35, 2.5-mm thick, two fabrication
one installation defect per hectare, the composite liner behaves defects and 10 installation defects per hectare, good place-
almost as if there is no geomembrane. This placement quality ment quality; below was a compacted levelling layer 共50-cm
corresponds to free flow through the geomembrane and is gener- thick, sand, K s ⫽1.46⫻10⫺5 m/s兲.
ally used in HELP whenever the layers above and below the 4. TA Siedlungsabfall, landfill category II: composite liner con-
geomembrane have high permeability 共ED3, page 79兲 like coarse sisting of a geomembrane as in design 3 and barrier soil
gravel or a geonet. Though the worst case placement quality is not layer as in design 1a.
realistic for the composite liner given here, it was included for For each of the three locations, the average simulated yearly
comparison. The analogue holds for the opposite extreme ‘‘per- sums of the designs differ in the lateral drainage and the liner
leakage only; the yearly sums of surface runoff and actual evapo-
transpiration are equal 共Table 7兲. For the designs with intact liners
the ranking of liner performance is 1aⰆ3⬍2a⬍4. The effective-
ness of the geosynthetic clay liner is just slightly less than that of
the composite liner, and it is better than that of the geomembrane
liner. However, if worst case scenarios based on available mea-
surement data are considered, the ranking changes drastically.
For compacted clay liners a wealth of hydraulic conductivity
data was measured 共Benson et al. 1999兲. Nevertheless, the field
performance of such liners, especially the development over
many years, is largely undocumented. Extensive data are avail-
able from the test fields of the landfill Hamburg-Georgswerder
mentioned previously. Measurements were conducted for barrier
soil liners in three test fields for about 10 years, and for geosyn-
thetic clay liners 共GCL兲 in two test fields 共area of 100 m2 each兲
for more than 4 years 共Melchior 1993, 1998; Melchior et al. 1994;
Berger 2000a兲. The GCL test fields had just a shallow topsoil 共30
cm兲 and drainage layer 共15 cm兲 to enforce a possible desiccation
of the GCL. All liners were carefully constructed according to
Fig. 9. Sensitivity of composite liner percolation to placement qual- industry practices for full-scale liners, including quality assur-
ity and installation defect density of geomembrane 共Hamburg-
ance, and functioned properly for some time after construction.
Georgswerder, yearly totals 1994; note: logarithmic x-axes, but left
The measured percolation rates of the compacted clay liners as
x-value is 0兲
well as of the geosynthetic clay liners, however, increased for


Pract. Period. Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste Manage. 2002.6:192-203.

Table 7. Simulated Water Balance of Surface Cover Systems with Different Liners at Three Locations 共Average Yearly Sums, 1986 –1995;
Designs Given by Fig. 8兲
Precipitation Surface runoff ETa
Location 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲
Geisenheim 535.1 2.0 426.7
Hamburg 834.5 9.0 486.2
Lüdenscheid 1,258.3 68.6 503.0
Discharge TASi landfill category I Geosynthetic clay liner Geomembrane TASi landfill catetory II
共mm兲 共1a兲 共1b兲 共2a兲 共2b兲 共3兲 共4兲
Lateral drainage 53.5 6.4 101.2 19.4 100.1 101.9
Liner percolation 48.4 95.5 0.7 82.5 1.8 0.01
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Lateral drainage 248.9 46.2 334.4 107.0 330.8 334.9
Liner percolation 86.1 288.7 1.5 228.0 4.1 0.02
Lateral drainage 573.1 206.3 677.2 273.9 671.0 679.6
Liner percolation 106.7 473.8 2.4 406.1 8.7 0.03
Note: TASi⫽TA Siedlungsabfall 共1993兲; 共1a兲 K s of barrier soil layer⫽5⫻10⫺9 m/s; 共1b兲 K s of barrier soil layer⫽5⫻10⫺8 m/s 共see text兲; 共2a兲 K s of
GCL⫽3⫻10⫺11 m/s; 共2b兲 K s of GCL⫽1⫻10⫺8 m/s 共see text兲.

several orders of magnitude within a few years after construction for practical tasks in planning and aftercare of surface cover sys-
up to values that were much higher than required by TA Sied- tems. Examples were presented that covered the layers of surface
lungsabfall. Based on the daily sums of measured percolation, the covers: topsoil and vegetation, lateral drainage layers and drain-
maximum percolation rates of the barrier soil liners were about age nets, and several liners. Sources of possible error affecting the
6⫻10⫺8 m/s, and those of the GCL were about 1⫻10⫺7 m/s. validity of simulation results were classified and demonstrated in
The increase was caused by a desiccation of the liners due to some of the examples. The examples showed that not all se-
capillary water loss and water uptake by plant roots. As a conse- quences of layer types that fulfill the sequence rules of HELP lead
quence, coherent cracks were formed that transport water very to physically correct or even plausible simulation results. If pos-
fast 共preferential flow兲. The so-called self-healing of the liners
sible, recommendations were given how to avoid the errors or at
was not observed in the test fields.
least how to diminish their consequences. Some errors were fixed
For the worst case scenarios, values of hydraulic conductivity
in the German enhancement HELP 3.50 D.
were estimated from the above-mentioned maximum field mea-
sured percolation rates 共design 1b:K s of the barrier soil layer Despite the mentioned weak points, the HELP model is a suit-
⫽5⫻10⫺8 m/s; design 2b:K s of the GCL⫽1⫻10⫺8 m/s兲. For able tool if it is responsibly applied. The user must have a thor-
the designs with liners deteriorated in such a manner, the ranking ough knowledge of the model, its peculiarities and its limitations,
of simulated liner performance is 1b⬍2bⰆ3⬍4, and the effec- as well as of the modeled subject. Moreover, the user has to
tiveness of the geosynthetic clay liner is drastically worse 共Table observe the sources of error when planning simulation runs and
7兲. However, these results are approximations because the K s val- must review the simulation results critically, especially with re-
ues are estimations, and HELP actually does not model the non- gard to the key values for safeguarding a landfill.
Darcian preferential flow through macropores. Besides a software technical revision, the German enhance-
The main flow-reducing component of the composite liner is ment HELP 3.50 D fixes errors shown in this article and enhances
the geomembrane. However, there is little known on its long-term some process models. In the submodel of unsaturated/saturated
durability in surface cover systems. In the literature, liner life- vertical flow, two implementation errors were fixed. A systematic
times of several hundred years are estimated 共Koerner and Daniel error was avoided that occurs in certain designs with a drainage
1997兲. The yearly sums of percolation through a composite liner net lying directly on the uppermost liner and leads to an underes-
computed with HELP are in the order of fractions of a millimeter. timation of actual evapotranspiration. The frozen soil submodel
In the test fields of the landfill Hamburg-Georgswerder, dis- was pragmatically enhanced, leading to more realistic values of
charges below the composite liners of a few millimeters per year surface runoff on frozen soil and a more realistic time distribution
were measured. These discharges, however, are mainly not caused
of lateral drainage in the drainage layer below the topsoil. The
by the percolation of the liner but by other processes, especially
submodel of actual evapotranspiration was enhanced by replacing
by a temperature induced downward water loss of the barrier soil
the interception model by a model with interception storage and
layer 共Vielhaber et al. 1994; Vielhaber 1995兲. These processes are
not modeled by HELP. However, the level of their discharges is by corrections that lead to a smaller soil evaporation and a larger
not important for the water balance. plant transpiration. The implementation of the vegetation growth
and decay model was completed, and aeration stress was added.
However, further enhancements of the HELP model are necessary
Summary and Conclusions to extend the application potential including other types of veg-
etation 共woodland, multistoryed vegetation兲, capillary barriers,
Validation results for the HELP model, version 3.06/3.07, were preferential flow through macropores, and the development of
used to show the potential and limitations of applying the model desiccation cracks in clayey soils.


Pract. Period. Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste Manage. 2002.6:192-203.

Acknowledgments in der Deponietechnik, R. Stegmann and G. Rettenberger, eds.,
Economica-Verlag, Bonn, Germany, 179–196 共in German兲.
The project upon which this publication is partially based was Melchior, S., Berger, K., Vielhaber, B., and Miehlich, G. 共1994兲. ‘‘Mul-
supported by funds from the German Ministry of Education, Sci- tilayered landfill covers: field data on the water balance and liner
ence, Research, and Technology 共BMBF兲 under Reference No. performance.’’ In-Situ Remediation: Scientific Basis for Current and
Future Technologies: Proc., 33rd Hanford Symposium on Health and
1471038. The writer is responsible for the content of the paper.
the Environment, G. W. Gee and N. R. Wing, eds., Batelle Press,
The writer thanks Klaus Stief, Scientific Director 共retired兲, Ger-
Columbus, Ohio, 411– 425.
man Federal Environmental Agency; Günter Miehlich, Institute of Proksch, W. 共1990兲. ‘‘Lysimeterauswertungen zur flächendifferenzierten
Soil Science, University of Hamburg; Stefan Melchior, Consult- Ermittlung mittlerer Grundwasserneubildungsraten.’’ Bes. Mitteilun-
ant, IGB engineering firm, Hamburg; Wilfried Schneider, Con- gen zum Deutschen Gewässerkundl. Jahrbuch Nr. 55, Koblenz 共in
struction Engineering Faculty, Technical University Hamburg- German兲.
Harburg; Volker Sokollek, Environmental Agency of Hamburg; Ramke, H.-G., Berger, K., and Stief, K., eds. 共2000兲. Wasserhaushalt der
and Paul Schroeder, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Oberflächenabdichtungssysteme von Deponien und Altlasten: Conf.
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