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Mst. Riffat Sultana has requested for review of Governor’s Order No. SO(OMB-
II)GS/176/2019 dated 20.12.2019.
2. Brief facts of the case are that Mst. Riffat Sultana (Representationist), filed a complaint
before the Ombudsman and requested that the Controller of Examinations, University of the Punjab,
Lahore (Respondent), may be directed to issue B.A Degree in her favour. The representative of
Respondent Agency reported to the Ombudsman that the Representationist obtained 46 marks in English
which were mistakenly shown as 78 on the result card issued to her on 21.08.1999. On detection of such
mistake, the result card earlier issued was cancelled and a revised result card was issued on 30.09.2007
showing her as a failed candidate. Due to said reason, the Representationist was not entitled for B.A
Degree. The Ombudsman vide order dated 21.11.2007 decided the matter and directed the Respondent
Agency to allow a chance to the Representationist to re-appear in the subject of English Language
(Compulsory) as a special case in the forthcoming B.A Examination.
3. Mst. Riffat Sultana, felt aggrieved by the order of the Ombudsman filed Writ Petition No.
158/2008 before Lahore High Court, Lahore which passed an Order on 31.03.2008, the relevant part is
reproduced as under:-
“The petitioner admittedly approached the learned Ombudsman Punjab through a
complaint and the complaint was decided after hearing both the parties wherein the
recommendations were made on 21.11.2007 if the petitioner did not find herself satisfied
with the recommendations of the learned Ombudsman Punjab she had an alternate
remedy by way of filing appeal before the Governor of Punjab but admittedly the petitioner
did not file such appeal before the Governor of the Punjab .”

4. She filed another Writ Petition No.8198/2010, before LHC, titled Riffat Sultana Vs
University of the Punjab etc. which was dismissed vide LHC Order dated 03.09.2018, as under:
“…. the Petitioner claims to have filed an appeal against the order of Ombudsman, which
is still pending before the Governor Punjab. Under the circumstances, the Petitioner
cannot seek the same relief in Constitutional jurisdiction before this Court hence the same
is Dismissed.
5. As per Lahore High Court’s observations, Mst. Riffat Sultana preferred a representation
before the Governor/Representation Authority who passed an order dated 20.12.2019, after due process
on merit. The relevant portion / operative part is reproduced as under:-
“10. It is noted that Mst. Riffat Sultana appeared in B.A 1 st Annual Examination 1999
under Roll No.034087 and she was declared as “Pass” by obtaining 406/800 marks in the
gazette and subsequently result card showing 78/200 marks in English was issued
erroneously, whereas, actually her marks in English paper A & B were 33+13=46 in the
award lists. The Respondent Agency rectified this mistake and issued revised result card in
2007. Therefore, the Ombudsman has rightly decided the instant complaint and passed
appropriate directions to the Respondent Agency for allowing her to re-appear in the failed
subject of English Language (Compulsory), as a special case. However, the
Representationist did not avail the chance and approached different fora for the award of
degree. The request of the Representationist for award of B.A degree is neither tenable nor
11. Keeping in view the aforementioned facts, there is no merit in the instant
representation and order passed by the Ombudsman does not warrant any interference.”
6. In this regard, it is submitted that there is no provision in the law to review the Order
already passed by the Governor under Section 32 of The Punjab Office of the Ombudsman Act, 1997.
Therefore, the review petition may be filed and the Petitioner may be informed accordingly.

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