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Ammad Awan Glasgow - Ways to Build to Strong Investment Portfolio

Many people tend to make the mistake of fixing up portfolio listening from their surrounding or
from TV channel where expert discussions on the stocks etc. This is quite an intimidating fact
which deludes investors from the actual bonanzas of successful investing, which includes deep
research analysis, structure, planning, etc.

It is simply like about our goals in life where we know the milestones. In investments, one
should be aware of his / her milestones in order to get the max out of long-term planning.

This includes many steps which one should consider in order to get the best like an investment
plan, financial goals or as we call it financial milestones, asset allocations, risk expenditures,
inflation, etc.

Step one: Building the Portfolio

Investments are meant to be done through a laid portfolio built very cautiously and carefully
taking all pointers in mind. It is not rocket science where one should panic. It is a simple task
but required caution and scrutiny and of course persuasion.

One should be certain the kind of products they are willing to invest so target their future
plans. There are several products out on the buffet but you should consider the best which suits
your gut best & can be digested well. Like mutual funds investments which gives the best
exposure to any investments.
It allows the risk & diversification of the portfolio. It also allows systematically investing through
your investment goals. One should not lay all eggs on the same nest. Hence suitable asset
allocation is extremely required as it would measure the risk.

Step Two: Syncing with Financial goals

The portfolio needs to be mapped with the financial goals or financial needs of the investor.
Let's say one is sure he/ she needs 10 lakhs for a child's education in the by 2030, which is like
10 years down the line.

One should consider the best investment product for a long time which would deliver the best
possible return. However, if the same person has some needs in 2022, then he should select
some short term tools which be safe, attain some profits & won't corrode the principle.

Step Third: What should be the count?

As they too many good things can ruin it. An investor should keep in mind that selecting funds
in a portfolio is not like grabbing the best during discounts in shops. One should be sane to have
the funds which suit the financial goals & needs.

It should sync with the milestones. Like a person heading towards 60 should ideally invest in
less risky funds & keep most in liquid or debt funds. There are some quite good Mutual funds in
the liquid category which gives ample liquidity and less risk.

Step Four: How to pick the best?

Since we are dealing with investments & money, it would be wise to consider a good financial
planner or consultant who can throw some light to your portfolio & balance out the investment
risk during the bear market. A good financial planner would be a blessing in disguise.

Step Five: How to invest?

These days technology has become so rampant & advance that anyone can invest sitting at
home which flick of come clicks over the computer. You can invest online in mutual funds.
There are many portals that give free access to investment. But investors are required to read &
study well before investing.

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