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Undertaken at


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of




Vivekananda School of Business Studies

Vivekananda Institute of Professional studies
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
December - 2020
To Whom It May Concern

I, Enrolment No. 00717701718 from BBA-V Semester of the Vivekananda Institute of

Professional Studies, Delhi hereby declare that the Summer training Report (BBA311)
entitled “BRAND AWARENESS OF MYCAPTAIN SERVICES” at is an original work and
the same has not been submitted to any other Institute for the award of any other degree. A
presentation of the Summer Training Report was made on and the suggestions as approved
by the faculty were duly incorporated.


Signature of the Student

Certified that the Summer Training Report submitted in partial fulfilment of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) to be awarded by G.G.S.I.P. University,
Delhi by AMAN BEDI, Enrolment No. 00717710178 has been completed under my
guidance and is Satisfactory.


Name of the Guide: Ms. Aashu Aggarwal

Designation: Assistant Professor

Signature of the Guide


I avail this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude & warm regards for my
guide Ms. Isha Samant, Climber Knowledge and Careers Pvt Ltd for his constant support
& advice. Without his support my work could not have been realized. It is my pleasure
to acknowledge for his critical suggestions & information given by the need for values
and ethics in the organization that filled energy in me at each & every step of my
journey. I feel honored to express my deep sense of gratitude to him for the constructive
criticism, suggestions & expert advice during the whole research.

I owe special thanks to Ms. Aashu Aggarwal, Assistant Professor, VSBS, VIPS who
guided me throughout the making of this project report.

Name: - Aman Bedi

Roll number: - 00717701718

Class sec: - BBA (G) VA

Executive Summary
The main objective of the internship is to develop new features to the personality and enhance
the communication skills. Another factor that comes behind doing the internship is to full fill
the requirement of the BBA (G) program as prescribed. An intern prepares internship report at
the end of the internship period but the main objective of the internship is to get the hands-on
experience of the real-world. This internship is completed with the objective of getting practical
knowledge in Sales & Marketing Field of for the product/portal of MyCaptain.
In this report, I have gone through the overall sales strategies and marketing management
processes and practices of MyCaptain Services. Orientation, training, motivation, performance
appraisal, etc facility and general marketing activities are part of the responsibility of
Marketing manager in this organization. I, by my own, has gone through the reaction of people
while presenting our product in front of them. This internship has definitely polished my skills
such as it increases the convincing power, and on the other hand make me a more patience
personality. I conducted the survey for around 60 targeted customers and find out that most of
them were very much interested in our concept. I have tried my level best to give more and
more business to the company and also to develop a more skilful personality that can convince
people very easily as we all know that convincing is one of the most important part of
During my internship I gained practical knowledge on how a sales executive works in the field.
The job of a sales executive is a job that need patience. Marketing executives aim to maximise
profits and increase the number of customers through developing sales strategies that match
customer requirements and by promoting products, services or ideas.
Not only that I have also gained insight into the working culture of the organization and
observed how MyCaptain Services handles its employees with value and empowerment to
ensure they are motivated to give their best to the organization. The report starts with the
introduction of sales strategies and marketing management, then introduction to the company,
giving its background, mission, vision, its products and services, the hierarchy and organogram
of the organization. Each chapter contains detailed discussion of the Marketing functions
followed by Organization Practice at MyCaptain Services which basically conveys how things
are done in the Market, then there is the analysis of market with charts. And further, there is
the conclusion followed by references.


Project study gives us the best opportunity to improve the practical knowledge of the study.

Which will help to gain deeper knowledge of the study. The period of project is 6 to 7 weeks

of time.

In the first week I had the opportunity to know about the company and the company’s

management structure then I learned about their product and services available in the company

and the quality of each services to the different types of customers. The services widely

classified based on the Specific needs of the customers.

In last of the project I had an opportunity to learn how to attract the customers and explaining
them about the product.

At last they taught me how to analyse the customers based on their response


Awareness in basic terms- what number of individuals know the brand? Usually, awareness is

estimated through overview that solicits members an agreement from questions like which

brand comes to your mind if want to purchase online course? All in all, organizations measure

unaided awareness – what percent of survey members referenced the brand with no sort of


A brand is a thing, idea or service that is openly recognized from various product, service or

idea with the goal that is very well may be effectively imparted and generally show cased. A

brand name is a name of the indisputable products, idea or service. Branding is the route

towards making and scattering the brand name. Branding can apply to the whole corporate

identity just as to singular service and product names.


Brand awareness is likelihood that consumers are familiar about the life and accessibility of

the product. It is how much consumers absolutely associate the brand with the particular

product. It is estimated as ratio of specialty show case that as previous information of brand.

Brand awareness incorporates both the brand recognition just brand recall.

Types of brand awareness

Advertisers distinguish two particular kinds of brand awareness namely Brand recognition and

Brand recall. These sorts of awareness work in completely extraordinary ways with imperative

implication for marketing strategy and advertising.

1. Brand recall

Brand recall is also called as unaided recall or spontaneous recall and refers to the capacity of

buyers to accurately evoke a brand name from memory when incited by a product
classification. Brand recall demonstrates a relatively good connection between a classification

and brand while brand recognition shows a weaker connection. At the point when incited by

a product classification most buyers can just recall a moderately little set of brands, ordinarily

around 3-5 brands. In consumer test, couple of customers can recall in excess of 7 brand names

inside a given classification and for low interest product classes, most buyers can just recall a

couple of brand names.

2. Brand recognition

Brand recognition is also called as aided recall and refers to the capacity of the customers to

effectively separate the brand when they come into contact with it. This does not require that

the consumer recognizes the brand name. Or maybe, it suggests that buyers can see the brand

when given it at the purpose of sale or in the wake of recall its visual bundling. As opposed to

mark review, where couple of purchases can recall brand names spontaneously in a given of

category, when provoked with a brand name, a bigger number of buyers are commonly ready

to recognize it.

Hierarchy of effects










Stage 1: Awareness - The consumer winds up aware of classification, product or brand

(normally through promoting)

Stage 2: Knowledge – The consumers finds out about the brand (for e.g. sizes, price,

availability, colours etc.,)

Stage 3: Liking – The consumers builds up a positive or favorable attitude towards the


Stage 4: Preference – The customers starts to rate one brand above other practically

identified brands.
Stage 5: Conviction – The consumers shows a longing to buy (by means of assessment,

examining, trail)

Stage 6: Purchase – The consumers gains the product..


The study is limited to MyCaptain Education products. The study goes for estimating

the consciousness, impression, perception and awareness of customer towards the MyCaptain

The study also helps to find the effect of brand image among the customer with reference to:

a) To know and attract towards the brand name of MyCaptain

b) Find the connection between the quality of service and brand name of MyCaptain

c) Find the fulfilment dimension of the customers in various ways towards the MyCaptain

d)To know to consumer awareness to brand MyCaptain in Delhi and nearby region

1.3 Company Profile

We live in a country where future writers, designers, developers, entrepreneurs are clueless
about how to take the first step into their passionate career. As a result, they are pushed into
the fields they aren’t interested in.

The Climber is an Edutech Startup which was started to help students make an informed Career
Decision and pursue their passion in offbeat career options.

our Main Product MyCaptain ( that helps students Learn What they Love,
Live and Online with Young and exciting Mentors.

MyCaptain, have mentored more than 65000 students all across India so far and have seen
amazing success stories of teenagers publishing their Novels, becoming Entrepreneurs, starting
their Blogs, Shifting into Freelance Photography, Building their own apps and more.
My Captain is an Education Start-up that helps students discover and pursue their Passions
through large city-wide Youth fests, summits and bootcamps. My Captain is an Online
platform that helps you take the first step in your field of passion with the help of young
achievers, mentors and guides. They’re are focused towards the United Nations SDGs
(Sustainable Development Goals) especially SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 8: Decent Work
and Economic Growth and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. They claim their Mentors have
gone through the same journey these students wish to undertake. They are published authors,
young entrepreneurs, investors, award-winning film makers, journalists, designers, developers
etc. At MyCaptain, they aim to create a Passion Revolution and solve this problem by providing
opportunities to students to pursue their dream.

Company Details

Legal Name: Climber Knowledge and Careers Pvt Ltd

Headquarters: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Founding Date: 2014

No. of Employees: 41 to 60

Core Team:

1. Mohammed Zeeshan Co-Founder & CEO

2. Sameer Ramesh Co-Founder & CPO

3. Asad Dhamani Co-Founder and CTO

4. Ruhan Naqash Co-Founder

5. Fatema Hussain Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer

Nature & Industry of MyCaptain

Mycaptain is a startup in online education industry which Offers various online courses as their

Vision of MyCaptain

Vision has always been to impact Education and bring a societal mindset shift in how careers
and skilling is looked at in India and other Developing Nations

Mission of MyCaptain

At MyCaptain, they aim to create a Passion Revolution and solve this problem by providing
opportunities to students to pursue their dream

Product range of MyCaptain

MyCaptain is an Online app (and web app), where they conduct 4-week learning
journeys for students in fields right from stand-up comedy to Machine learning.
The 4-week learning journeys consist of International level and relatable content
(both video and text), amazing projects, and exciting Live Video Classes with Young
professionals and Achievers from these fields.

There are 30+ courses offered by MyCaptain which are bundled up in 6 combos based
on their relativity with each other although a single course is also available if an
individual wishes to go with that. 6 combos are: -

1. Creator’s pack
This pack focus on the requirements of the students which have creativity and
co-curricular activities. The courses in this pack includes: -
• Photography
• Creative writing
• Journalism and media
• Graphic design
• Blog and content writing
• Short film making and more…
2. Business 101 pack
This pack is specifically designed for the ones who have a keen interest in
business management and startups. The courses in this pack includes: -
• Entrepreneurship
• Digital marketing
• Finance and stock market
• Advertising & marketing

3. Tech wizard pack

This pack is carefully crafted for the techy ones. The ones who love play with
technical things will love this pack. Courses included in this pack are: -
• Ethical hacking
• Android app development
• Web development
• Artificial intelligence
• Full stack development
• Graphic design
4. Programmer’s pack
This pack focus on the need of the ones who want to learn computer
programming and coding. This pack includes: -
• C programming
• C++
• Java
• Python
5. Writer’s choice pack
This pack is for the ones who want to enhance their writing skills and make it as
their profession. This pack includes: -
• Blogging and content writing
• Creative writing
• Novel writing
• Spoken word poetry
• Digital marketing
6. All access passport
This pack includes over 35+ courses which are offered by MyCaptain at a very
discounted price.
Each program is designed in a way that by the end of the program the student has
something tangible - Like the students from the MyCaptain novel-writing program
have the first chapter of their novel ready and edited by the end of the program. The
students from the MyCaptain web development program have their first website ready
and so on.

The problem that this solves is it gives the students a kickstart into their field of
passion by not only helping them build something tangible in the field but also
connecting them with the right mentors to get guided and get a real-life experience of
the fields as well.

Size of my captain

MyCaptain also has a team of 170+ members at this moment, with an average age group of 23 years,
who are working constantly to help brew the passion revolution.

1.4 Industry profile

With the increasing adoption of the Internet and rise in awareness about e-learning, the online
education industry is expected to witness promising growth during the forecast period.

The online education market in India was valued at INR 39 billion in 2018 and is expected to
reach INR 360.3 billion by 2024, expanding at a CAGR of ~43.85% during the 2019-2024
period. Ease of learning, flexibility, and a wide range of study materials have influenced the
overall growth of the industry.

However, the lack of formal recognition and accreditation, and abundance of freely available
content presents a critical threat to the growth of the sector. The industry is moving towards
the adoption of innovative technologies like Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML), Big Data Analytics, Blockchain and others to improve the learning experience.
Segment Insights

The online education market is segmented into primary and secondary supplemental education,
test preparation, reskilling and certification, higher education language, and casual learning.
The online primary and secondary supplemental education segment was valued at INR 11.99
Bn in 2018 and is expected to reach INR 123.65 Bn by 2024, expanding at a CAGR of ~46.48%
during the 2019-2024 period. The change in consumer behavior towards detailed learning and
surge in demand from tier II and tier III cities are driving the growth of this segment.

The online test preparation market is expected to reach INR 94.75 Bn by 2024, expanding at a
CAGR of ~50.84% during the 2019-2024 period. This segment is expected to be the fastest-
growing segment in the online education market, owing to growth in career-focused
population, enhanced Internet infrastructure and increased penetration of digital payment

The online reskilling and certification market are expected to reach INR 93.81 Bn by 2024,
expanding at a CAGR of ~36.95% during the 2019-2024 period. The growing business
landscape has widened the skill gap among employees, which is why the demand for reskilling
courses is picking up.

The online higher education market was valued at INR 5.01 Bn in 2018 and is expected to
reach INR 40.63 Bn by 2024, expanding at a CAGR of ~40.74% during the 2019-2024 period.
The conventional education system is insufficient for the growing population, and therefore
students are switching to online higher education courses.
Key Market Trends

Gamification is one of the most prevalent trends among online education providers to
encourage learning through immersive experiences. Simulation of concepts, level advancement
badges and incentive-based learning are driving user engagement on online education
platforms. Online learning players, nowadays, are continuously competing to offer
differentiated products to the target audience, mostly by offering value-added services with
regular courses. Value-added services like internships, live projects, group discussions, and
career counselling sessions, offered along with regular courses enhance users' experiences.

Competition Analysis

The Indian online education market is highly fragmented with around 3,500 edutech start-ups
operating in the country. Many foreign players are entering the Indian online education
industry. BYJU's, Udemy, Coursera and Duolingo are a few prominent players in the industry,
catering to the requirements of different target audiences.
1. Ong Huang, Emine Sarigöllü, (31 January 2014), How Brand Awareness Relates to
Market Outcome, Brand Equity, and the Marketing Mix, journal of Business Research, volume
65, Shanghai college of economics finance and, shanghai, China. Joining review information
with genuine market information, this examination explores brand awareness, which identifies
with buyer practices and welfare, from three points of view. To begin with, it inspects the
connection between brand awareness and market outcome. Second, it investigates the
connection between brand awareness and brand value. At long last, it researches the impacts
of marketing mix components on brand awareness.

Gap identified:
The above study was conducted in china, therefore, there is a need to study the same issue
related brand and brand awareness in India. The above study was taken into consideration all
leading FMCG companies’ brand in China. The present study identified this as one of the gaps,

2. Steven P. Brown, Wayne D. Hoyer, (01 September 1990), Effects of Brand Awareness on
Choice for a Common, Repeat-Purchase Product, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 17,
Result of a controlled investigation into role of brand awareness in the shopper decision making
demonstrated the brand awareness was a predominant decision heuristic among subject of the
awareness group. In general, Subjects with no brand awareness would exemplify more brand
and chose the high-quality brand more regularly than those with brand awareness on the last

Gap identified:
The above study was conducted in a controlled environment. But, the present study is not
conducted as an experimental study. The study was conducted by collecting primary data on
real time basis.

3. Michael S. Humphreys, T. Bettina Cornwell, Clinton S. Weeks, Angela M. Maguire,

Cassandra L. Tellegen (02 November 2006), Sponsorship-Linked Marketing: The Role of
Articulation in Memory. Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 33. Occasional Corporate
sponsorship essentially contributes to marketing aims, including brand awareness as estimated
by recalling and acknowledgment pairings of support event. The impact of sponsorship
enunciation fits on memory for support event pairings is inspected in three prompted cued –
Gap identified:
The above study is conducted around theme called Brand recall and memory technique. The
present study covers all aspects of brand awareness and perception.

4. Emma KMacdonald, Byron MSharp (April 2000), Brand Awareness Effects on

Consumer Decision Making for a Common, Repeat Purchase Product: A Replication,
Journal of Business Research, Volume 48, This article is a replication of an investigation of
Hoyer and Brown that utilized a controlled analysis to look at the role of brand awareness in
the purchaser decision process. Results support the first examination's discoveries that brand
awareness is a predominant decision strategy among awareness group subjects. Subjects
looking over a lot of brands with marked awareness differentials demonstrated a stunning
tendency for the high awareness brand, value differentials and despite of value. In summary,
awareness differentials seem to have an incredible effect on choice of brand in a recurring buy
shopper item setting. Customer prove a solid propensity to use awareness its heuristic and
shows a level of inertia transforming the propensity for using this heuristic
Gap identified:
The above study was conducted in a controlled environment but the current study is not
conducted as an experimental study. The study was conducted for the repeat purchase of

5. Kevin Lane Keller (1 March 2003), Brand Synthesis: The Multidimensionality of

Brand Knowledge, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 29, The increases need put on
marking by marketers as of late offers an opportunity for purchaser analysts to give profitable
experiences and direction. Specifically, in exceptionally focused market place, marketers
regularly should interface their brands to different substances, for example, individuals, spots,
things, or different brands, as a way to improve their brand value. Understanding this utilizing
procedure requires understanding buyer brand information and how it changes from such

Gap identified:
The above study was conducted on the theme called Brand synthesis but the present study is
on brand awareness and perception. They conduct the study on different brand but the present
study is only on one brand i.e. MyCaptain.
6. Kenneth D. Bahn (1 December 1986), How and When Do Brand Perceptions and
Preferences First Form? A Cognitive Developmental Investigation, Journal of Consumer
Research, Volume 13. This examination inspected brand discrimination and preference
arrangement. Utilizing multidimensional scaling methods to catch preference and perception
for oats and refreshments, the investigation found a few measurements that underlie these two
procedures. The outcomes demonstrate that the quantity of measurements that underlie brand
perception and brand preference vary by both cognitive stage (pre-operational versus concrete
operational) and by item category.

Gap identified:
The above study was conducted only on perception but the present study is on Brand awareness
and perception. The study is using the multidimensional scaling method but the present study
is using the descriptive method.

7. Amna Kirmani (1 September 1990), The Effect of Perceived Advertising Costs on

Brand Perceptions, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 17. How, why, and when
purchasers use their perception of promoting costs as signs to another brand's quality-related
traits is examined. It is recommended that consumers see publicizing costs as deviations from
assumptions regarding regular expenses in the item classification. Cost Perceived are assumed
to influence brand perceptions in a reversed U design, with incredibly mind-boggling expenses
prompting negative recognitions.

Gap identified:
This study is conducted on the advertising cost and brand perception, but the present study is
on brand awareness. They collect the advertising cost information from different organization
but we study only on one organization.

8. Kenneth D. Bahn, (1 December 1986), How and When Do Brand Perceptions and
Preferences First Form? A Cognitive Developmental Investigation, Journal of Consumer
Research, Volume 13, This examination analyzed brand segregation and preference formation.
Utilizing multidimensional scaling systems to catch perceptions and preferences for grains and
drinks, the investigation found a few measurements that underlie these two procedures. Piaget's
cognitive formative stage hypothesis was utilized as the controlling structure. The outcomes
show that the quantity of measurements that underlie brand recognitions and brand inclinations
vary by both psychological stage (pre-operational versus concrete-operational) and by product

Gap identified:
The study mentioned above study as taken into consideration on cereals and beverages
products, but the present study is consideration of online education services. The present study
identified this is a one of the gaps.

9. John R Rossiter (November 2014), Branding explained: Defining and measuring brand
awareness and brand attitude, Journal of Brand Management, Volume 21. Writing in the
first absolute issue of this journal was proposed by present author an extensive model of
‘branding’, a managerial procedure that requires the marketer to set up, in the consumer’s brain,
two basic correspondence impacts: brand awareness and afterward brand mentality. In the
present article, he extends this model from two-three sorts of brand awareness and from three
to now five dimensions of brand frame of mind Also, he explains the most effectively measure
both of these fundamental parts of branding.

Gap identified:
The study mentioned above was conducted in Australia, therefore, there is a need to study the
same issue related to brand awareness and perception in India. They explained the all types of
brand awareness but they are not explained about the perception.

10. Raluca Ioana Gui (2015), The Effect of Brand Awareness, Internet Search Patterns and
Product-Line Characteristics on Revenue Premium, journal of product and brand management.
Product advancement is the mechanism by which brands develop, which means category and
line expansions. It’s by line extension comprehended another item launched in a similar
product class, under a same name, while the extension of brand is an absolutely new product
in an alternate item classification.

Gap identified:
The mentioned above study was conducted the brand awareness of internet search pattern but
the present study is brand awareness of MyCaptain online education company. The present
study identified this is one of the gaps.

11. Elizabeth Stephanie Conradie, H. B. Klopper, Mornay Roberts-Lombard, (2012), The

Influence of Eleven P’s of Internal Marketing on Brand Awareness: An Emerging Economy
Perspective, journal of business and psychology, volume 18. This research intended to give
direction to developing organization in South Africa rental vehicles to improve their particular
brand awareness, empowering them to extend customer bases while holding existing
customers. The impact of 11 components internal marketing mix on South African vehicle
rental customers brand awareness perception was researched using basic condition
demonstrating and equivalence testing.

Gap identified:
The mentioned above study is conducted in South Africa, therefor there is a need to conduct
study the same issue related brand & brand awareness. The study is has taken in the
consideration of Rental vehicles in SA. But the present study is on online education company,
so the
present study identified this is one of the gaps.

12. Hsiu-Wen Liu, Heng-Chiang Huang (11 October 2014), Trade-off Between Push and
Pull Strategy: The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness, journal of marketing research 37.
The authors inspect brand awareness, dissemination force, and their connection impact on
customer heart share and the market share. Information gathered from the two retailers and
buyers in the purchaser gadgets mall are used to test the applied framework. The discoveries
likewise propose that brand awareness, assuming a moderating role in the effect of circulation
power on marketing outcomes, should to merit more attention.

Gap identified:
The above study is conducted in a two retailer and mall around a theme called trade-off, but
the present study is on online education company.

13. Gilles Laurent, Raphaëlle Lambert-Pandraud, Carolyn Yoon, Etienne Mullet, (June
2017), Impact of age on brand awareness sets: a turning point in consumers’ early 60s,
Marketing Letter, Volume 28. Age affects the brands a shopper knows, i.e., the "set of
awareness " which fundamentally decides brand decision and consideration. Brands are in the
middle of normal things and appropriate names yet past psychology inquire about offers
conflicting results on the effect of age on learning of basic nouns vs. proper names. Our
observational investigation on radio stations demonstrates that age direct affects set of
awareness is set apart by a defining moment in consumer’s early 60’s, with 2 differentiated

Gap identified:
The mentioned above study is conducted the impact of age on brand awareness for the
consumers of early 60’s. but the present study is on present generation. This is the one of the

14. Ulrich Doraszelski, C. Robert Clark, Michaela Draganska (8 May2009), The effect of
advertising on brand awareness and perceived quality, they use a board informational set that
consolidates yearly brand-level advertising expenditure for more than three hundred brands
with proportions of brand awareness and perceived quality from a large-scale buyer survey to
examine the impact of promoting. advertising is display as a dynamic investment in a brand's
stocks of perceived quality and awareness and we ask how such a venture changes brand
awareness and quality recognitions.

Gap identified:
The above is conducted on the brand awareness around 200 to 300 companies to know the
advertising effect, but the present study is conducted in only one brand i.e. MyCaptain.

15. John R Rossiter (June 1993), Brand awareness and acceptance: A seven-set
for managers, Journal of Brand Management, Volume 1. Another model with suggestions for
brand management is proposed for arranging brands as far as awareness and acceptance,
enhancing the prior Narayana-Markin show (N-M model). The N– M model recognizes six sets
into which brands can be sorted as far as purchaser awareness and acceptance: complete set,
awareness set, ignorance set, neutral set, latent set, and inept set. the last two awareness sets at
that point lead to the acceptance set, unbiased set, and rejection set. The new model gives off
an impression of being all the more strategically helpful for brand management.

Gap identified:
The above study is conducted a creating a new model on brand awareness and acceptance i.e.
N-M model, but in the present study collected the all primary data to understand the brand
awareness and perception of the customers. In present study there is no models are introduced.

16. Alexandra Claudia Hess (19 November 2014), The impact of gender cues on brand
perceptions. The motivation behind this examination is to explore whether, how and why
gender cues impact brand perception and resulting purchasing behavior. Crosswise over four
trial thinks about led online with either an accommodation sample (Studies 1a and 1b) or an
representative sample of shoppers (Studies 2 and 3), the author experimentally explores
gender cues sway brand perception along measurements of warmth and skill and how other
warmth and capability cues in a customer situation moderate the impact of gender cues on
purchaser brand perception.

Gap identified:
The mentioned above study conducted on particular of gender cues on brand perception. But
the present study is not conducted on gender cues but the study is conducted perception and

17. Jenni Romaniuk (30 June 2016), Revisiting an old metric for a new world, brand
awareness is a pivotal, but often neglected, aspect of consumer-based brand equity. This paper
returns to measure brand awareness with regards to worldwide brand the management. Taking
a look at the strategy for Laurent et al. (1995), this longitudinal cross-section investigation
inspects modification in brand awareness after some time, with size of test around 300 whisky
customers for each wave in 3 nations: United Kingdom, Greece and Taiwan.
Gap identified:
The mentioned above study is conducted on three different countries, there is a need to conduct
the same study in India. Their sample size is about 300 whisky customers but, in the present,
study there is 100 sample size of online education customers.

18. Jumiati Sasmita (March 2005), Effects of brand association, brand loyalty, brand
awareness, and brand image, Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 43. The
reason for this is the paper look at impacts of brand affiliation, brand awareness, brand loyalty,
and brand picture on brand value amongst young purchasers. Information from 200 young
shoppers were investigated using descriptive, multiple regression and correlation examination
by means of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences PC program rendition. Observational
outcomes by means of numerous regressions confirmed that brand awareness dominatingly
influences brand value amongst young customers. These young buyers gaining input and
awareness from social life about the particular item or brand.

Gap identified:
The above-mentioned study is conducted on the brand awareness, brand image about the social
science PC program rendition and they conducted on the survey of 200 young customers. But
the present study is conducted on the online education company and the study survey on 100

19. Sebastian Molinillo (13 April 2016), Responsible brands vs active brands? An
examination of brand personality on brand awareness, brand trust, and brand loyalty, there is
an ascent interest between experts and academics on the subject of consumer brand
relationships (CBRs). Customers relationships are said to be built with brand an identity
consistent with their own. The reason for this paper is to examine two kinds of brand
personality traits, to be specific, responsible brands and dynamic brands to anticipate
conspicuous CBR develops, brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand trust included. This
investigation depended on a 339 respondents electric survey. Basic condition demonstrating
was used to break down the data.

Gap identified:
The above study is conducted an investigation on 339 respondents in electric survey, but the
present study is conducted survey on 100 respondents through questionnaire.

20. Ulla Hakala, Zsuzsanna Vincze, Johan Svensson (June 2012), Consumer‐based brand
equity and top‐of‐mind awareness: a cross‐country analysis. The investigation concentrated on
measurements of consumer‐based brand value, and particularly the recall level of brand
awareness. The intention was to distinguish any statically huge differences in brand recall in
different product classes and distinctive national context. This observation thinks about
investigated relationships of shoppers' awareness of brands, mentalities relate to brand value,
and changes in social context. Questionnaire information was gathered from college
understudies in four nations: the USA, France Finland and Sweden. The respondents were
requested some information about the beverage brand, PCs and cell‐phones that initially came
into their brains, and their attitude in connection to brand equity.

Gap identified:
The mentioned above study was conducted around a theme called brand recall and gathered
the information from four different countries, there is need to study same issue in India. The
present study covers the all aspects of brand awareness and perception


Brand awareness study is a continuous process in any company. This study envisages to

understand how customer perceive the brand of MyCaptain? How to create brand

awareness among the target audience? How brand perception linked with increase in

revenue? To understand whether brand and brand perception increases the value of the



the point of this target is to measure the view of MyCaptain services to the clients.

It centres around the potential outcomes of estimation of E-learning services. It recommend the

intellectual methods to improve the present dimension of target.

The following factor required a brand awareness and perception survey:

• How does customer opinion about the MyCaptain service

• To learn the MyCaptain brand awareness among the respondents
• To learn how to increase the sales
• To know the brand perception towards the MyCaptain Services
• To know how the deals can be helped
• To know adequacy of ad on making brand picture
• To know whether the brand is increasing the value of items or not
• To know whether individuals know about brand ambassadors of MyCaptain


1) To understand the brand awareness and brand perception

2) To gauge or measure brand picture, perception, attitude, and behaviour of the target
audience with respect to the MyCaptain brand as well as products.

3) To assess the esteem drivers for the intended interest group when purchasing the Services


The study is limited to MyCaptain online services. The study goes for estimating

the consciousness, impression, perception and awareness of customer towards the MyCaptain

The study also helps to find the effect of brand image among the customer with reference to:

a) To know and attract towards the brand name of MyCaptain

b) Find the connection between the quality of service and brand name of MyCaptain

c) Find the fulfilment dimension of the customers in various ways towards the MyCaptain


Research design is a system or plan for an investigation/study that controls the accumulation

and analysis of the data. It is a guide or blueprint as indicated by which research is to be

conducted. The research design is given below:


The research design pursued for this study is descriptive research for breaking down the

gathered information, different statistical tools and methods we are additionally used for the

reason to analyse and interpret the collected data.


Descriptive research incorporates overviews and certainty findings enquiries of various kinds.

The significant reason for descriptive research is descriptions of the situation at it exists at
present. The technique for research used in descriptive research are overview strategy for all

kinds, including correlation and comparative methods.


Define the Research problem

Estimate the value of information

Select the value of information

Select the Data Collection Method

Select the Measurement Technique

Select the Sample

Select the Analytical Approach

Evaluate the Ethics of the Research

Specify the Time & the Financial cost


Sampling allows us to concentrate our attention upon relatively small number of people and hence

devote more energy to ensure that the information collected from them accurate.

Sample: Representation of a particular population. And is the subset of the population.

Concerned to my project, the sample represented is, as sample size of 100 people in number &

the sample is consisting of the visitors of company showroom and other companies’ car

showrooms at Hubli city.

Stages in the selection of a sample

• Define the target population

• Specify the sampling frame

• Specify sampling unit

• Specify sampling method

• Determine sample size

• Specify sampling plan

• Select the Sample

Define the target population:

Concerned to my project, I have selected the target population as; the the people who were

contacted while promoting and company’s services through random sampling .

.Specify the sampling frame:

Concerned to my project, the sampling frame held in Delhi and some other cities, here

basically the cities like Jaipur, Udaipur, Sonipat etc (including metropolitan& non-

metropolitans) through convenience sampling.

Specify the sampling unit:

Sampling unit consisting of the selected sample.

Specify sampling method:

Concerned to the project, I am using the non-probability sampling method. I.e. through

random sample.

Determine sample size:

Here the sample size selected is 100.


3.71 Method

The two main sorts of data for presenting the study have been Primary and Secondary data
3.72 Primary data

Primary data is gathered as survey through the questionnaire which comprises of various

questions in printed in definite order on a lot of structures, the respondents replied upon the

questions and understand enquiries itself. The respondent need to reply the question on their

own and asper their perception

❖ Questionnaire:

Concerned to my project, I am using the structured questionnaire with open-ended, close

ended. And the questionnaire was addressed to the people who were contacted while promoting

and company’s services through convenience sample.

MEASURING TOOLS:- Descriptive type of research, using the questionnaire with rating

scale, Open & Close- ended questions.

3.73 Secondary data

Secondary data comprises of data that as of now exist. Some place, have been collected for

specific reason in the study. The secondary data for the study was gathered from different

books, journals, websites, broachers and so on.

The methodology embraced to gather a primary data was start with time table which

incorporates an organized questionnaire to be given to the respondents, the respondent would

be guided by the questioner to fill the questionnaire and direct perception technique was like

wise embraced.

• Customers shared a limited information.

• There was less time to collect all the information since it was time consuming.
• Detailed discussion were not possible, due to busy work schedule
• It is difficult to collect competitor data and information.


Q1 Age of the respondents

No. of
Age 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 or Above
Count of Age 1 3 2 5 37 17 18 7 10 100


The above table and chart shows that the age of the respondents who shows interest in E-
learning services. the analysis states that the 6% of people in the age of 16-18, 59% of people
in the age 19-21and the 35% of people aged 22 or above are showing the interest in E-learning
Q2. City of the respondents

City Metropolitan City Non- metropolitan city No. of samples

Count of City 70 30 100


The above table and chart shows Type of city (i.e metropolitan or non-metropolitan) of the
people who know about the E-learning. Study shows that 70% of people are from metropolitan
cities and 30% of people are from non-metropolitan cities.
Q3. Qualification of the respondents.

Post No. of
Response Qualification Graduate Schooling Undergraduate
Graduate samples
Number of Count of
30 14 4 52 100
responses Qualification


The above table and chart states the Qualification of the people who showed in the E-learning
services and the analysis shows that 30% are Graduates, 14% are Post graduate, 4% are in
school and 52% are undergraduate.
Q4. Which brand comes to your mind when you hear about online courses?

No. of
Response Coursera MyCaptain Udemy upGrad
Number of
27 22 29 22 100


the above table and chart states that, the company wants to know which brand the respondent
/ customer want to prefer or which brand comes in their minds when the think of taking online
courses. The results for this statement on my analysis is that 27% of the respondents have
interest on Coursera, 22% of the people who respond towards the statement have interest on
MyCaptian, 29% on Udemy and 22% will go for upGrad.
Q5. Have you heard of MyCaptain before?

Response No Yes No. of samples

Number of responses 44 56 100


The chart & table is all about the awareness about the Brand MyCaptain, where 56% of people
responses is yes to the statement and 44% of the people are not aware of it.
Q6. How do you feel about MyCaptain as a brand?

Rating 1 2 3 4 5 No. of samples

Count of rating 10 10 30 31 19 100


The above chart and table shows about how people feel about MyCaptain as a brand based
upon the rating from 1-5 (where 1= very negative & 5= very positive)
Q7. How did you come to know about MyCaptain?

No. of
Response friends Others social media
Number of
54 7 39 100


The above table and chart shows that how people got to know about the MyCaptain, and
responses for that statement, where the responses are like 18% of people tells that they know
about the company through various Media, 54 % of responses knows through their friend, 7%
of responses knows about the company through other sources.
Q8. Have you seen MyCaptain advertisement?

Response No Yes No. of samples

Number of responses 54 46 100


The above table and chart tells about how many people have seen the advertisement of
MyCaptain. Survey shows that 46% of people have seen the advertisement and 54% of people
have not seen the advertisement.
Q9. Which of the following, as per you, helps the most to create a brand image

Communication Good value added No. of

Response Promotion
strategy services samples

Number of responses 34 42 24 100


The above table and chart is about the responses towards building a good brand image for
MyCaptian services . The responses towards this statement is 24% is from the promotions,
34% is from communication strategy and 42% response is from good value-added service. This
analysis states that the company is maintaining high brand image from good value added
services so they have to carry the same in future
Q10. Where did you see the advertisement?

Social No. of
Response Newspaper Others Television Website Whatsapp
Media samples
Number of
5 10 44 1 13 27 100


The above chart and table show the source from which people have seen the advertisement of
MyCaptain. 5% of people have seen it on newspaper, 1% on television, 13% on website, 27%
on whatsapp, 44% on social media and 10% have seen from other various sources.
Q11. Can you recognize our brand by it's logo?

Response no yes No. of samples

Number of responses 27 73 100


The above chart and table showing whether the respondents can identify the company’s logo
or not, the result for this analysis was that 73% of the respondents can identify the MyCaptain
logo where 27% of people who responded to the statement can’t identify the company’s logo.
Q12. Are you familiar with the services provided by MyCaptain ?

Response No Yes No. of samples

Number of responses 55 45 100


The above chart and table show that whether people are familiar with the services provided by
MyCaptain . 45% of people are familiar and 55% of people are not familiar with the company’s
Q13. Have you ever enrolled for the courses provided by MyCaptain?

Response No Yes No. of samples

Number of responses 70 30 100


The above chart and table shows the data of repondents who have ever enrolled for the courses
provided by MyCaptain . 30% of people have enrolled for the courses and 70% of people have
never enrolled for courses at MyCaptain
Q14. Do you feel that an online course is better than an offline course

Response Maybe No Yes No. of samples

Number of responses 31 41 28 100


The above chart and table shows the perspective about the preference on taking online course
over offline course 28% of people agree that online course are better than offline course, 41%
of people disagree that online course are better than offline course and 31% were not sure
between both
Q15. How likely are you to opt for online course?

Rating 1 2 3 4 5 No. of samples

Count of rating 15 9 26 26 24 100


The above chart and table tells about the likeliness of the people for taking the online course
based on the rating from 1-5 (where 1=not very likely, 5= very likely)
Q16. If you've used MyCaptain services will you recommend it further?

Response Maybe No Yes No. of samples

Number of responses 35 23 42 100


The above chart tells about the opinion of recommending the MyCaptain further in their groups.
42% of people will recommend it, 23% of people will not recommend it and 35% were not sure
about their opinion.
Q17. How much satisfied are you by the services of MyCaptain?

Rating 1 2 3 4 5 No. of samples

Count of rating 10 9 36 19 26 100


The above chart and table displays the satisfaction of the people for the services of MyCaptain
based on the rating from 1-5 (where 1=not very satisfied, 5= very much satisfied)



It is work out from these charts and tables that:

• 52% of graduates who responds for the questionnaire

• 70% of respondents are from metropolitan cities

• 56% of the respondents are aware about MyCaptain

•.59%of the respondents age group who respond to this questionnaire is from 19-21, as per my
analysis it is clear that the age between 19-21 will have more interest in online courses

• 70% of the respondents people have never enrolled for courses at MyCaptain

• Most of the respondents give positive response on Mycaptain as a brand

• 73% of the respondents who replied for the questionnaire can identify the company’s logo

• 44% of respondents saw the MyCaptains’s advertisement on social media

• 54% of the respondents got to know about the company through their friends

• Only 22% of the respondents strongly agree MyCaptain is the brand that comes in their mind
for E-learning services

• Only 28% of the respondents think that online courses are better than offline courses

• 54% of people have not seen MyCaptain advertisement

• 58% of the respondents have ever claimed reimbursement for their losses

• 55% of respondents are not familiar with the services provided by MyCaptain

After taking a project for 6 weeks at MyCaptain and analysing survey or questionnaire depend
on the investigation of brand awareness and perception, I reached to conclusion that although
MyCaptain is a start-up initiative which is working since 2015 has managed to make a great
position in the market having numerous extraordinary characteristics. Right now, the product
scope of the organisation is not entirely prominent in the market and people are still preferring
other brands over MyCaptain so the company should look on the product line which is being
provided and see the scope of improvement in it . Company’s promotion strategy is also great
but company should also consider other ways of promotions like advertisemrents on television
and newspaper etc. rather than only promoting through social media. In short, general
execution of the company is great. I might also like to thank everyone of the who have been so
co-operative through the survey

Commercial and Learning markets all over the world have been going online. With respect of
the ease of access and flexibility, Online education is becoming a popular choice for the busy
professional which majorly includes e-learning video platform.

The process to build an E-learning platform must be simple and interactive to attract and retain
online learners.


• MyCaptain is good in promotions so I surest them to increase their promotional activities on

other platforms to attract the new customers

• As MyCaptain is new, company should adopt some ways to reach out more people

• In the promotion and advertisement of the service organisation should incorporate once VIP
as a brand envoy with goal this add can end up more progressively successful and eye catching

• Organisation must support important occasion which are viewed by there target audience

• Company ought promote great and heart felt trademarks or slogans

• Create a platform to attract universities and organizations as course contributors or create our
own courses.




• Metropolitan
• Non-metropolitan


• PostGraduate
• Graduate
• Undergraduate
• Others

Which brand comes to your mind when you hear about online courses? *

• Coursera
• MyCaptain
• upGrad
• Udemy

Have you heard of MyCaptain before? *

• Yes
• No

How do you feel about MyCaptain as a brand? *

Very Negative 1 2 3 4 5 Very positive

How did you come to know about MyCaptain? *

• social media
• friends
• Other:

Have you seen MyCaptain advertisement? *

• Yes
• No

Which of the following, as per you, helps the most to create a brand image *

• Promotion
• Communication strategy
• Good value added services
• Other:

Where did you see the advertisement? *

• Website
• Whatsapp
• Social Media
• Newspaper
• Television
• Other:

Can you recognize our brand by it's logo? *

• yes
• no

Are you familiar with the services provided by MyCaptain ? *

• Yes
• No
Have you ever enrolled for the courses provided by MyCaptain? *

• Yes
• No

Do you feel that an online course is better than an offline course *

• Yes
• No
• Maybe

How likely are you to opt for online course? *

Least preferred 1 2 3 4 5 Highly preferred

If you've used MyCaptain services will you recommend it further? *

• Yes
• No
• Maybe

How much satisfied are you by the services of MyCaptain *

Not satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 Very much satisfied

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