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Answer Key & Video Transcript Vocabulary Development 3: Effect Reading & Vocabulary Development 4: ae & Comments Third Edition Patricia Ackert | Linda Lee HEINLE Contents Preface Answer Key for Cause & Effect Unit 1: Explorers Unit 2: World Issues Unit 3: A Mishmash, or Hodgepodge Unit 4: Science Unit 5: Medicine and Health Answer Key for Concepts & Comments Unit 1: Art Unit 2: Organizations Unit 3: Places Unit 4: Science and Technology Unit 5: Health and Well-Being Video Transcripts for Cause & Effect Video Transcripts for Concepts & Comments 14 21 28 36 43 52 59 68 75 80 Preface The Answer Key for Reading and Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 contains the following: 1. A complete answer key for all the exercises in the Cause & Effect student text 2. A complete answer key for all the exercises in the Concepts & Comments student text 3. Video transcripts for all units from both texts, A number of other supplements are available with this text including ExamView test banks, CNN? videos, and companion websites. Please check the inside back cover of the student book for ordering information. Cause & Effect, Unit 1 Answer Key for Cause & Effect eis i Lesson 1 Page 5 Page6 bz Page7 —c. Page 8 e. Page 9 & Explorers Burke and Wills: Across Australia. 1. orders 2. base 3. aborigines 4. exploration 5. gets along 6. built 7. Loneliness 8. hemisphere 9. Halfway 10. heroes Lexpedition 2. searching 3.explored 4. swamps __5. interior 6. finally 7.patty 8.chosen —_9. supplies 10. turned into 1. FThe first Europeans in Australia built towns on the coast. 27 3.7 4, F—The interior of Australia is desert. 5.7 *6.T *7.T 8. FBurke was not a good leader for this expedition, 1. on the coasts +2, Suggested answer: they are used to the desert and can carry a lot 3. so they could move faster 4, In the summer it was very hot with the s: rained the desert became a sandy swamp. 5. They died or were killed for food. 6. Burke had no experience in the outback. The men fought and wouldn’t follow orders. They left supplies behind and Wright didn’t bring them. They had bad weather. *7. Students’ opinions will vary. .dstorms, and when it b I. broke down 2. getalong 3.calledon 4, turned into. 5. put away 1. the 2. the 3.0,a,an,the 4.0,0,a,a 5. The, the 6. The, 0 Students’ compositions will vary Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 ui Lesson 2 Page 14 b Page 1S. Page16 Page 16 Pagel7 Page 18g. page 19h. Lesson 3 Page 24a. Cause & Effect, Unit 1 Alexandra David-Neel: A French Woman in Tibet 1. secret 2. article 3. beggars 4. childhood 5. caves 6. temperature T.remained 8. civil war 9. border 10, journalist 1. real 2. surrounded 3. like 4. adopted 5. ran away from 6. details 7. support 8. research 9.remote 10. escaped la 2b 3.b *4.a Sc Oa b It is surrounded by mountains, and few people visited it until recently 1 *2, She was unhappy. 3. A person who writes articles for magazines and newspapers. 4. She and her husband didn’t live together. 5, She studied Buddhism and Tibetan. 6. places far away from the main centers of population 7. She dressed like a beggar and spoke Tibetan very well. 8. She wrote about her research and adventures, and translated ancient Tibetan religious books *9, Students’ opinions will vary. c 1. adopted 2. surroundings 3. beg 4, heroic: S.remainder 6. supply _7.exploration 8. secretive 9. really 10. choice La 2. The 3a 4. the 5. the 6A 7. the 1.snowstorm 2, mailbox 3. sidewalk 4. keyhole _—_ 5. doorbell 6. Horseback Students’ compositions will vary. Vitus Bering: Across Siberia to North America 1. joined 2. geography 3. separate 4. remind 5. included 6. tons T. delay 8. realize 9. Soldiers 10. lack AnswerKey for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 12 b. Page25 . d. Page26 e. &. Page 27h. Page 28 i. J Lesson 4 Page 33a. Page 34 b. Cause & Biject, Unit 1 Linorderto 2. proved 3. gathered 4. vitamin 5. separate 6. decade 7.skilled 8. ashore 9. fresh 10. includes Le 22 3.4 4.0 5.b 6d Le Bf 9.4 10.h LT 2. F—Ittook them seven years to cross Siberia because they traveled by boat. 3.NI 4, F—Bering spent one summer exploring the east coast of Siberia *5, F—Bering’s and Burke's expeditions were quite different. 6.NI 1.7 8.NI 1. There were several kinds of scientists who planned to report on everything. 2. They built a ship and explored the Ob River. 3. in Yakutsk (four years) 4, Suggested answer: they couldn’t carry them from St. Petersburg 5. in storms 6. They had scurvy and couldn’t get vitamin C. 7. Suggested answer: No, because they have refrigeration to carry citrus fruits and other foods rich in vitamin C and they can take vitamin pills, 8. No, the government had lost interest in the expedition, a Lborc 2a 3.a 4.bore 5S.a 6b I. ead 2.left 3.studying 4.learned 5. help 6. gives 7. sleeping 8. travel 1.In,upto—2.0n 3. in, to 4.of, with, on 6.0f, for, of 7. on, across 8. in, with, for 9. By, in 10. of Students’ compositions will vary. Robert Scott: A Race to the South Pole 1. blizzard 2. edge 3. body 4. inland 5. blind 6. extremely 7. broke down 8. Attimes 9. fuel 10. organization 1. mistake 2. belongings 3.weak 4. provided 5. uneven 6. exhausted 7. endangered 8. lives on 9. inland. 10, edge Le 2h 3.d 4a Si 6g Li Re 9. 10.f Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 13 Cause & Effect, Unit 1 Page3s de 2a *3.b *4e Sa 6a *1c 8b Page 36 ©. _*1. They didn’t plan well enough or have enough supplies. People died. 2. He didn’t take enough dogs. They didn’t eat their dogs. Five men made the last part of the trip but they only had enough food for four people. +3, Itis summer in January in the southern hemisphere. 4, He knew he was so weak that he was endangering the lives of the others. 5. They were exhausted and weak from hunger and the sleds were heavy. 6. There were blizzards. *7, Students’ opinions will vary. foo a Page 37g. 1. include 2. separate 3.exhaustion 4. realized 5. reminder 6. information, informative 7. organization 8. weak, weakened Page 38h. _1. slow down, speed up out 3.liveon 4. run out of i, Suggested answers: 1. He wanted to be the first person there. 2. She wanted to go to Tibet. 3. A ship sank. 4, He wanted to report on everything scientific. 5. He didn’t have enough food. 6. Camels are used in the desert and can carry heavy loads. 7. They probably left diaries or written accounts. Page39 jj, team 2.hands 3. forces 4, organization 5. Club k, Students’ compositions will vary. Lesson5 Into the Deep: Ocean Exploration Page 44a. _—I.hollow 2. surface 3. descend 4. expert 5. diameter 6. crush 7. density 8. helmets 9. hamper 10. Diversity b. Le species 2.surface 3.rough 4. enclosed —_ 5. rather 6.incentive 7. pressure 9. cylinder 10. creature Page45 c. 1. surrounded 2.remind 3.delayed 4. beggar 5. Organization 6. details 7. civil war__8. temperature 9.Inorderto 10. decade Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 14 Cause & Effect, Unit 1 dT on, 3.7 4.7 5. FThe deepest parts of the ocean are not lifeless. 6. FEarly divers got their air through a tube from the surface. 7. F—Early submersibles did not have motors.8. T Page 46 e. — *1. Students’ opinions will vary. 2. the lack of special equipment and the lack of incentive 3. an opening on the ocean floor +4, Suggested answer: Scientists discovered an underwater mountain chain and more than 4,000 new species. The trip encouraged interest in exploring farther below the ocean surface. 5. They designed an early submersible for deep sea diving, which made it possible for people to see the underwater world with their own eyes. 6. 35,797 feet ( almost 7 miles) 7. There is a lot of life under the surface of the sea. We are more aware of our dependence on healthy oceans. 8, Students’ opinions will vary. f£ oa g. 1.254 F, 123 C (line 25) 2. an underwater mountain chain, more than 4,000 new species (line 43) 3. 5,000 pounds (line 52) 4. an improved submersible that Jacques Piccard used (lines 65-66) 5. 35,797 feet, or almost 7 miles (lines 64 — 65) 6. one of the leading experts on oceans (line 73) Page47 h, A. trade 2enclosed 3. descent 4. dense S.diversity 6. roughly 7. surround Page48 i. L.of 2. from 3.on 5. from, into 6.0f 7.10 8. at j. L.The,the,the 2. the 3.0,the,0 4.0,0, the, 0 5.0,0 6. the 7.0,the 8. The, 0 Page49 k. Students’ compositions will vary. Video Highlights Page 50 a, Answers will vary. b. Answers will vary. Sample answer: The video is about shipwrecks and. companies that explore these areas. 1. “In the next twenty years, everything we want to find can be found.” 2. “Including a 200-year-old Greece shipping vessel found off the coast of Cyprus.” ‘Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 1s Cause & Effect, Unit 1 3. “For fifteen years, the Nauticos Corporation has scoured the ocean floor looking for sunken objects.” 4. “Shipwrecks, submarines, even downed planes.” 5. “Divers are really only good to about two hundred feet.” 6. “Worldwide, less than ten companies do this kind of exploration.” PageSI ¢. — 1.a.drag b.shift —. find d.identify —_e. drop £. control 2.a, Drop b.Drag —c. Find 4. Shift e. Control f. Identify 3. Answers will vary. Sample answer: First they narrow down a search area. Next they drop sonar equipment into the water. Then they drag the sonar equipment along the ocean bottom, They go path after path, day after day. After they find their target, the operation shifts to the control room. In the control room, the pilot controls the remote-operated vehicle with a joystick. Finally, they identify what they have found 4, Answers will vary. Activity Page Page 52 Answers will vary with each team of students. Dictionary Page Page53 1. _ a. havea friendly relationship _b. not have any left c.doaseries of exercises d. not try any more e.return f. not work at all g. be careful 2. aalong b. behind —c. away dahead —e. away fon g. behind Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 16 Lesson 1 Page 60 a. b. Page6] c. Page 62d. Page 63. Page 64 f. & Cause & Effect, Unit 2 World Issues World Population Growth 1. limited 2. available 3. chronic 4.natural resources 5. technology —_—_—6. gradually 7. demand 8.dependson 9. predict 10. crucial I.developing 2. commercial 3. nonrenewable 4. already 5. last 6. threat 7. effect 8. combine 9. standard 10. source Lexhausted experts 3. skill 4.rather 5. blind 6.civil war 7. supply 8. species_—_9, surrounded 10. mistake La 2a 3c 4b 5.b 6c 1b Be 9b 10.b 1. Up until the mid-nineteenth century, the population stayed about the same, increasing only gradually. Since then however, it has been increasing rapidly, with over 5 billion more people in the world than 150 years ago. 2. Students’ opinions will vary. 3. only a little 4, Most of the Earth's water is salty or frozen. 5. a source of energy for which there is a limited supply (petroleum, natural gas, coal) 6. As the standard of living goes up, so does the demand for energy. 7. Students’ opinions will vary. 8. possibly 9 billion 9. Russia 10. Tokyo/Yokohama Japan 11. Students’ opinions will vary. ‘Suggested answer: There has been a rapid increase of the world’s population, but the Earth’s natural resources are limited. L.makes up 2. cut..down 3. figure out 4.hungup 5. goes up Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 7 Page 65h. i, Page 67 j. k, Lesson 2 Page72 a. b. Page 73 d Page 74. f. Page75 g. page76 hh. Page 77 Cause & Effect, Unit 2 1. forbids 2.sunk 3. Frozen 4. shot L. predictable 2. short 3. dependent 4. limit 5. population 6. careful, carelessly T.useless 8. combination 1. the, the 2.the, the,the 3.0 4. the, 0 5.the,0,the 6. the, a 7. the, 0 8.0 Students’ compositions will vary. Changes in the Family Lextended, nuclear «2. took care of 3. stabilized 4. consisted of 5. married 6. industrial, industry 7. grew up 8.emphasized 9. opportunities Lrelatives 2. divorced 3. majority 4. sociologist 5. financial 6. afford T.couple 8. household 9. task 10. tremendous Lf 2.5 3a 4e 5h 6b Ti Bd 9K 10.¢ LF 2.7 3.E T 5.7 6F 7.NI 8.F 9.NI 1. two generations; two parents and their children 2. a family with two parents and their children from previous marriages, ‘and possibly children from their present marriage as well 3. Suggested answer: There are more people to share the work. Mothers can work outside the home because other family members can help take care of the children and the household tasks. 4, In the U.S., there has been a decrease in extended families, because it is easier for young people to move away from home to find work. 5.200% 6. Students’ opinions will vary. Suggested answer: A benefit of living in an extended family is that there are more people to share the work. 1. social 2. industrialize 3. marriageable 4. affordable 5. control, uncontrollable 6. limitless 7. inseparable 8. dependable La 2.a,0 3a 4.the, the 5. an, the, the 6. the, 0, the, a, the, 1b Le Students’ compositions will vary Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 18 Lesson 3 Page 81a. Page 82. b. Page 83d. Page 84. Page 85g. Page 86 Page 87 Cause & Effect, Unit 2 ‘Women and Change 1. published 2. especially 3. domestic 4. illiterate 5. positive 6. as well as 7. pass 8 nearly L.agricultural 2. of course 3. field 4. position 5. workforce 6.throughout 7. negative 8. official Lj 2k 3.g 4c Sa Gi Tb 8d 9.1 10. le 2e 3.c 4a Sic 6.c 7b 8.b 1. Suggested answers: They do half the work. They are as important as men. 2. more than half 3. Up until now, in many countries education was not available to women. 4. They do domestic work as well as work outside the home. 5. WHO and UNICEF Suggested answer: Recently the conditions and rights of women have been changing, but there are still inequalities between women’s and men’s rights and opportunities. 1, 50% (line 30) 2.15% (line 35)___ 3. 90% (lines 11-12) 4, 80% (lines 43-44) 5. More than 50% (lines 16-17) 6. A little more than 50% (lines 18-19) Lan 2.the,the 3.0,0,the,0 4.the,0,0 5.0, the 6. the, 0 7.0,0 1. publication 2. passed, passage 3. Illiteracy 4. positioned 5. agriculture, agricultural 6, official, official 1. butd 2.buta 3. but f 4, but b 5. bute 6. bute Students’ compositions will vary, Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 19 Lesson 4 Page 92a. b Page 93. a Page 94 e. f 8 Page95—h. i. Page 96 j. Cause & Effect, Unit 2 Rain Forests L.region 2. remain 3. level 4, no longer 5. roots 6. path 7. branch 8. nutrients 9. through. 10. humidity 1. cleared 2.carpet 3.destruction 4. matter 5. Oxygen 6. such as T.leaves 8, successful 9. surprise 10. moisture Lb 2 af 4a 5.5 6g Td 8h 9.5 10.€ 1.NI 27 3.7 4F 5.T 6.F LT 8.NI 9.7 10.T fiat) 1, The temperature and humidity stay about the same in the lower level but change often in the upper level. 2. They usually live on or under the ground. 3. from other plants 4. for fuel, to sell the wood, to use the land for agriculture and raising animals 5. from the carpet of dead plants on the ground 6. It becomes empty and useless 7. They provide many products and they affect the world’s climate. 8. Suggested answer: they produce 30 to 40 percent of the world’s oxygen; they are home to many plants and animals Students’ sentences will vary. 1. The first sentence: Each level of the rain forest is its own world. 2. The nations of the world need to work together to stop the destruction of the rain forest before it is too late. Le Qe 3.4 4b S.a 1. tropics 2.humid — 3. moist 4. emptiness 5. destruction, destroys 6. surprised, surprisingly 7. remainder 8, successfully, successful 1. the plants in the upper level 2. the plants in the upper level 3. the upper level 4, the animals in the rainforest Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3and4—— 1.10 Page97 1. Lesson 5 Page 102 a. Page 103 Page 104 Page 105g. Cause & Effect, Unit 2 5. the land under the forests 6. the fact that the land isn’t rich in nutrients 7. agriculture 8. rain forests 1. the 2. the 3.The, the 4. the, the, 0, the 5.0, the 6. the, the, the 7.The,a,0 8.0,a Students’ compositions will vary. The Garbage Project 1, hopeful 2. hazard 3. battery 4. actual 5. Modern 6. archaeologist T. waste 8. landfill 9. dispose of 10. reveals 1. recycle 2. investigated 3. deep 4. on the other hand S.hazardous 6. actually 7. batteries, rechargeable «8. garbage 9. archaeologist, 10. end up Lh 2g 3.f 4a 5k 6e 1b 8.1 9m 10.¢ Id La 2a 3.a 4c Sa 6b Tb Bc 1. batteries, motor oil 2. It poisons the environment. 3. Suggested answer: to protect themselves against cuts or poisonous chemicals 4. regular garbage —landfills, hazardous waste — special landfills or recycling 5. You can learn about a society through the garbage that it produces. 6. Toronto started the first recycling program. 7. newspapers, glass or plastic bottles, some metals 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 1. Students learned that garbage in landfills disappears very slowly. 2. The third sentence: “If we don’t do something about our garbage, we're going to be buried in it!” L.think...over 2.checkin 3. get through 4. dropped out 5. put...back Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3and4 | 11 Cause & Effect, Unit 2 hoof 2h 4g 5.5 6e d Ba 90 10.b Page 106 i. — 1.andb Qanda 3. andd 4,ande S.ande j. Suggested answer: Batteries are the most problematic hazardous waste in homes. k. Students’ compositions will vary. Video Highlights Page 107 a. 1. Answers will vary. Sample answers: a. Almost half of the children in school now are girls. b. More than half of the people who can’t read and write are women. 2. Answers will vary. b. 1.F, Lalita lives in India, 2. F. Only one in three girls goes to school where Lalita lives, 3.7 4. She went to a village school when she was 12. 3. 6.T LT Page 108 c. 1. Answers will vary. Sample answers: Before: Lalita wasn’t educated. She couldn’t read and write. She couldn’t do karate. She had to study secretly. Men had more power than women. After: She can read. She can write. She has more food. Her classes are more varied. She teaches karate, 2. Answers will vary. Sample answers: brave, positive, successful, strong, clever, modern. 3. Answers will vary. Activity Page Page 109 Across: 3. hazardous 7. majority 8. archaeologists 9. positive 11. relatives 12. roots Down: 1. modern 2.chronic 4. sociologists S.gradually 6. iterate 10. empty Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3and¢ 1 12 Cause & Effect, Unit 2 Page 110 1. recharge, recharge, rechargeable surprise, surprise, surprising dispose, disposal, disposable X, literacy, literate (illiterate) X, hazard, hazardous protect, protection, protective 3..a. protect literate ¢. Hazardous. 4. dispose Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 1 13 Lesson 1 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 a. a Cause & Effect, Unit 3 A Mishmash, or Hodgepodge Roadrunners 1. snakes 2. mate 4. fit 5. even though 7. maybe 8. whistled 10. present 2. knock 3. once in a while 6. spot 7. zones 10. shy 29 3k 4b S.a Te 8.1 9. 10. LT 2.7 oe 4.F wae 6.T 7.F 8.F 1. Itcan hardly fly, but it can run fast. 2. some plants, insects, spiders, snakes, birds, mice, and other small animals 3. so she will be his mate and build their nest 4. because it looks funny when it runs 5. It stands with its back to the sun, holds out its wings, and lifts its feathers so the sun hits a black spot which collects heat. 6. Students’ opinions will vary. 7. Students’ opinions will vary. 8. Iteats an amazing variety of food, it can eat poisonous animals, and it has a special way to warm its body 1. The first sentence: A roadrunner eats an amazing variety of food. 2. The first sentence: Some roadrunners become very friendly with people, 3. The first sentence: Some people in Mexican villages use roadrunner meat as medicine. 4. The fourth sentence: It fits into its environment very well, and it doesn’t matter that it looks funny. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4— | 14 Page 118g. Page 119 h. Page 120 Page 121k. Lesson 2 Page 125 a Page 126 b. Page 127d. Page 128 e. Cause & Effect, Unit 3 1. environmental 2. complicated 3. Hoping 4. waste 5. disposable 6. independently 7. success 8. variety 9. financial 10. knowledgeable, on,of 3. among, in, on 5.In, for 6.with 7. at, outside 8. on, with 9. into,on 11. In, in 12. with, to le 2b 3a 4d S.c Le 2b 3.b Students’ compositions will vary. Afraid to Fly L.crash 2. situation 3. phobia 4. Terror 5. Fear 6. losses 7. harm 8, tunnels 9. takeoff 10. height 1. traffic 2. terrified 3. accidents 4. psychologist 5. instructor 6. in general 7. logical _8. terrifying 9.harmless 10. bother 1. snakes 2once 3. run 4. threaten 5. even 6. often 7. pollution 8. twenty-five 9. positive 10. published Lb 2b 3b 4c Sia 6b Le 8.b 1. Individual responses will vary. 2. Suggested answers: fear of open or enclosed spaces, spiders, Joss of control, flying, heights, crowds, the unknown 3. Students’ opinions, possible answer: Riding in a car is something we do every day and don't think about. 4. fear of enclosed spaces, loss of control, crowds (at the airport), the unknown, heights 5. Possible answers: businessmen, entertainers, students going to another country to study, people going to visit relatives who live far away, people who work in embassies or work overseas in other jobs 6. They learn how air traffic is controlled, how planes are kept safe, about flying through storms, about the noise planes make during flight, about takeoffs and landings, and about air safety in general. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 15 Page 130 Page 131 j. Kk Lesson 3 Page 135 a. Page 136». Page 137 ©. Cause & Effect, Unit 3 7. They learn how safe it is to fly and how few accidents there are. 8. Suggested answer: If people understand the normal noises planes make, they won't be afraid of them. 9, Suggested answer: Relaxation helps get rid of or control fear. 1. The first sentence: Others are afraid of loss of control. 2. The first sentence: The class visits an airport and learns how airplane traffic is controlled and how planes are kept in safe condition 3. The majority of the people who take the classes learn to control their fear and some even learn to like flying! 1. accidentally, accident 2. professional 3. secretly, secret 4, separately 5. fearless 6. Lost 7. terrorists, terrified, terrifying 1.0,the,0 2.0,an 3.0 4.0,0,a,a 5. the, the, 0 6.0, a, the 7. an, an, a, a 8. an, the, the, the 1. butd 2.butb 3. buta 4.ande 5. bute 1, About 12% of people have a fear of flying even though itis safer than riding in a car. 2. People may have a phobia about flying because they are afraid of heights, of being in an enclosed place, of erowds and noise, of the unknown, or of loss of control of a situation. 3, There are classes for people to take to control their fear so that they can fly when they need to. Students’ compositions will vary Languages and Language Diversity 1. systems 2. specializes 3. divided 4, past 5. borrow 6. form 7. refer to 8. linguists 9. rate 10. characters 1. bilingual 2. meaningful 3. linguistics 4. brain 5. estimate 6. specialist 7. reference 8. system 9. rate 10. divide Lj Qe 3d 4k Sic 6g 7b Ba Of 10.h iT 2.F 3.7 4 5.NI Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 16 Page 138 e. Page 139 h. Page 141 j. Page 142 m. Lesson 4 Page 146 a. Page 147. Cause & Effect, Unit 3 6T LF 8.7 oF 1. a system of sounds, gestures or characters used to communicate ideas and feelings 2. a language in which gestures do the work of the sounds system in spoken languages 3. Answers will vary. 4. tomato 5. byte 6. Austronesian has 500 languages, while Indo-European has 55 7. Students’ opinions, possible answer: to see the similarities 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 9. Children use the same part of the brain to learn their first and second languages, but adults use a different part of the brain to Iearn a second language 10.T Student answers will vary. 1. Suggested answers: Languages are always changing, through invented words, borrowed words, or changing the meaning of a word. 2. Suggested answers: Half of the world’s population speak one of the top fifteen languages. LAS 2.100 3.1959 4, Austronesian 1. instructive 5. interviewer, was interviewed 7. psychology, psychological 8, begged 2. Honesty 3. imaginative 4. was invented 6. uncharacteristic 9. dependable, depend on 1. word order 2. languages 3. the languages in each family 4, adults 5. languages 1.0 2.0, the,0 3.0,0 4.The,0 5. The, 0 6a 7.the,the — 8.a,a,an 1. stands for 2. clean up, help out 3.see...0ff 4. pick...up Students’ compositions will vary. Skyscrapers 1. stole 2.advantages «3. skyscraper 4. title 5.immigrants 6, advancement 7. beams 8. designs 9. stories 10. in addition Ladvantage 2. pleasant 3. space 4, earthquake 5. center G.architect. —T.exact 8. story 9. public 10. bomb Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 17 Page 148 Page 149 Page 150 Page 151 Page 152 c e ® Cause & Effect, Unit3 Ld 25 3.2 4m S.h 6 Te 8b 9.8 10.1 La 2.b Bc 4b 5b 6b Ta 1. the mass production of iron and steel and the production of lightweight ‘metal beams, also the invention of the elevator 2. The steel frame, not the walls, supports the building. 3. They can have more windows, and there is room for offices and stores on the ground floor. 4, They were invented just as the technology for steel-frame skyscrapers was developed. People couldn't have used skyscrapers without elevators. 5. Many skyscrapers were built so people could live in a smalll area. 6. the Taipei 101 building 7. There can be lots of apartments or offices on a small area of ground. 8. The technology for keeping buildings standing during an earthquake was developed. 9. Students’ opinions will vary. 1. The first sentence: It took two important technological advancements to make real skyscrapers possible. 2. The first sentence: There were other problems that architects and engineers had to solve. 3, Suggested sentence: Skyscrapers were needed to house the many new immigrants coming from Europe. 4, Suggested sentence: Maybe people will not need or want tall buildings. 1. comparatively, comparison 2. pleasure 3. Additionally 4.advance 5. advantageous, disadvantages. 6. preventive 7. immigration 8. Popularity 9. enclosure — 10. strongly lin 2. down 3. out 4.on 5. out 6. into 7.down 8. out 9. away 10. out of I.the,0,the, the 2.the,0 3.the,O,the 4. the, the, 05. the, 0 6. the, 0, the/a 1. Skyscrapers keep getting higher and higher with new technology. 2. For a long time tall buildings had to be made of stone, which made building tall buildings difficult. 3. Elisha Otis invented the elevator, which solved the problem of how people would get to the top of a tall building, Students’ compositions will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 18, Lesson 5 Page 156 Page 157 Page 158 Page 159 a ° Cause & Effect, Unit 3 Left-Handedness 1. broader 2. stutter 3. backwards 4, memorize 5. prefer 6. senses 7. responding 8. adjust, 9. necessary 10. likely 1. tools 3. clockwise 4. permit 5. company 6. counterclockwise 7. opposite 8, anthropologist 9. force 10. suffering 1 exactly 2,mates 3. nests 4. sticks out 5. Tunnel 6. fear 7. crash, 8. borrow 9. terrified 10. once in a while LI 27 3.7 AF 3.7 6.T 7.NI 8.NI 1. how people understand broad, general ideas and how they respond to / the five senses 2. the right hemisphere 3. The whole body is “left-handed.” 4, Suggested answer: Many machines are made for right-handed people with knobs, handles, etc. on the right side. 5. when they are forced to write with their right hand 6. Their tools were made to be used with either hand. 7. They believed that ‘left’ was connected with ‘bad.’ 8. Suggested answer: There are many famous people who are also left- handed. 9. Suggested answers: Have the child take the test given in the last, paragraph of the text. Hand the child something and see which hand she or he uses. 10. Answers will vary. 1. The first sentence: Different handedness causes differences in people. 2. The first sentence: There has been an increasing amount of research in handedness. 3. Suggested sentence: The first writing went from right to left, but the Greeks changed it to left to right because they connected ‘left’ with ‘bad.’ 4, Suggested sentence: you can test yourself for handedness. 1. uncommunicative 2. nonexistent 3. preferential 4, divided/divisible 5.forced 6. commonly 7. responded 8.permit 9. unreal AnswerKey for Reading & Development 3and4 119 Cause & Effect, Unit 3 Page 160 h. 1.To,to,at_ 2. is,into 3. the, from, are 4, an, of, on 5. in, were, with 6. As, to, of, more, right-handed Page 161 i. 1, when 2. after 3. since 4, when/after 5. when/after 6. before/until 7. Before 8. Before/Until Pagel62j. 1. Society forced them to. 2. They are probably left-handed. 3. They are connected. 4. The whole body is ‘left-handed.’ 5. He was forced to write with his right hand even though he was left- handed. 6. Tools were for use with only one hand. 7. He is left-handed k. Students’ compositions will vary. Video Highlights Page 163 a. _1.a. iron (or steel) b, how to get water to all the floors of the building; how to prevent buildings from moving in the wind. 2. a. answers will vary. b. Suggested answer: because the builders thought about the environment. b. L.power —-2.inside_ 3. windows page 164 c. b.corect —_. steel 4d. one-third 2. Answers will vary. Activity Page Page 165 1.tap your foot 2. a high rise building 3. once in a while Students’ sentences will vary. Dictionary Page Page 166 2.a, stole b. lost 3. excel Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 1 20 yas 4 Lesson 1 Page 171 Page 172. b. a Page 173d. Page 174 e. Cause & Effect, Unit Science Biospheres in Space 1. planet, solar 2. Bacteria 3. colony 4. science fiction 5. balance 6. project 7. complex 8. consider 1. carbon dioxide 2.clements 3.create 4. laboratory 5. So far 6. physicist 7. balance 8. satellite 9. project 10. keep 11. consider 1. clockwise 2. takes off 3. diet 4. straighten 5. harmful 6. story 8. permission 9. dispose of 10. remained Lb 2a 3b 4c 5.a 6c a 1. They are complete, enclosed environments with everything perfectly balanced. 2. Water and nutrients are brought in and wastes are taken out. 3. It is enclosed and complete. Nothing important enters but sunlight, and nothing leaves except some heat. 4, We will have satellites in space to produce solar energy and send it back to Earth. 5. because it is an enclosed environment like Earth’s 6. Things got out of balance and the crew had to get help and supplies from the outside. 7, Students’ opinions will vary. 1, The Earth itself is the best example of a real biosphere. 2. There are several reasons for building biospheres. 3. One of the few experimental biospheres was not successful. 1. Everything is perfectly balanced, 2. The system is not balanced 3. No water enters or leaves. 4. There will be an energy shortage in the future. 5. It will be too expensive to continually send people and materials to the satellites. 6. We burn fuel. Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary 3and4 | 21 Page 175 Page 176k. hb. Lesson 2 Page 181 Page 182 Page 183 Page 184 a Cause & Effect, U Students’ sentences will vary. 1. A biosphere in space 2. solar energy 3. biospheres 4, our own environment 5. an experimental biosphere 1. The, the,0 2. A,a,the 3. The,the,a 4. the, 0 5.a,0 6. the, 0,0 7.a, the Students’ compositions will vary. Earthquakes 1. melts, floods 2. volcanoes 3. Geothermal 4. erupted 5. rolled 6. bursts 7. mild 8. unique 9. layer 10. thunder, lightning 1. debris, floating 2. scattered 3. layer 4. observe 5. epicenter, crushed 6. vibration ranges 8. victim, property 9. cope 10. Seismology 2. complicated, uncomplicated 3. until now, not yet 4, make, desttoy 5. answer, ignore 6. take away, give 7. wide, narrow 8. dangerous, safe 9. small, huge 10. allow, forbid LT 2F 3.7 4.NI nL F LT 8.NI OF 10.T 1. An earthquake occurs when large pieces of the earth move against each other. 2. The epicenter is where the waves begin. A seismic wave is a rolling ‘movement of the surface of the earth, 3. It is where the waves are the strongest. 4. They create huge sea waves that rush toward land and flood coastal areas. 5. places where pieces of the earth’s surface meet or changes in the earth’s surface 6. Scientists predicted it and 10,000 lives were saved. 7, Suggested answers: They should run to open ground or stay in protected areas, like doorways or bathtubs. They should choose newer buildings to live in. 8. Because these places have natural beauty, productive soil and large existing centers of population Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary 3.and4 122 Page 185 h. Page 186 Page 187k. Lesson 3 Page 192 a. Page 193 b. Page 194 4. Cause & Effect, Unit 4 ‘Students’ sentences will vary. 1. Epicenters at the bottom of the ocean create huge sea waves. 2. The decision to tell the people to leave the cities saved 10,000 lives, 3, Earthquakes often come together with volcanic eruptions, 1. responded 2. considerate 3. complexity 4, educational 5. creative, creativity 6. value 7. observes, observation 8. specializes 9. explanation, unexplainable 10. unbelievable 1.90% (55) 2.8.1 (73) _3-In the afternoon (81) 4, 830,000 (in Northern China) (30) 1, Spread...out 2. dress up, dress up 3. mixed up, mixed up 4.Look out 5. had on a3 b6 cl as 8 £.2 a4 h7 4.10 39 Students’ sentences will vary. Snow and Hail Lup to 2. mathematics 3. midsummer 4. traps 5.80 6. snowflake 7. alternating 8. microscopic 9. multiple L.astonished 2. occur 3. fingerprint 4. pattern 5.atmosphere 6. simply 7. Ordinarily 8. Hail Li 2.m 3.b 4a ot 6.k de 8 9. 10.d Ie 12h Lh, 2s 3.h 4h S.h,s 6s 1s 8h oh 10.s,h 1. no one knows 2. apiece of dust or a drop of water 3. It causes a change in the speed and pattern of the formation. 4. because no two follow exactly the same path to the ground 5. inside thunderclouds 6. They get too heavy to be blown by the wind. 7. less than eight centimeters in diameter Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary 3and4 | 23 Cause & Effect, Unit 4 8. by falling in the midsummer when plants are partly grown and it’s too late to plant more 9. Itcan cause delays, accidents, kill animals and people, and cave in roofs. 10. Students’ opinions will vary. LL. Yes, hail can occur in the desert and roadrunners live in the desert. £. 1. Suggested sentence: All snowflakes are six-sided and different from each other. 2. Suggested sentence: The formation of snowflakes is complex. 3. The first sentence: Hail can do a lot of damage to agriculture, especially since hail usually appears midsummer, when the plants are partly grown. Page 195 g. 1. disconnects 2.unprepared 3. nonalcoholic 4. inconsiderate 5. improbable/impossible 6 illogical, illiterate 7. Irregular 8. misspelled bh LA,aaa,0 2.the 3. The, the, the, 0 4.0, the, (the) 5.0,0 6.0, 0, the, a, the, (the), the 7.0,a,0,0,0 Page196 i. Le Di B.c 4a 5.5 6g Tbe 8. 9.4 10.h Suggested summary: Snowflakes are all six-pointed and each one is different. The formation of snowflakes in winter storm clouds is a complex process. Each snowflake forms around a piece of dust, is blown by the wind, and collects layers of frozen water. Some drops fall off and form new flakes. Every change in temperature and humidity causes a change in the snowflake’s formation. Page 197k. Students’ compositions will vary. Lesson 4 Photovoltaic Cells: Energy Source of the Future Page 202 1. photovoltaic cell 2. inexhaustible 3. semiconductors 4. reluctant 5. exist 6. magic 7. exports, import 8. Silicon 9, raw material b. Lconducts —-2.reluctant- 3. boundary 4, since 5. reasonable 6. magical efficient 8. transparent 9. converts Page 203 c. 1. trap 2ereate 3. bacteria 4, satellite 5. object 6. clockwise 7. anthropologist 8. burst 9. snake doa 2b 3.c 4c 5.b 6.a Ta 8b Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary 3and4 124 Page 204 . Page 205 Page 206 Page 208 Cause & Effect, Unit 4 1. The supply of fossil fuels is limited. 2. Ithas a transparent metallic film at the top, Below this is a layer of silicon. A metal base is at the bottom, 3, Silicon and the sun's energy are limitless, the cells produce clean energy, and these cells will be cheaper than burning fossil fuels. 4. at the boundary between the two semi-conductors — the silicon and the metal base 5. no moving parts 6. It doesn’t work as efficiently. 7. The chemical preparation of silicon for use in photovoltaic cells was very expensive. 8. They will be able to produce cheap energy from sunlight and most developing countries are in the tropics with a lot of sunlight. 9. Suggested answer: They use the sun’s energy. There is no other source of energy in space; satellites cannot carry enough gasoline for the long distances they travel. 1. The second sentence: Our supply of petroleum and gas is limited, but the photovoltaic cell offers a solution to the problem of a future energy shortage. 2. Suggested sentence: Photovoltaic cells have many uses, including in the space program. 3. Suggested sentence: The solid-state photovoltaic cell will last a long time if it isn’t damaged. 4, Suggested sentence: Photovoltaic cells have several advantages over fossil fuels. 1. wood 2. sand 3. gas, oil and coal 1. left out 2.getin 3. show up, stand by 4. brought up 1. As, the, for 2. is, an, of 3. Did, to, a, in, or, and, by 4, not, without, by 5. at, Below, a 6. on, between, of, the, and 7. of, that, there 8. are, down, will, a, if, from 9. the, the, gets, light, and, doesn’t, as 1. trapped 2. alternative, alternate 3. occurrences 4. bounded 5. theorize 6. inefficient T.unreasonable 8. exhausted 9. Transparency 10. convert Suggested answers: 1. thas a photovoltaic cell. 2. Water conducts electricity. 3. The chemical preparation of silicon was expensive. Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary 3and4 | 25 Lesson 5 Page 213 Page 214 Page 215 Page 216 Page 217 Page 218 a, = = Cause & Effect, Unit 4 4, They will be cheap and can cut down on the use of petroleum and wood. 5. The sun produces it continually. 6. Ithas no moving parts 7. It might get dusty or damaged. Students’ compositions will vary. Biological Clocks 1. temperate 2. biology 3. wide awake 4, chythm, 5. fast 6. alarm 7. heartbeat 8. attack 9. jet lag 1. caffeine 2. signal 3. migrate 4. feast 5. tides 6. dawn T.Loose —8.lessens 9. active 1, mild 3.astonishing 4. layers 5. surface 6.senses 7.rolls 8.ranges 9. projects. 10. cope an 2.7 3.NI 4.7 5.F 6T 1T 8.T OF 10.T 1. rain 2. to start looking for food or because of their biological clock 3. because of the position of the sun 4. to gather food 5. five hours 6, Suggested answer: You feel more comfortable and can relax more. 7. To help set you biological clock with the new time zone 1. Rain sets the rhythm of desert plants. 2. French scientists trained honeybees to reset their biological clocks. 3, Humans have a biological clock, which tells them when to eat and sleep, and causes other changes in the body as well 4, Humans can also reset their biological clock to a different time. Lexhausting 2. exhausted 3. demanding 4. alternating 5. trapped 6.damaged 7. guessing 8. surprising 9. complicated 10. terrifying 1, Students” sentences will vary. 1. across,in, of 3.for, in, of 4. in, with, of 5. In, of, in 6. in, for T.on 8. at 9. from, of 10. at, at I even though a 2. since d 3. since b 4, when e S.until e Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary 3 and4 126 Cause & Effect, Unit 4 k 0.6 bI 03 4.2 e7 f 5 Page 219 1, Students’ compositions will vary. Page 220 a. 1. Answers will vary. 2. ultraviolet (or dangerous); ozone Page 22] b. widespread use of manmade chemicals ¢. 2. chlorine, environment 3. ozone layer 4. ultraviolet rays 5. skin cancer Page 222 Across: 2.CFC — 5.carbon dioxide 8. non. 9. ozone Down: 1. silicon 2. Chlorine 3.Si 4. Fe 6. oxygen 7. iron Page 223 2. a. They are all related to Barth b. world, earth, or land 3. microscopic: microprocessor, microwave; micro-; very small semiconductor: semifinal, semicitcle; semi; part or half, Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary 3 and 41 27 yi 5 Lesson 1 Page 229 Page 230. Page 231 Page 232 a f. Cause & Effect, Unit § Medicine and Health Headaches 1. recur 2. sore, pain 3. forehead 4. Aspiti 5. pounded 6. migraine 7. hammer 8. swells 9. clusters 10. lifestyle 11. analyze 1. vomit 2.warned 3.patients 4. blurred —_5. tense 6.physical 7.steady 8. Arteries. 9. ache 10. vision ie 2g Bi 4j 5. 6.f 7.b 8. ok 10.h Le 2a 3.8 4b 5.c 6c Te Bc 1. Tt starts when the arteries in the head swell. ‘The vision is blurred and the person may vomit. The headache is on only one side of the head. 2. It starts in the arteries and comes in clusters for two or three months. It lasts up to two hours, the eyes are red and watery at the beginning, and there is a steady pain in the head. After the pain goes away, the head is sore, 3. A muscle headache starts in the neck or forehead and usually starts in the morning. It gets worse as the hours pass. There is a steady pain, pressure, and bursting feeling. It is caused by tension. 4, migraine 5. a person works too hard, is nervous about something, or has problems at school, at work, or at home 6. Ithelps some headaches, but not usually muscle headaches. 7. There may be something in the patient’s life that is causing the headaches. 8. up (0 50 million 1. There are several kinds of headaches. 2. Cluster headaches start in the arteries, come in groups, then go away. 3. Everyone has headaches, but if they keep recurring you should see a doctor, since most headaches can be controlled. ‘Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and-4 | 28 Page 233 Page 234 Page 235 ‘Lesson 2 Page 240 a. Page 241 Page 242 e e Cause & Effect, Unit S L.pressure 2. reluctantly 3. migration 4. lessened 5.waring 6. painful 7. swollen 8. recurrence 9. Tension 10. proof, proven Migraine: d. 11-12, g. 17, h. 13-14 Cluster: a. 19-20, e. 20-21, i, 22-23 Muscle: b. 27-28, c. 28, f. 34-35, j. 30 1a little man 2. your head 3. seeing wavy lines, black dots, or bright spots in front of your eyes 4, migraine headaches 5. cluster headaches 6. muscle headache 7. patient 8. headaches Laa aa 3.the, the 4. The, 0, the 5.0 6. The, 0, 0, 0, the Tava 8. The, the 9. The, the, the 10. 0, the Students’ sentences will vary. Students’ compositions will vary. Sleep and Dreams 1. concentrate 2.blank 3. stage 4, nightmare S.snore 6. petiods T.relief 8. habit 9. sweat 10. a great deal 1. jaws 2. intense 3. block 4.confused 5. concentrate 6. permanently 7. Apparently 8. Adolescents 9. addictive i) ara 3.1 4k 5.b 61 Te 8m og 10.n Uh 12.j 13.0 LT 2F 3.7 4 5.F 6.T LF 8.7 OT 10.F 1. by studying people as they sleep 2. rapid eye movement 3. They get longer and more intense. 4, Students’ opinions will vary. 5. researchers don’t know 6. The people stop breathing and the brain can be damaged if itis without oxygen for four minutes. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 29 Page 243 Page 244 Page 245 e k. Lesson 3 Page 250 Page 251 Page 252 a Cause & Effect, Unit § 7. caffeine, alcohol, smoking, a heavy meal before bedtime, problems on your mind 8, Suggested answer: You keep thinking about it and you can't relax. 1. People begin their sleep with three stages of NREM, and after that the REM and REM alternate during the night. 2. Sleep is a biological need, but your brain never really sleeps. 3. Normal people may have four or five REM periods of dreaming a night. 4, The amount of sleep a person needs varies with the individual. 1. stage one, 14 2. because they have trouble breathing, 59-60 3. they are addictive, 76-77 4. four or five, 36-37 5. they had magical powers and could tell the future, 25-26 6. get up and write about it, 86-88 T. yes, 42-43 8. 18 hours, 70-71 l.althoughd 2.sinceeb 3. beforea 4. sincee 5. afterc, the 2.a,by 3.the,during,into 5. in, than 6.a, but 7. The, on, the, at 8. At, that, and/or, the 9. O/some,on 1. convert 2. habitual 3. a. concentration 3. b. concentrated 4. confusion, confused 5. intensely 6. Adolescence 7.breathlessly 8. permanently 9. loosened 10. Apparently Students’ compositions will vary. Health Care and Epidemics 1 Influenza 2. cough, sneeze 3. miserable 4. vaccinations 5.Meanwhile 6. Epidemics 7. institutions 8. cruel 9. plague 10. antibiotics 11. picked up 1. fever 2. fire 3. pregnant 4. service _ 5. viruses 6. injected T.effort 8. boil 9. supervise 10. ticks, mosquitoes 11. Tuberculosis 1. arteries 2. hammer, swell 3.dawn 4, forehead S.attacked 6. recurring 7. tide 8. raw materials 9.pounded 10. intensely 11. apparent Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 30 Page 253 Page 254 Page 255 Page 256 Page 257 a. e e Cause & Effect, Unit § Le 2.b 3a 4c S.c 6 Te 1. aheadache, sneezing, a cough, a stuffed and runny nose 2. It relieves the symptoms. 3. probably not 4, Epidemics spread in large population centers when people do not have good health care, have litle money to pay for medical treatment, or have a fear of doctors. 5. Different people come into contact with each other, and bring diseases that kill parts of the population, 6..No. Students’ responses for why will vary. 7. They have the least education about disease prevention, and have little money for health care. 8, They live crowded together. 9. Get proper medical care, get vaccinations when available, and have good health habits; for example, drink clean water, boil water that may carry disease, and wash hands often. 1. Epidemics can change history. 2. Because of their fear, people can be cruel to victims of disease. 3. Some diseases spread through human contact, such as on the hands. 4. Some diseases can be prevented by vaccination or by good health habits. Suggested responses: 1. The person gets sick. 2. They get better. 3. Other people catch the disease. 4, The person will not get that disease. 5. The student will probably get sick too. 1. politeness/impoliteness 2, cruel 3.relieved 4, voluntaril 5. injections 6. pregnancy 7. contagious 8. lengthen 9. reason, unreasonable 1. get out of 2. put, off 3. grow out of 4, read up on 5. show up 1.0, the, 0 2.a,a,0 3.0,0,0 4. An,0,the 5. the, 0 0, the, 0,0,0 7. the 0, 0, the Students’ responses (3-4 sentences) will vary. Students’ compositions will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 31 Lesson 4 Page 262 a. Page 263. c. Page 264 e f. Page 265. h Page 266 i. Cause & Effect, Unit 3 Medicine: From Leeches to Lasers 1. elaborate 2. concluded 3. surgery 4, Sanitation 5. sewerage 6. needle 7. leech 8. menial 9. evidence 10. improve 1. moldy 2. diagnose 3. fatal 4. draw 5. kidneys 6.unsanitary 7. conclusion 8. improvement Ld 25 3.k 4a 5.g 6.0 7m Bec of 10.1 Wd 12h 2F 3.F 4F 5.T Ay 8.7 oF 10.T 1. 10,000 years ago 2. because they believed that the gods made them sick when they were angry at them 3. People went to their priests, not doctors. Remedies included garlic and onion and moldy bread. 4, Hippocrates said that it was natural reasons, not the gods that made people sick, and Greek doctors started prescribing massage, diets and baths. 5, Acupuncture uses needles to help the body fight pain and di 6. They thought surgery was a menial task. 7. Books were printed on health and medicine, which helped doctors to understand the human body better. 8, Students’ opinions will vary “ase. 1. The history of medicine extends back thousands of years. 2. In China and other Asian countries, doctors use acupuncture as a method of treating sickness and pain, 3. The printing press made books on health and medicine available, which helped doctors tremendously. Lin 2. for B.asof 4. for 5. of, in, on, of L.b,La 2ag1 3.1 4.ad1 6c mal 8h 9.k 10.¢,f,k 11.j,k 12d L.improvement 2. Evidently 3. sanitary 4. elaborate 5. similarity Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 32 Page 267 j. Kk Lesson 5 Page 272 a. Page 273 b. Page 274. Page 275 e. Page 276g. Cause & Effect, Unit S 6. prescribe, prescription 7. medical 8. fatalities 9. diagnosis Students’ summaries (3-5 sentences) will vary. Students’ compositions will vary. Cholesterol and Heart Disease 1. encouraged 2. Aerobic 3. personal 4. anxiety 5. Herbs 6. unfamiliar 7. inherited 8. stare 9. risk 10. snack 11. valve 12. confidence Lattractive 2. Cholesterol 3. Reduction —_4. recipe 5. deposit with 7. Factor B.exaggerated 9. angiogram 10. Complains 11. Substance 12. circulated Lm 2a 35 4.b Sik 6.n Th Bf 9.4 10.1 Ig LT 2.NI 7 AF 3.F 6.F LT 8.NI 9.7 10.F 1. chest pains, difficulty doing simple activities 2. a condition that causes heart attacks; the cholesterol sticks fat to the ‘walls of the arteries making them smaller and finally blocking them 3. With these x-rays, doctors can see blood circulating through the heart valves, showing deposits of fat and blockages in the heart. 4, as young as age three 5. below 200 6. after two or three weeks 7. include children in planning and preparing food meals and shopping for food 8. Students’ responses will vary. 1. One type of cholesterol produces ‘hardening of the arteries’, which causes heart attacks. 2. Adults have a high risk of heart attack if their cholesterol is above 240. 3. Adults can lower their cholesterol by 30 or 40 percent, even when they are over 65. I.anxiously 2. encouraged 3. discouraged 4, stress 5. Personally 6. stupid 7. attracts, attracted 8. inherited, inheritance Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 33 Cause & Effect, Unit § 9.familiarize 10. suggested, suggestion 11. complaints 12. exaggeration, exaggerating 13. serves Page 277 h. _1.tore/has torn 2. livhas lit 3. lie 4. swollen 5. ground 6. drew/have drawn T. sticks 8. deals Page 278 i. 1.up 4.up 5. out 6.up T.out Bupon —-9.on 10. out of 11. out of jo La 2b 3c 4a 5.b 6c Ta Page 279 k, Students’ summaries (3-5 sentences) will vary. Page 280 1. Students’ compositions will vary. Video Highlights Page 281 a. 1. a. Answers will vary. b. a heart doctor c. Answers will vary. Sample answer: it stands for a broken heart. 2. Answers will vary. See samples in the chart. Doctor: Advantages: helps people; you get a lot of respect Disadvantages: is very stressful; you have to work very hard Country Music Performer: Advantages: it’s fun; you make people happy; you can get dressed up Disadvantages: it’s risky; some people might not like your songs; you spend a lot of money on clothes Page 282 b. —_I.heart disease 2. broken heart Page 283, 1. a. He is happy about the change. b. Most country music performers are not black. 2. Answers will vary. ty Page Answers in book. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 1 34 Dictionary Page Page 285 antibiotic anxiety caffeine cancer diet exercise bacteria headache 2. Word groups Cause & Effect, Unit § 1. Primary stress is underlined: malaria medicine mosquito nightmare resuscitation surgery tuberculosis vaccination Health Problems: malaria, cancer, headache, nightmare, tuberculosis Causes: mosquito, anxiety, caffeine, bacteria Solutions: medicine, antibiotic, diet, exercise, resuscitation, surgery, vaccination Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 35 Concepts & Comments, Unit L _ Answer Key for Concepts & Comments ‘Lesson 1 Page7 a. Page8—b. Page9 —. d Pagel0 ec. Art Navajo Sand Painting 1. proper 2. one-on-one 3. controversy 4, ratio S.landscape 6. original T.harshly 8. assistant 9. ancestors 10. well-being 1. evil 12. tapestries 1. adapt 2.respect 3. promises 4. heal 5. imperative 6.extensively 7.weave 8.mainly 9. serve 10. restore 1. require 12. unforgiving, unforgiving LT 2.F 3.7 4F 5.7 6.F LT 8.F 9.7 10. NI 1. the cold, northern region that is now part of western Canada and Alaska 2. The sick person sits directly on the sand painting so that it can serve as a pathway for the evil or illness to leave the body and for goodness and health to return to it. After the sick person has been treated, other people can go and dab sand on themselves to bring health and happiness into their lives as well. 3. A Navajo singer collects different rocks, which are then crushed and ground into sand. The assistants are directed by the singer and take colored sand in their hands and drip it on the floor in a line. Using different colors, they slowly make a picture, 4. The sand painting must be destroyed properly. 5. There is a lot of training involved, and a singer can only train one person at a time, 6. Hosteen Klah copied pictures from sand paintings and wove them into tapestries, but he never made the picture exactly the same as the original 7. They are made by artists, not singers, and are permanent. 2. They had to learn to make use of the natural resources in their environment. 3. The sand painting is a major part of the healing ceremony. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 36 f. Pagel! g. Page12h i, Lesson 2 Page 18a. b. Pagel9 Concepts & Comments, Unit 1 4, Rocks are collected, crushed and ground into sand, Assistants are directed by the singer and drip the colored sand on the floor in a line. Using different colors, they slowly make a picture, 5. A sinall sand painting is less than a meter and a large one can be over six meters long. 6. The sick person sits directly on the sand painting so that it can serve as a pathway for the evil or illness to leave the body and for goodness and health to return to it. After the sick person has been treated, other people can go and dab sand on themselves for health and happiness. 1. adapt 2.healer 3. restorative 4, requirements Sireversed 6. extensive _7. controversial 8. weave 9. respectfully 10. Originally 1. the, the, the, 0, 0, 0 Qaa,a 4.0, Aa 5.0,a,0,0,0 1. a, The Navajo singer sweeps the sand painting away, and then he returns the sand to the landscape. b. The Navajo singer sweeps the sand painting away and then returns the sand to the landscape. c. The Navajo singer sweeps the sand painting away, then returning the sand to the landscape. 2. a. Sick people sit on the sand paintings, and they wait for the illness to leave their bodies. b. Sick people sit on the sand paintings and wait for the illness to leave their bodies. c. Sick people sit on the sand paintings, waiting for the illness to leave their bodies. Students’ paragraphs will vary. Ceramics 1. artifacts 2. decorate 3. punishment 4, durable 5. fired 6. scratch 7. possessions 8. resist 9. crack 10. spread 11. structure 12. wind 1. In fact 2.uniform 3.fragile 4. materials 5. finest 6. incredible 7.punish —_8. entire 9. style 10. jail I purpose 12. indestructible LT 2.7 3. F—The earliest forms of pottery were made in China, 4. NI 5. F—There are several ways to shape clay. 6. F—The Chinese were the first to make porcelain. 7. F—Porcelain is more fragile than pottery. 8. T 9. F—Ceramics are more heat resistant than metal 10. F—Today, ceramics have many uses in industry and building. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 137 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 i 4. Concepts & Comments, Unit 1 1. objects made from clay 2. Ceramics are used for: carrying, storing, cooking, and serving food; bricks for houses and tiles for floors; in industry and engineering, 3. Baking the clay changes the structure of the clay so it becomes permanently hard and almost indestructible. 4, making porcelain '5.Porcelain is the finest and most fragile type of pottery. 6. There are different ways to shape clay: hollowing out a clay ball, rolling the clay into a rope and winding it into a shape, or using a potter's wheel. 7. Students’ opinions will vary. 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 1.Opinion 2. Opinion 3. Fact 4. Fact 5, Fact 6.Opinion 7. Fact, Lb 2a 3c Ae 5b 6a Ta &b Lin 2.of 3.0f 4.of 5.of 6. of T.about — 8.0f 10. of 11. for 12. of 13.from 14. to 1. a. To make porcelain, you heat white clay to a very high temperature. b. You can make porcelain by heating white clay to a very high temperature. c. Porcelain is made by heating white clay to a very high temperature. 2. a. To make cake, you mix flot it for an hour. b. You can make cake by mixing flour, eggs, sugar, and milk together and baking it for an hour. c. Cake is made by mixing flour, eggs, sugar, and milk together and baking it for an hour. . eggs, sugar, and milk together and bake 3. a. To make a smoothie, you mix fruit, such as bananas and strawberries, ina blender. b. You can make smoothies by mixing fruit, such as bananas and strawberries, in a blender. c. Smoothies are made by mixing fruit, such as bananas and strawberries, ina blender. Students’ compositions will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and-4 1 38 Lesson 3 Page28 a. b. Page 29. Page 30d. Page 31. f Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 h. i Concepts & Comments, Unit 1 Cave Paintings 1. millennium 2. trial and error 3. ladde 4, amateur S.curve 6.tracing 7. preserved 8. semicircle 9. stiff 10. rough 1 identify 12. exquisite 1, means 2.vast _3.expose 4. notice 5. moved 6. extraordinarily 7. Although 8. components 9. sophisticated 10. For instance 11. inaction 12. shading Ld 2 3.a 4j 5.b 6c Ti Be oh 10.6 Le de 3 4b 5.b 6.a Ta 8. 2. They are sophisticated drawings and are 31,000 years old. 3. Answers will vary. Possible words: sophisticated, exquisite, extraordinary. 4. The artists used the natural curves of the cave walls to make the animals ook real, and used shading and color to add depth to the pai 5. Sophisticated, stiff and stylized, and rough. 6. No sunlight had entered the cave from the time the paintings were made until the explorers found them. 7. Light, air, and even the breathing of a large number of people could damage the pictures. 8. Archeologists had believed that it took thousands of years for humans to gradually learn how to draw and paint, but these paintings showed that there were great artists 30,000 years ago. Possible inferences: 1. 1+2+4 2.144 1a perfectly 1.b. perfect 2.a,meaning 2.b.meant 3. trace 4. roughness sophistication 6. amateurish 7. identified 8. noticeable, notice 1. forgave 2.woven 3. wound 4, spread. meant 6. gone T.held 8. seen 1. a, Some of the paintings show a type of lion, and others are of horses. . Some of the paintings show a type of lion, while others are of horses. c. While some of the paintings show a type of lion, others are of horses. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 39 Page 35 j. ‘Lesson 4 Page40 a. Page 41 b. e. Page42 e. Concepts & Comments, Unit 1 2. a. One person pushed herself through the opening, and the other two waited outside. b. One person pushed herself through the opening, while the other two waited outside. c. While one person pushed herself through the opening, the other two. waited outside. 3.a. One of the many archeologists who have seen Chauvet Cave is Jean Clottes. b, Jean Clottes is one of the many archeologists who have seen Chauvet Cave. ¢. Jean Clottes, like many archeologists, has seen Chauvet Cave. 4,a, One of the many animals that have become extinct is the wooly rhinoceros. b. The wooly rhinoceros is one of the many anima extinct ¢. The wooly rhinoceros, like many animals, has become extinct. that have become: Students’ journal entries will vary. Graffiti 1. cheat 2.carve 3.boldly 4. evolve_—5. get rid of 6.approve 7. arrogant 8, standout 9. sponsors 10. genuine 11, According to 12, concern L.presence 2. campaign 3. concerned 4. declared 5. designated 6.effective 7.combat 8. distinctive 9. vandalism 10. tertitory 11. gang 1. cheat 2. preserve 3.genuine 4, preserve 5. bold 6.artifacts 7. distinctive 8. kick LT 2F 3.E 4, S.F 61 TT &F 9.7 10.T 1. People in Pompeii wrote graffiti as declarations of love, insults, complaints about store owners, political statements and rough drawings of people. 2. They are some of the few available sources of information about the lives of common people in Pompeii and their everyday concerns. 3. to warn other gangs to stay away 4, the gang's name Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 40 Concepts & Comments, Unit 1 5. Some make their tags bigger and bolder, others combine letters with pictures. 6. A tag is simply a gang's name and is not meant to be artistic. Graffiti combines letters with pictures to create large paintings. 7. Answers will vary. Suggested answer: Ancient graffiti was generally ‘more about communicating a message in words, while modern graffiti is, ‘more about artistic expression. Also, modern graffiti uses aerosol spray paint. 8. Students’ opinions will vary. Page 43 f. 4. By the end of the 1970s, tagging was no longer mainly a gang activity 5. Graffiti artists combined their unique letter styles with pictures to create large paintings that covered an entire wall or the entire side of a subway car 6. Not everybody likes or approves of graffiti art. 7.In the 1980s, many cities started taking action against graffiti 8. Today graffiti artists are creating graffiti in a variety of ways. Page44g. attention 2.noticed 3.ridof 4. broken 5. approval hh. L.woven 2required 3.baked 4. broken 5. carved 6. vandalized 7. designated 8, Concerned Page4S i. 1. a. There are many kinds of graffiti written or painted on walls. b. Many kinds of graffiti are written or painted on walls. c. Written or painted on walls are many kinds of graffiti 2. a. There are vans that travel around the city filled with cans of paint. b. Vans that travel around the city are filled with cans of paint. c. Filled with cans of paint are vans that drive around the city. 3. a. There are several international graffiti competitions sponsored by famous companies, b. Several international graffiti competitions are sponsored by famous companies. c, Sponsored by famous companies are several international graffiti competitions. j- Students’ paragraphs will vary. Video Highlights Page 46 a, Students’ opinions will vary. b. 1. a, colorful b.women c.rulers——_d. design motif ce. necks and legs Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 41 Concepts & Comments, Unit 1 2. Answers will vary. Suggested answers: Photography Scenes from Ndebele life house motifs interesting, colorful patterns ‘mat making bright and colorful jeweln ‘on necks and legs i} c. Students’ opinions will vary. Activity Page Page 48 Across:2.uniform 9. ratio ‘1. genuine 12. distinctive 14, vast 15. amateur Down: 1.rough 3. millennia 4. ancestors 5. artifacts 6. fired 7. durable 8. preserved 10. original 13. territory Dictionary Page Page 49 2. served, verb,2 3. mean, adjective, 14. served, verb, 3 5. concerns, verb, 1 6, mean, adjective, 2/7. meant, verb, 2 8. serve, verb, 1 9. mean, verb, 1 10. concern, noun, 1 11. served, verb, 4 Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 42 Concepts dé Comments, Unit 2 Organizations Lesson 1 The United Nations Page56 a. I. maintain 2, headquarters 3. conferences 4. delegates 7 ility 6. charter 7.negotiate 8. state 9. announced 10. facilities 11. specific 12. election Page57 b. —_1.roles 2. withdrew 3. success 4. settlement 5, mission 6.focuson 7 evaluate 8.troops 9. ceasefire 10. economic 11. representatives 12. issues Page58 oc. 1g Qe 3.a 4h 5b 6.4 Te Bf a LF 27 3.F 4. 3.F 6.7 EF 8.7 9. NI 10. NI Page 59 e, 1, Answers will vary. Suggested answers: planning in order to increase farm production, providing medical services, improving education programs, developing programs to provide jobs and better living conditions, or helping to control population growth. 2. Answers should include 3 of the following: UNICEF, WHO, The General Assembly, The Security Council, The Economic and Social Council. 3. The General Assembly has representatives from each of the member countries, but does not have the power to enforce its recommendations. ‘The Security Council has 15 members and has the main responsibility for maintaining international peace. 4. UN peacekeeping forces supervise ceasefires and the withdrawal of ‘troops and monitor elections. 5. The UN negotiates peaceful settlements. 6. The WHO succeeded in ridding the world of smallpox in 1980. 7. Students’ opinions will vary. 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 9. Students’ opinions will vary. 10. Students’ opinions will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and 4 | 43 Concepts & Comments, Unit 2 #_| Main Tdea Details 2 | The charter of the UN | The goals and purposes are international states its 4 main goals | peace, friendly relations, human rights for and purposes. all, a center where nations can work | together. 3__| The UN has grown to | There were 51 countries in 1945, 191 in include almost every | 2004. Each country that joins the UN signs a country in the world. | statement about members and involvement. “4 |The headquarters of _ | Every country has a representative in the the UN is in New General Assembly, there is a 15 member York. Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council _| The UN has had The UN negotiated 172 peaceful |” | some successes as a | settlements, helped end 2 wars, and helped world peacemaker. _| to slow the spread of nuclear weapons. @ [As apeacekeeper, the | Forces have helped in 56 missions, | UN has had successes. | supervising ceasefires, withdrawal of troops, and monitoring elections. In 1988 they got the Nobel Peace Prize. They haven't been given the money and independence they need to be more successful. 7 |The UN is really a UNICEF is an organization that provides number of related food, medical care and other services to organizations that poor children. It has helped get many work to provide a _| children immunized WHO develops medi better life for people. | programs for people all over the world. In | 1980 it rid the world of smallpox. 8 | To support its They work to increase production for humanitarian efforts, | farming and industry, provide medical the UN employs services, improve education programs, thousands of people _| spread scientific information, develop | allover the world. | programs for jobs and living conditions, and to help control population growth. 9 |The UN organizes | Examples of conferences are ‘use and large conferences on | ownership of oceans’ and ‘women.’ Each world issues. year the UN has a specific problem to focus ‘on, and people work to find solutions to the problems. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and-4 | 44 Page 60 Page 61h. Page62 i. i Lesson 2 Page 67 a. Page 68. Page 69. 4. Page 70. Concepts & Comments, Unit 2 1.delegation 2, statement 3. maintain 4. responsibly 5. represent 6.announced 7. successful 8. supervisor 9. negotiation 10. withdraw 1. The peacekeeping forces 2. children 3. WHO 4, the UN 5, thousands of people 6. one conference 7.the UN 8. the charter of the UN 1. a, The Security Council has representatives from 15 countries who have the main responsibility for maintaining peace. b. The Security Council, which has representatives from 15 countries, has the main responsibility for maintaining peace. c. Representatives from 15 countries who make up the Security Council have the main responsibility for maintaining peace. 2. a, The UN peacekeeping forces are made up of people from many different countries who monitor elections and supervise ceasefires. b. The UN peacekeeping forces, which are made up of people from many different countries, monitor elections and supervise ceasefires. c. People from many different countries who make up the UN peacekeeping forces monitor elections and supervise ceasefires. Students’ ideas will vary. Amnesty International 1. torture 2.prison 3. incidemts. 4. fair 5. sentenced 6. trial T.release 8. cases 9. staff 10. remarks 11. penalty 12. conscience 1. reliable 2. valuable 3. publicity 4. impartial 5. staff 6. murder T.award 8. witness 9. abuse 10. profile 11. contributions 12. accurate Leg 24 3.a 45 5b 6c Ti Be Lb Qa 3. Ac Sa 6.c Ta Bc 1. In a newspaper article, Peter Benenson asked readers to join in a year~ Jong campaign against the imprisonment of people for their religious beliefs. 2. He read an article about two students in Portugal who were imprisoned for making critical remarks about their country. 3. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Because government officials realize that the prisoners will not be forgotten and they are in the public eye. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and | 45 Page 71 Page 72 f. h. Concepts d& Comments, Unit 2 4, A person who has been imprisoned for their beliefs. Someone who hasn't used violence or encouraged anyone else to use violence. 5. They were both prisoners of conscience. 6. Amnesty International is independent of all national governments, and gets its money from contributions and special events. Also, members of the organization are not allowed to work on cases in their own country. 7. Amnesty International puts a lot of money, time and effort into getting accurate information about the prisoners. ‘There are research teams to ccheck facts about human rights abuses and fact-finding teams to interview the people involved. 8. The organization worried that members working in their own country could not be impartial. 9. He was an African anti-apartheid activist who was imprisoned for his political activities, and then tortured and murdered while in prison. 10. He wrote a song called ‘Biko’ to protest Steve Biko's murder and support Amnesty International. Goals ‘Actions/Activities | Successes * to obtain the * formation © Awarded the release of ‘adoption groups’ Nobel Peace Prize prisoners of © write letters to in 1977 conscience offending + 15 million © tohelp victims of governments members human rights | + help a prisoner's | abuses | family | | fact-finding teams | interview prisoners. family members, witnesses, and ‘government officials + give fund-raising concerts | + hold benefits and vigils 1. partial 2. unreliable 3. inaccurate 4. unsuccessful S.unsupervised 6.fairly 7.efffective 8. (un)concerned 9. disapproved 10. original Lin 3. about 4, about 6. in 7.of 8. in 9.against 10. for lof 12. of 13. of 14. into 15. of Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and-4 | 46 Page 73 i. i Lesson 3. Page 78a. Page 79. Page 80. 4 Page 81. Concepts & Comments, Unit 2 1. a. To maintain its reliability, Amnesty International spends a lot of time and money getting accurate information, b. Amnesty International maintains its reliability by spending a lot of time and money getting accurate information. c. Amnesty International spends a lot of time and money getting accurate information in order to maintain its reliability. 2. a. To gain the release of prisoners of conscience, Amnesty International starts letter-writing campaigns. b. Amnesty International gains the release of prisoners of conscience by starting letter-writing campaigns. c. Amnesty International starts letter-writing campaigns in order to gain the release of prisoners of conscience. Students’ letters will vary. UNICEF L.stand for 2.emergency3.acronym 4. sharp_—_—S, eradicate 6. overwhelming 7. access 8. budget 9. expands —_10. routine 1. Malnutrition 1. discriminate 2. contaminated 3. traumatize 4. vital S.adequate 6.disaster_ 7. surveyed 8. transmit 9. global 10. persistent 11-donated 12. ignorant Le 25 3.8 4c 3b 6.5 Le 8. Le de 3.b 4a 5.b 6a Te Ba 1. UNICEF was started to help children in post-war Europe and China, but then it was expanded to providing long-term help to mothers and children in all developing countries. Its name was changed from United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund to United Nations Children’s Fund, but the acronym stayed the same. 2. It plans and develops programs, trains people to work in these programs, and provides the supplies and equipment to help the programs function, 3. UNICEF's 5 main programs are: immunization, education for girls, child protection, early childhood development, and HIV/AIDS. 4, Among its successes are the eradication of smallpox, the near eradication of polio, and a sharp decrease in the number of deaths from measles and tetanus. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and | 47 Page 82 f. g Page 83h. Page 84 i i Lesson 4 Page 89 a. Concepts & Comments, Unit 2 5. its early childhood program, to provide children with the best possible start to life 6. to provide children with better health care, nutrition, water, sanitation, and education 7. more than 3 million 8. Students’ opinions will vary. Suggested answer: because people do not understand how itis transmitted 9. floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes 10. contribute money, buy cards and products, go to special events 1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization 2. North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement 3. United Nations Lexpanded 2. eradicate 3. persistent 4, transmission 5. discriminatory 6. Contamination 7. traumatic 8. donate 9. ignorant 10. accessible 1. The 20 3. the 4.0 5.0 6.0 Ta 8. the 9.0 10. the 11. the 12. the 1.a, Although UNICEF spends most of its time on long-term projects, it still provides emergency help. b. UNICEF spends most of its time on long-term projects, but it still provides emergency help. c. Despite spending most of its time on long-term projects, UNICEF still provides emergency help. 2. a. Although UNICEF spends about half of its budget on care for young children, many children still die every year. b. UNICEF spends about half of its budget on care for young children, but many children still die every year . Despite UNICEF spending about half of its budget on care for young children, many children still die every year. Students’ descriptions will vary. The Olympic Movement 1. ental 2. state of mind 3. authority 4, encompasses 5. philosophy 6. referees 7.democratic 8. judge 9. guide 10. applauded 11. exalted 12. forthcoming Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 48 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Concepts & Comments, Unit 2 1. exploit 2. appoints 3. solidarity 4, utopian 5. intermediary 6. pondered 7. recognize 8. achieve 9. cooperates 10.engage I Lethical 12. aware 1. identify 2.award — 3.emergency 4. expand 5.fortheoming 6. cooperation 7. ignorant 8, arrogant LT 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.F 6.7 LE 8. 1. the International Federations of sports on the program of the Olympic Games ({fs), the National Olympic Committees (NOCS), the Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games (OCOGs), athletes, judges and referees, associations and clubs and all the organizations and institutions recognized by the IOC 2. National Olympic Committees. 3. the person responsible for reviving the Olympic Games 4, April 6°, 1896 5. The IOC was in charge of organizing the games and creating an international movement. 6, Students’ opinions will vary. 7. to contribute to building a better and peaceful world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind, in a spirit of solidarity, and fair-play 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 9. all forms of commercial exploitation and doping, 1142 2.344 3.143 1. guide, guide 2. cooperate 3. recognizable (or recognized) 4. Exploitation 5. applause, applaud 6. authorized 7. ethical 8. appointment 1.applauded 2. has not stopped 3. cooperate 4. opposes 5. was 6. recognized 7. was created 8. encompasses 1. a, The IOC is an important part of the Olympic Movement, choosing the site of the Olympic Games. b. The IOC, which is an important part of the Olympic Movement, chooses the site of the Olympic Games. c. The IOC is an important part of the Olympic Movement that chooses the site of the Olympic Games. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 49 Concepts & Comments, 2. a. The Olympic Movement is involved in many activities, promoting sports and raising awareness of environmental problems. b. The Olympic Movement, which is involved in many activities, promotes sports and raises awareness of environmental problems. ¢. The Olympic Movement is involved in many activities that promote sports and raise awareness of environmental problems. j. Students’ descriptions will vary. Video Highlights Page96 a. _1.a. After World War II, people hoped they could build a future of world peace through the UN. b, UNICEF was formed to provide emergency help to children in post-war Europe and China, and later expanded to provide help to children and mothers in all developing countries. c, Students’ opinions will vary. b. 1. See transcript. a. to discuss children’s issues b. Each participating member state was allowed to send two children as government representatives and two children as NGO, or non-government, delegates. Others can participate online. 3. the “Say Yes for Children” website Page 97 c. Students’ opinions will vary. Activity Page Page 98 across: 2.recognize 7. disasters 8. role 10, budget Il. elected 14.acronym ‘15. sentence 16. accurate 17. specific 18. ignorance down: |. fair 3, emergency 4. ethics 5. valuable 6.issues 9. cooperating 12. economic 13, ponder Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 50 Concepts & Comments, Unit2 Dictionary Page Page 99 — CIA Central Intelligence Agency | Secretly gathers information ___"_| about other countries. NAACP | National Association for the | Protects the rights of Advancement of Colored | African-American and People provides them with equal opportunities for educational and career advancement. NASA ‘National Aeronautics and | Responsible for space Space Administration exploration, IRS Internal Revenue Ser The USA’s national tax collection agency NOW National Organization for | Works to promote the Women interests and protect the rights of women, UN The United Nations ‘Works toward world peace. | EU ‘The European Union ‘A group of countries in | Europe working to create a | stronger world market for | European goods and | services. NASDAQ _| National Association of Provides a marketplace for Securities Dealers the sale of stocks for mostly Automated Quotations | newer and smaller | companies. _ YMCA ‘Young Man’s Christian ‘A sports center; a place to Association | stay. NATO North Atlantic Treaty ‘An association of North Organization ‘American and European countries formed for military defense. 2. Government organizations: FBI, CIA, NASA, IRS, UN, EU, NATO Non-government organizations: NAACP, NOW, NASDAQ, YMCA Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 51 Lesson 1 Page 106. a. Page 107 b. Page 108 d. Page 109 £. Concepts & Comments, U Places Hawaii 1. influx 2.tourists 3. barren 4. uninhabitable 5. blamed 6. foolhardy 7. missionaries 8. target 9. discouraging 10. formerly 11. graze 12. vegetation 1. crime 2.commit 3. off-limits 4. infertile 5. native 6. boast, 7. inhospitable 8. secluded 9. ethnic 10. suspect Ll.diverse 12. draws Lg 23 3.a 4c 5.b 6.1 7d Be 1.NI 2.F 3.F 4.7 ae 6.F 7.7 8.7 97 10.F 1. 3,700 kilometers southwest across the Pacific Ocean from Los Angeles 2. The Europeans brought animals that ate all the vegetation on the island and there was nothing to protect the soil from the wind, There are also unexploded shells left over from when the island was used as a target by the US Navy. 3. Its privately owned and you need an invitation from one of the inhabitants to be allowed on the island. People say there is no electricity, and that inhabitants live in a traditional way in order to preserve Hawaiian culture. 4. the island of Hawaii 5. because the mountains on Molokai block the rain clouds 6 He put the islands on his maps, and soon whaling ships were stopping there for supplies. 7. Some of the missionaries who came to Hawaii settled there permanently, and started farms. Then they needed farm workers, who came from China, Japan, the Philippines, and later Korea, Portugal and Puerto Rico. Over time people from the different ethnic groups intermarried, 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 1. 1300: There was sophisticated aquaculture on Molokai 2. 1778: Captain Cook put the islands on his maps Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 52 Page 110 h. Page 111 i Lesson 2 Page 116 a. Page 117 Page 118 Page 119 Concepts & Comments, Unit 3 3. 1820: Missionaries arrived from the US to teach the Hawaiian people about Christianity 4, 1852: Farm workers arrived from China 5. 1865: People who had leprosy were sent to Molokai 6. 1868: Farm workers arrived from Japan 7. 1906: Farm workers arrived from the Philippines 1. attract 2. commitments 3. discourage 4. inhabitants S.vegetate 6. combination. 7. preservation 1. all of the Hawaiian islands 2. this island 3. inhabitants 4, the owner of Niihau 5. Oahu 1. a. Hawaii is home to Mt. Kilauea, which is the most active volcano in the world. b. Hawaii is home to Mt. Kilauea, the most active volcano in the world, c. Mt. Kilauea, which is in Hawaii, is the most active volcano in the world. 2. a. Oahu is home to the Iolani Palace, which is the only royal palace in the United States. b. Oahu is home to the Tolani Palace, the only royal palace in the United States. c. The Iolani Palace, which is on the island of Oahu, is the only royal palace in the United States. Students’ descriptions will vary. Deserts 1. due to 2tush 3. gain 4. wilderness 5. accelerate 6.diverted 7.drought 8. Degraded 9. merge 10. static 11. take place 12. vulnerable 1 management 2. significant 3. livestock 4. barrier. 5, reclaim. 6. erosion 7.banned — 8. catastrophe 9. despite 10. adept 11. refugees Le 2k 3.0 4h 5.b 6c Ti 8.j og 10.f Lb 2 3.a 4c S.a 6b 7b Ba 1. places that get less than 250 millimeters of rain a year 2. It is the world’s largest and hottest desert. 3. the process of turning productive land into desert-like land 4, Climate change and droughts are two natural causes of desertification, Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | $3 Page 120 Page 121 i Concepts & Comments, Unit 3 5. It leaves land vulnerable to desertification. When there are too many animals eating the vegetation in an area, the root systems of the plants are destroyed and the soil is left without a protective cover. The unprotected soil can be easily eroded. 6. Cutting down trees leaves the land exposed to the sun, and the smaller plants that grow under the trees cannot survive without shade. Without the leaves of the trees, the soil is deprived of nutrients and eventually even the smaller plants die as well and only barren land is left. 7. The Tarim River has dried up, and the trees and vegetation that acted as a barrier between the two deserts has died off. The two deserts are now spreading together. 8, Students’ opinions will vary. 9. solar cookers and wind turbines 10. planting a green wall of trees, or putting a thin oil of petroleum on dry land to help the land hold water and vegetation 11. Students’ opinions will vary. ® The plants die and the soil isn’t protected. % The soil can be easily eroded. * The land is exposed to the sun, ® The smaller plants can’t survive without the shade from trees. Without leaves from trees, the soil becomes poor and deprived of nutrients, nothing is left but barren land, 1. land 2. trees 3. wind erosion 4. deserts: 5. trees Lof 2. 0f 3.0f 4.on 5.0f 6.0n 1. a, Rivers are diverted to irrigate crops, but before long the rivers dry up. b. Rivers diverted to irrigate crops dry up before long. c. When rivers are diverted to irrigate crops, the rivers dry up before long. 2. a. Animals are allowed to graze on the land, but they destroy the root systems of plants. b. Animals allowed to graze on the land destroy the root systems of plants. c. When animals are allowed to graze on the land, they destroy the root systems of plants. Students’ paragraphs will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3.and4 | $4 Lesson 3 Page 126 a. Page 127. Page 128 Page 129 g. Page 130 h. Concepts & Comments, Unit 3 Antarctica 1. flesh 2.enormous 3.hardy 4, extremely 5. peninsula 6. teeming 7. feat 8. unimaginable 9. food chain 10. artificial ‘11. invertebrate 12. approximately 1. solitude. 2.scene 3. cosmetics 4. colossal__5. harvest 6. in turn T.sink B.forever 9. discord 10. treaty 11. decline 12. circulate Lg 25 3.a 4d 5b 6c Ti Be LE 25 3.7 4F 5.7 6.F TT &F OT 10.F 1. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Antarctica holds the record for coldest temperature ever measured on Earth. It contains around 70% of the world’s fresh water supply, but itis one of the world’s largest deserts. There isn’t much plant life on the continent, but there is a lot in the waters surrounding it. 2. algae, moss, lichen, krill, seabirds, fish, seals, whales, and penguins 3. Krill eat the algae and the seabirds, fish, seals, whales, and penguins eat the krill 4. Itestablished Antarctica as a special area for scientific research that would be governed internationally. 5. Suggested answers: lonely, trapped, quiet, boring, isolated 6. Itis responsible for the circulation of water in the oceans. 7. The number of krill in the area has declined about 80% since the 1970s. This is probably due to the fact that warmer temperatures lead to less sea ice and the algae that live on it, which the krill eat. 8. cosmetics, contact lenses, artificial skin, and specialized cleaning supplies le 2a 3d 4c 5.b 6a 7b Ba oa 10.b Ic 1. imagine, imagination 2. circulates, circulation 3. extreme 4. link 5. artificial 6. erosion 1. the 2. the 3. the 4.0 Sia 6. The 7.0 8. the 9. the 10.0 la 12.0 13. the 14, the 15. A Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | $5 Page 131 i. Page 132 j ‘Lesson 4 Page 137 a. Page 138 Page 139 Page 140 Concepts & Comments, Unit 3 1. a. The midge is an invertebrate because it does not have a backbone. b. Like other invertebrates, the midge does not have a backbone. c, Because the midge does not have a backbone, it is considered to be an invertebrate. 2. a. Krill are a vital source of food because penguins and other animals could not survive without them. b. Like other animals, penguins could not survive without krill, c, Because penguins and other animals could not survive without them, krill is considered to be a vital source of food 3. a, Scientists say that since the 1970s the number of krill has been declining. b. According to scientists, the number of krill has been declining since the 1970s. c. The number of krill has been declining since the 1970s, say scientists, 4. a. Scientists say that in the winter it is especially lonely in Antarctica. b. According to scientists, it is especially lonely in Antarctica in the winter. c. Itis especially lonely in Antarctica in the winter, say scientists. Students charts will vary National Parks 1. magnificent 2. crowded 3. habitats 4. abundance 5. citizens 6.ecosystem 7.assigned 8.undoing 9. curious_—_‘10. urban 11. naturalists 12. convince L.sensitive 2.hazy 3. deposits 4. host 5. shoreline 6.registered 7.dramatic 8. capacity 9. massive 10. pesticides 11. retreated Lterritory 2. lush 3.appoimt 4. ponder.__5. foolhardy 6.designate 7. budget 8. respected Le 2a 3.b 4c 5.b 6a Te 8a 1. The Native Americans lived close to nature and used only what they needed to survive. The Europeans cut down forests, killed animals for sport, and used farming methods that caused the soil to be eroded. 2. in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho 3. a group of concerned citizens 4. vandalism and the killing of wildlife Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 56 Concepts & Comments, Unit 3 5. to create and manage parks that preserve and protect unique natural landscapes, wildlife habitats, and sites of historic or cultural interest 6. overcrowding, pollution from power plants, diversion of water development, and urban development 7. power plant pollution, ozone pollution, pesticides, acid rain, acid deposition and mercury deposition 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 1.Opinion 2. Opinion 3. Fact 4. Opinion 5. Opinion 6. Fact 7. Opinion 8. Opinion Page 141g. L.assign 2. management 3. establishment 5. creation 6. astonishment 7. arrive 8.information 9. pollute 10. diversion Page 142 h. 1. However 2. Finally 3. For example 4. However 5. For example i, 1a, Because the park was being vandalized, the U.S. government asked the US. Army to protect it. b. Realizing the park was being vandalized, the U.S. government asked the USS. Army to protect it. c. When the U.S. government realized the park was being vandalized, it asked the U.S. Army to protect it. 2. a, Because the magnificent scenery would be destroyed, the citizens asked the government to turn the area into a national park, b. Fearing that the magnificent scenery would be destroyed, the citizens ment fo turn the area into a national park. . ins feared that the magnificent scenery would be destroyed, they asked the government to turn the area into a national park. Page 143 j, Students’ descriptions will vary. Video Highlights Page 144 a, _ 1.a, The government realized these places of natural beauty needed to be preserved for future generations. », deforestation and hunting c. to create and manage parks that would preserve and protect unique natural landscapes, wildlife habitats, and sites of historic or cultural significance 4. pollution and tourism 2. Students’ answers will vary. 3. Students’ answers will vary. b. 1, Bad news: some parks are on the endangered list because of pollution, land development, and under-funding. Good news: four parks have been removed from the list because they are ‘healthy’. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and 4 | 57 Concepts & Comments, Unit 3 2.a.development _b. air-pollution c, under-funding ¢. Students’ opinions will vary. Activity Page Page 146 Across: 4. Commercial 9. habitat I1.scene 12, ban 13.crowded 14, wilderness 15. ethnic 16. enormous 17. drought Down: \.feat 2.tourists 3. pesticides S.curious 6. native ‘7T.magnificent 8. peninsula 10. urban 12. barrier Dictionary Page Page 147 1. uninhabitable, lush, artificial, barren, vulnerable, static, hazy, commercial, colossal, abundant 2. Positive Positive or Negative [Negative | Tush, abundant atic, hazy, barren, uninhabitable, L commercial, colossal _| artificial, vulnerable Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 58 eras rl ‘Lesson 1 Page 155 Page 156 Page 157 a a Concepts de Comments, Unit 4 Science and Technology Satellites 1. orbit 2. navigation 3. gravity 4, astronomy 5. revolve 6. military 7. code, decipher 8. potential 9. altitude 10. invaluable 11. monitor 1. data 2. lifespan 3. in motion 4. detects S.appropriate 6. disabled 7. repair 8. versatile 9. rotate 10.caleulate 11. tissue Ld 25 3a 4l 5.f 6b 7k Be oh 10.¢ LE 2.7 3. 4.F 5.NI 6F 7.7 8 oT 10.F 1. a body that travels around a planet 2. weather satellites, scientific research satellites, earth observation satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, and military satellites 3. Answers will vary. Possible answer: because it is possible to get detailed pictures of Earth, which include the present weather conditions 4, to prevent gravity from pulling it back to Earth 5. SOHO is studying the atmosphere, surface, and internal activity of the Sun, 6. Because there is almost no gravity inside a space station, scientists are able to grow high-quality human protein crystals and protein cultures. The crystals can grow equally in all directions because they don’t have the pressure of gravity. 7. the place on Earth that the satellite remains over while it orbits the Earth 8. Possible answers: most communications satellites stay around 35,000 km above Earth. They stay in the same place over Earth because they rotate at the same rate as Earth. There are about 100 communications satellites orbiting Earth today. ‘They have a lifespan of about 12-13 years. A large ‘communications satellite can carry more than 100,000 telephone calls at atime. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | $9 Page 158 f. Page 159g. Page 160 h. Concepts & Comments, Unit 4 9. They monitor the activities of other countries and send the information back to the ground stations. They also can be used to direct missiles and destroy specific targets. 10. Old satellites that can’t be repaired are called “space junk.” They are disabled, and left to float around in space. # Main Idea Important details 2_| Weather satellites monitor | They travel in low-earth-orbit to get the weather. detailed pictures of the planet. They travel as fast as 27,000 knv/hr. ‘Satellites are research laboratories. ‘Scientific satellites help us better understand the solar | system, Earth observation satellites | Satellites help control the spread of monitor the environment, _| diseases and also detect fires and a floods. - ‘Communication satellites | Satellites stay at a high altitude. Each are used for voice, data, and | satellite remains over the same place | on the Earth. About 100 satellites orbit | Earth today. 6 | Navigation satellites guide | Ships and planes can calculate their | ships and airplanes. positions using information from these | satellites. Some cars have GPS. 7 | Military satellites are used | Some are called “spy satellites.” These for military purposes. satellites take very good pictures of things on the ground. Satellites ensure safe communication. Satellites help direct missiles to their targets. 8 | Satellites stay in space ‘Sometimes satellites need to be because they move fast and_| repaired. Disabled satellites are called because of gravity. “space junk.” 9 | In 50 years, hundreds of | The first satellite was called Sputnik. satellites have been sent into orbit, 1. astronomy/astronomical, astronomers. 2. rotates, rotation 3.calculate 4. disability 5. communicative 6. detect T. orbit 8. navigate, navigation 1, We are warned about potentially dangerous weather conditions by weather satellites. 2. Fires can be detected before they spread by observation satellites, 3, Ships at sea and airplanes in the sky are guided by navigation satellites. 4, Military satellites provide information on the movement of troops on the ground. 5. Computers on Earth can sometimes repair satellites in orbit. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 60 Page 161 i. Lesson 2 Page 166 a. Page 167. Page 168d. Page 169. Concepts & Comments, Unit 4 6. The first human-made satellite was sent into orbit by the former Soviet Union. 1a. Scientific research satellites are used to study the Sun and do laboratory experiments, b. In addition to studying the Sun, scientific research satellites are used to do laboratory experiments, ¢. Studying the Sun and doing laboratory experiments are two uses of scientific research satellites. 2. a. Weather satellites are used to collect information about weather patterns and give warnings of dangerous weather conditions. b. In addition to collecting information about weather patterns, weather satellites are used to give warnings of dangerous weather conditions. ¢. Collecting information about weather patterns and giving warnings of dangerous weather conditions are two uses of weather satellites Students’ compositions will vary. Comets 1. particle 2. messenger 3. further 4. primary S.fundamentals 6.fond — 7.doomed 8. formation 9. dispel 10. periodically 11. fortunate 12. originated L. assortment 2. captivating 3. compile 4. general 5. bizarre 6. fortunately 7. origin 8. within 9. primarily 10. fond 11. dispelled 12. further Ld 2k 3.a 4 5.5 6b Te 8 Se 10.g Lb Qe 3.0 4a Sc 6.b Ta Bc 9b 10.a 1. They are made of ice and dust, they orbit the sun, and when they pass close to the sun, the ice melts and dust particles are released, which form the tails of the comets. 2. They orbit the sun at different speeds, they follow different paths, and their tails can be different lengths. 3. They seemed to appear out of nowhere, and some people thought they brought news of future disasters, such as earthquakes. 4. long-haired messengers of doom 5. Newton discovered that comets orbit the sun in predictable patterns. 6. Halley learned about the way comets move around the sun, and calculated the paths of 24 comets. ‘Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and 4 | 61 Page 170 Pagel71 Page 172 Concepts & Comments, Unit 4 7, Because Halley accurately predicted that the comet seen in 1531, 1607, and 1682 would also be seen in 1758, it was decided to name the comet after him, 8. The Stardust mission took very detailed pictures of the comet Wild 2, and collected a spoonful of comet dust to bring back to Earth to study. 9. The Rosetta's mission is to land on a comet in the year 2014. 10. Students’ opinions will vary. 1. They were afraid of comets. 2. The Sun melts the ice in the comet. 3. You can see them without a telescope. 4, ILwas able to take detailed photographs. 5. It was able to collect dust particle: Ll 2hyi 3.aj 4.b,f S.gkmi 6.c Td 8g 1. solar system 2. military facility 3. research data 4. navigation system 5. emergency code _6. military satellite 7. acrime; vandalism 8. research facility 9. emergency barrier 10. management system 1.a, Because Newton explained that. comets moved in predictable patterns, people weren’t so afraid when they saw a comet in the sky. b. People weren't so afraid when they saw a comet in the sky because Newton explained that comets moved in predictable patterns. ¢. The reason people weren’t so afraid when they saw a comet in the sky was that Newton explained that comets moved in predictable patterns. 2. a, Because Halley’s comet is an extremely bright comet, you don’t have to have a telescope to see it b. You don’t have to have a telescope to see Halley's comet, because itis an extremely bright comet. c. The reason that you don’t have to have a telescope to see Halley's ‘comet is that it is an extremely bright comet. 3. a. Because Halley spent a lot of time studying their location, he was able to make an accurate map of the stars. b. Halley was able to make an accurate map of the stars because he spent a Jot of time studying their location. c. The reason that Halley was able to make an accurate map of the stars ‘was that he spent a lot of time studying their location, Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 62 Concepts & Comments, Unit 4 Lesson3 —_ Motor Vehicles: The Pros and Cons Page 177 a, 1. symbol 2. fantasy 3.factor annual 5. consumes 6.inspiteof 7. mobile 8. sprawled 9. deny 10. disperse 11, Construction 12. account for Page 178 b. 1. volatile 2. alternative 3. strict 4. peak 5. attempted 6.emissions 7. sustain 8. pedestrians 9. feasible 10, devote 11. depleted 12. destructive Page 179 c. I. register 2.motion 3. detect 4, secluded 5. curious, 6. erosion 7. appropriately 8. peninsula d. LF 2.7 3. 4.7 5.NI 6.7 a 8.7 9.7 10.T Page 180 e. 1. Answers will vary. Possible answer: cars give the freedom to go where you want when you want 2. It would be very hard on the economy. Many people would lose their jobs. 3. 250,000 people 4, 50% 5. People don’t have to work very close to where they live because they can drive. 6. Because of urban sprawl, businesses and neighborhoods are spread out over a large area of land. It is too much land for public transportation to be able to cover well. 7. Answers will vary. Possible answer: very quiet, and it would be very ‘empty, because so much of the city is made up of roads and other car- related uses 8. It has slowed down. 9. Cars produce a haze of smog over cities and produce at least 50% of the air pollution in the United States. 10, Students’ opinions will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and 4 | 63 Page 181 Page 182 Page 183 8 h, i Concepts & Comments, Unit 4 ‘Advantages Disadvantages Gives freedom: Gets you where [* Riding in cars is dangerous: you want to go, when you want many people are killed or to go injured every year. * A symbol of power, succes + Motor vehicle use leads to speed, excitement and urban sprawl and traffic jams adventure * Pedestrians and bicyclists have * People can work and live in to share the roads, which leads two different places. to pollution, noise, stress and © The economy depends on cars danger. | and car-related jobs. * Motor vehicle use is the largest source of air pollution and is responsible for 25% of the | carbon dioxide emissions in the US. * Motor vehicle use is responsible for water pollution from oil and gas spills, and contamination of underground drinking water. * The need for oil can increase chances of wars, as countries try to protect oil supplies. i 1. annually 2. symbolically 3. alternative 4. strictly 5. persistently 6. curious 7. formerly 8. unimaginable 1.the automobile 2. motor vehicles. 3. riding in cars 4. the city S. average auto speeds 6, motor vehicles 7. motor vehicles 1. a. Automobile-related businesses, which are responsible for 20 percent of the annual GNP, make up a huge industrial complex. b. Automobile-related businesses make up a huge industrial complex, responsible for 20 percent of the annual GNP. c. Responsible for 20 percent of the annual GNP, automobile-related businesses make up a huge industrial complex. 2. a, Motor vehicles, which are responsible for 25 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, are harmful to the environment. b. Motor vehicles are harmful to the environment, responsible for 25 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. c. Responsible for 25 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, motor vehicles are harmful to the environment. Students’ answers will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and-4 | 64 Lesson 4 Page 189 a. Page 190 b. Page 191. Page 193. Concepts d& Comments, Unit 4 New Plants 1. altered 2.modify 3. optimistic 4. breeding 5. traits 6. whether 7. selective 8. genetically 9. suitable 10. Nevertheless 11.pest 12. widely I.deprived 2. address 3. prescription 4. Biotechnology companies 5. impression 6. impact 7. nutritious 8. boost 9. poverty 10. crisis, I. yields 12. enhance Lh 25 Be 4a Sui 6b Te 8d 9.f 10.1 Le Qe 3.b 4a 5.b 6b Te 8a 9.a 10.b 1. There are more than 350,000 kinds of plants and about 20,000 that are suitable to eat. 2. Students’ opinions will vary. 3. meat, fish, beans, peanuts, buffalo gourds 4, Soybeans are almost 40% protein, and are an important food in China and Japan. 5. The cocoyam can grow in a hot climate and it doesn’t matter if itis a wet or dry climate. 6. The teosinte plant is similar to corn but it can grow in a wetter climate and can produce crops every year. 7. Most Europeans wouldn't touch the new foods and thought they were poisonous. 8. Peanuts, He developed different ways to use peanuts as food. 9. foods that have traits from unrelated species added to them, so that they can, for example, taste better, last longer, or are resistant to pests 10. They think the crops could get out of control or could lead to poor soil quality and crop yields. Also, some people think they are ignoring the real issue, which is that the poor people need land, not prescription foods, to fight malnutrition. 1. There are over 20,000 edible foods but 50% of our food supply comes from just 3 plants. 2. 500 years ago Europeans had never heard of potatoes, tomatoes, pineapple and chocolate. Now it’s hard to imagine not having these foods. ‘The soybean wasn’t farmed 80 years ago but now is the most important plant in the U.S. 3, Some are genetically modified to make them pest-resistant, to make them taste better, or last longer. Some are altered to make them more Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and 4 | 65 Concepts & Comments, Unit 4 4, GM crops could become uncontrollable weeds. GM crops might have a negative impact on crop yields and soil quality. Page 194 g. 1. selectively 2. prescribe 3.enhance 4. deprivation 5. alterations 6.nutritious 7. optimistic, optimism 8. resistant 9. modified 10. promotion Page 195 he La 3.a 4. the 5. the 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.a H1. the the 13.a 14. the Page 196 i. 1.a. The cocoyam, which is a plant eaten in West Africa, is similar to the potato. b. The cocoyam, a plant eaten in West Africa, is similar to the potato. c. A plant eaten in West Africa, the cocoyam is similar to the potato. 2. a, Tomatoes, which are an important food in Italian cooking, were once believed to be poisonous. b. Tomatoes, an important food in Italian cooking, were once believed to be poisonous c. An important food in Italian cooking, tomatoes were once believed to be poisonous 3. a. Vitamin A-boosted golden rice, which has been genetically modified to be more nutritious, is a prescription food. , Vitamin A-boosted golden rice, genetically modified to be more nutritious, is a prescription food. c. Genetically modified to be more nutritious, Vitamin A-boosted golden rice is a prescription food. J. Students’ answers will vary. Video Highlights Page 197 a, 1, Students’ opinions will vary. 2. a. unwanted e-mail messages that are sent to many people as a type of junk mail b. co-workers c. informal language; street language 4. thoughts spoken aloud or written, without reflection e. studies done to find facts and solutions to problems f£. characteristics that make some other kind of communication similar to speaking g. the last in a line of problems that makes something fail h. a saying that contains truths or helpful information b. — 2. telephone=computer 3. writing=communicating 4, messages=language 5. question marks=periods Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 66 Concepts & Comments, Unit 4 6. discussion=letter writing 7. waiting=thinking Page 198 c. Le 2. Students’ answers will vary. Activity Page Page 199 Across: 2. gravity 4. decipher 5. sprawl 11. fantasy 12. optimistic 14, poverty 15. motion 16. breed 18. fundamental 20. symbol 21. pedestrian Down: |.feasible 3. volatile 6. further 7. traits 8. nutritious 9. fortunate — 10. bizarre 13. crisis 17. detect 19. doom Dictionary Page Page 200 2. They are all about living things. Bio- means “of living things.” 3. Polygon: polygamist, polyglot, polysyllabic, polytechnic, polytheism. Poly- means “more than one; many.” Geography: geology, geometry, geophysics, geothermal, Geo- means “of the earth.” Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and 4 | 67 Concepts dé Comments, Unit § Health and Well-Being Lesson 1 Up in Smoke Page 206 a. 1.rub 2. variety, cultivate 3. rites 4, Lung 5. label 6. basically 7. inhale 8. occupied 9. wound 10. tax Page 207 b. — I.encountered 2. secondhand 3. leading 4. failure 5. honor 6. respiratory 7. post-op 8. complication 9. toxic 10. widespread Page 208 c. 1b 22 3.a 4j S.c 6.1 7d 8f 91 10.e eat 2.7 3.7 AF S.F 6.F 7.NL 8.T 9. NI 10.T Page 209 e. 1. for medicinal purposes, religious rites and ceremonies, to communicate with spirits, and more commonly, as a way to relax 2. finely ground tobacco, which is inhaled through the nose 3. The Spanish saw Native Americans “smoke drinking” when they atrived in the Americas, and started smoking. When the Portuguese came to the Americas, they met Native Americans who used tobacco as snuff, and so this is what they imitated, and later brought back to Portugal and the rest of the world. 4, Russia, Turkey, India, Japan, China, and also by the Pope 5. because governments could make money from the sale of tobacco 6. The surgeon general announced that smoking causes lung cancer, and ‘warning labels were put on cigarette packages. Cigarette advertisements were banned from radio and TV. 7. The tobacco industry paid filmmakers to show actors and actresses smoking in their movies, and they increased the amount of nicotine in the cigarettes so that they would be more addictive 8. Secondhand smoke is the cigarette smoke that other people, who are not smoking, inhale when they are near a person smoking 9, Researchers think that each year 3,000 lung cancer deaths and 35,000 cases of heart disease may be caused by secondhand smoke. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and-4 | 68 Page 210. Page 2M i Lesson 2 Page 216 a. Page 217. Page 218d. Concepts & Comments, Unit 5 10. heart disease, other cancers as well as lung cancer, and respiratory problems, and smokers have more trouble healing after surgery and are at greater risk for post-op complications 11. The government banned the sale of all tobacco products. 1, Fact 2. Opinion 3. Fact 4, Opinion 5. Opinion 6. Fact 7. Opinion 8. Fact 1. misplace 2. misbehave 3. miscalculates. 4. mismanage 5. misunderstand 6, misled 7. misprinted 8. misread Lin 3. in 5.In 6.0f Tin 9.0n 10. from Hin 12. by 14. in 1a, Smoking is bad for the smoker, and it is harmful to the people nearby. . Smoking not only is bad for the smoker, but also is harmful to the people nearby, ¢. Not only is smoking bad for the smoker; it also is harmful to the people nearby. 2. a. The children of smokers are more likely to have health problems, and they have respiratory problems more often. b. The children of smokers not only are more likely to have health problems, they also have respiratory problems more often. c. Not only are the children of smokers more likely to have health problems; they also have respiratory problems more often. Students’ ads will vary. Memory 1. absorb 2.excessive 3. bits 4. particular 5. retain 6.depression 7. retrieve 8. repetition 9. recall 10. impaired 11. vision 12. figure out Lallatonce 2. record 3. distracting 4. comprehend_5. certain 6. visualize 7. dial 8.technique 9. came across 10. mental 11. thus Le de 3a 45 5.8 6.1 Ti 8b 9d 10.f Lb 2e 3.¢ 4a 5.b 6.b 7b Ba 9.¢ 10.b Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 69 Page 219 ©. Page 220 f. Page 221g. Page 222 h. Concepts & Comments, Unit S 1. all over the brain 2. bits and pieces of information stored all over the brain 3. recording, storing and retrieving 4. poor nutrition, depression, excessive alcohol, a vision or hearing impediment 5. Short-term memory lasts about 30 seconds; long-term memory stores information about things you have learned and experienced through the years. 6. learning something more than you need to — studying it again and again 7. You shouldn’t have any distractions, and you shouldn't try to learn a large amount of new information all at once. 8, Students’ opinions will vary. Possible answer: because you only have to remember one word to start with, the acronym, and that gives you clues, the first letter of all the words that form the acronym. Cause _ Effect Practice and repetition The pieces that make up your memory of | information are strengthened. Information is moved from your short-term to long- feet term memory. Depression and Tis hard to retain information. malnutrition Over-learning information | You will remember information better. Distractions inthe room —_| Itis hard to retain information. where you are studying Making a mental picture of | You will remember the word the next time anew word you see or hear it. - 1. visualize 2. distracts_—_3. comprehension 4, absorb 5. retrieve 6. excessively 7. impair 8. repetitious/repetitive 9. depress 1. new information words 3. new information 4, the word S.thenames 6, your best friend’s number 1. a. Excessive aleohol is bad for your health because it can cause permanent brain damage. ’, Excessive alcohol, which can cause permanent brain damage, is bad for your health, <, Because excessive alcohol can cause permanent brain damage, itis bad for your health. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 70 Page 223 j, ‘Lesson 3 Page 228 a. Page 229. c. Page 230. e. Concepts & Comments, Unit $ 2. a, Short-term memory is very useful because it holds information while you are using it. ». Short-term memory, holds information while you are using it, which is very useful. ¢. Because short-term memory holds information while you are using it, it is very useful, Students’ paragraphs will vary. Obesity: The New Epidemic 1.sedentary 2. provide 3. index 4. director. infected 6.overweight 7. junk & regularly 9. Obesity 10. determined 1. fraction 2.calories 3. In other words 4, skyrocketed 5. minimal 6. Consequently 7. lure 8. flavor 9. substantial 10. deteriorate 11. associate 12. life-threatening Lh 2g 3a 4j 5.b 6.d TE Be LF 27 only 4.5 5.NI 6T 1.F &T oF 10.T 1. because more and more people are dying from this problem 2. Itis not an infectious disease. 3. 18.5-24.9 4, obese 5. Students’ opinions will vary. 6. foods that provide calories primarily through fats or added sugars and. have minimal amounts of vitamins and minerals 7. People are snacking more, often on junk food, and going to fast food restaurants. 8. because fast-food restaurants want to make high profits, and the easiest way to do this is to produce cheap meals fast, without worrying about nutrition 9. because they use preservatives to make low-quality meats taste better 10. respiratory difficulties, deterioration of bones and muscles, high blood pressure, skin problems, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer 1. Fac 2.Fact 3. Opinion 4. Opinion 5. Fact 6. Fact 7.Fact 8. Opinion Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and | 71 Page 231g. Page 232 i ‘Lesson 4 Page 237 a. Page 238 c. Page 239 Concepts & Comments, Unit § Lae 2h 4.a, 8.) 5.4 6.b,1 7.a,¢,8,1 1. In fact 2. In other words 3. Nevertheless 4.1n spite of 5. even though 6. Consequently 1. a, Fast-food companies make high profits by producing meals cheaply and efficiently b. By producing meals cheaply and efficiently, fast-food companies make high profits. c. To make high profits, efficiently. food companies produce meals cheaply and 2. a. Doctors can determine whether someone is overweight by using the body mass index. b. By using the body mass index, doctors can determine whether someone is overweight. c. To determine whether someone is overweight, doctors use the body mass index. Students’ answers will vary. Can Fashion Be Hazardous to Your Health? 1. accused 2.arch 3. fashionable 4. procedure 5. bind 6. brake T.absurd 8.Nerves 9. soles. 10. ultra 11. bandage 2. pale 3. faint 4.pierced 5. in style 6. waist 7. ideal, ideal 8.puncture 9. wrap 10. Indeed 11. convenient 12. weak 1.foolishly 2.emit. 3. designate 4.devote 5. regular 6.encounter 7. accelerate _8. impression LE 2.E 3.E 4.NI 5.E 6.1 1F 8. T/NI 9. TINT 10.F 1. The muscles of the neck become so weak that the women can’t hold up their heads. If the rings were removed, the women wouldn’t be able to sit or stand up. 2. infection and circulation problems 3. Wearing high heels can lead to serious back problems and nerve damage. 4. Your response time will be slower because of the thick soles of the shoes. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and-4 | 72 Page 240 Page 241 Page 242 f, © Concepts & Comments, Unit S 5. Students’ opinions will vary. Possible answer: because it showed that they didn’t have to work outside 6. Women wanted tiny waists. 7. They could break ribs, puncture lungs, cause indigestion, and bring on shortness of breath. 8. to provide a place where women could lie down when they fainted from their tight-fitting corsets 9. nerve damage, bones becoming too weak to support the body, and uneven legs 10. Students’ opinions will vary. Possible answers: sunbathing, body piercing Main Idea Important details ols] ‘The ancient Chinese practice of foot binding is another example of, Procedure began for girls between 3 and 6 years old. The four smaller toes were broken and turned under the foot. beauty at the price of After a few years it was impossible to health, walk. 10 percent of girls died. 4 | Wearing high-heel shoes | It can cause back problems and nerve | is harmful to your health. | damage. 5 | Some cosmetics canbe | In the 16* century many women wore hazardous. make-up that contained poisonous lead | Corsets were dangerous and mercury. | Corsets were known to break rl for women’s health. puncture lungs, cause indigestion, and bring on shortness of breath, | 1.convenient 2. accusation 3. fashionably 4, absurdity 5. idealize 6. poisons 7. appearance 8. circulation Ihave been 2. are 3. are 4. was 5.was 6. were 1. a. Leg stretching is popular in some parts of the world, even though people know it can be dangerous. b. Even though people know leg stretching can be dangerous, it is popular in some parts of the world, c. Despite the fact that leg stretching can be dangerous, itis popular in some parts of the world. 2a. A lot of women continue to wear high heels, even though they know it can cause back problems. b. Even though they know it can cause back problems, a lot of women continue to wear high heels. c. Despite the fact that wearing high heels can cause back problems, a lot of women continue to wear them. Students’ answers will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 73 Concepts & Comments, Unit 5 Video Highlights Page 243 a. Students’ opinions will vary. b. 1. See transcript. 2.a.Mayor b. Bartender c. Chuck Hunt d. Patron #1 e. Restaurant owner £, Patron #2 Page 244 c. Student's opinions will vary. Activity Page Page 245 Across: 1, cultivate 5. unknown 9. inhale 12. retain 14. junk 15. dial 18. toxic 19. obesity Down: 1.convenient 2. lure 3. cosmetics 6. vision 7. piercing 8. deterioration 13. plague 16. absorbs Dictionary Page Page 246 1. 2. trendy: fashionable, stylish 3. old-fashioned: outdated, passé, outmoded 4, cool: excellent, admirable 5. bad: very good 6. frumpy: plain, unstylish Page 247 2. Students’ descriptions will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 74 11. excessive 17. pale 4, honor 10, absurd. Cause & Effect, Video Transeripts Unit 1 Running Time: 01:30 Specialist: Reporter: Worker 1 Reporter Worker 2: Reporter: Specialist: Reporter: Unit 2 Reporter: VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS FOR CAUSE & EFFECT Deep Sea Exploration In the next 20 years, everything that we want to find can be found, Including a 2,000-year-old Greek shipping vessel found off the coast of Cyprus. A ‘Maryland-based underseas exploration company made that discovery and many more, Coming around 15 degrees to port. Steady up on 0-3-5, over. For 15 years, the Nauticos Corporation has scoured the ocean floor looking for sunken objects: shipwrecks, submarines, even downed planes, If you want it back, this is the only way you're going to get it. But fo get it, researchers spend months and sometimes years narrowing down a search area before even catching a glimpse of the ocean, Once at sea, the search begins by

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