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Assignment Project

 Submitted to:

 Prof. Zain-Ul-Abideen Sahib

 Submitted by:

 Muhammad Azhar
o FA20-BCS-050

 Muhammad Saqib
o FA20-BCS-060

 Muhammad Tanzeel-Ur-Rehman
o FA20-BCS-064

 Section:


 Date:
November 28,2020
 Topic:
Political Challenges of Muslims and their Solutions in the Light of Islamic



Political Challenges of Muslims and their Solutions in the
Light of Islamic Teachings:
Nowadays the Major Political Challenges are Kashmir & Palestine,

Kashmir and Palestine: The story of two occupations:

The growing pockets of solidarity expressed for Kashmiris are heartening, as is the solidarity
for Palestinian struggle.

Kashmiri activists hold placards during a protest against Israel's military operation in Gaza on
July 11, 2014, in Srinagar [Getty]
The India and Israel alliance has been described as a full-blown romance, but the ongoing siege
of Kashmir makes this a bloody affair. India has bought arms from Israel since the 1960s. Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to visit Israel in 2017, marking the 25th anniversary of full
diplomatic relations.

The two nations are passionate about their brutal occupations of Kashmir and Palestine. India is
one of Israel’s biggest arms exports clients, spending about $10bn over the past decade. Indian
police forces have been receiving training in Israel for “anti-terror” operations, which Israeli
conducts against Palestinians.

Writing in the Middle East Review of International Affairs in 2004, Harsh Pant, professor of
international relations at King’s College London, frames the self-determination struggles in
Kashmir and Palestine within a post-9/11 narrative of the “global scourge of Islamist terrorism”.

This terror frame supports the economy of arms trade between India, Israel and the United States.
In this story, the aggressive religious nationalisms of Zionism and Hindutva are neutral shared
security interests. Kashmiri and Palestinian quests for self-determination are reduced to
neighboring Muslim or Arab states causing unrest.

The current siege of Kashmir by India’s forces follows the killing of Hizb-ul-Mujahideen
commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani on July 8.

“We live in a time when nation-states overtly commit war crimes, are cheered on by bloodthirsty
majoritarian citizens, and literally get away with murder”

Kashmiris came out in thousands to mourn the event. Kashmiri writers and journalists say that the
savage response of the Indian state to the popular crowd support for the slain militant was

The pellet gun, a weapon banned in many countries, was used to blind and maim hundreds from
a one-year-old child to the elderly.

Torture, rape, sexual violence, enforced disappearances, and extra-judicial killings are widespread.
These human rights violations are intricately linked to the denial of political sovereignty for

We desperately need to reconsider our West versus non-West understanding of the geography of
colonialisms. The years 1947 and 1948 mark the creation of the nation-states of India and Israel.
These years’ scar Kashmiris and Palestinians.

Palestinians have been dispossessed of territory and many forced into exile. Kashmir was handed
over from an unpopular ruler without the legitimacy of popular vote to the Indian state on October
26, 1947.
A condition of that accession is the United Nations resolution of 1948 for referendum or plebiscite,
never facilitated by the Indian state. Israel and India thus inaugurate the colonial occupations of
Palestine and Kashmir.

The dead numbered more than 70, and 6,000 or more were injured. These numbers continue to
rise. Yet, Kashmiris continue to protest against the Indian state and call for Azadi (freedom).

Occupation and occupiers:

These current events must be placed in a longer context. Since the 1990s, through a decade of
armed struggle against the Indian state, state violence in Kashmir has taken its toll.

There are about 500,000 military personnel in the region – in other words, one soldier for 25
civilians. The Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society reports more than 70,000 killings,
about 10,000 enforced disappearances and 7,000 mass graves.

Graffiti reading Azadi (freedom) and Go India Back in Srinagar, Kashmir

[Elizabeth Puranam/Al Jazeera]

Uneven scale of atrocities:

When is an occupation not an occupation? When it is executed by one of the world’s largest
markets? When is a butcher not a butcher? When he is a prime minister; or when he is an ally?

Let’s not forget that Modi was denied a visa to the US in 2005 for his alleged responsibility over
the mass murder of Muslims during the Gujarat riots. His nickname, the “Butcher of Gujarat”,
comes from that 2002 event. He can now add the title of the “Butcher of Kashmir” to his name –
even as that title fits previous Indian prime ministers.

OPINION: Two centuries of oppression in Kashmir

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, like his predecessors, can be named the “Butcher of
Palestinians” as he presided over the brutal bombing of Gaza in 2014 that killed 2,100
Palestinians, a third of them children.

The Israeli dead listed 66 soldiers and seven civilians. This uneven scale led the UN Inquiry of
Gaza to lay the weight of the charge of war crimes on Israel even as they also charged listed
Palestinian armed groups.

The US was the sole vote against the UN inquiry, and European countries abstained, as did India.
The Gaza bombing was not the first and it is not the last as the violence of occupation continues
in Palestine daily in the form of illegal settlements and killings.
Greater need for solidarity;

We live in a time when nation-states overtly commit war crimes, are cheered on by bloodthirsty
majoritarian citizens, and literally get away with murder.

The word democracy glitters like fool’s gold on the tongues of world leaders. Human rights
regimes seem toothless in the face of the bold barbarisms of nation-states invested in repressing
democracy, and need reform if they are to deliver justice.

And so transnational solidarity and activism are urgent when almost every nation-state seems

The small but growing pockets of solidarity expressed for Kashmiris are heartening, as is the
international solidarity for Palestinian struggle.

Joining the dots between the occupations of Kashmir and Palestine shows the need for a greater
solidarity between these two sovereignty struggles.

Goldie Osuri is associate professor of sociology at the University of Warwick, UK. She is the
author of Religious Freedom in India: Sovereignty and (Anti) Conversion.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al
Jazeera’s editorial policy

Kashmir, Palestine issues raise questions about OIC leadership:

PUC chief:

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC): Chairman Hafiz Muhammad Tahir

Mehmood Ashraf said that burning issues of Muslim Ummah--Kashmir and Palestine have
raised questions at leadership of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

While addressing a forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Monday, Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi stated
that prevailing differences within Islamic World will be settled with talks instead of hurling
allegations against one another.
He stated that why leadership of OIC failing to resolve burning issues of Muslim world,
including Kashmir and Palestine. He also underlined that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are
knotted in relationship of faith and belief adding that Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always
supported Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir. He also urged the leadership of Muslim world to take
practical steps against India and Israel to relieve people of Kashmir and Palestine from tyranny
of occupied forces.

Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi also added that children of Muslim world from Syria to Iraq, Kashmir to
Palestine and Yemen to Libya are being butchered. “Daughters of Muslims are being raped in
occupied states, but Muslim Ummah is being engaged in differences against one another,” he

He also stated that Harmain Al- Sharifain is center of Muslim unity adding that leadership of
Saudi Arabia playing very effective and positive role for Muslims world. He urged the OIC
leadership to come forward by raising voice for oppressed people of Kashmir and Palestine.

He stated that leadership of Muslim world should settle differences through talks. “The cities of
Makkah and Medina could not be declared as open cities,” he said. He also pointed out that if
any Muslim ruler aims at maintain Khilafat-e-Rashida, they have to ensure practices as
prevalent during the era of Khilafate Rashida.

Responding to a query, Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi stated that elements who are allowing embassies of
Israel in Muslim countries, how could they justify representation of Muslim Ummah.

He also added that foreign interference in affairs of Muslim and Arab countries is real cause of
anarchy and chaos in Muslim world. Following the symposium, Honorary Shield was also
presented to Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi.
Solution to Challenges:

Lingering unresolved issues of Kashmir and Palestine, non-implementation and no enforcement

of Resolutions adopted decades back by the UN Security Council and the mounting threat to
humanity in general, and particularly to Muslims, in the form of Islamophobia were the main
problems confronting the Muslim Ummah.
These were duly, quite rightly and emphatically highlighted by Prime Minister Imran Khan while
addressing the UN General Assembly session for the second time in two years. His maiden
address last year was delivered in person in New York but the second one a few days’ back was
virtual address owing to the coronavirus pandemic. While in New York, the Prime Minister
besides addressing UN General Assembly had availed the opportunity of meeting a number of
world leaders on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, but this time having to
deliver the address virtually had deprived him of this opportunity.
The international community was told in very plain words that there will be no durable peace
and stability in South Asia until the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is resolved, the Security
Council was urged to prevent a disastrous conflict and secure the implementation of its own
resolutions as it had done in the case of East Timor; the Security Council has as a matter of
record considered the situation in Jammu and Kashmir thrice in the past year ( after the long
lapse of about 55 years), it must take appropriate enforcement actions and most importantly it
must also take adequate positive steps to protect the Kashmiris from impending genocide by the
fascist regime of India. For more than 72 years India has illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir
against the wishes of the Kashmiri people in blatant violation of the UN Security Council

Pakistani missions in foreign countries around the globe must pick up the thread where Imran
Khan has left off, and continue pressing upon the international community through all possible
means and resources for solutions of Kashmir and Palestine disputes in accordance with the
UN Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir
and Palestine, and urging them to take adequate stringent measures to discourage and curb the
mounting threat of Islamophobia effectively and permanently
PM Imran Khan, who calls himself as the Ambassador of Kashmiris and has been agitating and
raising the Kashmir issue and the oppressive and suppressive activities being meted out to the
Kashmiri people in every form within the country and internationally, paying tributes to the
Kashmiris said in his address that the brave Kashmiri people would never submit to
Indian occupation and oppression, their struggle is indigenous, they were fighting for a just
cause and laying down their lives generation after generation for getting rid of Indian occupation.
Reiterating Pakistan’s principled stance, he emphatically said that the government and the people
of Pakistan were committed to standing by their Kashmiri brothers and sisters in their legitimate
struggle for securing their fundamental right of self-determination in accordance with the UN
Security Council resolutions.
He told the international community through his virtual address that Pakistan has always called
for a peaceful solution of the lingering unresolved Kashmir issue, to this end India must rescind
the measures it has taken since 5 August 2019, end its military siege and other gross human
rights violations and agree to resolve the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the
relevant UN Security Council resolutions and of course the wishes of the people of Kashmir.

As regards Palestine, he said that Palestine remains a festering wound, and a just and lasting
settlement is indispensable for the Middle East and in fact also the world at large, while illegal
annexation of Palestinian territory, the building of illegal settlements and the imposition of
inhuman living conditions on the Palestinians, especially in Gaza, cannot bring peace to a
troubled region, adding that Pakistan continues to support a two-state solution in line with the
UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions within the internationally agreed
parameters, which were the restoration of the pre-1967 borders, and Al-Quds Sharif as the capital
of a united, contiguous and independent state of Palestine.

Needless to mention here that the UN Security Council and the General Assembly are unable to
implement their decades old resolutions to resolve the lingering and burning Kashmir and
Palestine dispute because Kashmir issue pertains to a big country, India, which is flagrantly
violating UN Security Council resolutions also in a big manner for decades together, and many
countries around the globe have their trade and economic interests at stake, and Palestine dispute
pertains to Israel which is illegitimate babe of the United States, which in recent months is
exerting all pressures on Muslim countries to sign agreements of friendship with the Zionist
state. The resolution in support of East Timor was implemented within a matter of few months as
it involved a Muslim country, Indonesia.

As regards growing threat of Islamophobia, PM Imran Khan quite rightly, appreciably and
pointedly stated that the coronavirus pandemic was an opportunity to bring humanity together,
but unfortunately instead it has fanned nationalism, increased global tensions and given rise to
racial and religious hatred and violence against vulnerable minorities in several places, and these
trends have also accentuated “Islamophobia”, and Muslims continue to be targeted with impunity
in many countries. One country in the world today where the state sponsors Islamophobia is
India, the reason behind this is that the RSS ideology unfortunately rules India today.

Having said this, the Prime Minister urged the UN General Assembly to declare an
“International Day to Combat Islamophobia” and to build a coalition to fight this scourge that
splits humanity rather than bring it together.
Prime Minister Imran Khan must be felicitated for highlighting all those issues and concerns
which are source of concerns of problems and worries for the Muslims in particular and the
international community in general in his address to the UN General Assembly.
Pakistani missions in foreign countries around the globe must pick up the thread where Imran
Khan has left off, and continue pressing upon the international community through all possible
means and resources for solutions of Kashmir and Palestine disputes in accordance with the UN
Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and
Palestine, and urging them to take adequate stringent measures to discourage and curb the
mounting threat of Islamophobia effectively and permanently.


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