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Long essay question 1 @ 15% for a total of 20%

Shorter essay question 1 @ 10% for a total of 10%

Total as a % of your final mark for the entire course 30%

you should write in a formal academic style and produce an original response. The long essay
should also be written in essay style with an introduction, thesis, and conclusion.

You cannot use direct quotes, rather you should summarize or paraphrase information from the
text and slides in your own words.

Please note, you are not allowed to use any sources other than your text and the slide shows
(notes) that have been posted on Quercus.

Please note that you must cite the sources using an in-text reference that includes the page or
slide number that the cited information comes from. You should add a reference or works cited
page to the end of your exam.

Once you have completed your responses, put them in a Word document and upload your file
to the Final Exam dropbox on Quercus.

2 Details regarding the types of questions to be asked

2.1 Long essay question (1300-1500 words

You will be asked to respond to one of two questions drawn from the three sample questions
listed under 2.1.2 of this guide. You are responsible for preparing all three questions though
only two questions will appear on the exam. (Please note that I will definitely be eliminating
1 of the 3 questions for the final exam).

2.1.1 Tips

Prepare your responses in advance

2.1.2 Long essay questions

a) Compare and contrast Goffman’s, Blumer’s, and Garfinkel’s ideas about social identity, reality,
and interaction. Drawing upon Goffman’s account of self-presentation in everyday life (pp. 243–
245), discuss whether you think new technologies (e.g., social media) change the front and back
stage, and the resources individuals can use for impression management.

b) Butler argues that gender is not based on biology but rather it is performative or all about
“doing.” Debate the biological or essentialist approach to gender and Butler’s notion of
performativity. In your debate, refer to the ways in which children are “gendered” through
expectations about how they should perform, and consider the ways in which families, educational
institutions, and the media continue to reproduce those expectations.

c) Compare and contrast Gidden’s and Bourdieu’s approaches to resolving the structure and
agency debate. Drawing upon Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, cultural capital, and taste, can you
think of situations where you classify someone you meet through their preferred tastes? What is
the role of social media companies (e.g., Facebook) in classifying people’s cultural preferences,
and what effects might this have?

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