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GCSE History

What will you study?

The new GCSE promises to be the most interesting and exciting ever with some topics you have begun to cover at Key stage 3 (the most
interesting ones) and new things too. Take a look at the images on this flyer and you will agree that there is plenty of variety, whether you’re
interested in war or social history.

The course will involve studying topics such as:

The Cold War, 1945–1975 including the Vietnam war and Cuban missile crisis
How far did British Society change 1939–1975?including immigration, role of women and teenagers in the 1960s
There will also be one in-depth study of:
Germany 1918 – 1939, including the rise of Hitler and life in Nazi Germany.
Civil Rights in the USA 1945-1970 (Coursework only in controlled assessment conditions in class) worth 25% of the Final mark

Why should you choose history?

Well quite simply as long as you enjoy the subject or are interested in understanding the past and how it effects the world today WE WANT
History is the most popular option with the current Year 10 and Year 11 at the moment and there are good reasons! Talk to the many who are
already studying History to find out why. Our results are excellent, 75% Of pupils achieved A*-C in 2010. 33% of students achieved an A or A*
Is History a good subject for a career?
Of course! History is highly respected by Colleges and Universities. You will develop vital transferable skills desired by employers. For example,
organising your ideas, communicating and using evidence to make judgements. History can lead to careers in Law, Government, Journalism, media,
police and Teaching to name a few. History is one of the subjects that counts towards the English Baccalaureate.

How will you be supported?

•We have built up a bank of excellent revision resources and links on Flipper. These were widely used last year and contributed to the excellent
grades last summer.
•We issue a revision booklet for each topic, containing Key words, summary of subject content and example GCSE questions.
•We identify C/D borderline students and also students who would benefit from extra support. Near the start of year 11 we invite them to Booster
Sessions after school which run throughout the year - in these sessions look at numerous exam questions developing model answers together and
work through lists of key terms.
•When revising with students in class we use a variety of Teaching and Learning methods such as mind maps, past papers, marking answers at
different levels, peer and self marking, key words, question analysis, VLE and online revision links, BBC Bitesize and other revision videos and clips.
We also have a you tube site

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