Beats Making Selling

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A comprehensive, in-depth, step-by-step guide to make a full 
time living selling beats online. 


Today, your life will change forever. If you are a music producer, the 
information I am about to share with you in this ebook will completely 
change the way you think about the music industry & your career. I’ve been 
making music for over 15 years, I’ve worked with several major artists, and 
I’ve been making a living as a full time artist, producer, & engineer for a 
good time now. The sad truth is, music producers do not know their true 
worth or value ! The entire music industry is built off the back of music 
producers. Without beats/instrumentals, none of these billion dollar labels & 
corporations would exist. iTunes, Spotify, Tidal, All streaming services, live 
concerts, music hardware/software, radio stations, music video companies, 
DJs, film industry, etc. would not exist without YOU, the music producer. I 
can go on & on, but the point I’m making is that you as a music producer are 
responsible for the very existence of several billion dollar industries. 
Historically, music producers have always been somewhat devalued & 
pushed to the background. Artists get most of the attention & shine, but 
without an instrumental to rap/sing on, there would be no track. You 
produce the MUSIC, which is the most essential component that everybody 
in the industry needs to even have a career. If this doesn’t show you how 
important & valuable you are, I don’t know what will. With that being said, 

the amount of money you can potentially make as a producer is truly 

​ ou must realize that you are not just a music producer or a 
beat maker, you’re a BUSINESS. When you learn how business works and all 
that it entails, you can turn your passion of making music into a legitimate 
money making career. You have to learn the game, in order to play and win 
the game. In this ebook + guide, I will show you how to create an online beat 
selling business that can generate $1,000 or more per week, EASILY & 
EFFORTLESSLY. I will show you how to do the following, step by step. 

1. Create a website where artists can find & buy your beats.  
2. Generate traffic to your website using FREE and paid methods.  
3. How to market yourself as a producer, how to network and build 
4. How to create a synchronized, automated, email marketing system to 
make beat sales IN YOUR SLEEP. 
5. How to use google ads, IG ads, Facebook ads, & promotion services to 
10x your beat sales 
6. How to create a strong online & social media presence to attract more 
business & increase profits. 
7. How to sell beats on YouTube, how to properly tag & title your beats, 
how to increase views & subscribers 
8. How to get placements on major projects, tv/film, & different ways to 
MONETIZE your music.  
9. How to use spirituality & the law attraction to manifest AMAZING 
results in your career & life.  
10.How to build your brand & take your career to new heights 

I’m very excited to share this information with you. I’ve personally 

researched and used all of the methods I’m telling you about. I speak from 
personal experience, I’ve gone through YEARS or trial & error, and I’ve 
personally found a system that has allowed me to make consistent money 
selling beats online. While I can’t guarantee exactly how much money you 
will make, I can assure that if you follow the steps in this ebook, that you will 
be on a fast track to success & making more sales. Your attitude, energy, & 
work ethic will ultimately determine your results. This is not a get rich quick 
scheme, and you will have to put in the work to reap the benefits. Also, if 

​ eats are trash, don’t expect to sell a lot of beats. Be real with yourself 
your​ b

and perfect your craft before trying to sell it to people. If you’re ready to 
change your life, keep reading and let’s make some money ! 


We live in a capitalistic society, everything is about MONEY. A lot of people 
dislike it, hate it, disagree with it, but it is what is. You will either complain 
about the system or figure out how to adapt & thrive. In capitalism, you are 
either a producer or a consumer. You’re either selling or you’re buying. If 
you want to get rich, you need to become a seller, a producer. As a music 
producer, you’re already ahead of the game, because you’re LITERALLY a 
producer. All that you need to make money in this world is a product and a 
way to sell it. Your product is your beats, and there are many different ways 
to sell them. The first thing you need is a website, you need a centralized 
location where people can actually purchase beats. The easiest way to do this 
is either on ​​ or ​​. These sites give you a website & 
music player to upload your beats and sell them. They have a free plan, but I 
recommend buying the paid subscription because they take a percentage of 
your sales (20-30%) on the free plan. Still if you’re just starting out and have 

no budget, this will be the best option for you. If you have some money to 
invest, I recommend buying your own website and domain name. Domain 
names & websites usually cost between $5-$20 per month. I recommend 
doing this yourself as opposed to hiring a professional which could cost you 
anywhere from $100-$10,000. (Yes, some websites really cost that much) Here 
are a few sources to buy your domain and website.  
● Beatstars​ - Beatstars is the largest online market for selling & buying 
beats on the internet. This is a great option for all music producers, 
because the site itself is catered to musicians. They offer a free plan, as 
well as a plan for $9.99, and a plan for $19.99 per month. The more 
expensive plan gives you your own pro page website, which you can 
customize and link your fans to. The only downside is that you will 
have to purchase your own unique domain name from another site. All 
beatstars sites will be structured in this fashion 
** if you want your custom name 
such as ** you will have to buy a domain name 
from another site. Domain names usually cost $1-$10 per month. 
Beyond that, beatstars is a great option and you’re already on a 
relevant, high traffic site that specializes in selling beats.  
● Bandzoogle​ - I really like this website builder. You get your own .com 
website, they have really nice templates and it’s very easy to 
customize. You will have your own commerce store included, where 
you can sell beats, merch, kits and anything else you could want to sell. 
Cost starts at $11 per month, and they have different plans & payment 
options. Simple, professional, & highly recommended. 
● Airbit​ - Like Beatstars, this is another website builder that is dedicated 
to buying & selling beats. Prices are $9.99 or $19.99 per month 
depending on your preference. Like beatstars, you will need to buy a 
custom domain but it’s not completely necessary unless you have a lot 

of traffic or want to sell more than just music related items.  
● Wordpress​ - This may be perhaps one of the most well known website 
builders & domain hosts. With prices ranging from free up to $40 a 
month, they have a wide range of options depending on your needs. If 
you’ve never created a website before, it could take a little time to 
figure out how everything works, but they have a lot of information 
online to help you through the process. They make it very simple to set 
up, and you can have your own website up and running pretty quickly.  
● Squarespace​ - Another popular website builder and domain host. I like 
squarespace because they have some really cool, modern templates 
that allow you to set up a very nice looking site relatively quickly and 
easily. Prices begin at $12 per month, up to $40 for more features & 
support. They also give $100 worth of google ads credits, which could 
be very useful.  
● Shopify ​- This is one of the most popular website builders for 
e-commerce & businesses. This site is specialized for people who sell 
products online, including music. Set/up is easy and intuitive, and 
their site has good customer support. Prices begin at $29, making this a 
pricier option than most, however the features and credibility make it 
worth the investment.  
● Wix​ - Another very popular site, allows you to create sites quickly and 
fairly easily. Prices start at $13 per month. Lots of templates for easy 
set-up and customization.  
Now that you have an official website, the next step is to customize it & add 
your products (Beats). Most of the sites come with templates & editors so you 
can make a website that represents your brand. There are a few things to 
note regarding your website & presentation. Your site reflects you & your 
business. The colors you choose, the artwork, and the aesthetic will play a 

role in how many people decide to buy from you. The better your site looks, 
the more professional you will seem to others. Once you have the site up & 
running and looking how you want, simply add your beats to the music 
player that should be included with your website package. I personally 
recommend that you create a beatstars/airbit page AND a custom site from 
bandzoogle, squarespace, etc. The reason for this is because the 
beatstars/airbit options give you an embeddable music player that you can 
put onto your custom website. The beatstars/airbit music player allow 
customers to not only listen and buy your beats instantly, they also allow 
customers to choose their licensing option so they can decide if they want an 
mp3 lease, wav lease, track out lease, or exclusive license. All of these 
options have different prices and benefits. Another way to set up your 
website is to go to ​​ or ​​ and purchase your 
domain name. (**) Domain names are cheap, and 
can be as low as $1-$2 per month. Once you have the domain name, purchase 
a beatstars or airbit account. You can then link your domain name to your 
beat store site which will allow you to have a Beatstars/airbit site but with 
your own custom .com domain name instead of .beatstars or .airbit. 
Congratulations, you now have a legitimate online beat store ! Next, I will 
show you how to market yourself & your beats, and how to start getting beat 

Marketing & Social Media  

Now that you have your best store online and running, the next step is to 
start generating traffic and sales. There are many different ways to do this, 

and I will discuss a few free and paid options. The main platforms you will 
be using to market and promote your beats are YouTube & 


YouTube Guide  
If you’re selling beats online, YouTube is absolutely essential. The amount of 
daily traffic YouTube gets, along with the “type beat” niche, gives you access 
to a lot of potential customers. The business model on YouTube is simple, 
you upload a video with your beat playing, and you put the link to your beat 
store in the description so people can buy it. The key to YouTube is 
consistent uploads, (at least 2-3 times a week) engaging artwork, proper 
tagging, and promotion/advertising. The goal of your YouTube page is to get 
as many views as possible which will translate to sales. Here are a few keys 
to being successful on YouTube.  
● Always check the YouTube search engine to find out the most popular 
“type beats”. You want to use a type beat that has a high search volume 
but not too high that you get lost in the crowd .  
● You can use a website such as ​​ to generate the best tags for 
your video. Just type in what “type beat” you’re making (ex. lil uzi Vert 
type beat) and it will generate a list of tags for your video. You can also 
Download ​VidIQ​ or ​TubeBuddy ​and use these programs to find the best 
tags to use for each type beat. Using these programs you can go to 
YouTube and search a popular type beat video and it will show you the 
exact tags they used in their video. This can give you a very big 
advantage when it comes to tagging your videos properly for 

maximum exposure.  
● Use high definition photos/videos for your video content. Use engaging 
thumbnails that will catch people’s eye and draw them to your video.  
● Upload consistency is key, you will need to upload every few days to 
see real results. The YouTube algorithm favors creators who put out 
quality content regularly, so the more you post, the more you will 
show up in the search results.  
● To boost your engagement & subscriber count, be sure to comment on 
other producers beats and leave positive feedback. This can get you 
more visibility and helps get you into the algorithm.  

● Cross-promote your YouTube videos on different social media 

platforms to increase your reach. IG, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, 

LinkedIn, TikTok, Etc. I recommend creating & distributing your 
content on as many platforms as you possibly can. It can only help you, 

so why not give yourself maximum visibility & exposure.   


YouTube Hacks 
I’m going to be completely honest with you. The above free methods can 
potentially get you success, but to grow on YouTube as a new channel is 
difficult. It takes time and much patience, consistency, and high quality 
content. Do not become discouraged if your videos get very few views and 
engagement in the beginning. This is normal for new channels, as you must 
build your name & brand in the algorithm and search results to get a bigger 
reach. There are however, a couple of hacks you can use to speed up the 
process and start ranking & making sales immediately. These methods all 
cost money, and in business investing in yourself is essential. You can only 

get so far with free shit, at some point you will have to invest money into 
your career if you want to grow. With that being said, these methods will 
help you get sales FAST and more consistently over time. In order to get a lot 
of views, subscribers, & engagement, your video must rank on YouTube. By 
rank, I mean your video must show up in the first few videos of a particular 
“type beat” to really get views. When artists search for beats, they usually 
only listen to the ones at the top of the search results. To be at the top of the 
search page, the YouTube algorithm must feel like your video is really 
bringing in a lot of views, watch time, & engagement. YouTube’s goal is to 
keep people on the platform as long as possible so they can run ads and 
make money. The videos that are able to do this are seen as the most 
relevant & liked due to high engagement so YouTube will put those videos at 
the top. Ranking on YouTube can be done in a couple of different ways. 
● The easiest way to rank on YouTube when first starting out and you 
have no following is by buying engagement (views, likes, comments). 
By buying engagement you can trigger the YouTube algorithm into 
placing your video at the top of the search results. The amount of 
engagement in the first 24 hours of your video being uploaded 
determines if it will rank or not. When a video gets posted and it gets a 
lot of engagement right away, YouTube sees that as a sign that the 
video is high quality and they will promote it. There are several sites 
that allow you to buy engagement just google “buy YouTube views”. I 
personally recommend ​​ . While this is a controversial 
practice, and many disagree with it, or find it counterproductive, it 
does actually work. Most of the top producers & influencers online are 
buying engagement to grow their brand. Major labels & companies do 
this as well, so anybody telling you this practice doesn’t work is not 
telling the truth. Don’t abuse this, so just use it a tool to increase your 

reach. The bought views are not fake, they are simply generated 
through online ads that the website runs and puts your video into. If 
you have the money, this is an option to look into.  
● I recommend following this format : First, upload your video but 
under the “privacy” tab, set it to “unlisted” instead of public. This 
makes it so your video can only be seen by whoever you send the link 
to, but not to the general public. After you’ve done this, go to or any site where you can buy engagement and purchase 
at least 1,000-2,000 high retention views. You can do more if your 
budget allows, the more views you buy, the quicker you’ll rank, but 
don’t overdo it or your video may get flagged.  
● Next, purchase at least 100 likes (you can do more if you want) and at 
least 10-20 customized comments. The views, likes, and comments 
should cost you about $8 in total. *BONUS* If you REALLY want to 
make sure your video ranks, I recommend also purchasing the 
YouTube Ranking/SEO pack for $12. This will ensure your video gets 
ranked by sending out thousands of links to your video to different 
websites. If you have the money, it’s worth trying. 
● It may take up to 3 hours or more before the engagement starts to kick 
in. Pay close attention to your video and when you notice the views, 
likes, and comments starting to increase, make sure that you change 
your video privacy settings from “unlisted” back to “public” so that it 
can be seen.  
● After following the steps above, give your video a little time to gain 
some traction. The theory behind this method is that we’re aiming to 

“trick” the algorithm into ranking your video. YouTube ranks videos 
based on how much engagement, watch time, & shares a video gets. By 
purchasing views, likes, & comments it will appear as if your video is 
highly engaging & the algorithm will favor it above other videos. This 
will allow your video to rank at the top of the search results which will 
bring your video more traffic & organic engagement. 
● If you implement these techniques consistently, your channel will 
grow, and you will see more sales start to come in over time. The key is 
consistency & quality uploads. Remember, your attitude & mindset 
play a major part in your success.  

YouTube Ads 
In the last part of this YouTube guide, I will cover YouTube ads, or more 
appropriately Google Ads. I highly recommend this method if you have 
money to invest and want to see your engagement, views, & subscribers 
increase quickly. This is by far the most effective way to grow your channel 
outside of consistent uploading & engaging in the community. You must look 
at your hobby/passion of making beats like a ​business ​or a ​company. A
​ ll 
businesses need funding/capital in order to be successful. A lot of producers 
never become successful simply because they don’t invest in themselves, 
they just want beat sales to appear out of thin air. You will have to invest a 
lot of time, energy, & money in order to be truly a successful music 
​ f traffic, which is the 
producer. Paying for YouTube ads will get you ​a lot o
one of the biggest determining factors in how many beat sales you will get. 

This is what the top producers & content creators on YouTube are doing to 
gain views & sales. In this section, I will show you the basics of setting up ads 
to increase sales & engagement.  
● The 1st step is to create a google ads account at . If you 
have a YouTube channel or gmail Address then you will only need to 
sign into your gmail account.  
● Upon logging in or creating an account, you want to click on the option 
that says “create new campaign”. On the next screen you will be given 
a series of choices for the goal of your campaign. You want to choose 
the option that says “Create a campaign without a goals guidance”. You 
will then be asked to 
select a campaign type. 
You want to select the 
option that says 
● In the next window, 
you will be asked to 
select a campaign 
subtype. You want to 
choose the option that 
says “​custom video 
● Press continue, and 
you will be taken to 
the next page. This 

page will allow you to customize your ad campaign. At the top you will 
​ ou can name your 
see a section that says “​campaign name”. Y
campaign whatever you want, but it’s smart to name it based on the 
type beat you’re creating, because you save these campaign settings 
and use them for every type beat in the same category.  
● The next section you will see below the campaign name is “​Bidding 
​ ou want to select “Maximum CPV” which means that you 
Strategy”. Y
will set the price on how much you’re willing to pay per view on your 
​ ou want to select 
video. In the next section “​Budget and dates” y
​ nd for the amount you want to choose at least $10 per day. 
“​Daily”, a

● In the next section “​Networks” s​ elect the options that say “​YouTube search 
results” & “YouTube videos”. ​This will determine where our ads will run. 
Deselect the option “video partners on the display network” as this option is 
not relevant to our goal.  

● In the next menu “​locations” ​you want to choose the option “​enter another 
location”. ​I recommend using these targeted locations, but feel free to 
experiment with others. [ ​United States, United Kingdom, France, & Canada]. 
These are the most popular locations as far as best selling goes. 


● The next two categories ​“Languages” & “Content Exclusions” ​Should Be Left 
On Their Default Settings. “​Languages” s​ hould be set to ​“All Languages”. 
​ he 1st tab ​“Inventory Type” ​should be set to 
Under ​“Content Exclusions”, T
​ the “​excluded typed and labels” s​ hould be left as is.  
“​Standard inventory” &

● Now, we will create your ad group for this campaign. Proceed to the next 
section that says “​create your ad group” ​You will see a section named ​“ad 
group name” ​where you will name your ad/type beat. Next you will see a 
section labeled “​people” ​don’t alter these settings unless you want to 


● The next section is perhaps the most important. Under the ​“content” ​section 
there are 3 categories listed. In the ​“keywords” s​ ection you will type in the 
tags/keywords for the type beat you’re promoting. So if it’s a Future type 
beat, you would put in the same tags from that type beat into the keywords 
section. Leave “​topics” i​ n its default position. 

● ​ his will 
Underneath topics, you will see a section labeled “​placements”. T
allow you to determine where your ads will be placed. The best strategy is to 
place your ads on the producer pages with the most traffic. This trick 
essentially allows you to tap into the traffic of already established producers 
with high views & paying clients. To do this, simply do an advanced search on 
YouTube using the search filter and search for the producer/type beat 
channels with the most views & subscribers. Go to their main channel page 
then copy + paste the url in the “​placements” ​field on your google ads. You 
can do this on multiple channels to maximize your reach. This is by far, the 
most effective way to drive traffic to your beats.  


● ​ his will 
The last option​ that we will edit is the “​Bidding” option. T
determine how much we are willing to pay per view on our video ad. 
The cheapest option is 0.01 which means that for every view that our 

ad gets, we are willing to pay a maximum of $0.01 or 1 cent. The higher 
your bid, the more views you will get and the faster views will come in. 
I recommend using no more $0.01 or $0.02 when you’re first starting 
out unless you’re willing to invest more. Once this is set up, you should 
start seeing your views and engagement increase, given your tags, and 
targeting are on point.  

● The final step before officially completing your ad is to simply copy + 

paste the url of the video that you want to advertise into the section 
labeled “​Create your video ad”.​ Another menu will appear, giving you 
more options to further customize your ad. In the sub-menu labeled 
“​video ad format” ​make sure you have “video” selected. Below you will 
choose your thumbnail. Underneath that you will see a space that says 
“​Headline” ​here you will put the name of your beat/video. Underneath 
​ ere 
that will be 2 spaces labeled “​description 1” and “description 2” H
you can put something like “Instant Download” or put your Instagram 

@name. After that, name your ad, and you are finished creating your 
ad campaign.  

In this section, we will go into the ins & outs of marketing on 
Instagram/Facebook. These are basically the same platform, so any ads you 
make on Instagram, will run on Facebook and vice versa. I tend to create 
most of my ads through the instagram app, rather than the facebook app so 
this section will reflect that. However, feel free to experiment with the 
facebook side as well. I’ve personally had more success dealing with 
Instagram, so I tend to stay in that arena.  

Instagram marketing is a more direct-to-consumer type of market. Since it’s 
more visual based, the key to making sales on IG is to maximize your 
visibility. You can accomplish this by implementing these techniques to 
reach more potential customers and fans. 

● Post every motherfu*king day. The IG algorithm favors content 

creators who deliver consistent, highly engaging content. You want to 
upload content as often as possible, preferably everyday. You are 
building a brand, your customers must know you exist, and they need 
to know ​exactly what you​ do, and how it can help them. Post videos of 
yourself making beats, post yourself doing everyday life things as well, 
also post any beat video you upload on youtube. Without consistency, 
it will be hard to grow your channel and properly monetize.  

● DM 50-100 Artists, Influencers, Blogs, DJs, Music Execs Everyday. You 

have to go crazy with your networking. Understand that there is a big 
difference between actually networking, and spamming people. Find 
out who the influencers are in your niche or style of production. 
Research the biggest channels regarding music and culture, engage 
with people in the communities, reach out to other producers for 
collabs. Go to the pages of all popular hip hop blogs, radio 
shows/podcasts, culture pages and follow/dm any artists you find in 
their followers list. Comment on 50-100 posts everyday, leave genuine 
comments that can help others, don't just spam your profile link. Dm 
them and introduce yourself in a respectul, natural way. Always 
compliment them, and don't ​try t​ o sell to them right away. Offer them 
a free beat, or give them an incentive to buy from you without asking. 

Give them value, build a relationship. Not everyone will buy, but the 

more people you connect with, the more chances you have to make 
sales. You must break out of your shell and not be afraid to initiate 
dialogue with artists & producers. You may get 99 no’s, but the one yes 
you get can change everything. Stay in tune with the culture, be aware 
of contests, artists asking for beats, and study the hashtags. Hashtags 
like #independentartists #needbeats #upcomingartist #newmusic often 
has many artists attached to those tags who need beats. Remember, 
you are a PRODUCER, and every rapper/singer needs BEATS.  

● Optimize your profile page & bio to attract more clients. A lot of 
producers overlook the importance of setting up their page in a way 
that encourages engagement, follows, & sales. Your profile picture 
needs to be captivating, it needs to draw people in and distinguish 
your brand. Your bio is also important, people need to know who you 
are, what you do, and why you should be a part of their life. Make sure 
you have a link to your website in your bio. Always give people an 
incentive for people to connect with you ​beyond j​ ust visiting your 
page. Offer something free in your bio and link them to your website, 
or at least give them something to look forward to in the future. When 
people come to your page, they should know that you’re a music 
producer and that you’re selling beats. A lot of producers have pages 
with barely any photos/videos, or they have posts that are low quality, 
or have nothing to do with music or their career. Your social media 
profiles should be used for ​business only​, anything else is a waste of 
time. Your social media needs to make you look as good, professional, 
and interesting as possible. Whether you like it or not, social media is 
very superficial, and people seek out & follow those who portray a 
certain type of lifestyle or image. It would be wise and to your 

advantage to invest in good quality camera gear, or hire a 
photographer/videographer to film you in the studio or just in general. 
The top artists/producers succeed because they understand the 
importance of branding and image. If people come to your page and 
see you in the studio with high quality photos/videos, it sends a 
message to them that you’re a serious producer who takes their craft 
seriously. There is HUGE potential that most producers are not taking 
advantage of on social media, and the producers that capitalize on this 
golden opportunity will be light years ahead of the competition.  

● More traffic = more sales. If you want to make beat sales, you need to 
​ he more people see your page, 
focus on one thing, ​generating traffic. T
engage with your content, and ​gain value​ from you, the more sales you 
will make. Your creativity is the key to good marketing. You have to 
find what you’re good at, what your strengths are. If you have the 
charisma and personality, you should consider vlogging, or starting a 
youtube channel sharing your journey and passions in music and in 
life. People want to connect with ​you, ​the producers that are winning 
online are the ones who are not afraid to show their face, voice their 
opinions, and put themselves out there. Coming up with memes, skits, 
or beat breakdown/tutorial videos are all very good ways to generate 
viral t​ raffic, and 10x your career. Remember, you’re not just a music 
​ ou could create a 
producer, you’re a ​music production company. Y
podcast/blog pertaining to music, and then reach out to other 
producers and form a community that can help benefit others. The 
point is, you need to think ​bigger ​than just selling beats. On a personal 
note, I struggled with selling beats online until I actually started a vlog, 
and started showing my face and making videos about spirituality, life, 

and self-improvement. This gave people something to really connect 
with, and it created dialogue amongst the people who consumed my 
content. This led to them checking out my music, and increased my 
social media following as well. The goal is to give as much value to 
others, which will in turn build your brand in a positive way, and put 
yourself in position to monetize your social media.  

● Paid Ads & Influencer Marketing : As with everything in life, you get 
what you give. If you really want to grow on social media, then you will 
have to ​invest. ​You will have to invest time, energy, and also MONEY. 
Learning to utilize IG ads and influencer marketing can take your 
social media game to the next level. I will do more in depth into IG ads 
in the next section, but they work very similar to youtube ads. 
Influencer marketing is also a good way to grow your page. You need 
to be aware of the top influencers in your niche, in this case music 
production. Stay in tune with the top performers in your industry, 
engage with them and their fans, as their fans can potentially be your 
fans. Reach out to at least 10 influencers in your niche, and see if you 
can collaborate, pay for a repost, or work with them in some type of 
way. Also there are several viral meme accounts, catered to artists, 
producers, and entertainers. These accounts have large followings, 
high engagements, and they usually offer low rates for reposts & 
promotion. You can search for these pages by finding the most popular 
hashtags in your niche, and by using the explore page tool on IG.  


Instagram/Facebook ads utilize the same ad format, so everything is 
interchangeable between the two. The keys are to be as detailed as 
possible in your targeting, and making sure your content is high 
quality as possible. Video ads perform better than photo ads, but by all 
means experiment and find what works best for you. Being creative, 
and making your ad stand out and reach people will get you the most 
views and engagement. Always be sure to take note of your results and 
tweak your ad settings to see what helps you or hurts you. There is no 
magic formula to ads, you have to experiment and see what the best 
settings are for your particular brand & message. A simple 30 second 
video of you in the studio, and linking to your beat store offering a free 
beat is sufficient, but be as creative as you want.  

● Log into Instagram or Facebook, ideally you want to have a consistent 

series of posts, or at least some type of online presence before doing 
this. If not, this will still definitely increase your reach & engagement. 
You need to make sure your account is either 1 ​business ​account or a 
​ ccount in order to run ads. If your account is not one of those 
creator a
types you can change it by going to your home/profile page at the 
bottom right or screen, then click the 3 lines at the top right. A menu 
will pop up with several options. Click on the one that says ​settings. I​ n 
the next menu, toward the bottom you will see an option named 
​ n the next menu, at the bottom you will have the option to 
Account. O
switch your account to a business or creator account.  

● Hopefully, you’ve been posting content regularly at this point and kind 

of have an idea of how IG works. When creating an ad, you want to 
​ r a pitch. In my experience there are 2 types of ads 
advertise an ​offer o
that perform best. The first type is what I call ​indirect advertisement. 
This is a general ad where you will use a visual, text-based video to 
promote your beat store. So the easiest way to do this would be to 
download a photo of an expensive studio off google, download a video 
editor app and load that picture into the video editor. From there, 
simply overlay some text over the photo, saying something like 
“download 5 free beats now” or “download this beat now”. If you want 
to be more creative, you can record footage of yourself in the studio 
and edit it, put some effects on it, and use that as your background. 
You don’t have to get too fancy. Another method is to simply use a post 
you’ve already posted before and use that as your ad. You can 
advertise any post that you upload on IG. Now, what I call ​direct 
advertisement is​ very different. This is where you talk to your 
customer face to face, in more of a vlog style video ad. It’s more 
personal and engagement tends to be higher. Camera quality, location, 
and energy is important with this one. In this type of ad, you simply 
tell your target audience who you are, what you do, and how you can 
help them. So, you could be in the studio and create a short one minute 
video explaining how music is your passion and career and you’re 
looking for serious artists who want to take their career to the next 
level. Tell them you have beats on your page that they can check out, 
offer them something for free. The key is to make yourself inviting, 
and make a connection with the viewer.  

● We will focus on IG ads first. Once you decide on what post you want to 
promote, simply click on the promotions tab on your home page or just 

go to the post on your feed. If you’re on facebook you would reach the 
ads section by going to the ads manager tab on the side of the page. 
Once you access the promotions page, you will be given a list of options 
​ his determines where we want 
under “​select where to send people”. T
our viewer to be taken once they engage or click our ad. The three 
choices are profile, website, and direct messages. If you want more 
followers, engagement, then choose “profile”. If you want to link 
people directly to your beat store choose “website” and type in your 
url. Choosing direct messages will send them directly to your inbox. I 
usually choose profile or website.  

● Click next, and you will be taken to the Audience tab, which lets you 
​ lick on the bottom where it says ​create your 
define your audience. C
​ ou will have 4 options, ​audience name, locations, interests, & 
own. Y
​ or “name’, you can name your ad whatever you like. For 
age.gender. F
locations, I recommend using “United States”, “United Kingdom”, 

“Canada”, & “France”. These are the most popular locations as far as 
selling beats goes, but like I always say, try and experiment yourself. 
For “Interests” you want to select the interests of who you’re targeting. 
So in our case, we are targeting artists, rappers, singers etc. So we 
want to choose things that artists would be interested in. You want to 
include as many interests as possible that are relevant to artists. So 
things like recording studio, rap music, hip hop, concerts, etc. You can 
even name popular rappers/artists, or brands that are similar to the 
target audience you’re trying to reach. I have included a list that I've 
personally used a few times to give you an idea of what keywords to 
target. For age, I usually go 20-35 but feel free to experiment.  


● Click done, and next, you will be taken to the ​Budget & Duration 
page. Here, you will determine how much you will spend on a 
daily basis. I recommend doing long campaigns with low dollar 

amounts. So a 30 day campaign, using $2-$5 per day. You can stop 
it at any time, but I've found that using low numbers for longer 
stretches can yield good results. If I want a lot of views, I do 
shorter time periods with higher $ amounts. Remember, try 
different settings and go with what performs the best. On the 
final page you simply choose your payment option and complete 
your order. 

● Facebook and IG use similar ad platforms, so these techniques apply to 

both sites. I personally don’t use facebook very much, so I tend to focus 
more on Instagram for my marketing campaign. However, it may be 
helpful to experiment with using both as it could increase traffic. The 
facebook ads do offer slightly more options in terms of targeting and 

optimization, so if you want to go more in depth, feel free to do so. The 
settings/targeting you use on IG will automatically be saved in 
facebook, so you can literally copy the same information from one 
platform to the other.  

● Facebook ads can be created from a business account on facebook. If 

you have an instagram business account, you will have a facebook 
account automatically. Click on the ​ads manager t​ ab on the left side of 
the page, which will bring you to the main page which will allow you to 
create an ad campaign. Click on +Create to begin.  

● You will come to the quick creation page, where you will create your 
campaign name, ad set, & ad name. ​Underneath the “campaign name” 
tab, there will be a tab named ​buying type, s​ hould be set to the default 
‘auction”. ​Underneath that, is ​campaign objective,​ you have several 

options here. I usually choose “traffic” or “brand awareness”, however 
please experiment and try new things. Leave all other settings to the 
default, name your ad and click “save to draft”.  

● In the next window, we can further customize our ad set and our ad. In 
the upper left hand corner, click on your “ad set” name to further edit 
your ad. The 1st tab you will see is the ​traffic t​ ab, you want to select 
“website” and direct viewers to your website for a free beat, or link to 
​ e will 
buy your beat. The next 2 settings, ​dynamic creative, & offer, w
leave set to OFF. In the ​“Budget & Schedule” s​ ection, we want to set our 
daily budget to at least $10 per day, or more if your budget allows. Set 
your start & end dates accordingly. The next section “​Audience” ​we 
can actually import the same settings we used from our IG ad to save 
time. Simply click on the option that says “Used Saved Audience”. This 
will transfer the settings regarding location, age, and interests of your 
targeted viewer from your IG ad. You can also further tweak the 

settings to make your targeting even more specific. The next section 
labeled “placements” we will leave on “automatic placements”. In the 
next section for “Optimization & Ad-delivery”, you want to choose 
“Link click”. Proceed to the final page.  


● On the next page scroll down to the tab labeled “ad setup”. Here you 
can choose to either create a new ad or use an existing post for your 
ad. The next section “ad creative” is where we will add the media, text, 
and description for our ad. You will be able to link your viewers 
directly to your beat store or landing page under the “destination” tab. 
You can add languages and setup tracking for analytics in the final 
section on the page.  



A lot of music producers are unsuccessful due to a lack of knowledge and 

information. Instead of taking the time to study & perfect their craft, invest 
in promo/marketing, and creating quality content, they instead search for 
secrets, shortcuts and handouts. If you want to make money selling beats or 
​ aking 
if you want to be successful in any business, ​it will take hard work. T
shortcuts, looking for magical secrets, and being unrealistic with your goals 
will only lead you down a road of disappointment and frustration. The key is 
​ ou must establish yourself as a professional, as an 
marketing & branding. Y
authority, and as somebody who brings value to the industry. Making beats 
​ ith others. I 
is only 10% of the equation, the other 90% is how you ​connect w
can’t stress enough how important it is to invest in yourself. If you’re not 
willing to spend money, then your chances of making it are very slim. Every 
business needs capital/funding in order to maintain business operations. A 
lot of producers have a “starving artist” mindset, they think they just can 
make beats and one day magically get discovered or get a big placement. The 
reality is that most producers/artists do not get a major placement, and 
oftentimes they quit or give up on their career as a result. Most of those 
artists/producers that quit don't realize that they could still have made a full 
time living off their music without a major industry hit or record deal. 
Before the internet, “making it” in music was also synonymous with being 
signed to a label. In 2020, the game has completely changed and many 
independent artists are making millions and maintaining full ownership 
over their material. This is very possible for producers and artists, but the 
​ perates. I highly recommend 
key in doing so is to understand how ​business o
for every producer/artist to register their name as a business, LLC, 
corporation, or record label. It's important for artists/producers to 
understand the importance of credit, accounting, and business operations. 
By incorporating your music, you become a ​company, ​and your capacity to 
do business, get funding, and grow increases. By improving your personal 
credit, & getting an LLC/Corp, you can get access to ​business credit ​which 

can allow you to get tradelines, loans, credit cards etc. in your business 
name that can seriously help you get funding/capital. The business side of 
the music industry is often overlooked by producers/artists getting into the 

Here are a few more secrets that can exponentially grow your brand as a 

● Create an email list : Creating an email list is one of the best ways to 
attract more paying clients, and create consistent beat sales and 
traffic. Having an email list gives you direct to consumer marketing 
​ ith your customer. You 
access, and allows you to ​build a relationship w
can offer them special discounts, exclusive content, and you can stay 
connected with them on a more personal level, making them more 
likely to buy from you. 

● Go to ​​ & create an account (it’s free). Once your 

account is created you want to create a ​landing page​ by clicking on the 
menu at the top of the screen on the “CREATE” tab. Under that menu, 
select the option that says “Landing Page”. Proceed to the next page, 
where you will name your landing page. You can name it whatever, 
“beats”, your artist name. Etc. On the next page, you will be able to 
pick a template. You want to choose the one titled “Grow Your List”. 
Proceed to the next page to further edit your landing page.  



● The edi

ting page is pretty self explanatory, here you will use the editor to 

adjust your landing page to your liking. You can add text, pictures, and 
layers to make your page unique and reflect your brand. It helps to 
add a logo/picture at the top of your email to make it look more 
professional. You don’t have to make this too fancy, you just need it to 
do its job. When people come to this page, you will offer them 
something for free in exchange for their email address. Once they sign 
up & subscribe to your email list via this landing page, you will have a 
direct line of communication to them in the future. Simply put at the 
top in the heading, “Download your free beats” or “Free Beats’ etc. 
Every parameter you can click on can be edited and adjusted to your 
liking. You can add a personal message or leave links to your social 
media pages via the editor tool on the right side of the page. Once 
you’re done, click on “Save & Close.” 

● Now, we have a landing page that we can use to collect emails. Next, 

we need to actually set up an automated response system, so that 
anytime somebody goes to our landing page and subscribes, we can 
have an email sent out to them automatically without having to do 
anything. To do this, go back to the home page on 
Click at the top where it says “create” and choose the option titled 
“Customer Journey”. Click on the option titled “Welcome new 
contacts”, then on the next page select “single e-mail”. On the next 
page is where you will name your campaign.  

● On the next page, you will be given the option to edit and compose 
your welcome email. This is the message that will be sent 
automatically anytime somebody subscribes to your email list that you 
created on the landing page. In the subject make sure to put “Free 
beats” or “download your free beats” so your customer knows to open 
it. Click on the “​edit design” t​ ab to construct & edit your email. Just 

like with the landing page, keep it simple and to the point. Introduce 
yourself, thank them for subscribing to you, and explain to them how 
you want to build a relationship with them and help grow their career. 
Don’t overthink it, this is just a quick email to welcome them to your 
email list. At the bottom of the email paste a link from your beatstars 
page to a FREE beat. Click “save & continue”, make sure all fields are 
correct and everything is spelled checked and how you want it. Lastly, 
click “start sending” and you have successfully set up an automated 
email campaign. 

● To grow your email list and gain more customers/sales, you want to 
paste the link to your LANDING PAGE as the destination link in your 
Facebook/IG ads. This will allow you to collect a large amount of 
emails and create an automated marketing email system that will sell 
beats in your sleep. Learn the mailchimp software and you can create 

your own custom emails to continuously update your subscribers and 
offer them deals, exclusive discounts, and more ways to connect with 
you. The more ads you post, the more subscribers you will get, the 
more plays/views you will get, and ultimately this will lead to more 
sales. The key is consistency, dedication, and investing into yourself. 

I hope this guide helped you in some way, if you have any further 
questions, please feel free to contact me at​ I also have a video course where I go 
more in-depth into online beat selling, please be sure to check that out 
if you want a more visual experience. These techniques work only if 
you put in the work, time, commitment. Stay focused, stay motivated, 
and best of luck on your journey ! 


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