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Satellite Engineering

Link Budget Design (CLO-02)

Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

- DESIGN of satellite communication system is a complex process

- Comprises many factors to achieve best performance at an acceptable


- Let us consider GEO systems first since they comprise majority of the
world’s traffic

2 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Factors in satellite design

- Weight

- Driven by two factors

- Number of transponders and output power

- More the output power needed, greater the solar sails


- Weight of station-keeping fuel

- For 15 years satellite operation, upto half the weight of the

satellite may comprise fuel

3 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Other factors

- Choice of frequency band

- Atmospheric propagation effects

- Multiple Access Technique

- Rain attenuates radio signals

- Effect more severe on higher frequencies

- Significant above 10 GHz

- Attenuation increases roughly as square of frequency

- 30GHz wave suffers 4 times more att than 14GHz

4 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- LEO and MEO have similar constraints as GEO but smaller area

- Much closer to Earth than GEO and produce stronger signals

- But continuously moving so Earth stations use low gain antennas

- Use multiple beam antenna so increase gain and to provide frequency


- Mobile satellite terminals must operate with low gain antennas and low
RF frequencies at mobile unit

5 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering

6 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Communication links are designed to meet certain performance

- BER in digital and S/N in analog

- Measured in baseband channel

- Baseband signal is where an information carrying signal is

generated or received

- BER and S/N are determined by carrier-to-noise (C/N) at input to the

demodulator in the receiver

- C/N > 6 dB for BER or S/N to be achieved

- Digital links operating below C/N ratios of 10 dB must use error

correction to improve BER delivered to user

7 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- C/N ratio is calculated at the input to the receiver

- RF noise received with the signal + noise generated at the receiver

= Equivalent noise power at the input of the receiver

- Noiseless receiver

- A receiver in which C/N ratio remains constant at all points in the

RF and IF chain

- C/N at the demodulator = C/N at the receiver input

- Overall C/N depends on both links i.e. uplink and downlink

- Both must achieve desired performance for specific %age of time

- Excessive rain may cause C/N to fall below min permitted value
causing outage especially when 30/20 GHz band is used.
8 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Designing a satellite system requires

- Required performance characteristics of uplink & downlink

- Propagation characteristics and rain attenuation of frequency

bands used at Earth stations

- Parameters of satellite and Earth stations

- Additional constraints imposed to conserve BW and avoid interference

- Some parameters may be estimated due to non-availability of info

- Lets set out the basic procedures for design of satellite links

9 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Calculation of power received at the Earth station

- Two approaches to this calculation

- The use of flux density

- Link equation

10 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Isotropic Source

- A source radiating power uniformly in all directions

- At R meters from the source transmitting RF power Pt watts, flux

density across the sphere of radius R is given by

- Eq 4.1

11 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Gain G(θ)

- Ratio of power per unit solid angle radiated in direction θ to the

average power radiated per unit solid angle

- Eq 4.2
- Where

- P(θ) is the power radiated per unit solid angle by the antenna

- P0 is the total power radiated by the antenna

- G(θ) is the gain of the antenna at angle θ

- Boresight

- Direction in which max power is radiated by the antenna

12 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Gain G(θ) (Another Def.)

- Measure of increase in flux density radiated in the direction θ = 0º

(boresight) over that from an isotropic antenna radiating the same
total power

- If a lossless antenna has output power Pt and gain Gt, the flux density
in the direction of antenna boresight at distance r meters is given by

- Eq. 4.3

- The product PtGt is often called the Effective Isotropically Radiated

Power or EIRP

13 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory

- Power collected by an ideal receiving antenna with an aperture area A

m2 is given by

- Eq 4.4

14 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Practical antenna with physical aperture area will not deliver power
given by eq 4.4

- Some energy is reflected away

- Absorbed by lossy components

- Diffracted by aperture edges

- The reduction in efficiency is described by effective aperture Ae


- Eq 4.5

- And A is the aperture efficiency of the antenna

- A is 50 to 75% for parabolic antennas, lower for small antenna, higher

for large antennas

15 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Power received by a real antenna with a physical receiving area Ar and
effective aperture Ae m2 is

- Eq. 4.6

- Relationship between gain and area of an antenna are related by

- Eq 4.7

- Substituting for Ae in Eq 4.6 gives

- Eq 4.8
- Link Equation
16 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Link equation is essential in calculation of received power in any link

- The term is known as path loss, Lp

- Path loss in the sense of the way the energy spreads in space

- Collecting the various factors

- Eq 4.9

- If decibels are used

- Eq 4.10
- where

17 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Eq 4.10 represents ideal case (ideal antennas in empty space)

- In practice, atmospheric losses and losses at the transmitting and

receiving antenna need to be taken in to account

- Eq 4.10 would take the form

- Eq. 4.11

- Where

- La = losses in the atmosphere

- Lta = losses associated with transmitting antenna

- Lra = losses associated with receiving antenna

18 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Condition in Eq 4.11 are illustrated in fig 4.4

19 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- Examples

- 4.2.1
- 4.2.2

20 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of F and Pr

21 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of F and Pr

22 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Basic Transmission Theory
- The received power Pr is commonly known as carrier power, C

- Satellites use

- frequency modulation for analog txn

- Phase modulation for digital txn

- So amplitude is not changed in modulation

- Carrier power C = Received power Pr

23 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Noise Temperature

- Provides a way in determining how much thermal noise is

generated by the active and passive devices in the receiver

- At microwave frequencies, a black body with physical temperature, Tp

Kelvin, generates electrical noise over a wide bandwidth

- The noise power is given by

- Eq 4.12
- where

24 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Noise Temperature
- In eq 4.12

- Pn is the available noise power in watts

- Delivered only to the load that is impedance matched to the noise


- kTp is the noise power spectral density

- constant on all frequencies up to 300GHz

25 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Noise Temperature
- Satellite communications deal with weak signals

- Because of large distances involved

- Must make the noise level as low as possible to meet C/N requirements

- Make BW in the receiver large enough at IF stages

- To allow signals (carrier & side bands) to pass unrestricted

- Keeping noise power to the minimum value possible

- Use noise bandwidth Bn

- If Bn is not known, 3 dB BW can be used with small errors

- Typical noise temperatures

- 30 K (GaAsFET Amp at 4 GHz) to 150 K (LNA at 20 GHz)

26 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Noise Temperature
- To determine the performance of the receiving system

- we need to find the thermal noise power against which the signal
must be demodulated

- Determine system noise temperature, Ts

- Ts is
- the noise temperature of noise source,
- placed at the input of noiseless receiver,
- Which gives the same noise power as the original receiver

- If overall end-to-end gain in Grx, and its narrowest BW is Bn , the noise

power at the demodulator input is

- Eq 4.13 a
- The noise power referred to the input is Pn where

- Eq 4.13 b
27 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Noise Temperature
- Let the antenna deliver a signal power Pr to the receiver RF input

- Signal power at the demodulator input will be PrGrx

- Carrier-to-noise ratio at the demodulator is given by

- Eq. 4.14

- Gain cancels out in Eq. 4.14

- C/N can be calculated at the antenna output port

- Link budget will find Pr at this point

- All the sources of noise at the receiver end are thus replaced by a
single term, Ts

28 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature

- Fig 4.5 shows simplified conversion from RF input to IF output

- All radio receivers are superheterodyne or superhet

- Components of a superhet receiver

- Front end (RF amp (LNA), mixer, local oscillator)

- IF amp (IP amp and filters)

- Demodulator and baseband section

29 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Double Superhet Receiver

30 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature

- Fig 4.7a shows equivalent circuit of receiver for noise analysis

- Noisy devices replaced by equivalent noiseless blocks

- Noise generators at the input to each block such that block produces
the same noise at output as the device it replaces

- Entire receiver is then reduced to a single block with the same end-to-
end gain and single noise source at input with temperature Tin
31 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature
- The power at the output of the IF amp of receiver in fig 4.7 a is given
- Pn = [( TRF + Tin ) GRF + Tm ) Gm + TIF ) GIF ] kBn

- Eq 4.15

- GRF, Gm, GIF are gains of RF amp, mixer and IF amp

- TRF, Tm, TIF are equivalent noise temperatures

- Rewriting Eq. 4.15

- Eq 4.16

32 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature

- The single noise source shown in fig 4.7 b above with noise
temperature Ts generates the same noise power Pn at its output if

Eq 4.17

- Noise power at output of both receivers fig 4.7a and fig 4.7b is same if

- Equivalent noise source in fig 4.7b has system noise temperature Ts

- Eq 4.18
33 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature
- Succeeding stages of receiver add less and less noise to the total
system noise temperature

- Noise contributed by the IF amplifier and later stages can be ignored if

RF amp in he receiver front end has a high gain

- System noise temperature is thus

34 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature
- Fig 4.7 b assumes that all noise comes in from the antenna or
generated in the receiver

- A different model is used to account for lossy medium

- Rain losses and waveguide losses

- Noise source is placed at the output of the lossy atmosphere, that is

the antenna aperture (Fig 4.7c)

- The equivalent output noise source produces noise temperature Tno

given by

- Eq 4.19

- Where Gl is the linear gain of lossy device or medium and Tp is the

physical temperature in Kelvin of the device or medium

- For attenuation of A dB Value of Gl is given by Eq 4.20

35 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature
- Examples

- 4.3.1
- 4.3.2

36 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature

37 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Calculation of Noise Temperature

38 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Noise Figure and Noise Temperature
- Noise is frequently used to specify the noise generated within a device

- The operational noise figure (NF) is given by

- Eq 4.21

- Useful to convert NF to noise temperature, Td since it is more often


- The relationship is

- Eq 4.22

- Where

- NF is linear ratio, not in dB

- To is the reference temperature – usually 290 K
39 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Noise Figure and Noise Temperature

- Example
- 4.3.3

40 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Noise Figure and Noise Temperature

41 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
G/T Ratio for Earth Stations
- The link equation can be written in terms of (C/N) at the Earth station

- Eq 4.23

- C / N ∝ Gr / Ts
- Rest of the terms are constant for any satellite system

- The ratio Gr / Ts, or simply G / T (dB / K) specifies the quality of a

receiving Earth station or a satellite receiving system

- Increasing Gr / Ts would increase C / N ratio

- Examples

- 4.3.4

42 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
G/T Ratio for Earth Stations

43 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Objectives of Design of satellite communication

- Meeting a min C/N ratio for specific %age of time

- Carrying maximum revenue earning traffic at min cost

- “An engineer is a person who can do for a dollar what any fool can do
for one hundred dollars”

- Aim is to reach the best compromise of system parameters that meets

the specifications at the lowest cost

- A satellite link designed to overcome 20 dB rain fade rather than a 3

dB fade will need 7 times the diameter required

44 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Rain attenuation affects all satellite links

- Less on 6/4 GHz, critical on 14/11 GHz and very critical on 30/20 GHz

- Link reliability of 99.5 to 99.99% is to be achieved, average over a long

time (normally a year) (outage occurs for 0.01 to 0.5% of the time)

- Outage

- Time period during which the C/N ratio falls below min limits

45 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- C-band links rain attenuation seldom exceeds 1 or 2 dB

- 99.99% reliability can be achieved

- .01% make 52 min in a year

- Outage can be of many hours in one year and none in the next

- Ka-bands can never achieve 99.99%

- Rain attenuation exceeds 10 dB, goes up to 20 dB

- 0.1 to 0.5% make 8 to 40 hrs a year

- C/ Ku bands for real time telephony applications where Ka bands are

used for internet traffic where effect of short outages is less perceived

46 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Link Budgets
- Ease the calculation of C/N ratio

- Link budget is a tabular method for evaluating the received power and
noise power in a radio link

- Link budgets use dB units

- Once a link budget is established, it is easier to change the parameters

and recalculate the result

- Link budget must be calculated for an individual transponder

- Must be repeated for separate links

- In two-way satellite communication, link budgets for four links will be


- C/N for single link and complete satellite system will be calculated
47 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Link Budgets
- Calculated for the worst case

- Factors contributing to the worst case scenario are

- Earth station located at the edge of the satellite coverage zone

- Received signal is 3 dB lower

- Maximum path length from satellite to Earth station

- Low elevation angle at the Earth station

- If antenna doesn’t point toward Earth station, loss factor is

included in link budget

48 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Link Budgets
- Calculation of C/N ratio is based on two equations

- Received Power

- Eq 4.24

- Received system noise power

- Eq 4.25

- In dB units
- Eq 4.26

- Where
- k is Boltzmann’s constant (-228.6 dBW/K/Hz)
- Ts is the system noise temperature in dBK
- Bn is the noise BW of the receiver in dBHz

49 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Link Budget Example: C-Band Downlink for
Earth Coverage Beam

50 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Link Budget Example: C-Band Downlink for
Earth Coverage Beam

51 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Link Budget Example: C-Band Downlink for
Earth Coverage Beam

52 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Link Budget Example: C-Band Downlink for
Earth Coverage Beam
- Parameters explained from the table 4.4 a and b

- C/N ratio in rain needs more margin over minimum permissible value of
C/N in clear air

- E.g. min permissible C/N is 9.5

- We get C/N clear air of 16 dB and C/N in rain of 12.7dB
- 12.7-9.5 = 3.2 dB
- We don’t use all margin for rain
- Rather use some of that to reduce the antenna size

- The remaining link margin of 1.2 dB (1.32) is used to reduce the size of
the Earth station antenna

- Antenna gain is proportional to diameter squared

- √1.32 = 1.15
- So diameter can be reduced by 1.2 m
- So new antenna size is 9-1.2 = 7.8m
53 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Some satellites carry
- one or two telephone or data channels OR
- A DBS-TV channel

- Use small , low cost Earth stations

- Only two parameters need to be adjusted at the satellite to allow an

Earth station with a small antenna
- Satellite transmitted power
- Satellite antenna beamwidth

- As frequency in increased, the diameter of the spacecraft antenna in

wavelengths is increased for a given receiving dish diameter

- A single antenna must cover the whole region that it serves

- Multiple beam antennas are an exception

54 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Problem of providing service to CONUS (48 contiguous states of US)
- The figures used are typical of US domestic satellite systems

- Satellite position is around 100ºW

- 3 dB beamwidth of 6º by 3º covers the area

- Antenna dimensions of 13λ by 26λ

- Gain 32dB (Receiver at the edge would get 29 dB)

- Diameter of Earth station is 3m

- Transponder of 5W at 4GHz used

- Antenna Gain of 40 dB

55 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Fig 4.8

56 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Received power for system with antenna gain of 40 dB

- Eq 4.27

- Noise power with noise BW of 30MHz and system noise temperature of

100K is

- Eq 4.28

- C/N = 13.3 dB

- 3.8 dB above FM threshold of 9.5 dB

- Provides an adequate margin for an operational system

57 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Direct Broadcast TV
- Originally started in Europe in 1980s using analog FM in Ku band

- Successful due to slower introduction of cable TV in Europe

- US allocated 12.2-12.7GHz exclusively to DBS-TV services in 1990

- Hughes and Echostar were successful companies providing this


- DBS-TV satellites are large and heavy

- Three-axis spin stabilized

- Can carry 16 transponders
- Deliver 2.6kW of power
- Have large areas of solar sails
- Typical mass 6800kg at launch

58 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Direct Broadcast TV

59 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Direct Broadcast TV

60 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Direct Broadcast TV
- Relation for total path attenuation, A in dB
- Sum of clear path attenuation due to atmospheric gas absorption, Aca,
and rain attenuation Arain
- Eq 4.29

- Sky noise temperature resulting from a path attenuation of Atotal dB

(Assumed medium temperature for rain 270 K)
- Eq 4.30

- Antenna noise temperature can be calculated as

- (c is 90-95%) Eq 4.31
- (c = Coupling coefficient)

- System noise temperature with high gain antenna as first element is

- Eq 4.32

- (Assuming no waveguide or coaxial cable between feed horn and LNA)

61 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Direct Broadcast TV
- Increase in noise power Nrain dB, caused by increase in sky noise
temperature is

- Eq 4.33

- Where Tsca is the system noise temperature in clear sky conditions

- The value of carrier power in rain is given by

- Eq 4.34

- Resulting (C/N)dn rain when rain intersects the downlink is

- Eq 4.35

- Example 4.5.1

62 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Easier than downlink in many cases

- Specified carrier power must be presented at the satellite

- Much higher power stations are used at the Earth stations
- VSAT and satellite telephone handsets are an exception

- Transmitters are costlier than the receiving equipment

- One high power transmit Earth station can provide service via
DBS-TV to many low-cost receive-only stations

- Satellite transponder is a quasilinear amplifier

- Output backoff of 1-3 dB is required to avoid intermodulation

- For large number of receiving Earth stations , 5-7 dB output
backoff may be required
63 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Earth station txr power is set by the specific power level OR specific
flux density required at the input of the transponder

- At C-band, a typical uplink earth station transmits 100W with a 9m

antenna, giving a flux at the satellite of -100W/m2

- Calculation of power level at the transponder input is required so

that C/N ratio can be found

- Link equation will use either specified transponder C/N ratio ot

specified transponder output power level

- When C/N ratio specified for transponder, Pr, is straight forward

- Noise power is calculated as

- Eq. 4.36
- Txp is the transponder system noise temperature and Bn (BW of BPF
of IF stage of Earth Station Receiver) is in units of dBHz
- 64 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Power received at the input of the transponder Prxp

- Eq. 4.37

- PtGt is the EIRP, Gr is the satellite antenna gain

- Lp is the uplink path loss, Lup are all losses other than Lp

- Value of (C/N)up at LNA input of the satellite receiver is given by

- Eq. 4.38

- Pt can be calculated from

- Where C/N comes from eq 4.38 and Nxp comes from eq. 4.36

- Received power at the transponder input is given by

- Eq. 4.39
65 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat
ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- Earth station transmitter output power Pt can also be calculated by

- Eq. 4.40

- Where Psat is the saturated power output of transponder in dBW,

- BO0 is the output backoff in dB, Gxp is the gain of transponder (dB)

- Example 4.6.1

66 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Uplink Design Example

67 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Design For Specified C/N: Combining C/N
And C/I Values in Satellite Links
- Considering multiple noise sources contributing to noise in the earth
station IF amplifier
- Noise from the receiver itself
- Receiving antenna
- Sky noise
- Adjacent satellites and terrestrial transmitters

- For multiple C/N ratios, we need to calculate overall C/N by

- Eq. 4.42
- C/N values must be linear ratios

- Eq. 4.43

- Eq. 4.44

- Example 4.7.1

68 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Determine (C/N)0 from various (C/N)s

69 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
- System Design Example 4.8.1

- System Design Example 4.8.2

- VSAT System Design Example 9.1

70 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
System Design Example 8.1

71 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
System Design Example 8.1

72 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
System Design Example 8.1

73 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Uplink Design

74 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Uplink Design

75 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Uplink Design

76 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Downlink Design

77 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Downlink Design

78 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Downlink Design

79 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Downlink Design

80 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
System Design Example 8.2

81 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
System Design Example 8.2
- This is an example of Personal Communication System using Low
Earth Orbit Satellites

- Links in this system can be classified as follows:

- Inbound Link: Mobile to Gateway

- Uplink
- Mobile Terminal to Satellite
- Downlink
- Satellite to Gateway

- Outbound Link: Gateway to Mobile

- Uplink
- Gateway to Satellite
- Downlink
- Satellite to Mobile

82 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
System Design Example 8.2

83 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Inbound Link: Mobile to Gateway
- Uplink: Mobile Terminal to Satellite

84 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Inbound - Uplink

85 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Inbound - Downlink
- Downlink: Satellite to Gateway

86 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Inbound (C/N)0

87 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Outbound Link: Gateway to Mobile
- Uplink: Gateway to Satellite

88 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering
Outbound - Downlink
- Downlink: Satellite to Mobile Terminal

89 Engr. Taufeeq Liaquat

ELE-606 Satellite Engineering

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