ENGH035060 Emma Laurels Project1

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Name Emma Laurels I.D.

Number E18346235

Project 1
Evaluation 31
Tenth Grade English 1 (ENGH 035 060)

Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment) when you
send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and I.D. number at the
top of this page!
This project is worth 100 points. It will count for ten percent of your course grade. Note that
grammar, spelling, and punctuation are important for this project. Refer to the “Grammar, Usage,
and Mechanics Handbook” section on pages R24–R28 of your textbook and the writing guidelines in
the Appendix of this syllabus.

Project Instructions
For this project, you will write a new conclusion for one of the following stories:
 “The Leap”
 “Games at Twilight”
 “A Problem”
Imagine that a new event occurs, or that an event occurs differently, so that a different resolution is
You will want to begin your version of the story before the climax occurs. Starting with the new
development you are introducing, explain what happens. You are the narrator of the story, but use
the same narrative voice as the original story. Your new story should show rising action, climax,
falling action, and resolution.
To begin brainstorming ideas for your story, review the Freewriting Activities you completed in Unit
1. Your thoughts about themes, characters, and your own experiences may inspire you.
After writing a first draft of your project, put it away for a while and do something else. Later, when
you look at it again, you may find things you want to revise. Do you really think that these characters
would act in the way that you describe? Is your work clear and easy to understand? Do you like your
choice of words? Has the theme of the story changed? Are your paragraphs well organized?
Your paper should be between one and two double-spaced pages (300 to 600 words). Your
paper will be graded with the rubric on the next page. (Begin typing in space provided at the end of
this document—scroll down.)

Project 1 1
ENGH 035
Project Grading Table (Teacher Use Only) Points Points
Possible Earned

Rising action that follows logically from the place at which you begin your 15

A clear indication of how rising action leads to a climax. 15

A climax that serves as a turning point in the story. 15

Falling action that explains what happens after the climax. 15

A resolution (which may or may not restore order). Explain how characters’ 15
lives will be affected by the resolution.

Consistency in storytelling. Do you have the characters act, think, and 15

speak in ways that seem consistent with the original version of the story?

Paragraph organization and mechanics. Are your paragraphs well 10

organized? Do you use complete sentences? Do you use nouns,
pronouns, and adjectives correctly? Are words spelled correctly? Is correct
punctuation used?

Project Submission
To submit the project, save this project assignment document. Use the course number, your name,
and the project number in your file’s title:
Go to your course management system to upload your project file.
(Begin typing on the next page.)

Project 1 2
ENGH 035
[Begin typing Project 1 here.]

Ivan Markovitch debated with the colonel. The colonel constantly repeated, “Sasha Uskov is not
innocent and he must pay for his atrocities!” However Ivan Markovitch denied “Sasha Uskov is
innocent, but if he commits another crime, he must suffer the results”. Ivan Markovitch was told
to invite Sasha Ukov into the study room, he also encouraged to speak only the truth. Then the
colonel asked him "why did you change the promissory note”. Angrily the colonel asked Sasha
to leave the study room, he sat in the chair outside the room door. As Sasha Uskov sat down,
he felt devasted. Afterwards the wife of the colonel came to Sasha and begged, and begged
him to save himself. But Sasha refused to listen to her as he only felt hatred towards her, and as
he ignored she left the scene as a tear dropped down from her eyes. The colonel and Markovich
seriously debated whether Sasha was innocent. The colonel went on to say, "He has to be
prosecuted," and then Evan Markovich said, "But he hasn't made any life-threatening changes."
"Do you really think so?" Said the colonel. "Yes, really," said Evan Markovich. So the colonel
forgave him and set Sasha free. Ivan Markovich hurried outside the room to tell Sasha he was
forgiven by the colonel, only the condition Sasha agrees to stop his crimes and goes to the
region alongside Ivan Markovich. As soon as Ivan Markovich went outside, Sasha Uskov wasn’t
sitting on the chair, then he realized the study room door was open and Sasha Uskov heard the
conversation between the colonel and Ivan Markovich about how they were going to forgive
him. Ivan Markovich searched in every corner of the place, asked around, called him repeatedly
but with no reply, Sasha was nowhere to be seen. After searching the building and he didn’t find
him he felt Uskov went back to his house. Ivan Markovich was passing by when he saw Sasha
speaking with a group of friends but Sasha didn’t see him. Ivan tried to hide at the back of a
vehicle so he could hear what Sasha, he said "I wanted to tell you that I am free, the colonel will
not punish me." "Lucky for you, but how? “He said “By the help of his naïve uncle Ivan
Markovich”. He told his friends how he was given money and so they can use to buy drinks and
celebrate his freedom. Ivan Markovich got so angry he jumped from his hiding and gave Sasha
a punch to his face .Markovich said "How could you try to make me look like a fool to the colonel
and everyone for a moment I thought you had a good heart." At the moment all Sasha cared
about what was going to happen to him, he tried to run away with his friends but Markovich held
him firmly by the collar and they returned to the building. Immediately as they arrived he told the
colonel that, "I feel ashamed to say this, but you were right about Sasha." The colonel then said

Project 1 3
ENGH 035
“I told you, but you refused to heed my words”. "Sasha Uskov had to face to his actions" we are
going to bring him to justice. "Ivan Markovich says sadly:" Yes, I understand. "Ivan Markovich
realized and understood that you shouldn’t blindly believe or trust what people say. “He felt
betrayed by Sasha and he was disheartened by his choices.

Project 1 4
ENGH 035

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