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In partial fulfilment in

Field study 3

‘’ Technology in the Learning Environment’’

Submitted by:

Clarissa S. Misay

Beed- 3A

Submitted to:

Mr. Jonel Barruga


School planning, organization and management is directly related to

human and physical resources the basic behind it ,is that school should
be able to utilized all the resources in the best possible way, so that they
prove to be successful in performing their duties. For performing their
duties, school employees and teacher require an effective leadership
but at the time they require a good and environment in the school for
their proper functioning.
It is essential to know what students learn and under what
conditions, in order to assess whether schools are useful and effective.
Quality learning can take places only when children and youth feel
welcome in school and in good health, allowing the learner space and
time to interact within the learning and teaching process. As teacher,
the library and media specialists works with students and other
members of the learning community to analyze learning and
information needs, to locate and use resources that will meet those
needs, and to understand and communicate the information the
resources provides.The library media specialists knowledgeable about
current research on teaching and learning skilled in applying its
findings to ah variety of situations particularly those that call upon
students to access, evaluate, and use information from multiple sources
in order to learn, to, think and to create and to apply knowledge. In
short, the library media specialists teaches student to use for critical
thinking and problem solving using the information Literacy Standard
for Student Learning set. A learning resources center’s success depends
firstly on the range of its engagements in modern learning methods
implementations, which gives more concentration to learner role in
learning process, and evaluates work mechanism, in learning resources
centers on the bases that learning resources center is not place
supported with learning resources accordingly, but education action
and substantial element different elements of classroom lesson. The
work mechanism in learning resources centers requires following two
methods and merging between them.
Learning resources center’s are the correct way to active school
library and to amalgate it into education procedure as well as it is a part
from it, but not among subsidiary utilities. One of the biggest problems
that still face school libraries is that school libraries still playing general
cultural role lead to isolate them away from educational process. So
they become a place to cover waiting lesson and an escape for every
lazy teacher, who does not desire to carry out lessons, whereas learning
resources centers project has put the center among educational process
through its support by necessary technical and librarian equipments
needed for teachers educational task performance within modem
method, and supported these centers with supporting for curriculum
educational resources, suitable for age types existing there, so center
became a necessary place where teacher run to, to help them implement
their tasks and achieve their educational aims.

Every good teachers knows that the walls are prime real-estate the
place where you reinforce rules and routines, encourage students to do
their best, and celebrate everyone’s achievements.
Bulletin board take time to make, but they add immeasurably to
student learning in your classroom when done carefully and creatively.
Visual learners in the classroom will gain much additional knowledge
from the bulletin board displays in the classroom. Connect a bulletin
board to each unit lesson taught to add peripheral learning to the
teacher instruction. Although many teachers attempt to create bulletin
board displays that do not change entire year, creating unit displays that
follow lesson plan enhance student learning. Visual learners take in
everything around them in the classroom and often remember specifics
from what they see later when taking tests. For example, a visual page-
top , bottom, left side or right. Adding bulletin board displays that
reinforce key facts and other pertinent information will be a great
benefit to visual learners. These can be include related information to
specific lessons, important unit plans or basic information that is
important to the particular year of school. For example, multiplication
bulletin board for the year students will learn their times tables.

The teaching profession is filled with countless opportunities to

enrich the academic lives of students. While some concepts and
educational objectives will be easy for students to grasp, others will
require you to think creatively to ensure that important learning
objectives are met. Using audio/visual aides in teaching is one way to
enhance lesson plans and give students additional ways to process
subject information.
Learning and teaching is the concern of the trained teacher. But
learning is a complex process. It can however be defined as a change
in disposition; a relatively permanent change in behavior overtime and
this is brought about experience. Learning can occur as a result of
newly acquired skill, knowledge, perception, facts, principles, new
information at hand. Learning aids are instructional materials and
devices through which teaching and learning are done in schools.
Examples of learning aids include visual aids, audio-visual aids, real
objects and many others. The visual aids are designed materials that
may be locally made commercially produced. They come in form of
wall-charts illustrated pictures, pictorial materials and other two
dimensional objects. There are also audio-visual aids. These are
teaching machines like radio, television, and all sorts of projectors with
sound attributes. It is interesting to note that large percentage of trained
teachers and those undergoing professional training courses can teach
with some of the learning aids. They do so consciously because they
know that the use have positive effect on learning outcomes as their
cognate experiences during teaching practice supervision reveals.
People have different learning styles. Some students learn by best by
listening, others by seeing and reading and others by hands-on
activities. In the classroom, a combination of these techniques will
make teaching more effective. By using audio visual aids like slides
and movies, recorded music and speeches, and educational recordings,
teachers are offering reinforcement of their other teaching methods and
have a better chance of reaching more students with different learning
capabilities, using demos allows students to see scientific equipment
being used-some of which they may not have a chance to use
Demos shows students exactly how certain concepts were
discovered, students who are not native speaker may have a very
difficult time understanding scientific words, but if they have
something visual to see, they can understand the concept of understand
the new vocabulary faster, students who are not academically inclined
automatically tune out when a teacher is standing in the front and
droning on and on about a topic. When there’s something for them to
watch, they end up paying attention and becoming engaged.

The posting of hands-outs utilizing course management systems has

become, in many cases, a standard expectation by students. Perhaps this
has been motivated by intent to provide more information than can be
written on a board or to make life ”easier’’ for our students. I would
suspect many of us have probably commended or heard from students
how disappointing it was that ‘’we did not get the handout for class’’
or asked ‘’ if the handout would be available after class.’’
While technology has certain benefited all of us by allowing the easy
rom other dissemination and collection of information to and from
others in a time when amount of new information continues to increase
exponentially, it is important to know whether providing handouts
really facilitates students’ learning. Perhaps, one key element necessary
to facilitate learning, example, active learning, is diminished when
students are provided all the information and not directly involved in
the process of identifying , collecting, and organizing the information
through the process of note taking. One could guess, given the existing
use of presentation software and handouts, that we are not providing
our students with an opportunity to further develop and enhance a
critical skill that is necessary for being a successful, specifically their
ability to take , revise, and review their own notes.
We have certainly all heard students’ complaint why they did not
do better on an examination since they really knew the material in the
handouts. One possible explanation is that by providing all notes, we
encourage our students to become passive listeners and do not provide
them with the opportunity to develop their own strategies for
organizing information in their own cognitive perspective, an important
element in facilitating learning. Aspect note taking, not revising, note
reviewing and the use of handouts as it relates to student learning has
been an active area of research in the education.
Online learning also help make learning environment interesting and
engaging, learners are being exposed to technology and digital devices
so when they come to school, they have little to no patience lecture-
style teaching. Since not all learners learn in the same fashion,
employing the use of online-learning in the classroom and at home help
teachers reach all learning styles. Engaging all learners will facilitate
the comprehension of content and allows for consistent progression in
the teaching of material.

As a future teacher someday, I will always bear in my mind that

learners are rich in learning capabilities. The process of learning are
highly unique and individual, this means that a classroom there are
individual differences that I must consider. I need to assist my future
students to define and to make explicit to themselves the approaches
they ordinarily use so that they can become more effective in problem
solving and learning. I learned that one of the riches resources for
learning is the learners himself. Each learner has an accumulation of
experiences, ideas, the prospect of success in any purpose activity,
attitude which is the learners perspective and disposition and last their
family cultural background which is their socio-economic background.

I also learn that learning discover of personal meaning and relevance

of ideas. As a future teacher, I will only facilitate my learners and they
are the one who will give the meaning of a concept. Just like example,
my topic is about the leaf of plant. I will let them field trip outside the
classroom to observe the leaf of plant. I will guide them and I will
demonstrate first the and give some information about the leaf and its
part after that, they will give their own meaning or understanding about
the leaf and its parts. Learning is gradual it’s because it is by stage or
levels so as a future teacher someday I must extend my patience.
To be a good someday, I must have passion to both my work and to
my students, I must have also humor in a way that has connection to
the topic, also values and attitude, fairness, sincerity and honesty and

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