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Lauren Boella

Name: ________________________

Date: _______________

Diplomacy in between the Wars

Research the following conferences and treaties and briefly outline whart was agreed.

1. Who were the signatories and what was agreed at the Four Powers Treaty?

The Four Powers pact was signed by the United States, Great Britain, Japan and France on December 13, 1921

Basically, the Four Powers Treaty pact was to prevent some future conflicts in the Pacific and also East Asia.

2. What were the consequences of the Four Powers Treaty for Italy?

The main reasons for Mussolini is to point out that the covenant was a request for closer relations with France.

Although the purpose of Mussolini could have been calming the nerves in Europe, Pact has actually caused the
opposite conclusion.
The Treaty confirmed the membership of each country to the corporation of the Nations, Treaties Locarno and
Kellogg-Brian Treaty.

The agreement was intended to be a solution to the sovereignty meeting and properly act, which
was the purpose of the nation's league. The purpose of Mussolini was to reduce the power of
small states in the nations' league by means of a block of important powers.

The four strong agreements had little meaning but were not completely worthless. The four strong
contracts were supposedly a solution to the utilization of the balance of interested power of Italy
and complained to British.

However, the agreement had speculation in France and Germany since London and Rome were
quite close to mediation between Paris and Berlin. That is why France justified justifically.
3. What was the Kellogg-Briant Pact?

The Kellogg-Briand Pact was signed on August 27, 1928 by the United States, France, United Kingdom,
Germany, Italy, Japan, and a number of other states. The Pact was against any agressive war and also to
« eliminate war as an instrument of national policy »

4. What were Mussolini's objectives at the Stresa Conference?

It is formally referred to as the final declaration of a tight conference, it was intended to affirm again
Locarna's agreements and declares that the independence of Austria "will continue its common
policy". Signatories also agreed to oppose the future test of Germany to change the Versailles Treaty.

5. Who were the signatories and what was agree at the Locarno Conference?
The locarno conference were signed in december 1, 1925. It was a series of agreements
with Germany, France, belgium, reat Britain, and Itally. They, together, guaranteed the
peace in western Europe. The pact was signed in London.

6. What was the Anglo-German Naval Agreement? What were the consequences for Italy?

The Anglo-German Naval Agreement was between Britain and Germany. The agreement
purpose was to allowed Germany to not respect the restrictions that was imposed by the Treaty
of Versailles. The agreement was signed the 8 of June 1935. It was limiting the size of

Referring to interwar diplomacy, analyse Italy's role in international diplomacy and Mussolini's relationship with

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