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Terima Kasih Anda Telah Mengikuti Ujian Online

NIM : 13200171
Tanggal Ujian : 12/01/2021
Jam Ujian : 17:30:00 - 19:10:00
Mulai Ujian : 17:44:27 - 18:03:06
Lama Waktu : 0 Jam 18 Menit 39 Detik
Matakuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS I - 104
Jumlah Soal : 50
Jumlah Jawab : 40
Jumlah Jawab : 10

Simpan sebagai bukti bahwa anda telah mengikuti ujian online

ScurityCode: c48d27473edd54ce6ff4cf6d5c6743b1
Tanggal Cetak: 2021-01-15 - Jam Cetak: 19:24:50

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2021-01-15 / 19:24:50 c48d27473edd54ce6ff4cf6d5c6743b1

No Jawaban Anda Hasil

1 sweet B
2 walked B
3 did not S
4 prepare B
5 had B
6 study S
7 Independence B
8 was B
9 stay S
10 its B
11 listened B
12 stop B
13 worked B
14 have not B
15 space B
16 did B
17 clothes B
18 helps B
19 lending B
20 ate B
21 put away B
22 people express their love to someone B
23 found B
24 it S
25 between B
26 got up B
27 work S
28 funny B
29 Korea B
30 went B
31 drink B
32 read B
33 sad B

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2021-01-15 / 19:24:50 c48d27473edd54ce6ff4cf6d5c6743b1

34 station B
35 went B
36 is S
37 eyes S
38 many B
39 wear B
40 before main course B
41 people have parties with family and friends B
42 do not B
43 is S
44 listened B
45 at S
46 is S
47 dirty B
48 Have B
49 green apple B
50 delicious B
Catatan: Hasil B=Benar, S=Salah

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