Digital Marketing Channels 2020jyoti

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Digital Marketing Channels

Dec 2020

Courage . Heart
Traditional v/s Digital Marketing Paradigm

The old marketing paradigm

The new digital paradigm Source: Strategic Digital

Marketing – Eric

Courage . Heart
Digital Marketing Trends

Courage . Heart
55% of the world population has access to Internet (2020)
Number of active Internet users India – 687 million (2020)

Courage . Heart
Courage . Heart
Ad spend share by medium

Distribution of ad spend – India 2020

Courage . Heart
Breakup of
Digital Ad
spend by

Courage . Heart
Breakup of
Digital Ad
spend by
company –

Courage . Heart
What is Digital Marketing?
How do you define?

Courage . Heart
Digital Marketing - Definition

• Term “digital marketing” has evolved over time from a specific term
describing …
• …the marketing of products and services ‘using digital channels’
to an umbrella term describing….
• ….the process of using digital technologies to acquire customers and
build customer preferences, promote brands, retain customers &
increase sales

(Source – Financial Times)

Courage . Heart
Digital Marketing - Definition

• Digital marketing is an adaptive, technology-enabled process by

which firms collaborate with customers and partners to jointly create,
communicate, deliver and sustain value for all stakeholders.

(Kanan & Li, 2017)

Courage . Heart
Digital Marketing Techniques

Courage . Heart
Popular DM Techniques


Video Search
Marketing Marketing

Courage . Heart
The POEM Framework of Digital Media

• Paid Media
• Owned Media
• Earned Media

Courage . Heart
Digital Media Measurement Techniques

• Impression
• An ad which is served to a user's browser.
• Reach
• The total number of users who will be served a given ad.
• Click
• Metric which measures the reaction of a user to an Internet ad.
• Click thru’ rate
• ad clicks ÷ ad impressions.

Courage . Heart
Digital Media Terminology

• CPM (Cost per Mille OR Cost Per Thousand)

• CPM defines the cost of 1,000 impressions on an ad.
• CPC (Cost per click)
• Cost of advertising based on the number of clicks received.
• CPV (Cost per view)
• Cost of video advertising based on the number of views received
• Engagement
• Number of time users take any action on content. Generally used in
social channel to measure ROI

Courage . Heart
Digital Media Terminology

• Engagement Rate
• Total Engagement / Total Reach
• CPA – Cost per acquisition
• The cost of acquiring one customer. Used only when leads, sales or
conversions are generated.

Courage . Heart
Segmenting and Customizing Messages
F – 15-35
Visitors to portal and Demographic

booked travel online Chennai

Behavioral Geography

Website visitor
customers CRM Remarketing

Similar to Topic
registered users Look alike

Devices Language Tamil

iPhone X

Courage . Heart

Courage . Heart
Search Marketing

• Search is inbound as compared to other marketing channels

• 74 % of shoppers start their product research with a search engine
• 78% of B2B buyers begin their journey with search
• Even if you believe your existing advertising is driving your business, you
might still need search marketing.
• Two Types
• Organic Search or Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• Paid Search or Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – CPC or PPC Advertising

Courage . Heart

Courage . Heart
Paid v/s Organic Search

Courage . Heart
How does search work?

• How do organic search listings work?

• A spider or crawler which is a component of a SE gathers listings by
automatically "crawling" the web
• The spider follows links to web pages and stores them in the SE’s
• Based on this data, the SE then indexes the pages and ranks the
• Major SEs that index pages using spiders: Google, Bing, Yahoo!.
• Spiders read only text, nothing else.

How Search works – By Matt Cutt

Courage . Heart
SEO/SEM – How Google ranks sites
• Key Factors
• Content Factors
• Content Relevance, Word count, Keywords in Body, Keyword in Title, Description and H1
• User signals (CTR, time on site, bounce-rate)
• Technical Factors ( Presence of H1/H2, HTTPS, TLD Rankings, File size, Site speed,
URL length)
• User experience (Font size, images, interactive elements, video integration)
• Social signals ( Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+)
• Total number and quality of backlinks.
• Total number and quality of referring domains
• Mobile Friendliness
Source: Search Metrics Google Ranking Factors study, 2019.

Also visit MOZ Ranking Factors Survey for a deeper study - https:// search-ranking-factors

For Future Google Updates - Search Engine Round Table http:// category/ google-updates and https:// blog

Courage . Heart
Keyword Research

• Most important step

• Wrong keywords impact traffic
• Important to assess competitiveness of
• Popular search terms ~ 30% of the searches
performed on the web.
• 70% ~ the "long tail" of search.
• "shoes" v/s "best price on Reebok black
school shoes size 12"

Long-tail keywords are good keywords for most SEO/SEM projects.

Courage . Heart
Thank You

Courage . Heart

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