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Winter Skincare Tips

Winter has its beauty without a doubt. Every season brings along a lot of skin problems likewise
in the summer season when you are panic about your skin same as in chilly season. You may
prone to dermatitis, psoriasis, or any other skin troubles. If you wish to have beautiful skin, it’s
essential to start a skincare routine.

You need to follow up some skincare routine to make your skin not only prevent skin disease but
also flawless to keep your skin during winter. 

1. Keep your skin moist

Some are effective ways to keep your overall body moisten. Firstly, don’t forget to drink water in
winter. You probably have more chances of dry skin due to dry air in the winter season. As a
consequence, water vaporizes from your body. So you should drink water. Drinking water is the
best solution but also apply moisturizer, petroleum gel, hydrating mist, and lip balm. Moreover,
you should use a humidifier. It sustains moisture and fills up the apex surface of the epidermis
that also assists to protect the air from becoming dry. 

2. Use of lukewarm water

In winters, you have a desire to take hot water to make it cozy. But do you know it’s damaging
your skin? When you wash your face with extremely hot water, it cleans out your skin of its
natural oils rapidly, which turns out to be dry and itchy skin. Skin cells become better through
the use of moderately hot water. Additionally, it evades aging.  

3. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliation is significant among all skincare routines. This procedure is mainly to extract dead
skin cells. In addition to this, it helps to prevent flaky patches, clogging pores, blackheads, dry
skin, and in fact, enhance the glow of the skin. Exfoliate after the use of tone or cleanser twice a
week. You can exfoliate through the scrub and sponge as well. 
 Exfoliation through a sponge is a gentle method to peel skin. You can foam and
exfoliating wipe with lukewarm water, cleanser or body wash in the shower.
 You can scrub which is directly utilized to the skin gently in a circular motion. Then
afterward, you can rinse off your skin with lukewarm water. 

4. Cleansing your skin

Be careful when picking a cleanser. Numerous high street cleansers have synthetic compounds
which can be harmful as opposed to sustaining. The inclusion of ingredients can cause damage.
Just try to use it occasionally. Otherwise opting for organic is much preferable and you can avail
at a low budget. 

 Just pick one teaspoon of honey and add a few drops of lemon. Blend water to get a
more slender consistency and rub this combination all over your face. Then wash with
normal water. 

 Put some quantity of wheat flour and add few drops of rose water. Mix them all to
form a paste. Apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes then rinse with water. 

Therefore, these remedies work as excellent cleansers. Most importantly, help to deal with
acne problems and skin brightness too. 

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