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Practice Test 17

Task 1

The diagram gives a breakdown of how to produce olive oil. Overall, the process is comprised of
7 stages, from harvesting of the ripen fruit olives from olive trees, to the packaging and then
sale and storage and sale of the finished product.

The process commences when ripe olives are harvested and picked by farmers and then taken
to a rinsing machine where they are washed in cold water. Following that, the olives are
transferred via on a conveyor belt to another machine which smashes the olives to separate the
fruit from the seeds. During this stage, the olive stones are removed, and the rest of olives are
ground into a paste.

The subsequent step takes place in a bag with holes in which the olive paste is placed. It is
thereafter sent to a pressing machine where a bag of olive paste is pressed. The process
continues with the excess water is being separated from the oil. Finally, the olive oil is delivered
to shops where it can be sold or stored in a storehouse.
(30 minutes)
Writing Marking Sheet
Task Coherence & Lexical Grammatical
Achievement Cohesion Resource Range &

7 7 7 6+

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Task 2

Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test
the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be
banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in
favour of them because of their benefits to humanity.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In this day and age, animals have been used to test the quality and safety of new medicines and
other products. Some people are of the opinion that it is unethical to cause animals to suffer for
the benefits of human beings. However, others are opposed to this idea. While the latter can be
justified for some reasons, I am more inclined towards the former.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why some people support using the animals in the
medical research and other products testing. As we all know, the humans play a vital role on
the planet so everything should be ensured human’s safety and survival. Animal testing enables
researchers to test the safety of medication and other substances with which humans have
regular contact. As an illustration, laboratory mice may be given an illness so that the
effectiveness of a new drug can be measured. As drugs may pose significant harm to humans,
testing them on animals first give researchers a good chance to determine drug safety before
human trials are performed.

However, I strongly agree with those who believe that animal experiments should be banned
because of many reasons. First of all, animals can feel hurt and fear like human. People make
them get the disease they may never get in natural the natural world such as cancer in mice.
Animals have to suffer the painful in many different ways. Moreover, the experiments are not
always exactlyaccurate. Some kinds of medicine can pass in animals but fail in human because
animals and humanity are not the same. There always have the difference in gene between two
kinds of species, so the tests are a waste of money and animals’ lives. There are also non-animal
alternatives non-animal methods of testing like computerized human-patient simulators.

In conclusion, there are some convincing arguments for and against animal testing. For myself, I
strongly believe that humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals and do
everything to protect them.
(1 hour)
Writing Marking Sheet
Task Response Coherence & Lexical Grammatical
Cohesion Resource Range &

7 7 7 6

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