Hop Into English 4 Pupils Book and Activity Book

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CCC Ee upil’s Book and Activity Book includes : cut-outs TT ML TORN Tea ON ERSTE Paes Hello! ppa-7 Numbers 100-900 Possessive adjectives: We've got a website. Sore Its name is Teens Onlines. Our followers Revision: vocabulary from Level 3 parte pnee: Revision: language from Level 3 On sereen ‘action fils, animated films, comedies, horror I olwoys /usually sometimes /never watch 1 Mims, the news, science fiction films, sports (the news) at night /n the cfteroon / ppea5 programmes, TV series ‘evening /morning /on (Saturday). ‘chat with fiends, follow YouTube channels, Do you watch (TV) (at night)? play online games, post photos, read ebooks, Yes, Ido. /No, !don't. watch musie videos 5 1 sometimes) (reed ebooks). a Great people @tist, doctor inventor, musician pilot, sailor She was (a doctor). > oo People ened decveed, hebed.imented thee, t(tba) he (worked on ashi. Ppi6-23 lived, loved, painted, played, travelled, When he was (75) years old, he (invented worked ‘is first machize). chef, mechanic, nurse, painter, scientist ‘garage, hospital, lab, restaurant, workshop ‘She didn’t (travel around the world). id he (avent the plane)? Yes, he did. /No, he didn’t want to be (a mechanic). Friends pp26-33 2 Wonders of buy /bought (clothes), eat /ate (pzze). go /went (bowling, out with a friend, {friend's house /the club /the shopping centre), have /had (a snack), play /played Games), see /saw (ay fiends) take /to0k @hotos) ate (my snacks), broke (my phone), posted (ill photos of me), wore (my clothes), wrote Ga mynotebook) ‘canyon, desert, glacier, mountain, river, waterfall 1 (went tothe shopping centre). 1 dida’t (have asnaci). Did you (see your friends) lost weekenc? Yes, Idid. /No, didn't. Wy did you argue? Because she (ate my chocolate). The (Nile is the (longest river) nthe world : cout doch x gk bon ons, wile The (ower Bridge) isthe most (rerecioi) : 4. the world amazing, beaut incredible, interesting (Costco) i (he UN. PP34~41 airport, bridge, concert hal, skyscraper, HS aoa wrtres Zt eeees bo simon bridge, Its Ga50) metres high. sedan It (220) years old. dsronat gla pln eke spcesaton, Ther (ecompte), ‘Sto tlesco Thera see ao of estore. cook food, discover planets, do experiments, There st (a tlesco eid eat fresh vegetables, play cards, There aren’t any (bathrooms). repairthe space station, sleepin bed, talk” ts there (a kitchen)? to their fami wash their hain wearshoes Yes, there is. /Na, there isnt. ‘Are there any (bedrooms)? Ys, there ae. /No, there aren’. ‘How many bathrooms are there? There are tno. story! 2x dragon, fairy genie, king, lamp, 1 (Sometimes) ead (nthe oferen). Tell mea story! irik mustcorok piss sala; She (reve tees Occ bed. pp52-59 sultan He bought a book (ast month). bad, beautiful, big, brave, dangerous, funny Do you usually ead (lassi toes)? good, handsome, itl, magic. ih, young” Yea! Vda. fhe dons ‘angry, bored, exited, happy, ted, woried "pid she ead (ast night)? Yes, she did. /No, she did't She is (angry) because (she read ‘anovel but she didn’t ike it). Activity Book pp62-85 Read for fen pp86-97 Hop into Grammar sumn / PP98 & 100 into . English_ | Pupil’s Book and Activity Book ; macmillan | education moana | aS, ©) AG oe ie) ‘6 A sneer 2 A Wee - Hi, Kate. You've got anew bike! aad Li 4 te ee rs Yes! It was a birthday present. =a ll ae You've got a new cap! ecene 's from Brazil. was there in January. P lve gota new friend. Her name's Ana. -) "She's From Spain and she’s staying et home fortwoweeks. She speaks English, Spanish and Portuguesé < | | ; a . Hi, everyone. : 7 | ja Es © Read again and write the answers. 1 Who has got a new bike? 2. Who has got a new cap? 3 When was Phil in Bre 4 Where was Kate on holiday? 5 Who has got anew friend? Umhappy to see you againt 6 Where is Ana from? 7 What languages does Ana speak? © Read again, look at the picture and correct the sentences in your folder. 1 Kate's bike is blue. Kate's bike isn’t blue, It’ Phil has got an old cap. x Kate walks to school every day. Kate was on holiday in Mexico. ‘Ana speaks four languages. Tim is sad. lt's cold and cloudy. oN anew The raccoon is sleeping on the tree. » (OP Listen and read. I'm Clare's friend ang we're part of a team. We've got a website. its name is ‘Teens Online. That's great. Who's ‘on your team? are, Kate, Tim, MrGreen Have you got lots 7 of followers? Yes, we've got about 900 followers. They're teens. ‘They answer our questions ‘and post thveir photos. They play our games too. oa Really? Cool 2 Read again and answer. 1 What’s Teens Online? 3. Hasit gota lot of followers? 2 Who are on the team? 4 What do they do? Look at Activity 1 and complete the table. Possessive adjectives Subject pronouns 1 you he she eee = eh Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. He's 14 years old. name is Phil 3. Itsawebsite. 2. She's from Spain. names Ana. 4 They play games. + (@ Listes and read. Thea listen again and repeat. three hundred ‘one hundred five hundred nine hundred . four hundred o eight hundred | two hundred : seven hundred i . {Land fifty pod SEs, Sai beels and sixty-four 2 ©) tisten and match the people to their scores. Then circle the winner. ® Look at Activity 2 and match. 1 She's got 678 points. a Myname's Kate. 2. He's got 629 points. b_ Itsname is Teens Race. 3. Isa great game. © Our names are Tim and Clare. 4 ve got 535 points. d_ Their names are Ana and Kate, 5 We've got the highest scores. Hernameis Clare. 6 They've got the lowest scores. f His name is Phil. 7 © tisten and read. This week’s top news stories co-keepers at Sunshine Zoo can't find a ‘wo-year-old baby koala named Whitton. The people from River Town are looking for Whitton in ees near their houses. Whitton is very small and = is not e2sy to find. It was about two centimetres long when it was born. It is much bigger now, but it s¢ smaller than 2 cat It is grey. brown and white. Koaiss are from Australia. They live in trees and sleep about 20 hours 2 day.They don't hunt animals or eat meat. They eat leaves. They love leaves from eucalyptus trees. There is a very tall eucalyptus tree rezr Sunshine Zoo. Zoo-keeper Karen Trent wants co climb the eucalyptus tree to look for Whitton. She hopes to find it there! Active Teens is a group of young people. They care about the environment and they have got ‘anew project to clean Berry Lake Town and prepare it for visitors. The lake isn’t polluted but there is rubbish in some areas. Active Teens are ‘cleaning the area and putting new ‘Don’t drop liteer’ and "Don't light fires’ signs. They also want to put new rubbish bins. erry Lake Town was a very quiet place, but today, lots of young people are visiting, summer. They sail on the lake, walk in the forest and hike in the mountains. The area is not prepared for tourists and ic is getting dirtier. There aren't any rubbish bins in the streets. There aren't any hotels in the town, so visitors sleep in tents in the forest and they drop litter and light fires. Va (2 Read the mews story about Whittos again and write the answers. 4 he's Wh River Town doing? 2 What are the people f Was Whi n big when it was born? is Whitton bigger or smaller than a cat? rs 5 Where are koalas from? 6 Do they sleep during the day? 7 What do they eat? cy What does Karen Trent want to do? 9 Read the news story about Berry Lake Town again and circle. Berry Lake Town is busier / quieter than in the past. ‘Tourists visit the town in spring / summer. Berry Lake Town is / isn’t prepared for tourists. Tourists sleep in tents / hotels in the forest. Berry Lake Town has got / hasn’t got rubbi is cleaner / dirtier than in the past. ists light / don’t light fires in the forest. S Active Teens are putting / painting new signs. mw Ne bins in the streets. 5 se « <> Play: In turns, say a false sentence about the news stories. Your friend corrects it. Whitton was big when it was born. ‘Whitton wasn'tbig when it was born. twas small. Whatis your Favourite film or TV programme? oe | comedies = > Listen and repeat. « >_> Play: In turns, saya name. Your friend says the type of film or TV programme. (Star Wars. ) yi 7 Black House. Wt'sahorrorfilm. | always watch horror films at night. {really like them! usually wateh animated films. They're fun! 3. Whats Clare scared off 4 What kind of films does she like? ——teatd — atnight. ‘som 50% horrorfilms in the evening, watch inthe aftemoon. Look 2t Activity + and complete the table. Adwerbs of frequency ~ Present simple: / never 0% inthe morning. on Saturday. animated films Write the words in order. comedies on watch sometimes Friday 2 the never in news — moming watch the 3 usually programmes 1 weekend = watch == sports-the~— at Kate interviews Mr Green. Kate: Mr Green, do you watch TV at night? Mr Green: Yes, | do. | always watch films when | go to bed. Kate: What kind of films do you watch? ‘Mr Green: Well, | usually watch action films. Kate: Do you watch animated films? MrGreen: Yes, | do. | sometimes watch animated films with my youngest son. Do you like them? : Yes, | do. They're fun. Do you watch the news in the morning? 1: No, | don’t. In the morning, | have a quick breakfast and | come to school. —e——__ upa 2 Read again and write T (true) or F (false). Mr Green always watches films at night. | He usually watches science fiction films. : He sometimes watches animated films with his brother. pw Re He never watches the news in the morning. | Look at Activity 1 and complete the table. | Present simple: /, you watchTV atnight? AWM Yes, | Questions nla like animated films? Complete the questions and write the answers. 1 like horror films? They'te scary watch comedies? Theyte fun science fiction films? mcaremencpmcmncaise Wa OE 10 Dread Crd Pred Coed —. 2 > Look at Activity 1 and interview a friend. ‘Doyau waren) action films: Fecicntuante J (watch action fs.) De Play: Pick up an orange card and a picture to form a sentence about you using adverbs of frequency. ia; 3g tnever watch science fiction films the morning. 7 eet What do you do on the internet? —___| 3 I post. Instagram every day. = Bene 4 love music! | always watch | 5 Idor't like music videos. 6 I like YouTubers. | follow | music___. — ___ online games! channels! 2 (®) Listen and repeat the activities. 2 Complete the table about you. Then write sentences. a A always usually sometimes never | Se ee in the post, feenagers were TV fans, but now the Internet is more copulor. Hew much TV do they wotch? Today young seocie watch only 1 or Zhours of TV a day, and they scend between 3 and 8 hours on the Intemet, What do Sey & online? They usually watch videos on YouTube, cicy online games, post photos or chat with friends. What Gevces do teens use? Teens prefer their smartphones to. go coine Some use their computers or their toblets. Inthe past. > Read again and write T (true) or F (false). How much TV do you watch? NC 5) Turn on the TY. ppc Vote gees pel cromsetastirsif Today teenagers sometimes watch TV on conventional channels at specific times, but they also watch films and series ot any time via on demand services. They waich them on TY, on their tablets or on their computers. atch TV. 3 They doa lot of things online. nd more th 1an 2 hours on the Internet. 4 They can watch TV programmes at any time. The Internet Your questions Doyounsich music videos? Doyou chat with fiends? ‘Do youwsich cable TV? ‘Do youlisten to music on the Internet? © Read the steps and create your survey. How to create your survey Get a sheet of paper and draw the table below. Replace the words in blue with your own ideas. 3 Complete the Your questions section with your own ideas. Do you watch 1 (o time|? Doyou watch TV (2 pisces)? Doyou watch TV with = p0r/? Do you watch (2 typeof film or TV programme}? Do you watch (2 type of film or TV programme)? Doyouwatch |o typ2 of film or 1Y programme)? Doyou(an internet actvity!? Do you {on internet activity)? Doyou ae 10 Doyou ” Exchange surveys with a friend and tell your friend about your answers. This person was @ musician. He/She loved music and played the piano when he/she was a child. Christopher Columbus Elizabeth Blac! 3. This person was a doctor. He/She worked ina hospital and helped sick people. Mozart | This person was a sailor. He/She travelled around the world and discovered America. Vincent Van Gogh | WD) tisten and check. | 3 @ tisten and repeat the words in bold. 4 This person was an artist. He/She Uked art and painted beautiful pictures. Amelia Earhart || 00 as 6 This person was a pilot. He/She crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone ina small plane. Alexander Bell : a * | + play: In turns, say a key word from the box. Your friend says the job. | thetelephone picture America aplane ahospital the piano — | foevrere) | 16 S He was born in Italy, but he didn’t live in Italy. He didn’t Paint pictures and he didn’t invent things. He worked on ships and he liked the sea. He travelled a lot and he discovered a continent. Who is he? - 2 Read again and write T (true) or F (False). 2 Christopher Columbus wasn't bornin taly| | 3 He painted pictures of ships. |_| 2 He lived in italy. [) 4 Hetravelted on a ship. Oo work => worked | Find more verbs in Lesson 3, Activity Look at Activity 1 and complete the tables. _ tand write a list in your folder, Past simple - Verbs + eS onstips Bg He/She He/She ‘the sea, —— initaly. pictures. (®@D Look at Activity + in Lesson 2. Listen and repeat the words in pink. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Australia He ‘on a plane. He 7 Tim talks to his grandpa about the past. Did you travel around the world? Grandpa: Yes, | did. When I was young, | was a pilot. \ travelled to a lot of countries: China, Spain, Mexico, Australia... Tim: —_Did you like travelling? Grandpa: Yes, | did! The plane is a great invention! Tim: Did Leonardo Da Vinci invent the plane? No, he didn’t. He worked on some models but the Wright brothers invented it in 2903. Did the Wright brothers travel around the world? No, they didn’t! Their first plane was in the air for only 12 seconds and their last plane for only two hours and 19 minutes! Oh, interesting! ps Grandpa was a (1) ___ when he was (2) ______ and he travelled to a lot of (9) ___. The Wright brothers invented the (4) _______in 1903. Their first plane was in the air for (5) ______ seconds. Look at Activity 1 and complete the table. Past simple around the: Ras Mey) es xe word? ST " she/they ie the plane | re ee ae | Complete the questions. Then look at Activity 4 and write the answers, 1 the Wright brothers the plane? (rere a they__around the world? 9 DY cic ane match Tree tick (\/) the comect answers 3 Fe) Play: Put the ‘Great people from history’ card on the table. In turns, pick up an orange card and read out the sentences using past simple forms. Your friend says the person. He (ootlive) tn England. He ive) tn Seotiand. He didn’t tivein Scotland. ort Gaon See Leteeentail De ee Re eek Te geek kT ed | 2 Iwant to bea chef and work in a restaurant. a eine | 1 Iwant to bea painter and | have my own workshop. | 3 lwanttobeanurse | and work in @ hospital. | 4 Lwant to be a mechanic | and work ina garage. | 5 Iwanttobea | © scientist and work ina tab. © Listen and repeat the words in bold. Match. 1 Apainter helps sick people inalab. 2 Achef cooks food ina garage. 3. Amechanic does experiments ina workshop. 4 Anurse makes paintings ina hospital. 5 Ascientist repairs cars ina restaurant. What do you want to be? Where do you want to work? rece Leonardo da Vinci - Aman PCNA el “teonarde da Vinci Leonardi we was an artist, a {ived and worked in ae scientist and an workshop with lots of other ‘inventor. He was students. They learned to make porn in Vinci, tprushes, paintings, statues and small town in Italy, = many ‘other things. After the classes, they cleaned the place. ‘The workshop was alwaus BUS). ‘and messy during the day and — clean and tidy at the end of the. day, Leonardo lived in Verrocchio’s _ workshop for thirteen years. in 152. - seth his father or his mother. He ‘gved with his grandparents. His grandfather was very old and he Sart play with nim. The tit little boy was atone alt ‘day. He sometimes walked in the forest with his uncle, Francesco, Leonardo foved these ‘walks. He looked at.the irds, the Leonardo wasn't just an artist. He also studied the numan body and L rivers apa the mom dee invented machines. He designed 2 to make drawings of animals and RS ~ icycte, a plane, a helicopter ane z {ots of other machines. But these machines didn’t work. They were only drawings on paper: Leonardo | was a man of great imagination. moving water. } when he was a teenager, sonardo | istewrecas wos verrocchio was a great artist andl The None Liss, ¢ pointing by leoaréo da Vii 2 Read again and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Write the correct sentences in your folder. 1 Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, a scientist and a sailor. He was born in Spain. When he was a child, he lived with his parents. He walked in the forest with his aunt. When he was a teenager, he lived in a castle. He learned to make bicycles in Verrocchio’s workshop. Verrocchio was more talented than Leonardo. ON anus wn Leonardo travelled on a bicycle. es ee 2 Create a trivia game! soientist / inventor. Spain / Poland. France / ttaly. acchool / alab. art / experiments. Paris to study / Rome to study. animals / X-raymachines. (> Read the steps and create your trivia. How to create your trivia 1 (Choose a great person from history. You can choose a person from the list. sS ) Find information about the person and <= complete the card below. a ‘Other information: 2 a! oh, MpcStar Rei i A es 4 He/Sheworkedinfon:_______________7 “> Geta sheet of paper and copy the table below. Write sentences 5-7 using the information "you completed in step 2. Write a correct and an incorrect answer for each sentence. Use Brian's game as a model. {option |) / {option 2) fe (He/She! was a/an {He/She} wae bor in (Ho/ She! ved in (He/She! worked in/on (He/Shel (He/She) (He/She) __ u ‘Make a separate card with the person's name and a photo. © Exchange trivia games with a friend and circle the correct options. Then check your answers with your friend. She dida’ttive ~ in taly. She lived in France. She lived ia italy. \ ¢ rm at the —___. m doing an ove: (i the drums now. Brandy 2 Complete the texts with the words from the box. mechanic musician garage scientist lab | Steve likes music, he plays the drums, but Brandy likes science. She wants to © beanurseoraG@)_________.__ he doesn’t want to bea (3) She wants to work in ahospitalor He also likes ships, planes and cars. He wants a(z)_______.Sheloves tobe apilot ora (4) He wants experiments and discovering new to workin an airport or a (5) —_____ thingst and play music in his free time! © Write the words in order to form sentences about Steve. = always plays afternoon Steve the music chats He friends usually the = in with watches music mobile He on videos sometimes phone © Brandy and Steve meet during break time. Complete the dialogue with the present simple form of the verbs. play the tobe 2 musician? be 2 pilot or 2 mechanic! What about you? you always see you in the lab. you scene: J I love experiments. wee) Brandy: 1 S Complete the factfile with the past simple form of the verbs. My favourite person from history: PN Togas traditional (ike) Albert Einstein ( school. He (@) ______to learn new things at home. 2 (work) He (@}___ ina workshop. He (@) _____in a university. 3 Giscover) He (@) —_______ He (@) interesting laws of physics. 4 (travel) In 1933, he (@) —__________ to Asia. | | | a continent. | | He (@) _______ to North America. | © Brandy talks to Steve about Einstein. Complete the dialogue with the past simple form of the verbs. Who's your favourite person from history? Albert Einstein. He was a scientist and a professor. (live) he in Poland? she He lived in Germany, Switzerland and in the USA. (like) he music? she He played the violin very well! (discover) ____he the law of gravity? Brandy: ___,he . Isaac Newton discovered gravity. I go out with a friend and have a snack. jane s : uf . goto a friend's house and ) > “D> uisten and repeat the words in bold. & > > Play: In tums, say a key word or phrase from the box. Your friend says the activity. pizza games = bowling © asnack —photos_-—a friend's house clothes theclub_—my friends a - (= pizza. = \ » (> usten and read. What do you usually do on usually go to the club and see my friends. But! didn’t goto the club last Saturday. Ir was raining, so lwent to the shopping centre with Phil. _” went to the shopping cere too! Ibought a T-shirt ‘andthen! had asnackin 2 cofé with Kate. have a snack. We ate a big ‘burger with chips and then we went bowling. We had ‘agreattime! 2 Read again and write T (true) or F (false). + Timusually goestothecubon [| 4 Clarewas atthe shopping centre last |) Saturday. Saturday. 2 Hewasatthe club last Saturday. |_| 5, She has got a new T-shirt. oO 3 Itwas sunny last Saturday. 6 Tim likes burgers and chips. oO ) foals Wynnum buy =} bought have =} had | eat =) ate see => saw =p went take => took Look at Activity 1 and complete the tables. Past simple: verbs 2 1 went tothe shopping centre. pe Cg nn tothe cub: We _____ assnackin a café. We have asmack. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. {go} Tim (@) _____to the shopping centre. He (@) (eat) Tim (@) —_________ pizza He ( ‘buy) Clare (@) —____ a T-shirt, She (@) ©) Listen and repeat the verbs in the Look! box. a burger. 27 2 Read again and answer. 1 Does Andy usually see his friends at the weekend? 2 Does he usually go to his friends’ house? Look at Activity 2 and complete the table. Past simple Short Yes, wer No, sie Pier Phil talks to Andy, a Teens Online follower. Phil: Do you usually see your friends at the weekend? Andy: Phil: Andy: Yes, | do. They usually come to my house. Did you see your friends last weekend? Yes, | did. I saw them on Saturday. Phil: Did they goto your house? ‘Andy: No, they didn’t, We went to the shopping centre. Did you buy anything? Andy: Yes, we did, twas my cousin's birthday, so we bought him a football shirt. Cool! Did you go bowling at the shopping centre? No, we didn’t. We had a snack and then we went to my cousin’s house. Did you have fun? Andy: Yes, we did, We ate pizza, played games and took lots of funny photos! oe Lp os Andy: 3, Was Andy at the shopping centre last Sunday? 4 Was it his birthday? your friends last weekend? bowling? Complete the questions with take, eat and go. Then answer about your last weekend. i you photos? to the shopping centre? pizza in a restaurant? i i i i i you see j =— they —_____ i mene i i i | le 1 (D> Listes and tick (V) er cross 00. 2 Look at Activity 1 and complete the text. Phil (2) sa his friends last weekend. They (2)____ to the shopping centre and they (3) _______ bowling. They (,) ________games at his house. They (6) _____pizza. They (6) ____a snack. ss 3 |» Look at Activity 4. Ask and answer. se 4 ‘> Play: In turns, get six cards and form a sentence or a question. Get three points for each correct sentence or question. A SNACK? 29 » (@®> victes and complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. wrote posted ate broke wore eed SER ane ce eee ROR Ltd When? Last weekend Why? Because my brother Billy my phone. When? Last Monday Why? Because my sister Jane my clothes. | When? Last Friday | When? Last week Why? Because myfriend Jason | Why? Because myfriend Nick || Why? Because my brother Ben my snacks. silly photos of me. in my notebook. | By Zack By Sarah © Match the verbs with their past simple form. break | ext | | write | | wear post wrote | broke | posted | ate | | wore » “D> Listen and repeat the verbs in Activity 1. rovewttvay?) © > Look at Activity 1. Ask and answer. argue with Billy? Cu Cu woeions phone. he 30 Vet'stread! Pee ee eb ee Pei because she wore my new shorts. | bought them on Friday and she ‘wear them on Sunday, but they were dirty. And she didn’t Say sorry! Tm very angry. | want to hide allher favourite clothes! @O@@ carol, usa Comment © Kate, Cooldown, Carol Don't hide your sister's clothes! It isn’t a good idea. Tell her, Sarpm ‘Please ask me the next time you want to wear my clothes” | argued with a friend at school because he wrote lots of s my bag, but the words didn’t come out. He said sorry, wei looks old and grey. And it’s got lots of words on it, What cam | do @ Tim, __Talktoyour friend. Tell him to buy a new school bag for you. it'simportant to take 3.08 pm care of your friends’ possessions. My best fiend always posts silly photos of me, She says they're Funny but they're not! Last right, we were in my bedroom and | saw a shadow on the window. Lwas voy scared and she took 2 photo of me. Then she posted it and | didn’t look nice! @ Mandy, UK Comment: © Clare, _Tellyour friend, ‘Be a good friend. Next time you want fo post photo of me, 3.45 pm please ask me first.” largued with my brother because he ate all my snacks, | went to the supermarket to buy my snacks on Monday. Today is Wednesday and | haven't got any- He ate them all! He never buys tie snacks and he always eats mine! =) Jeff, Holland Comment: @ phil, __Nexttime you go te the supermarket, tell your brother to go with you and buy 4.02pm _ his own snacks. 2 Match the people to their problems. 1 ane His brother posted photos of her. 2 Heny Her friend wore her clothes. 3. Mandy Her sister ate his snacks. 4 lef His friend wrote on his school bag. 3 Answer. 1 Did Carol wear her new shorts on Sunday? 3. Did Mandy look nice in the photo? 2 Does Harry like the words on his school bag? 4 Does Jeff's brother buy his own snacks? I a ~ MaKe weeKend cards and pla ) Look back at the unit and complete the words with the past simple form. Problems He/She b_o__e my phone. He/She w_.__e my clothes. He/She w___te on my bag. He/She a_e my snacks. He/She p__t_dasilly photo ofme. = Look at Nathan's weekend card. CARD A: My weekend card tis house. (went othe hom | argued with a ftiend because he posted ¢ sily photo of me. | 3 Reed the steps and make your cards for the game. How to create your cards i Read the list and tick six activities, one problem and 2 reason for your weekend card. © | Iteda _largued with a Her e lwentba jienishowe. “Twert tothe shoppingcentr, | Tange te ny brother | e a | He/She broke my bicycle. e He/She wore my clothes. payed games | HelSae ate my snacks | Lent bowling Hehe posted a photoofme "Lento the lib, (| Helse wrote ny any C] Isowmyftends | Hehe ote ony pen case | 2 Get a sheet of paper to make your weekend card. Use Nathan's card as a model. Include the six activities, the problem and the reason. Look for pictures in magazines or add simple drawings. 3 ‘Make a second card, CARD B. Don't write any activities on this card. You will use this card to play. “ Inturns, ask questions and guess the six activities, the problem and the reason in your friend's card. Write the information you get on CARD B. The first player to complete CARD B wins the game. Did you have asnack? Did you argue with your brother? Yes, did. Because hewrote inmydiary. 2 It's hotand dry. 3 It’s very long. Iguazu Falls, SouthAmerica __-—_ usten and repeat the words in bold. 2 ©» match these words to the photos in Activity 1. Then listen and repeat. 2 waterfall [1] mountain |_| e@ desert | | d canyon | | fowiver | 3 Ot © |) Play: In turns, saya sentence from Activity 2. Your friend says the natural wonder. xe Acanyon. ate ‘Mount Everest. Wsinasia. ‘The Sahara Desert. Ws in Africa. lo, itisn’t. ‘The driest desertin the worldisin Chile. ~ Well. done! You're great at geography! Wyeoromn , tests | big => biggest Look at Activity 4 and complete the table. dy => driest Superlative adjectives 1 | Everest high___ mountain in the world. is the The Sahara Desert desert in the word, | | Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives. fer Nile is (long) river in the world, ra Desert is (big)_______ desert in the world, d Canyon isn't (deep) _ canyon in the world. me Desert is (dry) desert in the world. 35 Gare talks to Grey, a photographer. So, you're a photographer. Yes, that's right. I travel and take photos of the most amazing places in the world. Where were you last year? Iwas in South America. | was at the Iguazu Fells. Are they the largest waterfalls in the world? No, they aren't. But they're thie most beautifull What other places did you vi Iwas at the Perito Moreno Glacier. It's tlie most Incredible glacier in South America! Really? Wow! What do you want to do next? I want to go to North America. | want to visit the most interesting citfes in the United States. ups ® Read again and answer. 1 What's Grey's job? 3. What places did he visit last year? 2 Does he take photos of animals? 4 What does he want to do next year? Look at Activity 1 and complete the table. Superlative adjectives 2 The Perito Moreno glacier is incredible glacier in South America The Iguazu Falls ae beautiful waterfalls in the world. Write sentences using the superlative form. \ghai / interesting / city in China The Victoria Falls / beautiful / waterfas in Africa int Everest / incredible / mountain in Asia ge . See esr ee 2 Wiese ety thee SA? 3 Whats (beautifel)___take im the USA? & WeetSGong) cher in the USA? * 5 Play: In turns, pick up a blue card and form a sentence. Your friend picks up the correct ity in the USA? picture and says the name of the place. thesia & ‘The Sahara Desert! 37 The Channel Tunnel is the The Rialto Bridge is the longest tunnel under the sea. _oldest bridge in Venice, italy. Grand Sect wer is the The Atlanta International The Walt Disney Concert Hall sallest sieyscraper in South Airport is the busiest airport is the most modern concert America, in the world. hall in the United States. ©» Listen and repeat the words in bold. Answer with the words in bold in Activity 2. ‘ts of planes and tourists. It’s in Atlanta in the United States. What is it? football in this place. It’s in Barcelona in Spain. What is it? :n 400 years old. It's over a canal. What is it? Angeles, California, It has got 2,265 seats. What is it? ometres long. It's between England and France. What is it? scia, Chile. i's 300 metres tall. What is it? Which amazing construction do you like the most? Why? oe The Golden Gate Bridge is the most famous bridge in the world. It's in San Francisco, one of the most interesting cities in the United States. It is 27.4 metres wide and 2.7 kilometres long. Its structures are 297 metres high. lt opened in 1937. The Millau Viaduct in France is the highest bridge in Europe. It crosses the valley of the River Tarn. It's 32 metres wide ‘and 2.46 kilometres long. Its highest structure is 343 metres high. It opened in 2004. The Shanghai Tower is the tallest skyscraper in China. W¥s 632 metres high and it's got 126 floors. I's got the world’s fastest lift. You con get to the top in one minute. It goes up at 74 kilometres per hour! Bur] Khalifa is the tollest skyscraper in the world. ls in Dubai in the United ‘Arab Emirates. It opened in 2010. It's 828 metres high and its got 211 floors! It's got the world’s highest restaurant. Answer. Where can you find... 1 the tallest skyscraperin the world? 4 the most famous bridge in the world? 2. the world’s highest restaurant? 5 the world’s fastest lift? oe his are 5 3. the highest bridge in Europe? 6 the tallest skyscraper in the United Arab Emirates? In youn folder, write five sentences comparing the Golden Gate Bridge and the Millau Viaduct. Which one is tonger / wider / higher / more modern / more famous? ‘ CS ce a 30 | a 4 NACE a ) Look back at the unit and complete the words. ‘The most incredible place: Creatont Lake, a but ak ina dsert ‘The largest lake: Qinghai Lake ‘The highest mountain: ‘Mount Everest, the highect mountain in the world! The longest river: The Yangtze River “The most amazing construction: Tho Grea lal of Cina, he lngeet wall nthe weld! ‘The tallest skyscraper: The Shanghai Tower, 632 metres high ‘The busiest airport: Beijing Airport The biggest stadium: ‘Guangdong Stadium ‘The longest bridge over the sea: The Qingdao Haiwan Bridge, 42.4 kilometres long The Great Wall of China The Qingdao Haiwan Bridge Crescent Lake FER 9 wo ii A “ Se SOA ET VOTER C) 9 Read the steps and make your fact file. How to make your fact file i (Choose 2 country and find information. - Geta sheet of paper and copy the table below. Remember to use words from the Get Ready! section and the superlative form of the adjectives, for example, the biggest lake. Use Pam's file asa model. (country) (continent) ‘The biggest Themostineredibleplace: ====S=S=|S=SCS*C(infor tation found) ‘The (adjective and type of natural wonder): ‘The (adjective and type of natural wonder): | The (adjective and type of natural wonder): ‘The most amazing construction: The (adjective and type of construction): The (adjective and type of construction): ‘The (adjective and type of construction): 3 ‘Find pictures to show the most increible, amazing or beautiful places. Include them in your fact file. “4 Feld your file and give it to your friend. Your friend looks at the first column of your file‘and ‘asks questions. "— Myfileisabout © © ching, acountryinasia. / - —__ | What's the biggest city in China? a 4 2 Felix amd Wicky meet after their holidays. Read the answers carefully and complete the ‘questions. Use the past simple. tem _—___ om holiday last month? Wee es | it. weet to Costa Rica wih may parents. fee Pon any photos? Wick: Yes, | did! I took lots of photos. fi Cool any tropical animals? = i. I saw lots of beaut ‘toucans and other animals! = typical food? Vee es males and picadillo. fo - any souvenirs? wore bought souvenirs for my grandparents and cousins. ‘© Camplicte the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs. g=) ix (S) _______ to London in summer. He (@) = (eez He (@) _______summer clothes. He (©) _____-aletterto his grandpa. He ( in London. She (@) by ship. She (@) see lots of ugly bats. She (@) © Glong) = London is the capital city of England and it's * (large) abi) ___eityin Europe. + Tomer Bridge is more than 120 years old. It's (2femous) ___ bridge inthe city. + Oaford Streets (3 busy) shopping street in Europe. There are lots of smops. in winter. his winter jacket. an emai in Costa Rica. by plane. ___ lots of beautiful birds. fread river in Costa Rica is the San Juan River. It's 220 kilometres long. © Arenal Volcano isn’t (5 high) ‘mountain in Costa Rica, butit’s (6 popular) cloud forest in Central America is Monteverde Cloud Forest. t's a large ball of hot gas in the sky. 2 it's got the shape ofa tube. It can travel into space. 3. I'sa large round object. it moves around the Sun or another star. 4 Ita labin space. People can live in it. 5, It's big group of stars and planets. an astronaut = > “ a space station 6 This person travels and works in space. atelescepe a planet 7 It’s got the shape of a tube. You can see D> uistes and repeat the words in bold. distant objects through it. 4 What can you see through telescope 2? Agatay. Qa Do scientists live in», the telescope? So, there’s a computer inthe telescope. ‘There isn’t 2 computer, \_ There are a tot! 2 Read again and complete the text. There's 3 (2) in space. lt takes pictures of (2) _______and galaxies. yer the Intemet from the (4) . lant So ea birt | Look at Activity 2 and complete the tables. | a ‘telescope. ie eee. & computer. an old star. a sone = — S20. There_______ any _ scientists. tar in our galaxy, pe in this lab. stars in the universe. any / some astronauts in that rocket. 45 Phil talks to Susan, an astronaut. Phil: Did you live in space? Susan: Yes, | did. | lived in the International Space Station for many months. | was the commander. Phil: Are there any bedrooms in the space station? ‘Susan: No, there aren’t. Astronauts sleep in very small cabins. Oh, | see. And are there any bathrooms? Yes, there are. How many bathrooms are there? There are two. is there a kitchen? No, there isn’t, We eat food from special packages. Is there a telescope? ‘Yes, there is, But it doesn't look up. It looks down to observe the Earth! 2 Read again and tick (). ‘What is there in the space station? + bedrooms) 3. bathrooms |) 5 atelescope (_) 2 cabins = (C) 4 akitchen ©) Look 2t Activity 1 and complete the table. There is / There are ‘Yes, there. there 2 kitchen? No, there. ered FREES Yes, there. there an bedrooms és No, there. | i i i 1 How bathrooms are there? “There are two. i j j | Complete the questions. Then look at Activity 1 and write the answers. ronauts? 3 many bathrooms are there? 4 akitchen? » (D> Listen and tick () or eross (>). C-e-¢-¢ C ° Oo © Look at Activity 1 and complete the sentences with a, some or any. 1 There are______ computers in the space station. 4 There's ______lab. 2 There aren't_____ plants. 5 There’s__telescope. 3. There are___astronauts. 6 There aren’t___ animals. @ >} Look at Activity 4. Ask and answer. Are there any ‘computers inthe space station? se 4 > Play: In turns, get six cards and form a sentence or a question. Get three points for each correct sentence or question. ® 8 g io s + ‘Guess and tick (|) the activities astronauts do in space. Then scan the text on page 49 eCheck your answers, aa DE sd eat icecream eat fresh vegetables il 3 drink juice eL iif =—* Ls ‘ eattwomealsaday ane Ps drink coffee a wash their hair : : havea shower : sepmabed watch films > wash their clothes: Or F S do exercise mess shoes > watch sunsets wear comfortable clothes pmrtcioms talktotheirfamily | ~ ® Listen and repeat the words in bold. | ~ For each category, write the things you do or don’t do. You can use time expressions and | adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, never). Deed Food Atlas | never + do spacewalks ee an Ma et'stread! ms do spacewalks. Their task “ewestigate life and work in space future, more important ‘Merk lives ond works in ¢ module | ae IS. Life in space i not the | seme os life on our planet because "there isn’t any grovity. So, what does _ do on a typical day? He comfortable clothes when he the stotion and he doesn’t weer shoes make big efforis in zero to keep his body in shape, he does exercise two hours a doy. He usually sleeps eight hours a day. He sleeps in «a sleeping bag on the wall because there aren't any bedrooms in the space station. He eats three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. He drinks water, juice, tec and coffee. He eats food from special packages because food flies away in zero gravity. He eats lots of kinds of food, but he doesn’t cook. 7 There is an oven in his module but he ~~ doesn’t use it to cook because the food . in the packages is precooked. He uses the oven to heat food. He doesn’t eat ice cream or fresh vegetables because } vs oe there isn't a fridge in the space station ¥ There is very litle water in space, so Mark doesn’t have 1g shower or wash his hair with water. And he doesn’t wash his clothes. He cleans his body with wet wipes and he uses dry shampoo, When his clothes ore dirty, he doesn’t wear them anymore. ‘Mark works hard, but he also has fun. In his free time, he watches films, listens to music, reads books, plays cards ond talks to his family. He also looks out of the window. He watches incredible sunsets. In space, there are sunsets every 90 minutes! 2 Read again and write T (true) or F (false). b cook food? AS Coke ao) ; 49 | around the Earth in go minutes. | | 3 There aressixastronauts onthe ISS. |_| [5] 4 There aren't sunsets in space. oO ¢ eat ice cream? d have a shower? Misi Bu cao) a Fun space mission. + Look back at the unit and complete the words. Routines on a space station w_—_h their clothes / hair s_e___ inasleeping bag W_a_ comfortable clothes / shoes ‘Theluniverse’ c_—k food fettes = Olea e__ three meals a day / fresh food ae at d____k water / coffee pak eee r_p____rthe station es d__ experiments / exercise / spacewalks d_s__v___ planets : oe py cards tL totheir family > Read Jane's report. er ny A: STATION iS CABLED 101. , tein a gala called Pink Cloud. There are lots ofyelon a Sie planets inthis galaxy, There’ a big star too. ts 0b 4 blue fie, name is Bang. _ a ce station 101, there arenit any bedrooms. There are three sleeping wall. There is a bathroom and a Kitchen. There icrit a telescope, but indow. Thet bh. There's a gym, There are six computers. ere are three astronauts in the space station, Their mission isto invent ball y in 2er0 gravity They play the games in the gym. The astronauts work ten hours they sleep she hours a day and they play bal gam They use computers, the; the gym. In t ‘tree time, Read the steps and write your report. How to write your report Read Jane’s column. Then complete the column for your space station. Invent a galaxy and 2 mission for your space station. The mission can be fun! Space station’sname —Q} Are there any stars ‘one star (big ball of blue Yl Bang in the galaxy? How many astronauts 3 are there? What do astronauts york [O hours a day doonatypicalday? do exorcice 3 houre a day Get a big sheet of paper or cardboard and write your report. Use the information in your file as @ gulde and Jane's report as a model. Include drawings. _ Myspace station is called 101.1t’sina galaxy called Pink Cloud. There are . = » lots of... ~~ Show your report to the class and talk about it. | ‘Which books do you like? © ‘Match the pictures with the tale titles. Then listen and check. 2_afunny genie 6 adangerous monster 7 arich sultan 8 abad pirate ¥ 2 “10 a young princess | a2 a handsome sailor oo oon | ee | = 12 abrave boy (> Usten and repeat. e _ Play: In tums, saya pair of characters. Your friend says the tale title. In this story, there's a beautiful mermatd and ahandsome sailor. It’s The Little ‘Mermaid. ‘Yes, do. | slways read stories when! gotobed andisometimes readin the afternoon, ‘What did you Sinbad, the sailor. ‘bought ityesterday andit's great! ‘Oh, my brother read that book Last month! He usually reads one book every month. 2 Read agein and answer. = When does Kate read books? 3. When did she buy Sinbad, the sailor? 2 What Sc she read last night? 4, Did Phil read Sinbad, the sailor? Leckcat Activity + and complete the tables, Present simple vs past simple 5 says «= ____ inthe ' stories afternoon. bought it last Friday. Ao ee peey Hee ane : He/She last week. never some yearsago. Complete with the present simple or past simple form of the verbs. 1 Phi Gise co music every day. He usually (listen) ____ 0 pop music. He (go) fer brother last night, 2 new book yesterday. She always (read) __ stories when she goes to bed. 53 | 54 Lee Tze) o« F (false). aaa Tam dient read Arabian mots. Tips ssernever reads) classic tales. Tim talks to Lily about books. Lily works in the school library. Do you usually ead? Yes, Ido, lusually read at lunchtime. Do you read classic tales? No, I don’t. Now, | always read novels. But | read a lot of classic tales when | was a child. Did you read Arabian Nights? Yes, | did! | loved it, Did you read it? No, | didn’t, but my sister read it some years ago and she liked it. Does she usually read? ‘Yes, she does. She always reads in her free time. What about you? Do you want to read Arabian Nights? ‘Yes, | do! | like stories about sultans. You can rent it rom the library! Cool! upe a Look at Activity a and complete the tables. Present simple vs past simple Present simple: questions Present simple short answers a Aiicsipensienin i 1 a classictales? No, usually eee oP Thee she No, dene SRE you/he/ ‘Arabian Yes, —_—— eT weak Gyapay em oye Mbebe ‘Complete the questions. Then look at Activity 4 and write the answers. Lily usually read? she read a classic tale last night? Peter's sister always read in her free 1 @ user and complete the table. never © Look at Activity 1 and complete the sentences. 1 Yesterday, Clare __a book about a beautiful mermaid. 2 Philnever____ stories about mermaids. 3 Clare read a story about a______last week. 4 Philusually____ stories about______and sultans. se > > Play: In turns, look at Activity 2 for 2 minutes, close your book and form sentences with your friend's prompts. Clare never feads fairy tales. —@ © ©» Play: In turns, pick up a card and form a sentence. Use the present simple or past simple. Clare read tale about a mermaid yesterday. eee ey Share your feelings about a book you read or are reading now! it's very long — about 500 pages! | can't finish it. protagonist is in trouble. By Marti se _ Look at Activity 1. Ask and answer. ‘Why is Martin. | worried? Because he's reading Aladdin and the protagonist is in trouble. eS ~ Complete the sentences. 1 Sophieis tired because she’s reading ‘Arabian Nights’, but it’s very long | 2 Tomis because os 3 Marieis because | 4 lolais_ because = 5 Martinis ____ because | 6 Jetfis because 56 dee you bored? Reada Greek story! Many years ago, the Greeks rested fantastic stories about good and bad gods, dangerous pear in books and films like The Chronicles of Narnia, Sinbad ‘and Horry Potter. Let's read about some of them. ‘The Cyclopes are three brothers. They'e big and strong. ‘They've got one big eye on their face ‘and they're very ugly. They live on an island and when they‘ hungry, they attack ships and eat sailors. They'e very dangerous and they can create terble storms when they're angry. Sailors are very scared of them. Pegasusisa beautiful white horse. Its got wings andit can ‘iy very well. Most people can’t come near Pegasus because its a wild animal. Only big heroes can ride it. Pegasusisa happy horse because it can fly over land jand sea, andit’s faster than the wind. 2 Read again and answer. 2 Why we vistas te the Sphiinx’s city worried? Why is the Cerberus 2 good guardian? 4 Why we Chines students © Which coeatare do you ke the most? Why? ‘monsters and lots ofstrange creatures. Many of these creatures about studying eres woman and the body ofa lion, She's got wings and she can fly, She sits on a wall and protects a city. Visitors to the cty are worried about meeting her because she asks difficult questions and eats people when they give The Sphinx =} the wrong answers! The Cerberus san enormous and dangerous dog with three heads. It stands ata door and doesntlet people pass. tsa very ‘good guardian because it’ very: strong, But it’s got a problem. [.goesto sleep whenitistens to music so when people play music they can passthrough the door. \ Centaurs are half man and half horse. Most centaurs are bad butsome of ‘them are good. Chiron is one of them. He a teacher and he knowsa lot about sports, stars and medicine. His students are excited about studying with him, Hes the best teacher inGeee! 2 What Cyciopes do when they are hungry? And when they are angry? 57 © Read Maggie's story. Aladdin ‘Once upon a time, Aladdin lived in Arabia near the suter’s palace: He was a young boy and he was very ‘500 becouse he wanted to marry the princess, but he Sent have any money, ‘Ore doy, he found a fomp near the sea. The lamp ‘cs smal ond diy, When Aladdin cleaned the lamp, og gene cppeored. Aladdin was very excited ‘Alodin: Con you help me marry the princess? Genie: No. can't. 'mvery hungry. [was in that tome for many years. I want fo eat first. ‘Se Bloggin cooked food for the genie and the ger ate lots of food during lots of doys. ci Aladdin: Can you help me many the princess, now? Genie: No, Icon’. 'm bored. !was in that lamp for many years. !don't want fo work I want fo travel around the world first. ‘Aladdin wos angry. Aladdin: You're a genie. Give me a wisht Genie: | can't right now. | want to travel frst. Do you want fo come with me? ‘Aladdin: Well, thats not a bad idea. So Aladdin and the genie travelled around the world (on a magic carpet. They had lots of adventures ond | Read the steps and write your story. How to write a new version of a story l Read Maggie's column. Then complete the column for your story. Use your imagination! young, poor sad the genie. big. hungry bored Asabia ‘Aladdin wanted to marry the princess but he wastit a prince and he didnt have any money. ‘© Aladdin found a lamp. He was excited and asked the genie. forhelp. © The genie was hungry and ate lots of food. The genie was bored and wanted totravel © They travelled around the world on amagic carpet, Aladdin never married the princess. Write your story, Use the chart as a guide and Maggie's story as a model. You can include dialogues. Add pictures or drawings. + Exchange stories with a friend and read them. ss. ies ete GCMs toa) am ) Look, guess and write the names of the books. The Last Battie Dangerous Seas Mission 801 2 Complete the texts with the affirmative, negative or interrogative form of t/iere /s / {lier ove Then check your answers to Activity 3. o:., 9, Dangerous Seas, (@) —_____ In The Last Battle (@) —____ a big ship and (@) ____allot 2 dragon and a castle but ( of pirates. (@) any sea a princess. (@) _______a there isn’t, but (@) monsters, but the story is really scary! a brave knight. He fights against the dragons! © In mission 601, (@) an astronaut and (@)—__ a spaceship. (@) _______ strange planets too. (@) ___ any aliens? No, there aren't, but there's a lot of action from the beginning to the end! ~ Complete the text about Mission 801 with the present simple form of the verbs from the box. play break watch eat listen sleep do discover communicate st Tom Berk is flying in a space station. He (@) _______ ina bed and he fresh food, but he’s very happy with his mission. With a big telescope, he new planets and stars. He (@) ______films, (@) card games. He also works. He (9) ________ experiments with the control station on the Earth. But one day, his computer ___.. Can he repair it? Read and find out! | Tee vad The Last Battle last year. Complete the text with the present simple or past simple form of the verbs. My favourite story is ‘The Last Battle’. t's about a dangerous dragon ard a brave knight. The dragon (lve) in a castle onthe top of a mountain and it (2 have got) 4 lot of prisoners. The brave kright G want) to sare the prisoners, so he (4 clin the mountain and (5 go) into the castle te rescue them. The battle (6 be) fantastic! New I love stories about monsters and dragons, but when I was « litte girl. to stories abeut thera. 1 (8 listen) Tot le) ==> rads Talo (tke) fury foes © Zoe is chatting with her new friend Emily. Complete their conversation. ees) you usually_____books?_ Zoe Ems _| love reading. (ead) ____you____—_ 5, ‘The Last Battle last year at school? Emily Ne. | Sidn’t. We read Dangerous Seas. you fantasy stories? Zoe —— you The Last Battle. (want). Zoe. it? canks! it? _—_____— you —_____ Yes, idid! Ihave it in my bag! Zoe you always Emily Cool! (take) —— Y your books wit you? Yes, Ido because | usually readonthe bus. Zoe. | ‘You're welcome! Now I want to read Mission 802. Zoe pie) Brace. . 7 Lat and write the types of films or TV programmes. 2 | Ca H 2 CITT fel MT TTT) | sLLi Siar | \.- 4 5 * CoE 2 Look and complete the greph with the adverbs of frequency from the box. sometimes never always usually -— What do teens watch? Animated films | a ie k | | | Science fiction films 62 2 Witte the words in order. Then look at Activity 2 and write the answers in your folder. me De news watch teens De teens watch the news? No, they don’t. They never match the news = w= films watch Do animated mech teens = horror. «Do films ne 4 science watch ~—stteens_~—s fiction © Do_—films: Look and complete the phrases. (== online games rare Pena games ore oes friends PU Leek HilT'm Clare. J aivaus chat with mu friends wn the afennoon T usually Let's write! 7 Read ae i ee 2 What do you watch on TV? 3 When do you goto the cinema? 4 Where do you watch TV? 5 When do you watch TV? © What kind of films do you like? _ At home, { watch alot of TV.| aways watch TV series and comedies. {love | them! { sometimes watch action fime. I never watch the newe or sports programmes. { don’t like them. { usually | wateh TV in the living room or in the Kitchen. { haven't got a TV in my bedroom. (never watch TV in the morning, [ awaue waich TV in the aflernoon and in the evening. | At the cinema, | usualy watch animated filme and { sometimes watch horror fins. {really like animated filme. They're fun. (usually go to the cinema on Saturday or Sunday with my friends. 2 Look at Activity 1 and underline the answers to these questions using different colours. 1 What do you watch at the cinema? Cree me red orange yellow green blue purple 3 Write about you. Use the questions in Activity 2 as a guide and Activity 1 as a model. veritng tip a * Use always, usually, sometimes and never. © Write two paragraphs. Paragraph 1: At home. Paragraph 2: At the cinemdn. Yr fracas eeu ') Lockat the mobile and complete the dialogue. 2 Look and complete Phil's notes. a ea | Tremp patio, Lobooye chal with VVVV VV VY a Vivvvvy A vey a oe oe il 3 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. in comedies never Clare: Tim, let's go tothe cvema. _t Phil: ______ you__ action films? Clare: 1 Sorry! watch action films. watch ten Sn eaten ee filrice Phil: OK, Look! There’s an animated film ___ the evening. Glare: Oh, great! But. you like this type of films? Phil: Yes, Ido. |______watch animated films with my cousin! 6s ex 2 Great people | Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Then write the professions. 4. René Favaloro (work)___________in hospital and (help) __________people. 2 The Wright brothers (invent). the aeroplane. 3 James Cook (cross) the Pacific Ocean on a ship. 4 Carolina Elena Lorenzini (travel) around Argentina on a plane. 5 John Lennon (play) the plano, the guitar and the bass. 6 Diego Rivera (paint) __________fantastic murals and paintings. He (love) (2 Wie me wands im onder Then locit 2t Activity : and write the answers. Ses me opt wecpiee «Did sthe «iment. Favaloro 2 Look and complete the sentences. ae + Iwanttobea__and workina > Iwanttobea_____and work ina. ) Iwanttobea___and work ina 4 Complete Kate's notes with the correct form of the verbs. Then write about her grandfather in your folder. Profession: artist Nationality: Argentinian + (1. work) — in a workshop in San Telmo * (2 paint} __ abstract paintings + In January 1440:(8 cross) _______ the Atlantic Ocean on ship + From 1940 to 1950: (live) __in France + Frona 1955 to 1960: (5 travel)___ to different countries and My grandfather (6 discover] _ new painting styles 67 Let's write! 7 meet ‘Meexander Bell (2847-2522) ‘Miesande: Sei was an imventoc. He was born in Scotiand (re higz_ Whee be was 12 years old, he invented his first machine. in 1870, he travelled to America and he lived in Canad and the United States. In 1875, he worked ina lab wet an assistant, Thomas Watson. Bell liked experiments, seth sounds. He invented the telephone in 1876. He died im Canada when he wes 75 years old. 2 Read again and complete Alexander Bell’s timeline. 3847 1859 1870-1874 1875 1876 1922 (c2yearsol) years ot@) in sinventedhis travelledto —* worked ina *inventedthe — * died in first America Canada ied in with an assistant, Thomas Watson andthe USA «liked experiments with 3 Look at Thomas Edison's timeline. 3847 1857 1869-4875 1876 1879 1931 Goyears old) (a years old) —_ 4. *bomin Ohio, *playedina —* moved to *startedabiglab * invented the —_* died in USA smalllabin NewYork near NewYork light bulb his home hishome —_* worked on © worked with experiments lots of other * invented scientists machines, 4 Write about Thomas Edison using the information in Activity 3. Use Activity 1 as a model. Writing ti * Use when... to express time in somebody's life. When he was 12 years old, he invented his first machine. He invented his first machine when he was 22 years old. © Use in +a year. In 2870, he travelled to America. He travelled to America in 1870. oe Meg et ) Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. was a very creative man. He (1 not paint) ing) _______but, in a way, he was an artist. He the personal computer. He (4 work) > ____ very hard to create a microcomputer revolution. He (discover) __new ways of using technology. = (6 not like) ______ conventional rules. He (7 love) _— thinking different. 2 Write questions in the past simple. Then look at Activity 1 and write the answers. Clare: (Steve Jobs / paint pictures) 2 Phit; _____but he was creative! Clare: (he / invent revolutionary computers) Pe Clare: (he / like conventional rules) Phil: Pablo Picasso was a Spanish (1) le (2) ___in Spain and Paris. () 9, at the age of (4) ______he (5) his fist oll painting, He (6) _______ with Georges Braque and t z ‘a painting style: cubism. He loved 69 > Leck and complete the phrases. Then match. games the club and ____my friends with a friend and asnack photos a friend's house and ___ pizza bowling _________ the shopping centre and __clothes 2 What did Kate do last weekend? Look at Activity 1 and complete the text. Last weekend, Kate (@) . she @) and @) . She © _ and she (@) 3 Write about your last weekend. a) @ 4 Wie the wands in order. Then look at Activity s again and write the answers. pet Gee 2 ithe hae Bid sak = Te deb Did go the come Pl go to Did the shopping S Gamplete the conversation. ee Thad a terrible day today. Gare Oh, wiy? Secouse|___with my brother and my sister. Daniel____my ‘smacks and__ on my books. He also__my favourite cap. Gee 0b, what ashame! ‘Then | argued with Donna because she a silly photo of me on Instagram. 'm really angry. © Look and write about Phil’s last weekend. Tim Tim n | Let's write! 1 Read. | Sone, {had a good time. | saw my friends. We went ‘> the shopping centre. We bought some video games and then had a burger for lunch. In the. SPemoon, we went to the club nd played football Sunday | didst have a good time. My title brother ate my chocolate bar and broke my computer. watched ‘TV with my sister but we argued becauce we. wanted to see different flms. We saw a comedy, ‘but | didrit lke itt 2 Read again and write T (true) or F (false). Paulwent to the shopping centre with friends. |] 4 His brother broke his chocolate bar. |_| They bought clothes. [1] 5 He argued with his sister. oO They had pizza for lunch. [J 6 we didnrttike the comedy. fal 3 Answer about you. Last weekend... you see your friends? did you go bowling? 25 u goto the shopping centre? —__ did you buy clothes? nian 1 go to the club? did you play games? otoa friend's house? ___ did you argue with a friend, ‘ake any photos? — brother or sister? foal did you watch TV? —, Why? i228? =x 5 Winkte about your weekend. Use your answers in Activity3 asa guide and Activity 1 as a model. Use because to give a reason. We argued because we wanted to see different films. We didn’t go to the club because it was raining. Writing tip My progress in this unit io re aes 9) Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs from the box. watch have goss) play buy_eat Gast Saterday, Mr Green (G) ____to the club and (@) ____tennis with a friend. ep the 2Hemmoon, he (@) ____a snack. On Sunday, he (@) ________ te the shopping cone but he () ___any clothes. He (@) ________ pizza with some friends. tp the aemoon, he (@) __to the club. He (@) _________a football match on TV. (2 Witte questions using Did. Then look at Activity a and write the answers. MrGreen: We went othe shopping centre. (buy / any clothes) 2 Look at Clare's notes and write about her last weekend. Sura, re went to the shi Saturday 7 @ Gototre Sroppins A e Goto Pris nouse © Post Pris pnotos 7 Sunday feens Onine write on Fe snack Aigo out uit kate and NE 73 0 Wonders of the world 1) Match to form words. Then look and write. =|] fel fel ke fen i | ver cer sert [tain [teu [yon ms 2 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box. cold deep high dry wide long. hot 1 The Grand Canyon is > Mount Everest is _. The Perito Moreno Glacier is The Iguazu Falls are ‘The Sahara Desert is ___and | . | | 2 The River Nile is —____. | | 7 > Lock at the tables and compare. Then write sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives. Mississippi | 3766 Nevado Ojos del Salado 6,894 one 4579 ‘Mount Pissis 6.792 | 1,438 Aconcagua 6.959 Osprey Falls 426 Niagara Falls 1,204 Vermilion Falls 1,829 © Circle the correct options and complete the sentences. in the world. + The Golden Gate is the more famous / famous / most famous b. > Grand Santiago Tower is one of the amazing / most amazing / more amazing s—_———————— in South America. Santiago Bernabéu is one of the most modern / more modern / modemer s. in Europe. 5 Complete Tim's notes with the superlative form of the adjectives. Then write about Peru. 4 ses) “The mast canazing places in Pent! 5 11 try, These. Huscaran: some of the aitractions you can G high) wnowntain see. Huscaran is the most ‘Magus National Park: (@ amazing) national park Colca Canyon: — G deep) canyon Gocta Falls: a ee ee Gtal) waterfall Pisac Market: G busy) narket 75 Let's write! 7 Read. The UK is 2 country in Europe, The River Sovorn ie the lenaost ver in he UK Is 354 kilometres long, Ben Nevie se Se bchest mountain It’s about 350 metres high. | Sirk “he most beautiful construction in the Ui the Tower in ond bce aera and 2's more than 120 yeare old. ‘The most amazing conetruction is the Channel Tunnel. © crosses the English Channel between the UK and France. fs 50 kilometres long. If’s the longest tunnel under the cea. 2 Read again and complete the UK column. Then read the Japan column. ae theUK Japan Continent Asia eee 354 kilometres long Shinano River, 367 kilometres long Cree 1,350 metres high Mount Fuji, 3.776 metres high Drege in London, the most Himejf Castle, the most famous castle eet famous bridge in the UK, 1894 (more _in Japan, 1609 (more than 400 years old) than years old) LCST 4 the longest tunnel | SkyTree in Tokyo, the tallest tower in Perea under the sea, 50 kilometres long | the world, 634 metres high 3 Write about japan using the information in the table. Use Activity a as a model. Writing tip @| To give details, we say: Its 354 kilometres long. its3350 metres high. { J's more than 420 years old. Himeji Castle My progress im this unit 1) Complete the text with the superlative form of the adjectives from the box. modem amazing _ incredible busy _ tall London is one of (2) cities in the world. Millions of tourists visit this city every year. The streets are always full of people. Why? Because there are lots of things to do! The London Eye is @ attraction, You can get inside a capsule and see the city from abavel If you want a higher view, go to The Shard. ‘The Shard is () _________ building in the United Kingdom. {t's 309.7 metres tall! There are also many bridges in London. The Millenium Bridge is futuristic, tt (q) _________—_ bridge in London. \f you like sea animals, visit the Sea Life London aquarium. You can see (=) ________ sea animals there. There are colourful clownfish and coral reefs! The London Eye 2 Write the words in order. Tim wants to write an article about London. Phil helps him. Tim: the / famous / most / What / attraction / is 2 Phil: _ | think it’s the London Eye. Tim: modem /is/ most / bridge / the / What 2 Phi Tim: castle / oldest / What / the /is It's the Millenium Bridge. ‘The River Severn is the () _______river in the UK. I'S 354 Mllometres (2) in Scotland, is the highest (3) itis about 350 metres (4) © Bridge. it's the most (©) bridge in London. ‘a In space TIM/O;}LIA/U/TIY [elwie|ololzlrlz [elolajalilelilx EQ sjl LL LIPicC ‘sip TR BA VO TcltiRiyY AN XI = ol[ulololtlelaly Pi) K/N/E/C Tu T EiR Alz iiklac vos UR HUE R FY TONE J Wirt y — zie S|T{A;|RIA 2 Complete the text with some words from Activity + in the singular or plural form. Milky Way. In our solar system, there are eight wear a special suit and they search and live ina (5) r system is in a (a) ‘There is / There are six astronauts on the mission. th them, but there is / there are a robot. ace station, but there isn’t / there aren’t any bedrooms. here isa / any computer. 78 4 Write the words in order. Then look at Activity 3 and write the answers. mission there the «= How = are._= on astronauts many 7 2 2 space in bedrooms there any station Are the 2 2 there telescope space the Is in station 5 Complete the phrases with the words from the box. wear sleep talk ~=—srepair_ «= wash eat’-—S splay = drink — discover do your hair / your clothes 6 water | coffee e experiments / exercise 7 the station / a machine ina bed / sleeping bag _— planets / stars clothes / shoes 9 ———_-aards / games fresh food 10 __to parents / friends / family 6 Write about Clare’s galaxy using the information in her notes. 4 space station / 3 astronauts on board felescopes % stars % planets ¥ ratural satelites 3 2artifcial satelites VW 79 ‘oe L Let's write! 7 Read. Zaneared in a new galaxy. There are two eee ee eee ‘There ae deserts and cat ‘on the planet. ‘There aren't any big animale on Zen, but there are. eit of incocts. Lend Creg’s ft fe small, but comfortable. Thereien’t a ym, but there is a kitchen. There ae fwo computere. (and Greg communicate with the control station on Earth every day. They do spacewalke and experiments. v Complete the Zen column with notes from the text. Then complete the other column with What colour is the planet? red | | . | How many astronauts are there? What are their names? | | | What is there on the planet? What isn’t there on the planet? | | What is there in the spacecraft? | What isn’t there in the spacecraft? | | | What do the astronauts do every day? 2 Write about some astronauts visiting an imaginary planet. Use your answers to the questions in the table as a guide. Use Activity 1 as a model. Writing tip _ i ait on Use but for contrast: There aren’t any big animals on Zen but there are lots of insects. There isn’t a bedroom but there is a kitchen, 8 SS SS SS SS SS aS aa a aS aa eS ae ES ine — | Gampiete the text with the words from the bax. Then tick () the correct picture. a an any_alotof (xz) fm his olay, there are (1) ____stars. There are three planets and (2)______ aliens! Tee's G)_____old spacecraft but there aren't (4) astronauts. There is 2 Complete the dialogue. ‘Tim wants to know about the universe. Phil helps him. Tim: _____a natural satellite around the Earth? Phi, ______ The moon! Tim: ~____ any other planets? Phil: ________ There are other planets outside the solar system. Tim; ____any other galaxies? Phi, _____! There are lots of galaxies! Tm: —__ = __ starsare there? Kate: There are billions! 3 Correct the verbs in bold. My name is Jane. I'm an astronaut and | have a busy routine. ! usually. “wateh: 8 hours and Ido breakfast. | wash juice and tea and | eat packaged food. Then | work in the lab. | repair experiments and over spacewalks. In my free time, | do films and wateh cards, | also talk to my family and friends. J sometimes miss my family but I'm doing an important job! 81 & Tell me a story! | Gircle the correct adjectives and complete the text with classic tale characters. ‘The Littie Mermaid is a story about a (3) beautiful / dangerous mermaid and a handsome (2) ‘The mermaid’s father is a (3) young / good king but he gets angry when he discovers that his daughter swents to live in the human world, Aloddin is a story about a (4) funny ____.. He is trapped in a (5) big / magic lamp. One day, 2 young boy sets him free. The genie helps they boy to marry the daughter of a rich (6) Peter Pan isa (7) bad / brave boy. His best friend is a little (8) ______. Together they fight against a bad (6) The Princess and the Dragon is a story about a (10) little / young princess. One day, a (a1) dangerous / handsome monster captures her. Then, a big (12) _______ rescues her. 2 Complete Mr Green’s text with words from the box. never always Yesterday usually Some years ago Hove reading. (2) bought a book about arrich sultan and a brave boy. | want to read it tonight. | (2) ___read 30 pages every night. | 1) _______ buy books about Arabian stories. (@) ——____ | read Arabian Nights and | liked it very much! | was a teenager when | read it. | (5) ___read stories about fairies or mermaids. | don't like them. 3 Write questions using the present simple or the past simple. Then look at Activity 2 and write the answers. 1 MrGreen / usually / read / fairy tales 2 he / buy / abook about a rich sultan / yesterday he / read / Arabian Nights / last night 82 AF 4 Mach om reading Herry Potter @ I'mexcited! Oo pe mre te ood Prince: T'm reading a bookfora b Imangry! oO | Sesercey, [read five chapters history test. Itisn’tinteresting F 2nd! went to bed at 1am. ‘ond it's very ong! € Imtiredtoday [_] d rmbored. O ~ My mum bought me anew ‘book. | want to get home and read it! | can't wait. My little sister broke the cover of my favourite book. Look at Tim's notes and write about his reading habits. 999 last night — Astory AE tnt tired because abouta Dwg it was very long! abock ¥ 4 last week — tht happy because about a - Lt : tales oe ‘Stories: somctines about 83 My favourite story is “Peter Pan’. The main character in the story is 4 young boy from Neverland. He likes sfoies and adventures. He's called Peter Pan. In the story, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell Wendy and her tun brothers fly te Neverland On the way, Peter Pan tls stries about his adventures. There are strong Indians, hungry cree, bad pirates and beautifl mermaids, My faveurite character isn't Peter Pan, It is Tinker Bell. She's litle fairy ard she’s beautiful. | | | When Twas. tle girl bstened te stories when it was time for bed T leaked at the pictures in books foo. Now, I don't read every day, but | | Tsometimes read at the weekend. 2 Copy the table into your folder and complete Jenny's column. Then choose your favourite story and complete your column, ce naract Cees ea eos | 3 Write about your favourite story and your reading habits. Use your answers to the questions | from the table as a guide. Use Activity 1 as a model. Writing tip @ Use the present simple to talk about your story and its characters. i He's a young boy from Neverland, | He tells stories about his adventures. | They have lots of adventures. | 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. Lost year, | (tread) ___ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fee. {really (2 like) ______ it! And | (@ watch) im too! Last week, my aunt (4 buy) _______ me Harry and the Order of the Phoenix. 'm so excited! | want to read it! | always (6 read) _____fantasy books and sometimes (6 rent)__ science fiction books from the frary. | 7 not like) _ romantic novels. 2 Complete the dialogue. (read) _______ you____ Harry Potter Ce and the Philosophers Stone? Oh, great! (ent) ____she itftom the school library? KO! Tin Cool! (read) ___ she usually fantasy books? Kee book (2) buy / bought ast use she says | (6) always / never lose j ry things. But I think my little sister (6) took / wore it. She usually (7) takes / ‘buys my things and (6) some time ago / sometimes breaks them. Last month, we (9) argue /argued because she wrote on my school bag with paint. ase Wa tg Animated films we like! Trolis PG / 2016 / 92 minutes teitticick ‘Tove this flm. ifs fun and there's lots of great music.” —Sally eS Be smal and happy ereotures. They live in a magical town with Princess Poppy. They always give parties =ro Mey love music. Bergens are big and ugly monsters. They eat trols! One cay, a Bergen captures some Sey sole. Pencess Poppy decides fo rescue her tiny fiends and then... there’ lols of adventure! Despicabie Me 3 PS 2017 / 90 minutes 1. Gru is very funny and cetion.’~ Stuart Sr re Lucy cre ex-agents of the Anti-viiain -ey wont to copture villain Balthazar ‘he mission is very difficult. One day, “eeconia fo meet Dru, Gru’s jonis to be a villain and he says, Lefs contre Ectthazar Bratt together!’ Lucy, [2 gee onc ne minions help too! PG / 2017 / 86 minutes ‘Like this fm, There's ‘adventure and there are scary scenes!’ - Brandy Emojis live in Textopolis, c beautiful city ‘Alex's mobile phone. Alex always uses emoiis when he Chats with friends. Emojis ciways have the same expression, but one emoji, Gene, can change his. expression! Some emojis want fo eliminate Gene, but his friends want fo help him, + Complete with Trolls, Gru or Emojis. oe love music. live in a mobile phone. has got a brother, Dru. 4 live witha princess. 5 ——_____ live ina magical town. © Correct the sentences in your folder. Trolls ive in a magicatfmountainwith Princess, Poppy. Trolls don't live in ge magical mourtain, They live in a magical. town, 2. The Bergens are big and beautiful. ee i= (GNSG.S TK AG PAG 6 —____always have the same expression. 7 ——_— have got enemies called Bergens. 8 ______wants to capture Balthazar Bratt. 3. Gru's sister lives in Freedonia. 4 Druwants tobe a ion, 5. Alexnever uses emojis when he chats with friends. 6 Gene can change his colour. Kk about the reviews 7 Colour the stars to rate the films and, in your folder, write two things you like/don’t like about each film. Trolls We We VY WWE Despicable Me 3 wwwewwyww The Emoji Movie Vz WW Ye VF 2 Choose 2 message for each film. Match and explain your choice. 1 aie Ty 2 4 Agood friend helps you. Friends are important. It's OK to be different. Family is important. Which film do you 5 Music helps you to be happy. prefer Trolls, Despicable Me 3or thes 6 Its good to be good. The Emoji Movie? ‘why? 3 Choose a film you like and write a review in your folder. | she cleaned the floors and Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was born in Italy, but she lived in England. When she was a child, she was very good at maths and she liked science and history. When she was around 20 years old, she decided she wanted to be a nurse. Her parents didn't like the idea. At that time, hospitals were horrible places. A lot of sick people died in them. But Florence insisted, In 1851, she travelled to Germany and trained to be a nurse there. She was in Germany for three months and then she travelled back to England. In England, she worked in a hospital, but she didn’t get any money for her work. 2 war started in Crimea, a region of Russia. In this war, England, France and 2 against Russia. The conditions were very bad for the sick soldiers. They cspital in Turkey. They were hungry and cold and lots of them died. In 1854, government asked Florence to help in the hospital. She travelled to Turkey ses in November that year. Turkey was more hospitals in soldiers were in soldiers were place wes very ats lived near nce worked 20 With the 38 nurses, washed the soldiers’ clothes. 90 io Cae AD The bear and the two travellers om and Bill were good friends. They T secetemstoomeresny ‘summer day. Itwas along way to town, but they walked and talked and they had a good time. They were happy together and time passed. The sun was setting when they reached aforest, ‘The sunis setting. We can't cross the forest now. I's dangerous because there are bears in this Forest and its getting dark’ said Bill ‘Tm not scared of bears’ said Tor. ‘'m strong and I can fighta bear. Can't youfight a bear?" ‘No, leant!’ said Bill. Bears are bigger and stronger than me! ‘Well. | can fight a bear. Don't worry, Let's cross the Forest now: said Tom. Bill didn’t want to argue with his friend, so he entered the forest. The two boys walked in silence paying attention to the road because it was very dark. Suddenly, they saw a big bear in front of them. They stopped. Mmm... It's dinner time! said the bear. looked around. He saw a big branch on a tall tree and he quickly climbed up. Bill stayed on the ground. What are you doing?’ asked Bill. You said you can fight a beer. Come down and fight this bear. He wants to eat me!’ said Bill. “That beer is very big, He's bigger and stronger than me. can't Sght him because it can kill me! said Tom. ‘Cen youhelp me climb up the tree, then?’ asked Bill. ‘No! seid Tom. This place is very small. Go and find another tree’ Billdidethave time to look for another tree. ‘What can | do? he said. Soon he had an idea. Bears don't eat dead meat, so he dropped to the ground and he didn’t move or breathe, The bear walked towards Bill. Yuck! I dont like dead meat! said the bear and walked away. Tem cited down the tree. He asked Bill, “West dic the bear say when he was near you?” & geod frend helps you in a difficult situation; said BIL and he walked away. ) Answer. 1 Billdidn't want to cross the forest. Why? 2 Why did Bill decide to cross the forest? 3. Why did Tom climb up a tree? © Write T (Tom), B (Bill) or TB (The bear). 1 ‘We can’t cross the forest now.” 2. ‘Ym strong and I can fight a bear.” 00 3. ‘Let's cross the forest now.” 4 ‘Bears are bigger and stronger than me.” Lara em clo 1 Tick (/) the moral of the fable. 2 Don't cross forest when i's dark. ) > Don’t fight big bears because they can kill you. CO ¢ A friend who doesn’t help you when you're in trouble isnot a good friend. () 2 Choose and, in your folder, write about: 4. Apartofthe fable that you liked. 2. Apartof the fable that surprised you. 4 Why did the bear walk away? 5 Why did Bill walk away? 5 6 fa 8 ‘It’s dinnertime.” “Come down and fight this bear.” ‘Idon't like dead meat.” ‘A good friend helps you in a difficult situation.” O000 ‘Who's your favourite characterin the fable? Why? 3 Inyour folder, write anew ending for the fable. Start with: Bu, didn’t have. time to look for another tree. "What can | do?’ he said. a 92 ‘The Sahara Desert is the biggest desert in the world. Its also the hottest. It's in Africa and it covers large parts of eleven countries. ‘The Great Barrier Reofis the biggest coral system in the world. in the Coral Sea near Australia. Fe consists of more than 900 islands and abou 2.900 coral reefs. Coral reets are formed by lots of very small animals called coral polyps. Coral polyps cannot live in cold water. They like warm ‘ocean water of temperatures between 26°C and 27°C. These tiny animals have shells. When they die, their shells stay together and form reefs. The climate is very severe in this desert. I's very hot during the day and very cold at night. Temperatures can reach 56°C during the day and -6°C at night. les very windy and there are lots of sandstorms. ts very dry 100, Half of the desert gets only ‘wo centimetres of rain per year ‘There are about 20 sakewater lakes in the desert, but there's only ‘one freshwater lake, There’ one permanent river the River Nile, About two million people live in this desert. They're nomads and they move from place to place with their camels. Camels can live without water for many days. They've got humps to store fat to make water and long eyelashes to protect their eyes from sandstorms. Low of fish and mutes live in the Great Barve: Reet Whales sometimes come near the ree too. Lots of birds live on the Stands and Give to catch fish near the reefs. pllions of tourists visit the Great Barrier host every year. It's Australia’s most popular tourist attraction. Tae Check your understanding Answer. 2 Write T (true) or F (false). Where is the Sahara Desert? 1 The Great Barrier Reef is in Asia. 3 ‘What's the weather like in this desert? 2 Millions of shells of coral polyps form oO Do people live in this desert? aco Coral polyps like cold water. oO 3 i I ‘Are there any lakes in the Sahara Desert? 4 Fish, turtles and whales live near the reef. |_| 5 6 There aren't any birds near the reef. e The Great Barrier Reef isthe most popular |") tourist attraction in the world. 1 2 3 4 What animals have they got? 5 6 Does it sometimes rain? 3 Think about the ar Do youwant to visit / the Sehara Desert , or the Great Barrier ‘1 Choose two interesting facts you didn’t iene know about each place or its animals. ‘The Sahara Desert 2 In your folder, write about 1 a natural wonder of the world, Include information 2 to answer these questions: The Great Barierect © Whereis it? 1 © What plants and animals live in the area? © What is the weather like? © Whyisit special? 2 93 * Ae MSL Who was Galileo Galilei? What did he do? ‘ewes ¢ scientist and an astronomer. He was bom in Italy in 1564, ‘Ae imvented 2 new telescope and he used it to observe the universe. ‘Hewes the first astronomer to see Jupiter and Satum through a ‘Bescon. For many years, scientists said, ‘The Earth is the centre of the «iverse.’ With his telescope, Galileo proved that planets go around Be Sun. » Answer. 4 How many planets are there in our solar system? 2. Are solid planets bigger than gas planets? © Complete the table. the biggest planet? the smallest planet? the coldest planet? 1 la 3 the hottest planet? —___ 4 | 5 the nearest planet to the Sun? 1 Where was Galileo Galilei born? 2 What did he invent? Niele ata ‘1 Write 4 surprising facts about the planets in our solar system. wee 4 2 Create a planet, give it a name and write its description in your folder. Adda drawing. 3. Isthe Suna planet or a star? 4 Whyis there life on Earth? 6 arocky surface —___ | 7 deep canyons 8 bigstorms 9 flat rings 10 long winters 3 What planets did he see through his telescope? 4 Why was he an important person in history? Inyour opinion, whichis the most beautiful planet? why? CO) nce upon a time, a rich man called Hassan died and left his fortune to his young son, Salem. Before dying, Hassan said, ‘Dear Salem, don't be arrogant and value your Scctune’ Salem didn’t listen to his father and spent all the money. Soon, he was poor. He didn't ‘eve a house and he didn’t have any money. He was cotd and hungry. One day, a good old man celled Kasim saw Salem in the street and said, | live in a big house. I'm old and I need hetp. i you help me, you can live with me? Salem went to Kasim’s house. The man was kind, but he looked very sad. Salem didn't know why. The house was old and it had lots of rooms. In one of the rooms, there was a blue door. ‘The old man said, You can open all the doors in the house, but don’t open that door or youll be sad forever ‘Years passed and Kasim died. Salem was bored because he was alone in the house. One day, he decided to ‘open the blue door. When Salern opened the door, he saw a long dark cave. He walked and reached a small rocky each. Suddenly, he saw a big red dragon in the sky. The dragon took him by his clothes, went to the sea and dropped him on an island. Soon, lots of people were around Salem. ‘They put a crown on his head, gave him a horse and took him to a palace. Salem was excited. There was a beautiful woman in the palace. ‘im the queen of this island and from this day on, youre the king’ she said. ‘The queen showed him the palace. It was big and beautiful and it had lots of rooms. Inone of the rooms, there was a purple door. The queen said, ‘You can open all the doors in this palace. But don't open that door or you'll be sad forever” _ Number the events in order. @ Kasim invited Salem to his house. Salem was back at Kasim’s house. The red dragon took Salem to the rocky beach. Salem opened the blue door. ‘The red dragon took Salem to an island. Think about the story ‘1 Answer. 1 Why did Salem open the blue door? 2 Why did he open the purple door? oo oo 2 Choose and tick (/) a moral of the story. 2 Don't open coloured doors. 2. Value the things you've got. (_) 3. Don't speak with strangers. () 3 Inyour folder, write a new ending for the story. Start with: & the lock of the purple door. Salem decided to t When he opened for many years. But one day. he thought. ‘Kasim told me not to open the blue door, but it wasn't a bad idea to break the lock. Im happier now: Tma king and I live in a palace’ So he decided to break the lock of the purple door. ‘When he opened the door, he saw a long dark cave. When he walked nearer the end of the cave, he saw the shining eyes of the red dragon. The dragon took him by his clothes, went to the sea and dropped him on the small rocky beach. Salem recognized the place. Soon, he saw the blue door. He was back at Kasim’s house. Salem wasn't happy. ‘Now I understand why Kasim was sad he said. £ Salem spent all his money. g Salem's father died, h Kasim died. i Salem opened a purple door. i oj Oo j Salem was king and lived in a palace. Did the ending of the story surprise you? Sm me ae ae Salem married the queen and they were happy Lo | We use adverbs of frequency to describe how often we do an aciion. I yee: of flms/TV programmes: action films, animated films, comedies, horror films, the news, science ction films, sports programmes, TV series ‘emt activities: chat with friends, follow YouTube channels, play online games, post photos, read eBooks, watch music videos CRE | Lees worked on ships. ) | eu sora cee es ) | Questions) fag you/he/she/they love musie? ) Yes, did. | No, ANS ag ) We use the past simple to talk about past events or activities. Jobs ond professions: an artist, a chef, a doctor, an inventor, a mechanic, @ musician, @ nurse, @ painter, a pilot, a sailor, a scientist Worle places: garage, hospital, lab, restaurant, workshop Verbs fo describe past events: crossed, discovered, helped, invented, liked, lived, loved, painted, played, travelled, worked 2 ‘We use the past simple to talk about past events or activities. ‘verbs describe weekend ocivties: Bought (clothes), ate (pizza), went (bowling, out with a friend, to a ‘Send's house/the club/the shopping centre), had (a snack), played (games), saw {my fiends, took (ohotos) ‘vores to describe problems in the post: afe (my snacks), broke (my phone), posted {sily photos of mel, wore [my clothes), wrote [in my notebook) ES Superlative adjectives: short and long adjectives MountEverest ig mountain inthe world. We use the superlative thehighest form of adjectives to The AngelFalle are ceoterfala nthe word compare three or more things. The superlative form ThePeritoMorano ie themostharedile glaokerin South Ameroa. DA ayer esses the axrome or | Iguazu Falls are themost beautiful waterfalls in the world. highest degree of a quality. ‘Notural wonders: @ canyon, a desert, a glacier, a mountain, a river, a waterfall Adjecives: amazing, beautiful, cold, deep, dry, high, hot, incredible, interesting, long, wide Amexing constructions: an airport, a bridge, a concert hall, a skyscraper, ¢ stadium, a tunnel ° ™ 3 ot vm Ba - ee Bet feos ae a | Thereare tars, fates ey inhomet | alotof ‘How many bathrooms are there? Therein) unPMr. Ns theres, astronaut. ‘there are. There aren't any soienticts. there en’. | We use There is/There are to describe the things ig there aren't. you can or can't find in « place. Riataniica ‘The universe: an astronaut, a galaxy, « planet, a rocket, a space station, a ster, a telescope Routines on @ space station: cook food, discover planets, do experiments, drink coflge, eat fresh vegetables, Play cards, repair the space station, sleep in a bed, talk to their family, wash their hair, wear shoes fos Cros Present Prec he/she does. BAI Vung he/she doesn't. We use the present simple to talk about habitual actions. On the contrary, we use the past simple to talk about past events. “esse tale characters: @ boy, a dragon, a fairy, a genie, a king, a lamp, a mermaid, a monster, ¢ pirate, a princess, a sailor, a sultan “ec'ves: bad, beautiful, big, brave, dangerous, funny, good, handsome, litle, magic, rich, young feelings: angry, bored, excited, happy, tired, worried in the afternoon in the morning on Friday at the cinema Oe a ee ee ea eee ae 2 8 3 2 with my friends Great people 4 i Vincentvan Christopher Elizabeth Alexander Amelia Gogh Cotombus Blackwell Earhart in England. He (not invent) the TV. He (Live) in Scotland. He (invent) the telephone. He {not pa2int) pictures. He (not play) the guitar. He (olay) music. He (olay) the piano. She (not work) ina museum. She (not hele) sick animals. She (w ina hospital. She (help) sick people. He (not write) poems. He (paint) pictures. He (not Eravel) ona plane. She (not cross) the Pacific Ocean. He (cravel) ona ship. She (cross) the Atlantic Ocean. He (not discover) Africa. She (not invent) the plane. He (discover) America. ' She (like) planes. : See ae ee {error yee eee Clare / read / a tale Kate/watch/ =| Kate / usually / read / : - t stories about ) a film about a os Bi 5 / ast night Figs Mei | Phil/never/read/ | —Phil/ always / rent / ees ' Tim / watch /a film abouta | ; Tim / sometimes / read / ; : J / ‘ stories about ' 7 memos = DN

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