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EX0808 แบบฝึกหัดที่ 8 เรื่อง “Model of reports”

CT0803 MD0803
1) Move analysis of report
Task 1: Write the name of the moves of this report.

Details of a report Name of the moves

Part A
1. Follow the standard product Counter measure
check correctly and completely.
2. Make Q-point of visual Jector
punch check for production and
3. Before the marking process,
operators must be sure that the
checking process is completed. If
not, the product must be returned
for checking.
Part B
Jector is short. Statement of the problem
Part C
Operators did not check the spring of Investigation process
the Jector pin by pushing on the table
following the standard Jector punch
check. Therefore, they did not see that
the Jector spring was cut.
2) Language features
Task 2: Complete the report with the given sentences (a.-c.) in the blanks below.

Situation: An engineer of a supplier company writes to an engineer who works as the head
of production engineering of a customer’s company.
a. We are installing some fuses into the board to protect the sockets from getting
too much current.
b. We found that the current exceeded the maximum point.
c. The root cause seems to be the over consumption of the current by the devices.

Dear Khun Paiboon,

The incident is a repeated issue from the past. 1 C , and

then the oven alarm went off. Once we pulled the board out, it was found that the
units were burnt.
2 B . It pulled a high current into the board after it had
reached maximum temperature in a couple of hours.
3 A since the damage is a lot.

Somsok Jaidee

Task 3: Read the reports below and answer the questions.

Report A
Situation: An engineer of an oil company writes to his team members who are responsible
for the problem of unusual speed change of a part of a machine.
Reporter: Alongkorn Pititham
The machine stops because the die cannot move down after the hydraulic
moves it up. Punching was tried again but the sheet lost its position. Therefore,
punching cannot occur at the same position. Die station no. 11 was
disassembled in order to find the cause of the problem. It was found that
there were many scratches on the die and this created unsmooth sliding.
These scratches are caused by rust. The die was lapped and reassembled.
Move Analysis:
1. How many moves does the sample consist of and what are the move details?
3 moves, consistory countermeasure, statement the problem and investigation
2. What are the steps of each move?
1.) Identify the problem 2.) providing information 3.) identifying the problem
4.) investigation in action 5.) permanent countermeasure
6.) immediate countermeasure
3. Which language features in each move (e.g. tenses, modal, voice) are used to
achieve the purpose of the move?
Tense: Present simple
Modal: None
Voice: Use both active voice and passive voice
4. What are the new words you learned from the text?
Disassemble, scratches, reassemble.
Report B
Situation: You are an engineer of a machinery company. You have a problem with one of
your company’s products (harddisk). You need to write an investigation report to
your boss.

(N. Numuen, personal communication, November 10, 2012)

Move Analysis:
1. How many moves does the sample consist of and what are the move details?
3 moves, consistory of statement of the problem, Investigation process and
2. What are the steps of each move?
1.) Identify a problem 2.) providing information 3.) identifying the problem
4.) investigation in action 5.) permanent countermeasure
6.) immediately countermeasure
3. Which language features in each move (e.g. tenses, modal, voice) are used to
achieve the purpose of the move?
Tense: present simple past simple
Modal: could, have
Voice: active voice
4. What are the new words you learned from the text?

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