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Draft: Undergraduate Competencies (10%)

 Demonstrate your ability to articulate your development of the seven undergraduate competencies
throughout your BBA journey.

Based on the Undergraduate Competency Reflection, you will be submitting your final reflections for:

 Initiative & Entrepreneurship

 Curiosity & Imagination

 Each section has a reflection question based on real-life interview questions. The first part of the question is
what you would typically be asked in the interview. If your answer wasn’t complete, you might hear the probing
questions/prompts that are provided in italics.
 The end goal is to craft an answer that can be delivered in 2 minutes or less (that’s about 300 words).
This reflection will become the reflection on Undergraduate Competencies that appears in your final
CLP. You must use the STAR method to format your answer.
 Make sure to provide specific examples with evidence (evidence of work that you have done inside or
outside of Sheridan that supports your reflection and can attach to your Creative Learning Portfolio)
 There is an expectation the submissions will be reflective of experiences of a 4 th year degree student. “CLP1”
answers such as: “Doing Presentations” and “Being a leader of a group assignment” will not be permitted.

Reminder: Your goal should be written using the SMART methodology and include any evidence to support your
response. Draft your response as you would answer in an interview. Imagine the audience reading your response is
Elon Musk (CEO, Tesla) are you confident your submission would impress him?

You will receive feedback on these two sections. Then you can use that feedback to complete the other 5 sections. All 7
competencies will be posted in your CLP.

**Future Assignment Alert!

What goes in your CLP: related reflections (with evidence) for each of the 7 Undergraduate Competencies

Your Submission:
Section 1: Curiosity and Imagination
Your ability to demonstrate these behaviours:
 come up with new ideas based on previous (possibly unrelated) experiences and knowledge
 expand my range of thinking in new and creative directions
 be inquisitive and try to learn about things that are new to me
 play with new ideas beyond the first thing that comes to mind
 leave my comfort zone to try new things (Get Ugly!)
Reflection Question:
Describe a situation where you were presented with a problem outside of your comfort zone and where you were
able to come up with a creative solution? Describe the problem, how you felt and the process you used to come up
Advanced Creative Learning Portfolios Summer 2020 1
with a creative solution.

Remember to incorporate or discuss evidence you will be including in your portfolio to validate your reflection. Don’t
leave it “hanging” include 1 or 2 sentences to tie it into your response.
I had an experience as a Personal Banking Associate for TD that was far outside of my comfort zone and forced me
to expand my range of thinking in a new and creative direction. Two customers, siblings wanted to set up POA for
their parents. However, there parents were not present and in fact were afraid to leave their home, would not do
so no matter if it were necessary or not. Which, in the case of this power of attorney was greatly necessary for their
personal situation. Despite, power of attorney being a service that does not contribute to my score card at TD bank,
their situation was one that I wanted to help them. However, without them entering the branch there was nothing
that I could do according to managers and everyone else around me. That is when my imagination allowed me to
come to a solution. I suggested to my managers, if the customers parents were comfortable with a visitor, I drive
over there for obtaining their signatures and ID verifying them. They approved the idea. The customers were
delighted at my suggestion and after a quick phone call with their parents to make sure it was ok with them to have
a visitor, I drove over. This did not benefit the bank in a tangible manner, this didn’t benefit me in a tangible
manner either. However, the thank you email I received was enough.

Section 2: Initiative and Entrepreneurship

Your ability to demonstrate these behaviours:
 work through disappointments and setbacks (e.g. not give up when things don't go as planned)
 finish what I begin
 maintain focus over the long term
 have faith in my ideas and follow through on them
 take risks
Reflection Question:
Tell me about time when a project you were working on went off track. How did you work through the challenges in
order to finish the project?

Remember to incorporate or discuss evidence you will be including in your portfolio to validate your reflection. Don’t
leave it “hanging” include 1 or 2 sentences to tie it into your response.
I have been a PBA for nearly a year now, I am just starting my 4 th quarter as one. The first two quarters as a PBA
that I experienced were ones that did not have goals or a score card measuring my performance. This was due to
COVID-19 and the impact it had on branch traffic and the services customers need not aligning with what PBA’s are
scored on. However, as of the third quarter in my role goals were brought back and in full force, regardless of
whether or not the situation had gotten better. It hadn’t. To achieve my goal for the quarter I must get 9.25 “units”
(similar to sales but not quite) per week (or 37 per month). The first month was an absolute disaster. The first week
I scored -1 units, (to long of a story), followed by 8 then 7 then 8 units. Entering the second month of the quarter I
was behind by 15 units, a week and a half worth of work. However, I didn’t give up I worked through the deficit and
at the end of the quarter I am proud to say I exceeded my quarterly goal and scored 102% in units. This was done
by focussing on the goal, strategizing how to achieve it, not giving up and maximizing my time with each customer I

Advanced Creative Learning Portfolios Summer 2020 2

Area Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3: Level 4: Advanced Grade
0-50% 50-70% Accomplished 81-100%
Reflection – Curiosity  Limited or no  Adequate  Satisfactory  Robust reflection
& Imagination reflection on reflection on reflection on on question posed
question posed question posed question posed  Used the STAR
 Did not use the  Attempted to use  Used the STAR method to
STAR method to elements of the method to structure the
structure the STAR method to structure the response
response structure the response.
 Response exceeded response.  Response meet the
the 350-word limit 350-word limit
0-1.8 1.9-2.5 2.6-2.8 2.9-3.5
Reflection – Initiative  Limited or no  Adequate  Satisfactory  Robust reflection
& Entrepreneurship reflection on reflection on reflection on on question posed
question posed question posed question posed  Used the STAR
 Did not use the  Attempted to use  Used the STAR method to
STAR method to elements of the method to structure the
structure the STAR method to structure the response
response structure the response.
 Response exceeded response.  Response meet the
the 350-word limit 350-word limit
0-1.8 1.9-2.5 2.6-2.8 2.9-3.5
Professionalism of  Response is  Response is either  Satisfactory  Advanced response
response unprofessional or inappropriate or response that is that is professional
inappropriate not professional for professional and and appropriate for
an interview appropriate for an an interview
0-.5 .51-.7 .71-.8 .81-1
Evidence  Little or no use of  Adequate use of  Satisfactory use of  Robust use of
evidence to evidence to evidence to evidence to
support reflection support reflection support reflection support reflection
on development of on development of on development of on development of
undergraduate undergraduate undergraduate undergraduate
competencies competencies competencies competencies
0-.5 .51-.7 .71-.8 .81-1
Quality of Writing  Poor control of  Intermittent  Clear and reflective  Advanced, clear
language includes control of control of and reflective
problems with language, including language, including control of
word choice and word choice and word choice and language, including
sentence structure; sentence variety, sentence variety; word choice and
frequent errors in occasional or competence with sentence variety;
standard written frequent errors in the convention of competence with
English. standard written standard written the convention of
 There are English. English. standard written
significant spelling  There are multiple  Spelling and English.
and grammatical spelling and grammar errors are  Spelling and
errors grammatical errors minimized grammar are all
0-.5 .51-.7 .71-.8 .81-1

Final Grade:

Advanced Creative Learning Portfolios Summer 2020 3

The remaining competencies (below) are not required for this submission, however, will be required for your
final CLP submission.

Section 3: Effective Oral and Written Communication

Your ability to demonstrate these behaviours:
 write formal documents (e.g. essays, projects, resumes, letters,)
 give formal oral presentations
 prepare effective presentation materials (e.g. PowerPoint, Prezi, multi-media)
 provide honest and constructive feedback (positive and negative)
 convince others that my ideas are valid
 extract information from others (e.g. interviewing, asking questions, …)
 practice effective listening and two-way communication
Reflection Question:
Tell me about a time when someone couldn’t understand what you were trying to share or communicate. What
happened? Why do you think there were their communication problems? What would you do differently today?

Remember to incorporate or discuss evidence you will be including in your portfolio to validate your reflection. Don’t
leave it “hanging” include 1 or 2 sentences to tie it into your response.

I was helping a ESL customer who didn’t understand credit products. I ended up spending an hour with them breaking
it down into a step by step explanation making sure they understand each step of the way and were able to reiterate
what I was saying.

Section 4: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Your ability to demonstrate these behaviours:
 determine the significance of information regarding a given situation
 draw conclusions based on combining and extending existing knowledge
 assess the validity of statements against available facts
 ask good questions to help expose and develop new ideas
 explain your ideas clearly and accurately considering different perspectives
 come up with reasonable alternatives that address a given problem
Reflection Question:
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision but there seemed to be too much conflicting information. What did
you do? What worked? What didn’t? What have you learned from this experience?

Tell me about a time that you had to do a project that required you to think about the situation from a variety of
perspectives. What did you do? What might you do differently now? Why?

One time I had to determine if the customer in front of me was a fraudster, there was evidence for both directions
suggesting he was legitimate and other evidence suggesting he was a fraudster. I had to critically think about all the
information in front of me before I made a call and possibly offended a innocent person. In the end I believed the
individual to be a fraudster and without mentioning the fraud suspicions to them, held their check. I then brought it
Advanced Creative Learning Portfolios Summer 2020 4
up to my manager who looked into it for me.
Remember to incorporate or discuss evidence you will be including in your portfolio to validate your reflection. Don’t
leave it “hanging” include 1 or 2 sentences to tie it into your response.

Section 5: Agility and Adaptability

Your ability to demonstrate these behaviours:
 handle the stress of fluctuating requirements
 deal with uncertain, ambiguous and unpredictable situations
 adapt to new and/or changing environments
 work efficiently and quickly acquire, build, share and apply knowledge
Reflection Questions:
Tell me about a time when you had multiple competing deliverables due at the same time (could be assignments and
tests in the same week). How did you manage this situation? What might you do differently if faced with the same
situation in the future?

Tell me about a project you’ve worked on where the deliverables kept changing. How did you manage this situation?
What worked? What didn’t? What did you learn from this experience?

Remember to incorporate or discuss evidence you will be including in your portfolio to validate your reflection. Don’t
leave it “hanging” include 1 or 2 sentences to tie it into your response.

As a Personal Banking Associate I need to earn ‘service’ units (Easy web, PTS, SSV, mobile app sales) and ‘our bank’
units (Credit cards, accounts, loans). It’s a balancing act that requires a lot of agility to make both goals, which I have.
The way I managed this was by always being on top of where I was and where I needed to be and actively pursuing it!

Section 6: Collaboration and Leadership

Your ability to demonstrate these behaviours:
 listen to and respect the ideas of others
 deal with interpersonal conflicts in a positive way
 motivate others to contribute to the best of their abilities
 work with people who are different from me and overcome group work challenges
 lead by example (e.g. "Walk the talk")
Reflection Question:
Tell me about a time when you had to work with a particularly difficult team member. What happened? What was
your role in the conflict? How did you help resolve the situation? What did you do well? What might you do
differently now that you’ve had this experience?

Remember to incorporate or discuss evidence you will be including in your portfolio to validate your reflection. Don’t
leave it “hanging” include 1 or 2 sentences to tie it into your response.

Advanced Creative Learning Portfolios Summer 2020 5

Two colleagues who will go unnamed got into a heated fight, the result of it brought branch morale down and had
neither talking to each other. I took it upon myself to be more outgoing than usual and brought branch morale back
up with my friendly dialogue with the branch.

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Section 7: Accessing and Analyzing Information
Your ability to demonstrate these behaviours:
 use library databases to conduct research
 find relevant information resources that are not included in databases
 determine whether or not the information is biased
 use information properly (e.g. avoid plagiarism)
 explore different avenues and channels to do research
Reflection Question:
Tell me about a project that you’ve worked on that required a lot of research. How did you find the data? How did
you determine if the information was relevant, unbiased and reliable? What tools did you use to analyze the

Tell me about a time you had to use data to influence a decision? How did you determine if the information was
relevant, unbiased and reliable? What tools did you use to analyze the information?

Remember to incorporate or discuss evidence you will be including in your portfolio to validate your reflection. Don’t
leave it “hanging” include 1 or 2 sentences to tie it into your response.

I’m always using data analysis tools at my job to make recommendations, I know they’re unbiased because TD made
them and they’ve existed for a long time.

Advanced Creative Learning Portfolios Summer 2020 7

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