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Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Structural Health Monitoring - Theory and

Applications in ARTeMIS Modal

Starts at 09:00am
Szymon Greś
Structural Vibration Solutions A/S
Niels Jernes Vej 10
DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark

21 January 2021

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions


1 Motivation

2 Theory

3 Applications

4 Conclusions

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions


Why structural monitoring?

1 Poor condition of structures → risk of catastrophic failures
2 Real structural behavior → more accurate design models
3 Structures are remote and difficult to access → costly O&M

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Vibration-based structural monitoring

What is it?
Integrity monitoring based on structural vibrations
Measurements often collected under operation conditions
of structures (wind, waves, traffic, rotating machinery)
Data analyzed by carefully designed algorithms (often)
linking it with structural models

Fields of research
Operational Modal Analysis (OMA)
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Operational Modal Analysis

Dynamic parameters of structure estimated from data
Measurements are the structural responses (e.g.
accelerations) observed at sensor positions

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Structural Health Monitoring

Looking for a change in vibration data (damage diagnosis)
Detection: is structure damaged?
Localization: where is the damage?
Quantification: what is the damage extent?
Remaining life prediction

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Damage diagnosis approaches

Multitude of damage diagnosis methods in literature ...

Machine learning methods
Statistical evaluation of data-driven features (f , ϕ)
Model-driven approaches relying e.g. on model updating

Computational efficiency
Appreciating uncertainty of models and features
Robustness towards changing environmental conditions

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Need for a comprehensive framework

Computationally efficient
Known statistical properties
Able to link data with numerical models

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions


1 Motivation

2 Theory

3 Applications

4 Conclusions

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Some fault diagnosis basics

System parametrization θ
θ contains damage-sensitive parameters of the structure
θ is user-defined e.g. can relate to
modal parameters,
physical parameters e.g. element density, Youngs modulus.
θ∗ be the parameter in the reference (healthy) state
δ is the unknown change in the monitored parameter

6 DOF chain-like system
k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6

m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Local approach for change detection

Framework (Benveniste et al. 1987)

ζ: residual function
is Gaussian,
is a function of θ,
is a function of damage-sensitive system features.
Is system healthy? Is system damaged?

H0 : θ = θ∗ H1 : θ = θ∗ + δ/ N
ζ ∼ N (0, Σζ ) ζ ∼ N (Jθζ∗ δ, Σζ )

where the Jacobian Jθζ∗ = ∂ζ/∂θ (θ∗ )

and Σζ can be approximated with first order Delta method
Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Statistical decision making

GLR test to decide between H0 and H1 hypotheses
ζ ζ T −1 ζ
t = ζ T Σ−1
ζ Jθ∗ Jθ∗ Σζ Jθ∗ Jθζ∗ T Σ−1
ζ ζ

under H0 , t follows a central χ2 (rank(Jθζ∗ )) distribution

under H1 , t follows a non-central χ2 (rank(Jθζ∗ )) distribution
with non-centrality parameter λ = δ T Jθζ∗ T Σ−1
ζ Jθ∗ δ

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

FDI framework for Gaussian residuals

In nutshell, this fault diagnosis framework boils down to

detection: global decision between H0 and H1 based on t
localization: testing k -th column of (Jθζ∗ )k for a change
quantification: computing δ based on Jθζ∗ and Σζ

Detection challenges
Computing the statistical uncertainty of ζ
Effect of changing environmental/operating conditions on ζ

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Effect of changing operating conditions

Changes in excitation covariance Q
Q changes ⇒ data-driven features change
⇒ t changes even if structure does not change
⇒ false test results

6DOF system subjected to damage and changes in Q
104 105
Q = 2I
Q = randn(ndof,ndof)2
Q = 4I 104
3 Q = randn(ndof,ndof)2





100 100
reference healthy 5% damage 10% damage reference healthy 5% damage 10% damage

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Design of fault detection method

Residual properties
1 ζ = 0 iff θ = θ∗ and ζ 6= 0 iff θ 6= θ∗
2 ζ ∼ asymptotically Gaussian distributed

Robustness towards changes in excitation conditions

under H0 : t ∼ χ2 (rank(Jθζ∗ ))
No false alarms: rank(Jθζ∗ ) = const iff Jθζ∗ depends only on
parameters estimated in the reference state

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Design of fault detection method

Statistical damage detection

no yes
is FE model available?

θ : (f̂ , ϕ̂) θ : FE parameters

Jθζ∗ is purely data-driven Jθζ∗ links FE sensitivities with data

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Design of fault detection method

Statistical damage detection

no yes
is FE model available?

θ : (f̂ , ϕ̂) θ : FE parameters

Jθζ∗ is purely data-driven Jθζ∗ links FE sensitivities with data

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

System modeling

Model: Linear Time Invariant (LTI) system

Mθ q̈(t) + C θ q̇(t) + Kθ q(t) = Fu(t) + ũ(t)
y(t) = La q̈(t) + Lv q̇(t) + Ld q(t) + v (t)
Mθ , C θ , Kθ : parametric mass, damping and stiffness matrices
q(t): displacements at degrees of freedom of a structure
u(t): inputs (excitation forces)
y(t): outputs (structural responses at sensor positions)
v (t): sensor noise

Vibration characteristics (modes)

Frequencies f , damping ratios ζ and mode shapes ϕ from

((µθ )2 Mθ + µC θ + Kθ )ϕθ = 0

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

State-space modeling

Discrete-time state space model

xk+1 = Aθ xk + B θ uk + B̃ ũk

y k = C θ xk + D θ uk + D̃ ũk + vk

y k : measured r outputs at time instant k

Aθ : state transition matrix
C θ : observation matrix
B θ : input matrix
D θ : feedthrough matrix (accelerations)
xk : state vector
vk : output noise

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

State-space modeling

Let’s drop θ for simplicity.

Discrete-time output-only state space model

xk+1 = A xk + Bu + B̃ ũ
k k
y k = C xk + Du
 + D̃ ũ + v
k k k

B̃ ũk and D̃ ũk : are the unknown and unmeasured inputs

0 I
τ C = Ld − La M−1 K Lv − La M−1 C
A = exp −1 −1
−M K −M C

(A − λI) φ = 0, ϕ = Cφ

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Data-driven system identification

Recursion of xk+1
For k = 1 . . . N + p + q consider:

k = 1 : x2 = A x1 + B̃ ũ1
k = 2 : x3 = A x2 + B̃ ũ2
k = 3 : x4 = A x3 + B̃ ũ3

Recursion of yk
For k = 1 . . . N + p + q consider:

k = 1 : y 1 = C x1 + D̃ ũ1 + v1
k = 2 : y 2 = C x2 + D̃ ũ2 + v2
k = 3 : y 3 = C x3 + D̃ ũ3 + v3

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Data-driven system identification

Important matrices
Data matrices Y + ∈ R(p+1)r ×N and Y − ∈ Rqr ×N
 ..   .. 
y y2 . yN y y q+2 . y N+q
 .1 .. .. ..   q+1 .. 
 .
 . . . . y y q+3 . y N+q+1 
  
 q+2
Y− =  , Y+ =  .

y .. . .. .. .. 
 q−1 yq . y N+q−2 
 .
 . . . 

.. ..
yq y q+1 . y N+q−1 y p+q+1 y p+q+2 . y p+q+N

Observability Γ ∈ Rpr ×n and lower block triangular Toeplitz

matrix H̃ ∈ Rpr ×pu
   
C D̃ 0 0 ... 0

 CA  C B̃

D̃ 0 ... 0 


 ,
 CA2 H̃ =  CAB̃

C B̃ D̃ ... 0 

 ... ... ... . . . . . .
   
  .
CAp−1 CAp−2 B̃ CAp−3 B̃ CAp−4 B̃ . . . D̃

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Data-driven system identification

Output-only data matrix relation

Data matrices Y − and Y + can be then expressed by recursion
of state-space equations

Y − = ΓX − + H̃ Ũ − + V −
Y + = ΓX + + H̃ Ũ + + V +

X − , X + : past and future state sequences

U − , U + : past and future input noise sequences
V − , V + : past and future measurement noise sequences

Identify Γ from a matrix which is f (Y − , Y + )

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Two output-only stochastic subspace algorithms

Covariance-driven algorithm
Hcov = Y + Y − = (ΓX + + H̃ Ũ + + V + )Y − = ΓX + Y − = ΓZcov

Orthogonal projection data-driven algorithm

T † − T † −
Hdat = Y + /Y − = Y + Y − Y − Y − Y = ΓZcov Y − Y − Y
= ΓZdat

Classic damage sensitive features identified from data

Hcov , Hdat
Γ, A and C
collection of f , ζ and ϕ

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Simple damage detection residual

Mahalanobis distance-based residual

√ θ∗ θ
ζ = N vec(Ĥref − Ĥtest )
⇒ Simple and well-known Mahalanobis distance
⇒ Accounts for uncertainty of both reference and test data

Constant covariance Q of ambient excitation

No false alarms

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Robust normalization for Mahalanobis residual

θ so that Ĥθ∗ − Ĥθ is invariant to Q
Normalize Ĥtest ref test

Normalization scheme
Normalization property in the reference state (θ = θ∗ ):
θ∗ θ †
Ĥref − Ĥtest Ẑtest Ẑref ≈ 0

Factors Ẑtest and Ẑref are based on SVD

Ĥref Ĥtest ≈ Ûs Ẑref Ẑtest

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Robust residuals

Robust Mahalanobis distance-based residual (Gres et al. 2019)

θ∗ †

ζmah = N vec Ĥref − Ĥtest Ẑtest Ẑref

under H0 : ζmah ∼ N (0, Σζmah ) (reference)
under H1 : ζmah ∼ N (Jθζ∗mah δ, Σζmah ) (faulty)

‘Good’ properties
No false alarms in healthy state
Covariance accounts test and reference data

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Robust damage detection residuals

SVD of Hankel matrix

" #" #
i D̂ T
s,ref 0
Ĥref = Ûs,ref Ûker,ref T ,
0 D̂ker,ref V̂ker,ref

Robust subspace residual (Döhler and Mevel, 2013)

T θ
ζsub = N vec(Ûker,ref Ĥtest )
under H0 : ζmah ∼ N (0, Σζsub ) (reference)
under H1 : ζmah ∼ N (Jθζ∗sub δ, Σζsub ) (faulty)

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions


1 Motivation

2 Theory

3 Applications

4 Conclusions

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Fault detection framework in application to SHM

Monitored structure Response measurements

Residual generation Statistical testing

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Numerical validation on large FEM simulation

Monte Carlo simulation of an

offshore foundation model:
FE model: 8589 elements
Damage: thickness
reduction of 8 elements
Data: 10 sensors, 50Hz,
200,000 samples
Monte Carlo simulation
with 1000 realizations
Covariance of the ambient
excitation changing for
every data set

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Numerical validation on large FEM simulation

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Application: Z24 bridge benchmark

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Damage detection test

Environmental load with forced vibration from shakers

Robust Mahalanobis distance damage detection test

95% quantile threshold

99% quantile threshold


reference healthy Lowering of pier, 20mm Lowering of pier, 40mm

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

ARTeMIS Modal: Dogna bridge

Four-span, 16m long concrete bridge in Italy

9 day progressive damage test campaign
50min of measurement analyzed

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

ARTeMIS Modal: Dogna bridge

10 accelerometers mounted on the deck

Two progressive damage cases

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions


1 Motivation

2 Theory

3 Applications

4 Conclusions

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions


Comprehensive framework for damage diagnosis
Implemented damage detection features
Automated and scalable
Good statistical properties
Robust towards changing excitation

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions


Damage detection (selection)

M. Döhler, F. Hille, L. Mevel, and W. Rücker “Structural health monitoring with
statistical methods during progressive damage test of S101 Bridge”, Engineering
Structures, 2014.
M. Döhler, L. Mevel, F. Hille “Subspace-based damage detection under changes
in the ambient excitation statistics”, MSSP, 2014.
L. D. Avendaño-Valencia, E. N. Chatzi, D. Tcherniak, “Gaussian process models
for mitigation of operational variability in the structural health monitoring of wind
turbines”, MSSP, 2020
S. Greś, M.D. Ulriksen, M. Döhler, R.J. Johansen, P. Andersen, L. Damkilde,
“Statistical methods for damage detection applied to civil structures”,
EuroDyn2017, 2017.
D. Bernal “Kalman filter damage detection in the presence of changing process
and measurement noise”, MSSP, 2013.
M. D. Ulriksen, D. Tcherniak, P. H. Kirkegaard, and L. Damkilde “Operational
modal analysis and wavelet transformation for damage identification in wind
turbine blades”, SHM, 2016.

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions


Damage localization (selection)

S. Allahdadian, M. Döhler, C. Ventura, L. Mevel, “Towards robust statistical
damage localization via model-based sensitivity clustering”, MSSP, 2019
M. Döhler, L. Mevel, Q. Zhang, “Fault detection, isolation and quantification from
Gaussian residuals with application to structural damage diagnosis”, Annual
Reviews in Control, 2016
D. Bernal, M. D. Ulriksen, “Subspace exclusion zones for damage localization”,
MSSP, 2019
M. D. Ulriksen, D. Bernal, L. Damkilde, “Shaped input distributions for structural
damage localization”, MSSP, 2018
A. Yan, J.-C. Golinval, “Structural damage localization by combining flexibility and
stiffness methods”, Engineering Structures, 2005
E. Balmés, M. Basseville, L. Mevel, H. Nasser, W. Zhou, “Statistical model-based
damage localization: A combined subspace-based and substructuring
approach”, SCHM, 2008

Motivation Theory Applications Conclusions

Thank you for the attention!

Szymon Greś


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