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Socratic Seminar: Part 1 

We will conduct a Socratic seminar in class.  This discussion will focus on Part 1 in To Kill a
Mockingbird.  It will be YOUR job to lead the class discussion.  In order to make sure everyone is
prepared for the seminar, it will be important for you to prepare some notes to use during your
discussion.  In order to earn points during the seminar, you MUST contribute to the discussion.  If
you do not say anything during the seminar, you will earn minimum points.  If you do not come to
class prepared with your notes, you will not be allowed to participate in the discussion.  
1. In what ways is Atticus Finch a good man? In what ways is he not? What is his
reputation in town?  In what ways can readers view him as progressive given the time
period (1930s)? What are some of his shortcomings? Please cite specific examples and
provide commentary for your answers. 
2. Which characters are privileged (based on color, gender, economic status, social
class, etc)? Which characters use their privilege to help those who are less fortunate (if
any)? Which characters do not use their privilege to help others? 
Socratic Seminar Scoring Guide (10 points possible) 
A (9-10 points) 
Advanced: Student meets all of the proficient criteria plus one or more of the following: 
 Actively incorporates others into the discussion  
 Challenges ideas and conclusions in thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas 
 Summarizes points of agreement and disagreement 
 Qualifies or justifies own views and understanding  
 Makes new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented  
B (8 points) 
 Student comes to discussion prepared (with completed preparation notes and
 Uses body language and eye contact to indicate active listening for the duration
of the seminar 
 Both poses and responds to questions 
 Participates by doing at least one of the following: 
o Building on the thoughts of others by using appropriate transition words
and phrases 
o Asking clarifying questions  
o Quoting the text to support a point 
o Using language of recognition and appreciation to
promote collaborative, collegial discussions 
C (7 points) 
Basic: Student meets 2-3 of the proficient criteria 
D (6 points) 
Below Basic: Student meets only 1 of the proficient criteria 
F (0-5 points) 
Far Below Basic: Student meets none of the proficient criteria 

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