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5 Themes Of Geography Guided Notes

1. What does Mr. Help stand for?

Movement region human enviorment interaction location and place
2. Explain what movement is? (Make sure your answer is more specific than me moving from point
Movemnet is spread of words and ideas

3. Provide 2-3 examples of movement.

transportation and communication of ideas

3. What are the three types of regions?

Formal functional perceptual
4. Explain what a formal region is and provide an example of one.
Set boundaries like countries
5. Explain what a functional region is and provide an example of one.
An area that is centered on a focal point and connected by movement major city
6. Explain why perceptual regions are hard to define and provide an example of one.
Defined by people’s belief feelings or attitude like the middle east
7. Explain why perceptual regions are different for each person.
Because they are perceptual and up for anything
8. Explain what human environment interaction is.
Human impact on the environment and how it impacts on people
9. Provide an example of human environment interaction.
Goose poop lake
10. What two categories can location be broken into? Guided Notes from The Mr. Sinn Channel
*These guided notes are not to be shared with others*
Absolute and relative
11. Explain what absolute location is and provide an example of it.
Precise location like a pinpoint like my house
12. Explain what relative location is and provide an example of it.
Location of things in the surrounding area
13. What is the difference between relative location and absolute location?
One I precise one is the surrounding area
14. Explain what place means.
An area
15. What two characteristics make a up a place?
Physical and human
16. Explain what things can be included in physical characteristics.
Mountain rivers ocean weather
17. Explain what things can be included in human characteristics.

Political economic religo transportation and communication of ideas

18. Provide 3 examples of human characteristics of your hometown.
Primrly white population is 20000 mostly christan

19. Provide 3 examples of physical characteristics of your hometown.

Suburban hills and forest

Review Time!

1. What does Mr. Help stand for?

Movement region human enviorment interaction location and place

2. Use the five themes of geography to describe your school.

3. Provide an example for each of the three types of regions.

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