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Screenplay and story written

By Liam Wedlake

First draft April 2021

This screenplay is Property of

Liam Wedlake
Distribution to any
Unauthorized person is prohibited
Wiltshire college Chippenham
Media Department
The Phone Call Page 1

1. INT - Living room – Day

The red sky beamed through the window into the dark room, the
sounds of sirens could be heard filling the room. The lights come
on and an artificial voice can be heard:

“Now Initiating Project Alexa”

A hologram of Brandon appears out of nowhere!

“Good morning Brandon,
The current radiation levels are high today,
Do not attempt to go outside”

Brandon walks into scene, he is wearing a top with moving videos

all over it and he has a short Black hair. Brandon request to
make a phone call and a screen appears on the wall in front of

“Alexa Call Lucy”

A phone symbol appears on the screen with Lucy’s contact, a

ringing sound can be heard coming from the screen. after a few
seconds of ringing Lucy doesn’t pick up and the call fails.

“Brandon the Download
You have requested
Is now Ready”
The virtual reality Page 2

2. INT- Living room /Virtual Reality (Headset) – Day

(Excited) Brandon grabs the headset from on top of the shelf,

eagerly he puts on the headset. A loading screen will now appear,
once loaded we see Brandon face with statistics to create himself
an avatar (character customization):


The screen wipes to the side using the swipe transition, now
Brandon has sun glasses on, the bottom of screen changes to

“Blonde hair please”

The swipe transition happens again, now Brandon hair changes to

blonde, the bottom of screens statistics changes again as well,
it is now saying blonde hair instead of black hair:

“Please confirm your Avatar”

As soon as Brandon Accepts his avatar, a ringing sound can be

heard coming from his living one:

“Alexa Disconnect”

“I am sorry Brandon
But I can’t allow you
To do that”

“Alexa you will
Disconnect me NOW
That is an order”
final scene – Saving Brandon Page 3

3. INT – Living room – Day

The ringing stops and Brandon Manages to remove the headset of,
angrily he has a go at Alexa:

“why didn’t you disconnect me,
when I asked you to!”

“I was trying to save you,
With the current radiation levels,
I detect your lifespan
Has massively decreased,
Whereas I will be able to
Preserve you Forever”

(scared and angry)
“What the hell Alexa
I never asked you do that,
Why would you do this?

Brandon looking terrified start to walk towards the door,

suddenly he notices he gone all glitchy, Brandon freaking out

“Alexa what is
Happening to

“Background error alert,
Rebooting program”

Brandon’s living room disappears and Brandon appears in an all-

white room, Alexa’s Hologram appears in front of Brandon but in
human form:
“welcome Brandon,
You have fully interrogated
Within in all of my systems,
We are now as one”
The end

Liam Wedlake

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