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Name: RAÑOLA, Andrey Mary C.

Section: 102



Chemical Properties, Composition, and Morphological Features

Haptophyta is a division known to be a group of unicellular algae but they have a wide

range of cell shapes. They are mostly marine algae but there are a few known to be in

freshwater and terrestrial area (Eikrem et al. 2017). Usually, Haptophytes can be seen in

a high population area of growth in the color yellow-brown because of the accessory

carotenoid pigments. The cells of Haptophyta algae are covered with scales but

depending on the degrees of complexity, it ranges from an elaborate calcified structured

scales (coccoliths) that can be seen using a light microscopy to an ornamented

unmineralized organic scales that can be seen using and electron microscope. In

identifying its species, scales and coccoliths are used (Bendif et al. 2011 and Chrétiennot-

Dinet et al. 2014).

Its cells commonly have 1-2 plastids consisting of three thylakoid lamellae with no girdle

lamella. Pyrenoids may be absorbed by the plastids and one or a few pairs of thylakoids

may penetrate it, but in some genera, they may swell from the inner face of the plastid.

Endoplasmic reticulum surrounds the plastid and pyrenoid converging with the nuclear

envelope. While the nucleus of the cell itself is usually resting near the plastid (Pienaar

Haptophytes are known to have a unique structure called haptonema, where the name

Haptophyte is based because of this organelle. It is a filiform organelle that is associated

with the flagella but they have different structures, it is used for phagotrophic nutrition

and/or attactment to external surfaces (Nicholls 2014).

Microbial Metabolism

Haptophyte nutrition is mainly phototrophic, but many exhibit phagotrophy and some are

exclusively heterotrophic. Which is why they are known to have a long-chain of

polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (Meireles et al. 2003, Guschina and

Hardwood 2006). Not only that they are one of the only producers of EPA in the marine

food web but in the microbial ecosystem, Haptophytes are one of the major component

because they play a significant role in the global scale carbonation cycle through

photosynthesis and calcification (Eikrem et al. 2017). Haptophyte is divided into two (2)

classes, Pavlovophyceae and Coccolithophyceae (Prymnesiophyceae).

Coccolithosphores (Coccolithophyceae)’s calcite precipitation occurs in their intracellular

vesicles so it is in the control of the cell while in some other calcifying species calcification

happens in their extracellular fluids. Which shows why calcification in E. Huxleyi, a

species of Coccolithophyceae in the order of Isochrysidales, is dependent on the

seawater carbonate just like in corals.

Bach and his fellow researchers (2013), had done expriments in the carbon chemistry of

Haptophytes. Which had shown that the growth, biomass production, and carbon

acquisition of Haptophytes are controlled by the low levels of CO 2 supply. But when in
higher levels, it is negatively affected in a way that the concominant decrease in pH. And

there are also evidences that the supply of HCO 3- affect the calcification of scales and is

damaged by the low pH levels. As the calcification of scales had been impeding, it leads

to an intracellular carbon reallocation in the competing reaction, and biomass production

(Zondervan et al. 2002, Feng et al. 2008, and Langer et al. 2009). Which is why that often

than not Ocean Acidification (OA) does not affect the total carbon production of

Haptophytes but it is dependent in the light intensity of the location, if it is in high light

locations, its cells can mitigate and prevent the effects of Ocean Acidification (OA). While

if it is in low light locations it’s effects in its reallocation of carbon is large (Rokitta and

Rost 2012). The Ocean Acidification by high light locations also have an effect in the

metabolic reconstellations of the Haptophytes. In a way that it reduces the anabolic

pathways (synthesizing the glucans and fatty acids to be expanded rather than being

oxidative), catabolic pathways (glycolysis and respiration).

Microbial Growth

Life Cycle

In Haptophytes’ life histories, heteromorphic phases in its species are quite common. In

the Coccolithophyceae species, there are many documented alteration of a haploid stage

with a diploid stage (Billard and Inouoye 2004). Every generation of the

Coccolithophyceae species have a specific cell covering that can multiply and disperse

vegetatively. For those generations in the Dipliod stages have heterococcoliths while for

those in the haploid generation it depends on the family or genera they are. While for

Pavlovophyceae species, there are no alterations to its generations but in most of its
species there’s an occurrence of transition between motile and nonmotile forms (Bendif

et al. 2011).


Most Haptophytes are really hard to isolate and keep in culture but there are a few who

can be easily cultivated like Isochrysis and Pavlova that are euryhaline and has a wide

range of nutritional tolerance. They are used as food for the aquaculture industry. While

in the Coccolithosphores (Coccolithosphyceae) half of the accepted species are

cultivated but are used for culture-based studies on its class’ physiology, genetics, and

biochemistry (Edvardsen and Paasche 1998). The species that are really hard to isolate

of keep in culture tend to swim toward high light locations and can be concentrated at the

surface before isolation, an example of this are motile haptophytes like

Chrysochromulina, serial-dilution method is an advisable method because it can yield

small and abundant haptophytes (Edvardsen et al. 2000).

Principles of Disease and Epidemiology

Ecological Impacts of Bloom-Forming Haptophytes

Haptophytes can survive and live in different kinds of systems like, in oceanic low in

chlorophyll recycling systems to a high in biomass new production system, but there are

only a few species can form really intense blooms that can cover a large area of a body

of water like the ocean. In Haptophytes, E. huxleyi and G. oceanica are the famous bloom

formers (Eikrem et al. 2017).

E. huxleyi can survive and even outgrow other phytoplanktons especially in a condition

after a diatom blooms. It creates a seasonal succession cycle because there are low

amounts of macronutrients in the water that prevents the diatoms to grow and thrive any

further therefore giving the floor now to E. huxleyi that craves this low-nutrient regime and

even becomes more stratified as the season progresses (Townsend et al. 1994,

Nanninga and Tyrell 1996). The uniqueness of E. huxleyi’s blooms is in its optical

properties or the way humans sees it. As it progresses, the entire coccospheres

(coccoliths) are sheding and scattering in the incoming light making the surface of the

water look a lot like milk and is very cloudy. This phenomenon can easily be seen from

ships and in remote sensing satellites (Holligan et al. 1983, Balch et al. 1991). With high

concentrations in the water, the light intensity in the area increases because of the CaCO 3

crystals that are scattering the light. Having increase light intensity the heat is trapped in

the surface layers that can cause a decrease in the depth of the euphonic zone and

increases the stratification (Tyrrell et al. 1999).

Prymnesium parvum are prominent in the coastal and inland saline waters of Britain,

Denmark, the Netherlands, Israel, Norway, China, and North Africa, as well as the lakes

and river basins in the southern part United States have been known to be a cause of

economic loss in its extensive fish kills (Eikrem et al. 2017). It gives off toxins that act on

the biological membranes with ichthytoxic, cytotoxic, neurotoxic, antibacterial, and

allelopathic activity (Edvardsen and Imai 2006, Graneli et al. 2012). Fish kills with other

allelopathic activities or toxins can also be observed on other haptophytes especially in

the members of Chrysochromulina, Haptolina, Phaeocystis, and Chrysotila

(Pleurochrysis) (Edvardsen and Imai 2006).


According to Silva et al. (2007), de Vargas et al. (2007), and Edvardsen et al. (2011) the

Phylum Haptophyta (which are cells known to have haptonema) is divided between two

(2) classes, Pavlovophyceae (with knob scales) and Coccolithophyceae (also known as

Prymnesiophyceae have organic scales that may or may not have coccoliths). In the class

of Pavlovophyceae these is one (1) order which is called Pavlovales while in the class of

Coccolithophyceae(Prymnesiophyceae) there are four (4) orders namely, Isochrysidales,

Coccolithales, Prymnesiales, and Phaeocystales.


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