A Field Report

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Sanjeev Adhikari
BBA 5 Semester, Balkumari College
Narayangarh, Chitwan
P.U.Regestration No: 077-2-2-01865-2009

Office of the Dean
Faculty of Management
Purbanchal University
Biratnagar, Nepal

In particular Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Narayangarh, Chitwan
July, 2012

This is to certify that the fieldwork assignment report

Submitted by:

Mr. Sanjeev Adhikari




Has been prepared as approved by this department in the prescribed format


Faculty of management

This field report is forwarded for evaluation

.………….. …………….. …………

Report Supervisor Program In-charge Principal

We have conducted VIVA-VOCE examination of the field work presented


Mr. Sanjeev Adhikari



And found the report to be the original work of the student and written according to the
prescribed format. We recommended the fieldwork report to be accepted as partial
fulfillment of the requirement for

Degree in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


……………… ……………….. ……………….

Mr. Pradip Poudel Report Supervisor External Expert
Program In-charge


I hereby proclaim that the fieldwork report entitled THE IMPACT OF TV

NOODLES submitted to Balkumari College, faculty of Management, Purbanchal
University is my original work for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) under the supervision of Mr. Pradeep
Paudel, Program In-charge BBA, Balkumari College.

Mr. Sanjeev Adhikari
P.U. Reg.No: 077-2-2-01865-2009
Balkumari College
Narayangarh, Chitwan

It is my great privilege to complete this project entitled “THE IMPACT OF TV
NOODLES. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and
help of many individuals and organization. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to
all of them.

I would like to extend my heartiest gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Mr.
………………who had guided me throughout this project work. I am greatly obliged to
him for this guidance, valuable suggestions, and commitments during the course of
preparing this project report, without his suitable assistance this would not have come in
this form. I also express my gratitude to the Principal Mr.……………………. and to
the Purbanchal University who gave me the opportunity to prepare this project report.

I am especially grateful to the Library of Balkumari College for review for their kind
cooperation in reviewing several these works in many times. Beside, my special thanks
to all persons who are directly and indirectly involved in this project report.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my parents and also to my

colleague who inspired me during the entire period of the study.

Thank you!

Mr. Sanjeev Adhikari

Bachelor of Business Administration
Balkumari College
Narayangarh, Chitwan

This Study tries to analysis on “THE IMPACT OF TV ADVERTISING ON

completion of task, I gathered primary (questionnaire) and secondary (Books, theses
and website of CUG).

TV advertising is a media through which different kinds of advertising has been

broadcasting and in this report, the endeavor has been made that how the TV
advertising has been influencing the consumer’s attitude and their responses especially
of instant noodles in various degrees. In general, the purposes behind advertising are to
expect intangible gains, such as favorable attitude and better image of the firm, and
tangible gains like sale increment. The main objectives of this study are to evaluate the
position/rank of WaiWai instant noodles in Gaindakot-2, to assess the attractive part of
TV advertising of WaiWai instant noodles and to evaluate the most liked features in
WaiWai instant noodles in Gaindakot-2Chaudhary Udhyog Gram (CUG) is one of the
largest Noodles industries in Nepal and it has been able to make the positive attitude
towards the majority of consumers in short span of period. Especially it has been
producing its best brand noodles i.e. WaiWai noodles.

Thus, the TV advertising has great influence upon the consumer’s attitude. It is being
one of the popular media in today’s scenario. To persuade the attitude of consumers
towards their products especially by Instant Noodles manufacturing company has
brought creative ideas and promotional techniques. It is necessary to understand
consumers’ attitude to attract their attention and make them belief about the products
and services in today’s modern business era.



1.1 Background Information
1.2 Objective of the Project Work
1.3 Review of Related Studies
1.4 Research Methods


2.1 Data Presentation and Analysis
2.2 Major Findings and Discussion


3.1 Summary
3.2 Conclusions

Appendices- Interview Schedule

Titles Page No.

Table No.1.1 Nutritional factor of WaiWai instant Noodles 2

Table No.2.1 Ranking of selected brands of Noodles 8

Table No.2.2 Features liked the most in WaiWai 10

Table No.2.3 Attractive part of TV advertising in WaiWai 11

Table No.2.4 Evaluation of TV advertising of WaiWai 12

Table No.2.5 Opinion about ‘Celebrity featured advertising’ 13


Titles Page No.

Figure No. 2.1 Ranking of selected brands of Noodles 9

Figure No. 2.2 Features liked the most in WaiWai 10

Figure No. 2.3 Attractive part of TV advertising in WaiWai 11

Figure No. 2.4 Evaluation of TV advertising of WaiWai 13

Figure No. 2.5 Opinion about ‘Celebrity featured advertising’ 14


CUG : Chaudhary Udhyog Gram

TV : Television

BBA : Bachelor of Business Administration

A.D. : Anno Domini

VDC : Village Development Committee

CG : Chaudhary Group

ISO : International Organization for Standardization

CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility

Ltd. : Limited

Pvt. : Private
SNO : Serial Number
i.e. : That is


TV advertising is the one of the popular media of the advertising in the form of both
visual and sound. It is the way of making favorable attitude in the mind of consumer to
persuade them to purchase the product by prevailing adequate information about benefit
and utility of particular goods and services. In this report, the study is designed towards
the impact of TV advertising on consumers’ attitude with reference to the WaiWai
instant noodles.

Advertisement messages can be presented through various audio/video and print media
like television, commercial radios, posters, newspaper, magazine, hoarding board, etc.
medial selection depends on the product, the audience and the advertising objective of
the campaign.

Attitudes are expressions of inner feelings that reflect whether a person is favorably or
unfavorably predisposed to some object. Because they are an outcome of psychological
processes, attitudes are not directly observable but must be inferred from what people
buy or what they do. (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2000).

Advertising and attitudes both are related with each other. Advertising influences
consumer’s attitude and responses in various degrees. In general, the proposes behind
advertising are to expect intangible gains, such as favorable attitudes and better image
of the firm, and tangible gains like sale increment.
Table No. 1.1

Ingredients Nutritional Value Ingredients Nutritional Value

Calories 375 Sugar 0.1 16.2%
Calories from fat 149.4 Carbohydrates 48.5
** %DV Fiber 0.6
Fat 16.6 gm 25.5% Iron 4 mg 22%
Saturated 7.3 gm 36.5% Vitamin A 300 mg 6%
+trans 0.5 gm Vitamin B1 0.11 mg 7%
MUFA 6.6 gm Vitamin B2 0.68 mg 5%
PUFA 1.5 gm Calcium 100 mg 10%
Cholesterol 0 gm Phosphorus 180 mg 18%
Sodium 900 gm 37.5% Protein 8 gm
Nutritional factor of WaiWai instant noodles

*Approximate values
**% DV standard for percent daily values based on 2000 calories diet.
Source: WaiWai instant noodles packets
The above table depicts the total nutritional factors which are included in the packet

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The overall objective of the study is to identify and evaluate the impact of TV ad on
consumer’s attitude of WaiWai instant noodles in Gaindakot VDC, ward no. 2 of
Nawalparasi district. The specific objective is as follows:

I. To evaluate the position/rank of WaiWai instant noodles in Gaindakot-2.

II. To assess the attractive part of TV advertising of WaiWai instant noodles.
III. To evaluate the most liked features in WaiWai instant noodles in Gaindakot-2.


1.3.1 Growth of advertising
Since the very beginning advertising has practiced as manifold form. It has the longest
history taking us back to the history of mankind and human civilization. Though one
fails to answer the question as to the exact age of advertising. It can be said that
advertising began the moment the man discovered the art of communication. Historical
documents and archeological researchers have confirmed the entry of advertising in the
ancient times. Advertising by “word” of mouth is probably the earliest focus of
advertising because oral skills were developed before reading and writing. Advertising
was given the commercial status the day man entered into the process of exchanges (the
new encyclopedia, Britannica, 1990).
Another major technological breakthrough was the invention of photography in the late
1880s. Before this time products in printed advertisement could be illustrated only by
drawing pictures. Photography added credibility to advertising because it should
produce as they are rather than as visualized by an artist.
When advertising entered in the 20th century, there were so many miracles than before
October 29, 1929 national advertisers used radio extensively they. They could reach
large captive audience that turned into popular programs. The most usual expansion of
any medium occurred after the television was born and today is the second largest
advertising mediums in terms of total money spend by advertisers.

During 1920s, new kind of advertising strategy was observed where the competitor’s
Strengths became as important as the advertiser’s. This was called as ‘positioning era’
where priority was given to product features and image.
Advertising is going through many changes, which will be accelerated. These are being
led by new media developments and primarily by new developments in electronic
media. We can see that in near future people may increasingly shop from their own
homes. People can call up product and service information on the television screens and
then make their purchases either by telephone or directly through a home computer.

Advertising will be different in the future, because almost everywhere there is a trend
towards increased expenditures on social messages and services rather than products
and brands and this will continue.

1.3.2 Advertising and attitude

The word advertising is derived from the Latin words “ad” and “verto”. “Ad” means
‘towards’ and ‘verto’ means turn. So the meaning of advertising is to turn people’s
attention to the specific thing. In other words, advertising is to draw attention of people
to certain goods and services. Advertising is used to stimulate people to buy a particular
brand or product or service offered for sale by a particular seller or organization.
Despite some widely held misconception, advertising alone works no miracles. It is an
important element in modern marketing process, but it can produce consistency
profitable results only when the entire structure is sound and coordinated.
Advertising includes those activities by which visual or oral messages are addressed to
the public for the purpose of informing them and influencing them either to buy
merchandise or services or to act or be favorable towards ideas institutions and person
featured (Abuja, 1998).
The above all definitions tried to carry some importance about advertising. Advertising
can be presented as non- personal communication targeted to the consumer, which is
paid to influence person toward products or services. Messages are delivered visually or
orally via identified sponsor.
An attitude is an enduring organization of cognitive affective and behavioral
components and process with respect to some aspect of the individual word. Attitude is
generally concerned of as having three components (a) a cognitive components a person
believes of information about the objectives (b) an affective component a person’s
feeling of like or dislike concerning the objectives (Tull and Hawkins, 1890).
Both attitude and advertising are interrelated with each other. Attitude can be developed
toward the object of advertising, and advertising results in the formation of attitude
toward the object.

Advertising is basically focused on to form a favorable attitude in the mind of consumer

regarding any brand, product or service advertised. Since attitude is a psychological
process, it can’t be measured directly; rather we need to do attitude study/research.
Attitude measurement is a key factor to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising. To
measure the effectiveness of advertising it is necessary to measure changes in attitude
resulting of the advertising communicated. Attitude study helps in determining the
number of people purchasing and using a brand, and that of competitor brands or
substitutions. By comparing these people with the population as a whole in terms of
their demographic characteristics, it is possible to construct a profile of the actual and
potential market.

1.3.3 General review of Chaudhary Udhyog Gram

WaiWai is available both in vegetarian and non-vegetarian style. Under non-vegetarian
style, we can get chicken flavored with brown and white style. WaiWai is a largest
selling brand in Nepalese market with the best quality.

This company has been able to spend large amount of money in advertising and various
other promotional activities. It has performed WaiWai under 19 cricket cup by
sponsoring Rs. 770,000 and it has established Golf club inside its production industry in
Divyapuri VDC, Nawalparasi. Also in NTV plus television it has been conducting the
WaiWai Quiz program by making the active participation of the student. Moreover, as
per the business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) it has been providing
various infrastructure development program in Divyapuri VDC such as water supply,
scholarship to the diligent and poor students, waiting stand in Mahindra highway,
culvert, police station etc. for its favorable attitude towards the society and consumers
too. The advertising has been broadcasting through various advertising media.
Basically, TV advertising has been broadcasting through Nepal Television Plus and
other as well.


1.4.1 Research design
A research method is the plan of attack. If focus on the overall strategy, structure and
framework of the study and investigation to obtain the information and answers to
research questions and to control variance among the collected data.
Research design is the plan, structure, and strategy of investigation conceived so as to
obtain and answers to research questions. The plan is the overall scheme or program of
the research. It includes an outline of what the investigator will do from writing the
hypothesis and their operational implications to the final analysis of data. (Kerlinger,
This definition highlights on the overall plan, structure, and strategy of the framework
of the study and investigation in an organized and integrated form by making
generalization about the population.
This study is based on survey research design. The research was aimed to examine the
impact of television advertising on consumer’s attitude with reference to WaiWai
instant noodles in ward no. 2 of Gaindakot VDC in Nawalparasi district.

1.4.2 Sources of data

There are basically two research methods: Primary and Secondary. Both primary and
secondary data were collected and used in this study. Only one kind of data is not
sufficient for this study. So both types of data were collected and implemented taking
into consideration that the data will strengthen and complement each other.

Primary Data
The sources of primary data in this study were students, household members and people
in streets in ward no. 2 of Gaindakot VDC in Nawalparasi district.

Secondary Data
The secondary data will be collected and referred from corporate office of Chaudhary
Group (foods) private limited and its website www.chaudharygroup.com.

1.4.3 Population and Sampling

All the potential consumers of instant noodles in the ward no. 2 of Gaindakot VDC
were considered as the population of this study.
As a sampling frame the Gaindakot VDC was taken. According the sampling frame, the
VDC was stratified with respect to its population and area.
Sample random sampling method was used on the basis of unequal of unequal
proposition, so as to make the sample highly representative of the population. The
sample size of this report was 100 consumers. Out of 100 consumers, both male and
female were selected in equal proposition i.e. 50 male and female consumers were
chosen. To gather primary data, the above mentioned number of people war surveyed at
random basis for this study.

1.4.4 Data Gathering Procedure

The data were collected by administering non- disguised structure questionnaire along
with direct interviews to the randomly selected consumers of the stratified ward of the
Gaindakot VDC.

1.4.5 Presentation Tools

Various presentation tools were used in this study. Tools employed for presentation are
tables, charts and bar graphs.

1.4.6 Statistical Procedure

Different types of analysis technique were employed for better evaluation and
presentation of collected data. The techniques used for analysis are percentage,
weighted average and SWOT analysis.

 In this study, only the WaiWai are selected.
 The study held belongs particularly to WaiWai. So the result derived from the
study might not be applicable to any other project.
 Both secondary as well as primary data are used to analyzed and interpreted.
 The accuracy of primary data depends upon the respondents’ view and reliability.
 Data are collected from corporate office of Chaudhary Group (foods)
private limited and its website www.chaudharygroup.com.


1. Introduction
This section includes the general information regarding the topic selection and
area selection of the study. It also states those issues that need to be addressed
alone with the objectives and need of study.

2. Data analysis and major findings

This is the second chapter of report, in this chapter collected data are presented
in different charts, graph, table and they are analyzed by using different tools.

3. Summary and conclusion

This is third and last chapter of the report. So it includes a brief summary and
conclusion of the report with suggestions.

2.1 Data Presentation and Analysis
In this chapter those data collected from the respondents/consumers of different strata of
Gaindakot VDC are analyzed, interpreted and presented. For this purpose both descriptive
and statistical tools such as tables, bar diagrams, pie charts, percentage, weighted average,
and SWOT analysis are used as the analytical and presentation tools. The survey was aimed
to collect views from 100 respondents both male and female in equal proportion of different
segment of Gaindakot VDC.

2.1.1 Ranking of Selected Brand of Instant Noodles

Here, the most preferred noodles has been given ranking as number 1 and the number goes
on increasing in ascending order for less preferred. The least preferred instant noodles are
given the rank of 4. The data collected from the questionnaire pertaining to this question are
arranged in the table as follows:

Table 2.1
Noodles No. of respondents Percentage Ranking

WaiWai 40 40% 1

Mayos 25 25% 2

Rumpum 15 15% 3

Miho 11 11% 4

Yumyum 9 9% 5

Ranking of selected brands of noodles

Figure 2.1
The bar diagram of Ranking of selected brands of noodles

WaiWai instant noodles is the most liked noodles, since, 40% of the total respondents
prefer it. Likewise Mayos stood 2nd in ranking by getting vote from 25 consumers, i.e. 25%.
Rumpum is 3rd in ranking, being liked by 15 respondents i.e. 15%. The number of
respondents who went for Miho is 11%. And finally the consumers who preferred Yumyum
noodles are 9%, which position is 5th, being liked by only 9 respondents.

2.1.2 Featured liked the most in WaiWai

In the questionnaire, respondents were asked to choose the feature, which they like the most
in WaiWai instant noodles. In the table below, the data pertaining to this section are
arranged and entered.

Table 2.2
Features No. of respondents Percentage

Quality 60 60%

Price 10 10%

Packaging 25 25%
Others 5 5%

Total 100 100%

Features liked the most in WaiWai

Figure 2.2

The bar diagram of features like the most in WaiWai

Quality is the feature that is liked by most of the consumers regarding WaiWai instant
noodles, 60% i.e. 60 respondents admitted the like quality above all. Number of
respondents who went for others option is 5 i.e. 5%. 10 respondents i.e. 10% respondents
like price factor of WaiWai noodles. They thought that the price of WaiWai is reasonable.
25% like packaging of WaiWai.
2.1.3 Attractive part of TV advertising of WaiWai
Which part of TV advertising of WaiWai instant noodles is liked by how many respondents
are illustrated in this section? Here, the advertisement is categorized into four parts namely
presentation, background music, script and slogan. The data obtained from the
questionnaire are arranged in the table below.
Table no. 2.3
No. of respondents
Part of advertisement Percentage

Presentation 36 36%
Background music 14 14%

Script 20 20%

Slogan 30 30%

Total 100 100%

Figure 2.3: The pie-chart of above table

Out of 100
respondents, 36
liked the presentation
of the TV advertising
of WaiWai i.e. 36%. The number respondents who liked slogan are 30, i.e. 30%, 14%
respondents enjoyed background music and the number of respondents who liked script is
20, i.e. 20%.

2.1.4 Evaluation of TV advertising of WaiWai

In this section, respondent’s evaluation regarding the TV advertising of WaiWai is
illustrated. By the help of questionnaire, how much do they like the TV advertising is
analyzed. The options were ‘highly satisfied’, ‘satisfied’, and ‘neutral’, ‘dissatisfied’ and
‘highly dissatisfied’. The data obtained from the questionnaire are arranged in the table
Table 2.4

Evaluation Scale No. of respondents Percentages

Highly satisfied 27 27%

Satisfied 37 37%

Neutral 29 29%

Dissatisfied 5 5%

Highly dissatisfied 2 2%

Total 100 100%

Evaluation of TV advertising of WaiWai

Figure 2.4
The pie- chart of above table
Respondents who are highly satisfied with WaiWai TV advertising is 27. Out of 100
respondents 37% are satisfied. 29% respondents are having neutral opinion regarding the
TV advertising of WaiWai. 5% respondents are dissatisfied and 2% are highly dissatisfied
with the TV advertising of WaiWai.

2.1.5 Opinion about “celebrity featured advertising”

In the questionnaire, respondents were asked to give their opinion whether ‘celebrity
featured advertising’ assists in improving the brand image of products/services or not. The
data obtained from the questionnaire are arranged in the table below.
Table 2.5
Opinion No. of respondents Percentage
(Source: field
Yes 79 79%
survey, 2068)
Neutral (don’t know) 16 16%
Figure 2.5
No 5 5%

Total 100 100%

The pie chart given below will help to understand more precisely

Out of the respondents, 79% agreed that celebrity featured advertising would help in
improving brand image of products/ services. This option got the biggest vote of
respondents. The number of respondents who disagreed with the role of celebrity featured
advertising is 16%. And 5% respondents having neutral opinion or they don’t have any idea
about it.


The major findings of the study are as follows:-
 The most preferred instant noodles are WaiWai compare to other selected brands.
And other Mayos, Rumpum, Miho etc are least preferred.
 The most liked feature/attribute of WaiWai in quality against price, packaging and
others. Price is the lease favorite feature in WaiWai.
 WaiWai is the noodles whose TV advertising in recalled the most to that of other
noodles. Mayos is second in ranking.
 The part of TV advertising of WaiWai which is liked by the majority of consumers is
the presentation, slogan is the second in ranking and background music is the last.
 About 27 respondents are highly satisfied, 37 are satisfied and only 2 are highly

Advertising can be understood as a form of communication that aims at bringing about
some changes in the behavior of the target audience, particularly the potential buyers or
non-buyers towards the product of service advertised.
Advertisement messages can be presented through various audio/visual and print media
like, television, commercial radio, posters, and newspaper, magazine, hoarding board, etc.
Television has become an important medium of entertainment in city and village
households in Nepal. Majorities of big and medium enterprises have television advertising
of their products/services although the costs of such advertisements are very high.
Contemplating the very realities of the Nepalese market, it is found that television
advertising has not yet accessed its full potential growth, although the essence of
advertising is selling recognized and business people have realized it as the important
promotional tools of persuasion to the mass. However, there is a great scope for the
development of television advertising in business field. The role that television advertising
plays in our lives will remain significant.
Attitudes are expressions of inner feelings that reflect whether a person is favorably or
unfavorably predisposed to some object. Because they are an outcome of psychological
processes, attitudes are not directly observable but must be inferred from what people say
or what they do. Attitude measurement is also a key factor in the increased efforts to
measure the effectiveness of advertising. Knowledge of attitude helps the marketers to
predict consumer’s reaction to product and to the advertising messages about the product.
This study has been divided into five chapters namely, introduction, review of literature,
research methodology, analysis and presentation of data, and summary and conclusion.
WaiWai instant noodles are a pioneer product of Chaudhary Udhyog Gram Private
Limited. It is available in two flavors at present, WaiWai instant noodles (chicken and
vegetarian) and WaiWai hot and sour. This company is well established and has been
able to spend huge sum of money in advertisement and various other promotional

Recently, the company started another promotion tool and gave the slogan “Hamro Maan
Ma WaiWai”. WaiWai is exported in some places of India and Bhutan as well.
Considering the increasing demand and competition, Chaudhary Udhyog Gram has
expanded its market inside Nepal also and adopted extensive advertising, promotion and
brand building programmers.
The study was based on the survey research design. All the potential consumers of instant
noodles in the Ward no. 2 of Gaindakot VDC were selected as the population of this study.
Simple random sampling was used. The sample size of the study was 100 consumers.
Primary data are used extensively in this study. The sources of primary data in this study
were students, household members and people in the streets. Administering non-designed
structured questionnaires along with short direct interviews the data were collected. The
collected data has been analyzed critically with the help of descriptive and statistical tools.
From this study, it is obtained that the most preferred instant noodles is WaiWai and Mayos
is second best compare to other selected brands. Most of the consumers are satisfied with
WaiWai instant noodles in terms of its quality, price, packaging, and truth up to its
advertising. WaiWai is the noodles whose TV advertising is recalled the most and
majorities of consumers are satisfied with the TV advertising of WaiWai instant noodles.
Obviously, WaiWai is a leader in terms of quality and truthful advertising. Mayos is biggest
threat and is able to challenge WaiWai in every aspect. Rumpum and Miho are the
followers of WaiWai instant noodles in terms of the brand image and quality.

The study can be concluded in the following manners:-
 Advertising plays an important role in conveying messages to the targeted and
potential consumers.
 Quality is the feature that is liked the most in WaiWai. Packaging and other features
are equally admired after quality. Price is the least liked attribute in WaiWai.
 The TV advertising of WaiWai is recalled the most by consumers compared to that of
other noodles.
 Presentation and slogan of WaiWai TV advertising is highly appreciated,
consecutively, by consumers.
 Majorities of consumers are satisfied with the TV advertising of WaiWai compare to
that of other noodles. Consumers having neutral views regarding this are also quite a
 WaiWai TV advertising is quite persuasive but majorities of consumers have neutral
opinion about it.
 WaiWais’ TV advertising is believed as the most truthful, trustworthy and original
TV advertising, Mayos is also not bad in this category.
 Most of the noodles have good packaging. Rumpum has the best packaging and
Miho has the worst.
 The quality of WaiWai is believed as the best than that of others noodles.
 Most of the consumers liked WaiWai Ganodaya micro laptop programme as the
promotion tools, and hope that such programmes will be organized in future too.
Reasonable numbers of consumers also like gifts and coupons schemes of WaiWai.
 WaiWai is in industrial stage of product life cycle because about 80% consumers
thought so.
 WaiWai is confronting with great intensity of competitor in today’s scenario.
 Entry of new potential firms in noodles industry is very low. Therefore, WaiWai
have better strengths to encounter against any kinds of threats.
 The major strength of WaiWai instant noodles is that its manufacturing company has
the latest and the modern plant. WaiWai is one of the largest selling brands in
Nepalese market. CUG is a well-established and highly industrialized company and
have been able to spend huge sums of money in CSR and Advertisement and various
other promotional activities.
 The major opportunities for WaiWai are that the market growth rate of instant
noodles industry in Nepal is increasing gradually. Due to the globalization of
Economy through the world, it has been able to export it product in the international
market. Ultimately, this increased in sales volume. Development of ICT and other
infrastructure have provided opportunity to expand their market.
 The major threats of WaiWai instant noodles are the stiff competition from
competitors and the substitutes. The growing of consciousness of negative impact of
Mono sodium glutamate leas to loss of potential consumer.

Abuja, B.N. (1988) Advertising, (3rd Ed), Bombay Taraporewala published.
Agrawal, Govind Ram (2009), Marketing in Nepal, Kathmandu, Educational enterprises
Pvt. Ltd.
Ben, G.C. (1990), Marketing Research, (2nd ed.), Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Ltd, New Delhi. Pg. 55.
Pearce, John A. II and Richard B. Robinson, (2002) “strategic Management: Strategy
formulation and implantation”, (3rd ed.), AITBS, Publishers & Distributors, India, pg. 292.
Pant R. Prem (2005), Nepalese Business Environment, (6th ed.), Buddha Academic
Publisher & Distributors
Schiflman, L.G. and Kanuk, LL (2000), “Consumer Behavior”, (6 th ed.), Prentice Hall of
Shrestha, Mahindra Pd. And Dhurba K. Gautam (2062), Essence of Nepalese Business
Environment, 1st edition, Ashmita Books Publishers & Distributors, Kathmandu, pg. 123.


This questionnaire is prepared to obtain the information regarding the impact of TV
advertising of WaiWai instant noodles and the product as a whole this project is constructed
to fulfill the requirement of the BBA 5 th semester of Balkumari College. Your
identification will be right confidential.
Name: ………………………….. Marital Status: Married Unmarried
Age : …………… Gender: Male Female

1. Which instant noodles do you prefer the most?

i.WaiWai ii.Mayos iii.Rumpum iv.Others

2. Have you ever consumed WaiWai instant noodles?

i. Yes ii. No

3. If yes, what is if that you particularly like about WaiWai instant noodle?

i. Quality ii. Price iii. Packaging iv. Other

4. Which instant noodle’s TV advertising do you recall the most?

i. WaiWai ii. Mayos iii. Rumpum iv. Miho

5. Do you remember having seen any TV advertising of WaiWai instant noodles?

i. Yes ii. No

6. If yes, what do you like the most about the advertising?

i. Advertising ii. Background music iii. Presentation iv. Slogan

7. How do you evaluate the TV advertising of WaiWai instant noodles?

i. Highly satisfied ii. Satisfied iii. Neutral iv. Dissatisfied

8. How do you think “celebrity featured advertising” helps improving the brand image of
particular production?
i. Yes ii. No
9. How do you compare the TV advertising of WaiWai instant noodles with of others
i. Highly satisfied ii. Satisfied iii. Neutral iv. Dissatisfied

10. How persuasiveness do you think in the TV advertising of WaiWai instant noodles?
i. .Highly persuasive ii. Persuasive iii. Neutral iv. Less persuasive

11. Which type of promotion did you like very much about WaiWai instant noodles?
i. Advertising ii. Gifts iii. Trade fair and exhibition

iv. WaiWai Ganodaya Micro laptop program v. Others

12. In your opinion which stage of product lifecycle in WaiWai going through?

i. Introduction ii. Growth iii. Industry iv. Decline

13. Which favours did you like very much about WaiWai instant noodles?

i.Vegetarian ii. Non - Vegetarian

14. How much are you satisfied with WaiWai instant noodles?

i. Highly satisfied ii. Satisfied iii. Neutral iv. Dissatisfied

15. What are you suggesting regarding the improvement of TV advertising of WaiWai
instant noodles?


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