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Innovation through Intrapreneurship

A Management’s Perspective
Abhishek Ballabh
IT Professional
Pune, India
91- 9860790381

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square
holes. The ones who see things differently… you can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,
disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they
change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push
the human race forward. While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because, the people, who
are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
- ―Here’s to the Crazy One’s‖
The Apple Creed -

In these tough economic times coupled with ever increasing rivalry from competitors, globalization and
technological changes, a number of firms are leveraging innovation to weather these storms.
One of the methodologies many companies are following is to unleash and tap the hidden entrepreneurial
spirit in its employees thereby fostering innovation. This is not easy as this defies the status quo in their
work and requires a complete paradigm shift in perspective i.e. from an employee to an entrepreneur.
These entrepreneurial waves within the organizations are referred to as “Intrapreneurship” a term coined
by author Gifford Pinchot in 1978.This enables the employees to carve out a niche , foster new ventures
and challenge the traditional way of doing things thereby suggesting improvements and optimized
solutions. This territory is not a novel idea but has ushered groundbreaking products and innovations in the
past. Apple’s Macintosh Project , 3M’s iconic Post-it Note and Sony’s PlayStation all are products of
pioneering intrapreneurial ventures.
This paper attempts to understand the following:

 Role of the Management discipline in order to foster innovation through intrapreneurship in IT

 The catalysts which trigger this paradigm shift in perspective i.e. from an employee to an entrepreneur.
 Challenges that are faced and a generic model to facilitate intrapreneurship within an organisation.

Generally there are two key factors behind the success of any Intrapreneurial Activity.

 Encouragement and support from the senior management.

 Reassurance that even if the ideas fail the intrapreneur will not lose his/her job or be “punished” in
other ways.

Hence a study of the Management perspective becomes very relevant in this context.

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 1

This paper also draws input from a case study at one of the largest financial institutions in the world. This
illustrates few intrapreneurial efforts which benefited organizations at large and at the same time evoked

This paper also discusses the:

 The problems source and specific challenges faced behind the effort.
 The value proposition and the generic lessons learnt.
 The benefits and their impact on creating a conducive environment for similar efforts.
 The common thread behind the efforts and what drove them.

This paper will be helpful for the managers trying to understand the Intrapreneurial Lifecycle within a
corporation along with generic points to inculcate a conducive and motivating environment for the same.
At the same time it will help individuals to introspect and develop a proactive approach towards
innovation in their work and re-define their activities in order to contribute in a broader sense.
Keywords—Innovation , Intrapreneurship , Management .

opportunity and are able to turn both to their

“He that will not apply new remedies must expect - Niccolo Machiavelli
new evils: for time is the greatest innovator”
- Francis Bacon We list few of the characteristic traits which define the
dynamics of an intrapreneural mindset
Can intrapreneurship be an agent to foster innovation within
an organization? Why will an organization i.e. employees and A. Initial Activities and Behaviour
management would want to indulge into something that is There are some initial activities which describe the
risky and at times breaks the conventional rules which have behavioural traits and reflect on the psyche of an
been set to govern the organizational structure and hierarchy , intrapreneurial mindset.
moreover when it is delivering the desired results ?
Well let us take a look in depth and define the paradigm.  Opportunity recognition –

In the management context the best definition we came across  Visions of a new product or concept –
was by Prof Jack Raiton ( 2005 )
 Market Analysis & Exploration –
―Integration of entrepreneurial skills into a large
corporation’s strategic vision that nurtures a climate of  Procuring the Resource(s) –
radical or incremental innovation.‖
 Organizing & Implementation -
Management thinkers have emphasized the pivotal role the top
management has in creating an atmosphere wherein
employees are encouraged to experiment. According to them,
even if the top management wants to create an innovative and
intrapreneurial organization, there is a need for intrapreneurs
within the system who could execute the process of
intrapreneurial innovation.
Role of project managers is not only to foster an environment
for budding intrapreneurs but also embrace this spirit and see
it as an alternative in their management thought process.


“Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand
that there is little difference between obstacle and

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 2

Fig. 2 Pinchot’s 10 commands


“Innovation is the specific instrument of
entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources
with a new capacity to create wealth.”
- Peter F. Drucker
In the era of economic turmoil and volatile dynamics of the
market, organizations are stressing more on Cost-effective
solutions for a competitive advantage. In this context the idea
of Cost – effective innovation becomes relevant. Focusing and
delivering of entrepreneur spirit may have a great result and a
big number of innovations.

B. Mobilizing to create a Team

Intrapreneurial team means small group of people who works
together for producing product or service. Intrapreneurial team
creates things and learns together.

A good team must have these characteristics in order for a

Fig. 1 A gamut of Behavioural traits of an Intrapreneur
success run: -

There are few behavioural traits which emerge from the initial  Focus on surviving.
activities as described above –
 Continuity of relationship.
 Creativity -  Common objectives.

 Obstacle Mitigation –  Measurable objectives.

 Getting the Job Done -  Competence and dedicates team members.

 Taking Initiative -  Good communication, feedback.

 Bearing Uncertainty and Risk – Three key components are important in this implementation

 Ideas should be corresponding to the customers.

 Ideas should be corresponding to the company.

 Ideas should be corresponding to the intrapreneur.

The basics work of intrapreneur is to develop business vision

and to make them real. Vision has two parts. First is intuitive
finding of potential business model and the second one is
building the vision, often hard but crucial for business
planning. In business planning intuitive vision become plan
for action.

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 3

Fig. 3 The operating structure of an Intrapreneur

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 4

Fig. 4 A paradigm between Innovation and Entrepreneurship
We list few of the traditional management practices , there
repercussions and recommended actions when it comes to
IV. MANAGEMENT AS AN INCUBATOR actions from the management.

The below stated points are subject to various interpretations,

"Good management is the art of making problems the idea is to convey a generic message for the audience to
so interesting and their solutions so constructive comprehend the point. No Intrapreneurial venture can foster
that everyone wants to get to work and deal with without management’s help and understanding, this is one
them." thumb rule which we have to remember.
- Paul Hawken

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 5

 Limited standards for support and poor knowledge of
 No standards for duplex, A3, colour, multi-function
The Case of Automated & Managed Printer Services– and confidential printing.
(2008-09)  Poor maintenance, fleet management and contingency
It has been about 30 years since the term "paperless office"  Poor device placement (sporadically placed at desks,
appeared, based on the theory that technology would corridors..), sizing (too small, too big..) and sharing
eliminate the need for paper. But that utopian vision is a (you can’t use my printer…) etc.
long way from reality.  No review of changing needs, using inherited devices
Paper consumption is one of the latent costs any instead of what you really need.
organization faces and with the coming of CSR and  Different phone numbers, help desks, engineers and
Environmental Initiatives the mantra of Go Green is service levels for print, copy and fax.
growing exponentially across the corporate world.  Lack of specialist knowledge and support from with
few problems fixed at first call and delays waiting for
Company was facing a similar problem as far its Print engineers.
mechanism was concerned and there was a rampant need
for a solution. Environmental

 No standards for environmental issues e.g. toner

C. THE PROBLEM cartridge recycling, power consumption and paper
The financial firm had over 26,000 printers, copiers and fax reduction.
machines in the UK, with many different makes, models,  Print and copy over 600 million sheets of paper each
configurations and drivers. This diversity was mostly year! - That is 195,000 trees!! (40k sheets = one
overlooked by management as it never posed a problem as tonne = 13 trees –
long as the localised needs were fulfilled.  Over 42,000 print cartridges each year plus fax and
However the problem started to appear intermittently on copier cartridges.
various performance parameters and they were:  Many of the devices are old and energy inefficient
adding to our CO2 emissions.
Services and Support

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 6

Costs  All toner and ink cartridges collected and the materials
recycled to EU guidelines.
 No control over toner and ink costs including usage,  All devices to have a sleep mode, 90% reduction in
ordering and storage. power when not operating.
 All print costs are divided evenly irrespective of usage,  35% reduction in devices, with a much higher
unfair to low print business and lack of support to high percentage in non-branch sites.
print areas.  New devices use 21% less energy than previous
 No opportunity to business to understand and control models. They generate less heat, less ozone and less
print volumes and costs. noise.
 No communications and visibility on opportunities to  All devices disposed of to the Waste from Electrical
reduce printing. and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) standards.

In 2008 the management understood the gravity of the Reduced Costs

situation and the savings (both in terms of cost and efforts)
and decided to brainstorm for a solution with the local IT  Standard infrastructure costs (including copy and fax)
stakeholders. are covered by the desktop recharge with no increase
for 2007 and with reductions estimated for 2008
D. THE SOLUTION  Specialist requirements charged to the relevant
The idea behind this endeavour was not only to find business reducing the burden on other areas.
solutions to the above mentioned problems but also to  All consumable costs measured and charged back to
come up with the best possible optimal solution. the relevant business areas with usage details.
 Administration costs for consumable ordering, office
Improved Service moves and similar service are reduced.
 Reduced paper costs to business areas.
 A standard infrastructure supplied though the business
partner Hewlett Packard ( HP) the world experts on The Managed Print Services (MPS) was ground breaking
print management services, to foster common service collaboration between the business and the IT centres as
levels and proactive monitoring, support and fleet the later were given a free hand by the business to
management. implement the strategy.
 Contingency built in as standard with no device
becoming a single point of failure.
 A specialist help desk covering all print issues,
available through a centralised support number.
 New, modern devices with standard models, Change can be a very disruptive process and the MPS
configuration and drivers. epitomized this phrase. Various banking IT applications
 Additional, specialist devices available at extra charge interfaced directly with the printers, fax etc so impact was
allowing the full business cost to be understood. No profound. Once they were revamped a rattle testing was
compromises forced by budget limits. inevitable across various bits and pieces of these
 Consumable ordering and dispatch automated. applications in order to ensure compatibility. This was a
 Consultancy service to assist with all future print big overhead and a critical decision which business had to
requirements and initiatives. take.
 Secure printing via security pass readers with double Apart from this there were apprehensions from the various
sided printing, A3 and A4 on black and white devices Business Units which saw this change as breach of privacy
as standard. as this change would enable a successful tracking
 MI of who printed what, where and how much it costs mechanism / associate. Overall visibility would eliminate
so usage could be effectively tracked. localized control.


Reduced Environmental Impact
 IT was supposed to audit the existing print
 Reduction in paper usage by an estimated 27%, that environment at the Client’s site and include any
equates to over 50,000 trees a year. special requirements.
 Reduced CO2 emissions, the paper reduction alone  Further they produced a design for the new devices
will save nearly 900,000kg a year. and their locations. Any specialist devices and their
costs were also included.

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 7

 Implement the design, test key elements as much as and getting the job done. It was the vision of the
possible to ensure the new environment meets your management and execution strategy of the IT which made
requirements. the vision a reality. The savings as per real time data
 Review the design after a suitable period to ensure mentioned above were phenomenal.
nothing was missed out. At the end of the day we were with a Better , Greener and
 The majority of implementations will be during Cheaper solution which fitted all.
normal working hours, but with minimal disruption to
the business.
 A short familiarisation training session with key VI. LIFECYCLE OF INTRAPRENEURSHIP – A HOLISTIC VIEW
members of staff.
 HP will provide Day +1 onsite support The lifecycle of Intrapreneurship is a generic step by step
 BAU- Bank Addressable Unit (first line of support for listings of the cycle of an Intrapreneurial journey. It should
the bank's end-users) involved. be considered as a generic guideline and adopted as per the
This MPS project was an in-house model which once specifics of the situation.
implemented was rolled out successfully across various
UK locations. This was a result of tremendous effort from
the various Business Units in liaison with their IT partners.
This Intrapreneurial effort also involved liaising with the
Third Party service providers like HP ( Hewlett Packard Co)

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 8

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 9
as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other
VII. CONCLUSION people permission to do the same….”
In order to survive and succeed in today’s chaotic times In a knowledge driven economy harnessing the full
organizations need to device strategies which are potential of your employees is the key. The knowledge is
competitive and unconventional. One of the steps towards with every individual, management provides a platform,
that is to create an innovative and intrapreneurial organizations provide a medium and belief in your vision is
organization in the long journey and persevere with the the catalyst.
philosophy. The idea is to utilize the most important asset This results in self inspired and self motivated employees
of the firm i.e. its people and leverage from it. who come each day with fire in their belly and always aim
If this stream of thought is integrated in the business to add value and look for optimal solutions. Innovation is
thinking of the organization the people will imbibe it in the ethos of the firm. This can be the greatest asset for an
naturally. The biggest threat to these ventures is the change organization in today’s times.
in mindset, it requires a shift from an employer to an
intrapreneur or at least creation of an environment where
people dare to come up with ideas and have the vision to VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
make it a reality. Management has a critical role to play There author would especially like to thank Chris M Pugh
here and this has been emphasized earlier in this paper. for his expert guidance and feeds on the MPS Project , and
Without their critical support success is remote. Santosh Velayudhan & Rajesh Bhatia for their patience to
Intrapreneurs are the torchbearers of innovative spirit and review the abstract and manuscript thereby providing her
not only they dare to dream , lead , improvise but inspire expert opinion on the same.
others to do the same. As Nelson Mandela once said “And

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 10

Finally, the author salutes the works of Peter F. Drucker
whose management principles have been the starting point
of his understanding of the discipline. Pinchot, G (1985). Intrapreneuring: Why You Don’t have
to Leave the Corporation to Become an Entrepreneur, New
IX. REFERENCES York: Harper and Row.

Covin, J O and Miles, M P (1999). “Corporate Piramal, Gita; Bartlett, Christopher A and Ghoshal,
Entrepreneurship and the Pursuit of Competitive Sumantra (2000). Managing Radical Change: What Indian
Advantage,” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 23(3), Companies Must Do to Become World Class, New Delhi:
47-63. Viking Studio Books (Penguin Books India).

Guth, W D and Ginsberg, A (1990). “Guest Editor’s

Introduction: Corporate Entrepreneurship,” Strategic
Management Journal, 11(4), 5-15.

Hamel, Gary (2002). Leading the Revolution, Revised

Edition, Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School

Kaplan, Robert S and Norton, David P (2001). The

Strategy- Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard
Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment,
Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press.

Innovation through Intrapreneurship – A Management’s Perspective 11

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