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The result I got from taking the free personality test somehow reflects

my true personality. The result characterized me with attributes such as

being introverted, intuitive, feeling, prospecting, and turbulent. It's true that I
consider myself introvert because I usually dislike occasions where I get to
socialize with other individuals, but depending on who I am with, I can still
manage and enjoy big crowds. I can say that I am also Intuitive in a way
that I fantasize life and sometimes forget how reality works which also
implies why I’d rarely make practical choices. But this also reflects my
creative side because I’d find comfort in expressing myself by doing and
creating unusual things. Moreover, as a feeling individual, I would not deny
being sensitive and emotionally expressive. And it’s true that I am
empathetic and dreamt of changing the world to be a better and kinder
place. It makes me genuinely happy to be of service for others.
Furthermore, I am proud to say that I consider myself as a prospecting
person because these type of individuals are very good at creating and
spotting opportunities. They are flexible which is true for me. Finally, a
turbulent person is self-conscious and vulnerable to stress. They are
expected to feel a wide variety of feelings, success driven and always
eager to improve which suitably describe my personality. Overall, the test
classified me as a turbulent mediator which just summarizes the strengths
and weakness as I embody the traits mentioned. Hence, if there is a
weakness that I would like to develop, it would be the part in me where I
would restrict and hide myself for others to get to know me. I would like to
open up and socialize with others because this is very important, especially
if I'm going to get a job in the future. In order to work in harmony, the need
to connect and interact with my potential co-workers is very necessary as a
relationship would be formed.

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