Dramatist Guild Member: Community Projects

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Gabriel Torres

Dramatist Guild Member

Email: info@gabrielgtorres.com
Website: gabrielgtorres.com
Community Projects
Haust of Dust (Progress) Losaida Arts Center NYC
Distant Bodies Tank NYC / The LGBT Center NYC
Still: Performance for Inner Peace Chashama NYC
Haus of Dust The Laundromat Project NYC
EMERGENYC Hemisphere Institute NYC
Workshop for Professional Artists Creative Capital NYC

Theater/ Performance
Mañanaland Assoc.Dir. Meghan Finn,Dir. NYC
Caught… By Anna Parisi Immigrants Biennial Festival NYC
Knight of Rusty Armor Cue Drama Hong Kong
The Bearded Woman The Tank NYC
Propaganda 2020 Detext Virtual
Village Stories (5 Plays) KrisP Prod. HongKong Virtual
Leo & Friends by Amalia Oliva Rojas Theater Accident Virtual
Dreamless by Gabriel G Torres The Tank NYC
Real by Rodrigo Nogueira The Tank NYC Special Skills
Nos Vamos Pal’ Mundial Casa E Colombia
Design: Community Design - Augmented Reality
Community: Collective Creation - Creative Placemaking
Aesthetics: Spoken Word Poetry - Documentary Theater -
It’s a match (Ass.Dir) Feature Almasur Films
Film: Video Producing for Perf - Projections - Streaming
Wartime Canteen… Performance En Garde Arts
Acting: Chekhov - Meisner - Stanislavsky trained - Clown
In The Building Behind Sc. Doc. En Garde Arts
Movement: Body Percussion. - Movement Research Meth.
OSS #DK DAP Short Doc Series NYC
Distant Bodies (Series) Experimental The Tank NYC Comedia Dell’Arte - Neutral Mask -

Blue Clouds Independent Short Prod: G & Marija Nova Languages: Spanish (Native)

Dreamgirls Documentary La Lucha Arts

Panels / Interviews
T Times (In Progress) Independent Feature Michail Nousias (Prod)
Theater of Uncertainty - Indie Makers (Israel)
In The Darkness, We… Independent Short Janice Ng (Prod)
Episode 3, Distant Bodies - The Artivist Room
Streaming and Camera Directing
Noah’s Emotiona.… Minema
Quiet & Still - Publication Blank Magazine
Chaotic Good Minema
Dreamless (Excerpt) - Publication Mr Ma’am Magazine
Lindsay Graham Spec. NQT
The Blizzard I was before my 21st Birthday - 11/5 Magazine

Community Engagement Dir.

Mañanaland Meghan Finn Dir. NYC
Teaching Artist Project Fall Session 2020
Fandango for… En Garde Arts NYC
Master of Arts The New School (Process)
Consultant OSS Project NYC
Innovative Storytelling & Community Development Minors
Acting Bach. of Sciences The New School
Theater Media Theory, Writing & Democracy Honors, Theater Practices.

Fall of The House of.. Young Rodrerick Troy Hourie Certi cate The Neighborhood Playhouse
Meisner Tech. - Martha Graham for Actors
The House Lorca Liz Haag / Akia Squitieri
Certi cate Casa Ensemble
Last of The Cauca.. Vasco Sammi Price - TBG
Chekhov, Stanislavsky, Collective Creation, Physical Theater,
Adonis Memoirs- C.M. Alan Bounville Meditation for Theater, Mask, Peter Brook Technique
Camera Certi cate Iberoamerican Theater Fest
Untitled Argie Seth Hong Kong Looking for The Clown by Anton Valen
Reto De Estrellas Nicolas . Supp RCN TV


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