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In the year 2056, the

city of Greendale is so damaged by corruption and insecurity that the vigilantes of
the night analyzed in never helping again due to how inhuman the world became, One
of them lived happily his daily life but before The brutal execution of his family
before a ruthless pair decides to use his double life again

And in the face of a brutal threat

There is still a new hope and salvation

His name is "DARKMAN".

Characters: Darkman- Logan Jasper

LordThunder- Andrade

Commissioner Reigns
Logan Japer, an instrumentalist doctor fond of sports, noble, happy and
very content with his family, until one day they cut off their will to live,
as a result of an assault, they ruthlessly murdered his wife and little
daughter, with a thirst for revenge and put on the mask one more time,
to be able to fall asleep that others took from him

At the hands of

the people of Lordthunder (drug trafficker who dominated the country

and the city at will, his real name was Andrade and he believed himself
to be the "Last Coca Cola in the desert", thus calling himself a new God)

It is May 24, 2056

Logan receives a call from his wife to tell her that he will go out with
the girl, (daughter) to shop for lunch

Since it's their 16th anniversary

In the news at that moment appears the usual

death, chaos, destruction, famine and the corrupt politicians of

forever promising a change that will never happen

It's wartime in Greendale

Since LordThunder dominates a large part of the city and Commissioner

Reigns and the police headquarters try to stop him but always with
futile attempts

Logan takes his things to go home and on the other hand at the window
of the hospital where he works.

There is a peaceful protest from the people of Greendale to overthrow

the regime of the corrupt government and LordThunder

Logan, for his part, decides to ignore the majority

Since the world is so devastated that it has no salvation or reasons for
which to truly fight

Logan in his youth was the incredible dark knight "Darkman" vigilante
and night patrolman in Greendale

As time went by, he decided to "hang up the mask" as he was expecting

a baby on the way with what is now his wife

Logan arrives just at home football time and turns on the TV to watch

On the other hand

Logan's wife

It is your turn to cross the peaceful demonstration

And the government at that moment decides to raise fire before such a
"threat" that such a march meant

Logan's wife manages to escape with her daughter

But a couple of ruthless

They cruelly murder a 10-year-old girl and a wife of a retired vigilante -

or should I say "The Master's Nightmare"


Observing that his wife does not arrive at some point late at night

He decides to go find her in the middle of the execution of that

peaceful march

Until in a dark alley

Find the remains of his beloved wife and little daughter

At that moment
Something something changed inside logan, something broke.

Enough already! Logan yelled

Enough of so much massacre!

At that moment

The Dark Knight rises from the darkness for once more

Save innocent lives

In memory of his beloved family

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