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Title of my paper: Extraction of Peppermint (Mentha Piperita L.) as Organic Sunscreen.

Statement of purpose: 
Currently, there have been many chemical-based sunscreen products developed with various
brands. Related to the main function of sunscreen as UV protective, some chemicals
contained in sunscreens can cause allergic skin reactions. Redness, itching, swelling to a rash,
including signs of skin allergies to sunscreen. Generally, the chemical agent that causes
allergies to the skin is the content of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). Therefore, in this
project, my goal is to be able to provide information that we can use alternative natural
sunscreens by utilizing peppermint leaves because there are various beneficial ingredients,
especially for skin that not many people know about.

I am a medical student and currently, I am studying dermatology. From the lectures, I learned
that sunscreen was very important for us to reduce UV exposure so that we can avoid various
skin diseases. Especially sunscreen is a very important thing for people with cutaneous LE.
Based on the results of research on supporting journals, I am sure that this can support me in
my research.

From the results of successful experiments, peppermint extract can be an alternative in the
composition of sunscreen so that later we can find a sunscreen that safer, healthier for the
skin, environmentally friendly and materials (peppermint) that are easily available.

In peppermint leaves (Mentha Piperita L.), there are phenols and flavonoids where these two
substances have high potential as sunscreens because they can absorb UVA and UVB and
have antioxidant activity. The sunscreen itself works by reflecting or refracting the UV rays
emitted by the sun. In addition to the phenol and flavonoid content, peppermint leaves also
contain menthol oil which can provide a cooling sensation to the skin making it suitable for
relieving the hot sensation of sunburned skin. Peppermint leaves also contain vitamins C,
provitamin A, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and potassium.
The use of an extractor machine, namely microwave-assisted extraction, for approximately
10 minutes can produce high amounts of phenyl and flavonoid extracts. Where the higher
levels of phenols and flavonoids, the better it is in keeping the skin from the adverse effects
of UV rays. 


1. Abdiana, R., & Anggraini, D. I. (2017). Rambut Jagung (Zea mays L.) sebagai
Alternatif Tabir Surya. Jurnal Majority, 7(1), 31-35.
2. Setiawan, A., Bambang, K., & Elly, S. Y. (2019). Ekstraksi daun peppermint (Mentha
Piperita L.) menggunakan metode microwave assisted extraction terhadap total
fenolik, tanin, flavonoid dan aktivitas antioksidan. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian,
Universitas Semarang, Semarang.

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