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Formal Response to the Chairman of the College Republicans

National Committee

Skyler Strand and et al, Caden Wurzbacher Petitioner

The North Dakota Federation Of College Republicans, et al Joy Dahlen, in her official capacity as North
Dakota College Republican Chair, The North Dakota Federation Of College Republicans State Board

April 12th, 2021

A. Summary: I believe many of the issues stated in the complaint are due to outside influence.
My decision to move the election back was to avoid any inference with state elections due to
the upcoming CRNC national elections. Prior to their announcement to run for the state
board, both candidates had very little involvement in their local chapters. Therefore, the
NDCR executive board voted to move the election back to July 26th in order to avoid
election interference. Our constitution has changed, and the version submitted in the
complaint is not the up to date version. The updated constitution allows for the election to be
held at a later date. All constitution changes were done by the book according to the
B. In response to the first complaint which asserts that there was not an organization wide
meeting, which is required each April or at the State Convention. This has not been violated;
we are having an organization wide meeting at each campus on April 26th. Also, the
constitution provided is outdated. Our constitution states that the election can be held any
time between April 1st - July 31st. Therefore, no violation exists. In regards to the second
complaint: term limits. Terms are one year unless the convention falls at a later date. Our
constitution changes were all voted on by the NDCR executive board members and followed
the constitution completely. Recent NDCR administrations have not filed for delegate votes
for the CRNC National Election, therefore many of these issues have not been encountered
before this year. Based on this, I think the election should remain in July as permitted by the
NDCR constitution. The basis for moving the election was based entirely on the avoid any
outside interference. I have shared all information I have received with my executive board.
Also, prior to their running for election, neither candidate Mr. Strand or Mr. Wurzbacher was
heavily involved in their local chapters. According to the NDSU president, Mr. Wurzbacher
had not attended a single CR meeting at NDSU prior to April 7th after he had announced his
candidacy. Mr. Strand has also not been involved in his local chapter till this spring semester.
Before announcing their candidacy, I had tried to get them involved and mentioned
opportunities at the local level, as well as other opportunities. Since then, they have texted
me aggressively. Finally, our constitution allows for elections to be held in July. All changes
were made according to the constitution with proper notice given to the board regarding the
meeting and changes. Since our constitution allows for a July election, there is no reason
why the election cannot be held in July.
C. Evidence: Based on Article VI Section 3 subsection a.  “Elections will be held at the
Convention” and subsection e. “Date of the convention/election will be decided by a vote of
State Committee and Executive Board but must be held some time between April 1st-July
31st.” The election is being held July 26th, which is in line with the constitution. Article VI
Section 1, Subsection a. also states, “The length of each elected office will be one year unless
convention/election falls at later date, however, that date will be no later than July 31st.”
Therefore, any term limit violation is not valid based on this section of the constitution. This
is confirmed by Article IV Section 3 which states, “Elections shall be held at the Convention.
Terms for all positions shall begin at that meeting and shall last until the convention the
following year.” I have attached the NDCR State Constitution below in the Appendix. I
conclude that this complaint in regards to term limits, and the NDCR election are not valid.
D. Appendix:
Constitution of the North Dakota College Republicans 
I. Name 
1. The name if the organization is the North Dakota College Republicans, 
herein additionally referred to as NDCR. 
II. Purpose 
1. The NDCR are to provide a general purpose to the North Dakota 
Republican Party, College Republican National Committee, and the Republican Party at large. 2.
To provide assistance and volunteer work for the party or their candidates 
whenever called upon to do so. 3. We also want to provide members a sense of community and
that is in accordance with Republican and conservative values. 4. Finally, this organization wants
to provide a vehicle for its members to 
provide their leadership and their character qualities to advance the NDCR as an organization. 5.
To provide training, resources, and unity for all local College Republican 
chapters whereby allowing them to grow and function to their maximum potential. 
III. NDCR Membership 
1. Membership in the NDCR is open to anyone who is a member of their 
local College Republican chapter. 2. Each member must be currently enrolled in that college or
university. 3. Chapters shall be limited to one per campus. 4. Membership in the NDCR is based
on the membership in the local College Republican Chapters. The right to determine membership
status in a local College Republican Chapter is reserved for the individual chapter. Membership
in a local chapter may not conflict with the criterion set forth by this document. 5. Students who
attend a school that does not have an active College 
Republican chapters may petition for membership into the NDCR at any time provided that they
meet the membership requirements set forth in this document and adopt the principles set forth in
this document. 

a. An applicant must contact the Chair with their petition of 

membership b. The Chair must add their petition to the agenda of the next NDCR 
i. The petition request must be addressed before any new 
business may be conducted 
ii. The petition request is to be voted on with a simple majority 
determining whether or not the applicant shall be given membership into the NDCR. c. No
applicant may be denied a minimum of five minutes to present 
themselves to the membership with their request. d. If the membership votes to invite the
petitioner into the membership 
body, the new member may enjoy the full benefits of membership into the NDCR. 
IV. Executive Board 
1. NDCR is to be organized with an Executive Board comprising of a Chair, 
Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and a State committee. 2. No person shall hold more than one
position on the Executive Board and 
any Executive Board member may not be a chapter chair unless a position is not filled then any
member of executive board or state committee can fulfill duties however each person has one
vote regardless of the number of positions held. 3. Elections shall be held at the Convention.
Terms for all positions shall begin at that meeting and shall last until the convention the
following year.
 4. Chair: 
a. The Chair shall preside at the meeting of the Executive Board. b. The Chair shall supervise
and execute major and minor NDCR 
i. All actions made by the Chair are subject to review by the State 
Executive Board Committee in accordance with  Article IV section 8 – a, and 8 – c. c. The Chair
shall act as an advisor to chapter chairs. d. The Chair may create additional positions in the
organization not in 
conflict with these articles or with the job description and duties of positions created by these
i. The positions shall be considered to automatically end as 
the end of the Chair’s term. ii. They may, however, be continued by the succeeding Chair. iii. The
Chair may terminate the status of the position or 
member in the position at anytime. e. The Chair shall not vote at the Executive meetings unless
there is a 
i. In the event of a tie, the Chair must follow appropriate 
1. The Chair must allow for additional discussion to take 
place before the final vote is to take place. 2. The Chair may reserve the right to call for
votes, not exceeding three additional votes, before the final vote in order to refrain from having
to cast a vote. ii. The Chair may not cast a vote in any vote pertaining to their 
status as Chair of the NDCR. 5. Vice-Chair: 
a. The Vice-Chair shall preside over meetings in the absence of the 
Chair. b. The Vice-Chair shall become the Chair if the present Chair vacates the position of chair
on their own accord. Should the chair be removed by the executive committee with a ⅔ vote due
to Article VI Section 4, b, ii additional information can be found there.
office. c. The Vice-Chair shall maintain communication with chapter 
leadership. d. The Vice-chair shall act as a representative of the Chair with 
expressed permission of the Chair should the Chair be unable to represent him/herself. 6.
a. The Treasurer shall closely maintain NDCR finances; b. Maintain and produce appropriate
financial records including: 
i. account balances and ii. expense reports; c. Issue reimbursements to members for applicable
NDCR expenses; d. Assist the Chair in fundraising; e. Assist in the development of donor lists; f.
And develop and maintain contacts with donors 7. Secretary: 
a. The duties of the secretary are to: 
i. Keep all official records; ii. Maintain membership records and iii. Ensure validity of general
members, state officers, and 
chapter chairs; iv. And assist the Chair in communication with chapter 
leadership. v. Administrate elections of new officers. 
8. State Committee: 
a. The State Committee will act as the advisory body to NDCR, b. The State Committee will
compromise of the Chapter Chair from 
each campus. c. Shall oversee its operation. d. They will approve of any appointments to the
Executive Board by 
the Chair due to vacancy, and e. Will remove any Executive Board members if a major problem 
arises. f. Any motion put forth by the State Committee requires a 2/3 quorum 
in order to be considered valid. g. The State Committee shall elect a State Committee Chair who
be a voting member of the Executive Board 
9. Executive Board: 
a. The primary duties of the Executive Board are to: 
i. Execute the strategies set forth by the State Committee; ii. Propose initiatives for the NDCR;
iii. Perform the daily operations of the NDCR; and iv. Act as a representative body of the
v. Voting members shall include the Vice-Chair, Treasurer, the Secretary, and the State
Committee Chair, with the Chair casting a deciding vote in the event of a tie. vi. Order of
succession shall follow by the order of mention. 10. All North Dakota College Republicans shall
be considered ex-officio 
members. 11. Board meetings may not be closed to NDCR members. 
V. Appointed Officers: 
1. Appointed Officers serve at the pleasure of the Chair 
a. The Chair may nominate a potential appointed officer at any time 
during their term. b. The Nominee is subject to a review and/or vote of approval by the State
Committee and Executive Board. c. Chair may not review or vote on appointed candidate 
2. The Chair may create or nullify any appointed officer position at their 
3. Appointed officers carry no additional power beyond acting in their 
designated function laid out by the Chair and approved by the State Committee 
a. Appointed Officers have the same voting power as any member of 
the NDCR
                      b. Appointed officers may not hold an Executive Position or be a 
member of the State Committee
         4. Appointed Officer positions are considered to end at the NDCR Convention 
a. The newly elected Chair may choose to continue an Appointed 
Position uninterrupted with the approval of the State Committee at the Convention. 
VI. Terms of Elected Offices, Election Procedure, and Vacancies 
1. Terms of Elected Offices: 
a. The length of each elected office will be one year unless convention/election falls at later date
however that date will be no later than July 31st.  
2. Nomination and Elections: 
a. Nominations will be given before the vote at the Spring Convention/election  
to the Chair. b. The Nominee must fulfill all membership requirements of the 
3. Elections: 
a. Elections will be held at the Convention. b. The elections shall be administered by the
Secretary. c. The election will take place in this order: Chair, Vice-Chair, 
Treasurer, and Secretary 
d. Each election must have a winner before the next one can take place 
e. Date of the convention/election will be decided by a vote of State Committee and Executive
Board but must be held some time between April 1st -July 31st
i.Convention/Election will be held after all North Dakota College Republican Chapters’
 f. If no person receives a majority in the first election, then a runoff 
election between the top two “vote getters” shall take place 15 minutes after the first one is
announced to allow the candidates and administers to get ready for the next round of elections. 4.
a. In the case of a resignation the following will occur: 
i. The Chair will appoint a new elected officer and shall be 
approved by the State Committee. ii. Interim appointments shall be valid for 60 days. b. In the
case of the resignation of the Chair: 
i. the Vice-Chair will assume the role of Chair and ii. Will appoint a new Vice-Chair under the
terms previously 
stated. c. In the case of a removal the following will occur. 
i. An officer can be removed from their position by a 2/3 vote 
of the State Committee at a meeting open to all College Republican Members. ii. Reasons for
removal are as follows: 
1. Failure to meet the requirements of their duties, 2. Causing a major embarrassment to the
Republicans, or 3. The conviction of any serious misdemeanor or felony. d. Upon a vacancy
being opened, 
i. An election will take place at the nearest possible meeting. ii. It will follow the same procedure
as stated in the Election 
Procedures section. 
VIII. Meeting Procedure and Requirements 
     1. Meetings of the Executive Board and State Committee shall be presided 
over by the Chair. 
2. If the Chair is unable to attend, the Vice-Chair shall take the Chair’s 
3. Meetings shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order. 4. Organization-wide meetings
are required each April or at the North Dakota 
Republican Party State Convention 
a. At which time officer elections and other NDCR business shall be 
b. Fall meetings are suggested. 
5. State Committee meetings shall be held before the fifth week of each quarter beginning in
January as need arises 
6. These meetings shall review and set the organization’s strategy and 
upcoming initiatives. 
      7. Meetings shall be called a minimum of three weeks before being held. 
8. Should the Chair fail to call or announce a required meeting by the time required of him or
her, meetings may be called by 2/3 of the chapter chairs. 9. The chapter chairs shall elect a
presiding officer at such a meeting. 
IX. Bylaws 
1. As an addition to the general structure given by this document, 2. Bylaws shall be adopted by
the organization to regulate the operation of 
the organization. 3. These hall require a 2/3 approval by the membership to be approved and 
amended. 4. The bylaws in no manner shall conflict with the provisions of these articles. 
X. Amendments to These Articles 
      1. These articles may be amended at a calling of a meeting by a 2/3 
vote of the State Committee and Executive Board
2. Proposed amendments must be provided to each member no later than 
20 days before consideration. 
XI. Approval of These Articles 
1. All new members are considered to approve of these articles. 2. All existing members are
considered to approve of these articles. 3. Approval of these articles is defined as accepting,
applying, and holding 
members accountable to these articles. 4. Should a member or executive exhibit malicious
disapproval of these 
articles, they may be subject to discipline. 
I. Disciplinary actions may include any of the following actions: i. Permanent Loss of official
position for the duration of that 
term. ii. Temporary Loss of membership for a period no longer than 1 
year. II. Disciplinary actions may not include any monetary 
compensation to the NDCR

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