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Arrival by car

 City centre car parks are expensive. Leave car at hotel.

Discovering Glasgrow tour bus

 Departs from George square every 30 minutes.

 Buy tickets from bus driver.


 Go to Welcome Centre for information – free map available

Places to visit

 Glasgow Cathedral – built in fifteenth century.

 Merchant City area – shops selling jewelry and clothes.

 Byres Road – student area.

 Botanic Gardens – glasshouses close at 16:45

Camping Trip
Coach leaves school at 7:45 on Monday morning.


 one bag or case

 a sleeping bag

 warm clothes

 swimming things

 pocket money to spend on souvernirs and drinks.

Catch a bus outside the post office to Southport.

Friday p.m : check notice board in entrance hall

The Good Food Show at the Capital Exhibition Centre
At the show, you can.

 Buy Jane Adam’s new book about making cakes.

 Get advice about buying fishs

 Watch how a cook a lunch just with only vegetables

 Learn how to make a dessert in less than 15 minutes

 Taste food from many different countries – the food from Canada is specially

The show finishes on 23”rd March.

The Tiger Tour

 Stephen’s profession: Artist

 Date of departure: 6’th November

 Number of tourists in group: 18

 Type of accommodation: hotel

 Means of transport in the park: - open truck in the north

- elephant in the south

 Meal not included: lunch on the last day.

Trip to Staunton Theatre

 Meet at 6.00 p.m at the back gate of the school.

 The name of the play is the Party.

 Get a copy of the play from the school secretary.

 Each theatre ticket will cost £ 15.75.

 After the theatre – have ice – cream and coffee.

 On the return journey, the coach will stop at the bus station and then the school.

Business Studies Course

 Course start date: 12th June.

 Course begins with: Videos about business

 What students mustn’t brings to class: mobiphone

 Visitors’ car park : next to the main entrance.

 Language classes available: Spanish and Italiant

 Name of Bussiness Studies secretary: Sonia Ash leigh.

Hot Air Balloon Flights

 Children under 12 must be with an adult.

 All passengers need to be fit.

 Balloon flights are best when there are light winds, no rain and a clear sky.

 Passengers need to wear outdoor clothes and boots.

 Flights travel between 5 and 30 kilometres.

 Passengers return to the airfield in a minibus.

 Flights are available from the month of March each year.

 For booking and information, phone 0125288492.

Information Sheet
 Name: Mike Davis

 Age: 13 years

 Favourite subject: science

 Favourite sport: running

 Usual transport: bicyle.

 On Saturday: milking of ………

 On Monday : Young Farmers’ group

 Future job: work in country side

The Language Study Fair

 Dates: 17th to 19th March

 Place: national education centre

 Fair includes: stands with textbooks

Talks by educational speakers

Exhibition of furniture

Demonstrations of latest computer programs

 Opening hours: 9.30 a.m – 5.00 pm. Thursday and Friday

9.30 am – 4.00 pm . Saturday

 Tickets: £5

or £3 for full time students

 Tickets can be booked by rinning the hotline on 9847711


Name: Vicky Brownlow

Age: 22 years

Position applied for: Office Manager

Two years’ experience abroad:

First job - worked for family

-length of time stayed six months

Second job -worked as receptionist in a hotel

Third job -worked in a bakery

-got up at four a clock

Bank international: -worked in foreign department

 Born in London in 1948

 In 1952, family moved to the north west

 At school with Jack Peters, the famous poet.

 Wrote some short stories while still at school.

 During the early 1970s worked as a waitress.

 The film called city life won a prize at a Frech Film Festival.

 Now has twenty four plays in print

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