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E-mail Etiquette: Netiquette

author: Chris Pirillo, 1999

presenter: Jason Wheatley

ENG 393
June 15, 2009
 What is Netiquette?

 Who needs it?

 Do’s and Don'ts

– Typeface/Structure
– Length and Content
– Forwarding
– Attachments

 Review

 Questions

 Reference

 What is it?
– “Short for network etiquette, the code of conduct regarding
acceptable online behavior…commonly used in reference to
popular forms of oniline communication…” (“netiquette”)

 Who needs it?

– Everyone!
– From novice to veteran email user, all should be aware of
common courtesies of computerized communication
Do’s and Don’ts

 Typeface
– Okay for emphasis/headings
– Otherwise seems like yelling

 Structure
– Avoid abbreviations unless receiver is familiar
 Ex: Can you send that file in a .jpg instead of a .gif?
– Use blank lines to separate paragraphs—do not use Tab to
– Use descriptive subject lines
 Ex: “Re: Meeting June 15” v. “What’s Up?”
– Keep signatures down to 4-6 lines (name, title, company,
contact info, maybe a quote)
Do’s and Don’ts
 Length
– Be brief
– Avoid run-on sentences
– Do not exceed 76 lines per paragraph (60-65
– …not too brief
 Avoid one-liner replies like “what?”
 Content
– Don’t write “angry emails”
– Use a quote from previous message when
– Use spell check! Avoid misuse of grammar
 Ex: then him and me went to the park……..we
had a good time.
– If trying to be funny/sad, use an emoticon:
 Ex: , 
Do’s and Don’ts

 Forwarding
– Strip any unnecessary/personal info from
sender before forwarding—Ask sender’s
permission to forward on message
– Check your sources!
 Could be distributing a virus, or just
annoying people with junk-mail
– Do not forward forwarded messages
unless absolutely needed
 Attachments
– Use wisely, make sure file is clean
– Ask receiver’s permission when sending
large files

 “Don’t Re-Write the Rules”

– Netiquette is for everyone
– Based on systems compatibility and tested, effective
communication skills
– Mind the Do’s and Don’ts
 Typeface/Structure
 Form/Content
 Forwarding/Attachments
– When in doubt, ask the receiver

 Questions?

“netiquette”. Marketing 9 June

Thank you!

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