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9H Name: __________________ Period:_________ Date: _______

Mapping the Analysis Essay

Directions: Using your essay, complete the following mapping activity. Check off each item when done AND if the
answer was yes. If you answered “no” for any question or were unable to list the required components, you will need
to revise that part of your essay.
For the intro paragraph doe the following:
 Label the 5 parts of your intro
 Note which type of background info you used (summary of issue or summary of novel)
 Annotate the concrete (does) and abstract (says/message) parts of your thesis. Do they answer the prompt?
 Does your hook match your thesis? If no, what can you change?

For each body paragraph do the following:

 Highlight your topic sentence.
 What is the specific version of the thesis in the topic sentence? ____________________
 In your topic sentence statement, what literary device/strategy are you focusing on?
 In your topic sentence, what issue of the Great Depression are you focusing on?
 Did you repeat the title of the novel anywhere in this body paragraph? If yes, delete it.
 Label each piece of evidence “E.” Do you have at least 2 Es? _________
 For each E sentence that you wrote on a separate piece of paper at the beginning of class, label the 4 parts as
follows: Circle the transition, Underline the lead-in, Square the quote, paraphrase, or summary, and Double-
underline the parenthetical reference with page number only.
 Does your Evidence sentence make sense as a complete sentence? _________
 Label each reasoning section “R.” Does each E have at least 2 reasoning to support it? ________
 In your reasoning, highlight the literary device being analyzed in that paragraph each time it is mentioned. Is the
literary device explained in the first reasoning? _________
 In your reasoning, underline the discussion on how the literary device reveals/ reinforces the issue you discussed
in your TS. Does it match your thesis? ___________
o Is there at least 1 sentence analyzing this connection? ______
 Highlight the transitions used in your paragraphs sentences. _______________
 Label the concluding sentence “CS.” Does it tie back to the thesis?________
 What is the transition phrase or word for your concluding paragraph? _______________
 Highlight and label the relevancy you discuss in your concluding paragraph.
 Is there a strong ending?
 Did you use a supplementary source somewhere in your essay? If not, is there a claim that you highlighted in
your articles that adds to or supports one of your claims?

For the whole essay:

 Highlight all references to the concrete (does) part of your thesis in one color
 Highlight all references to the abstract (says/message) part of your prompt in another color
 Check for contractions. If you have them, change them now to two words
 Check for 1st or 2nd person point of view and get rid of it
 Make sure you did not refer to the author as “John”

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