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Differential Diagnosis of Cheilitis – How to Classify Cheilitis?

Article  in  Acta clinica Croatica · June 2018

DOI: 10.20471/acc.2018.57.02.16


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1 author:

Liborija Lugovic-Mihic
University Clinical Hospital Center "Sestre Milosrdnice"


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Acta Clin Croat 2018; 57:342-351 Review

doi: 10.20471/acc.2018.57.02.16


Liborija Lugović-Mihić1,2, Kristina Pilipović2, Iva Crnarić1,
Mirna Šitum1,2 and Tomislav Duvančić1

Department of Dermatovenereology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia;
School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

SUMMARY – Although cheilitis as a term describing lip inflammation has been identified and
recognized for a long time, until now there have been no clear recommendations for its work-up and
classification. The disease may appear as an isolated condition or as part of certain systemic diseases/
conditions (such as anemia due to vitamin B12 or iron deficiency) or local infections (e.g., herpes and
oral candidiasis). Cheilitis can also be a symptom of a contact reaction to an irritant or allergen, or may
be provoked by sun exposure (actinic cheilitis) or drug intake, especially retinoids. Generally, the forms
most commonly reported in the literature are angular, contact (allergic and irritant), actinic, glandular,
granulomatous, exfoliative and plasma cell cheilitis. However, variable nomenclature is used and sub-
types are grouped and named differently. According to our experience and clinical practice, we suggest
classification based on primary differences in the duration and etiology of individual groups of cheili-
tis, as follows: 1) mainly reversible (simplex, angular/infective, contact/eczematous, exfoliative, drug-
related); 2) mainly irreversible (actinic, granulomatous, glandular, plasma cell); and 3) cheilitis con-
nected to dermatoses and systemic diseases (lupus, lichen planus, pemphigus/pemphigoid group,
angioedema, xerostomia, etc.).
Key words: Cheilitis; Inflammation; Lip Diseases; Actinic Cheilitis; Classification; Dermatitis, Contact

Introduction lated to the effects of irritants (climatic, mechanical,

caustic agents) or allergens (allergic contact cheilitis)5.
The term cheilitis indicates inflammation of the lip
and includes many types, i.e. angular, contact, exfolia- Some types of cheilitis last longer and are persistent,
tive, actinic, glandular, granulomatous, plasma cell such as chronic actinic cheilitis, granulomatous
cheilitis, simplex, etc.1-5. In practice, it is difficult to de- cheilitis and plasma cell cheilitis. Furthermore, cheili-
fine readily the precise type of cheilitis, thus proper tis can also be seen in various skin or systemic diseases
diagnostic procedures are necessary to determine the such as lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, atopic
exact disease based on its characteristics5. For example, dermatitis, etc.
angular cheilitis can occur spontaneously or may be Cheilitis may also be associated with numerous
related to several precipitating factors (e.g., systemic conditions or diseases, e.g., nutritional deficiencies,
immune suppression, local irritation and moisture, such as megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 defi-
fungal/bacterial infection). Contact cheilitis can be re- ciency, anemia due to iron deficiency, oral candidiasis,
Correspondence to: Prof. Liborija Lugović-Mihić, MD, PhD, De- Additionally, cheilitis is often divided into particu-
partment of Dermatovenereology, Sestre milosrdnice University
lar subtypes with no clear classification having yet
Hospital Center, Vinogradska c. 29, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: been adopted. Considering its duration, some authors
Received August 28, 2017, accepted December 12, 2017 refer to acute or chronic cheilitis, whereby there are no

342 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2018

Liborija Lugović-Mihić et al. Differential diagnosis of cheilitis

Table 1. Proposed classification of cheilitis

In association with dermatoses and systemic
Mostly reversible Mostly persistent
diseases (common diseases)
Cheilitis simplex Actinic cheilitis Lupus erythematosus
Angular/infective cheilitis Granulomatous cheilitis Lichen planus
Contact/eczematous cheilitis Glandular cheilitis Angioedema
Exfoliative cheilitis Plasma cell cheilitis Pemphigoid/pemphigus
Drug related cheilitis Xerostomia
Erythema multiforme
Crohn’s disease
Sarcoidosis, etc.

Table 2. Prominent features of mostly reversible cheilitis

Mostly reversible
Occurrence Related factors Therapy
Cheilitis simplex Common Lip licking Advice on environmental conditions
Cold, windy, dry weather Application of lip balms, petroleum
jelly, emollients, topical
corticosteroids, ointments
Angular/infective Common
Infective agents Elimination of local predisposing
cheilitis Immune deficiency (diabetes, HIV) factors
Mechanical factors Topical antimycotics, antiseptics,
Nutritional deficiencies antibiotics, topical corticosteroids
(riboflavin, folate, iron, etc)
Contact/eczematous Very common Atopy, contact allergens/irritants Topical corticosteroids (low to
cheilitis medium potency), emollients
Exfoliative cheilitis Rare Lip licking/picking Corticosteroids
Psychological distress Psychotherapy
Nutritional deficiencies (some cases resolve spontaneously)
Drug related cheilitis Rare Drugs Emollients
Drug elimination if possible

clear criteria2. Although there are many recent papers Reversible Cheilitis
on cheilitis, they are mostly case reports and overviews
of therapeutic or diagnostic procedures based on per- We specify reversible cheilitis (transitory cheilitis
sonal experiences and results without specific criteria of temporary duration) as a distinct category, which
for classification. Since clear classification has not yet includes several subtypes (Table 2).
been established, there are no definitive recommenda- Cheilitis simplex (chapped lips, common cheilitis,
tions for diagnosing all different types of cheilitis. cheilitis sicca) is one of the most common subtypes,
Apart from that, cheilitis is also a disease that requires presenting as cracked lips, fissures or desquamation of
a multidisciplinary approach, which additionally the lips, usually of the lower lip (Fig. 1)2,7. Here fre-
complicates adoption of a classification system. We quent lip licking promotes dryness and irritation, end-
would like to put forth a classification of cheilitis into ing in separation of the mucosa and cracking. Some
three main groups with further particular subtypes authors use a different label for a similarly categorized
(Table 1). subtype, lip licking cheilitis, due to lip licking habit or

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Liborija Lugović-Mihić et al. Differential diagnosis of cheilitis

Fig. 1. Cheilitis simplex. Fig. 2. Contact/eczematous cheilitis.

frequent lip retraction into the oral cavity (especially in tain drug therapy (e.g., isotretinoin), and somewhat
children with atopic dermatitis)6,7. Such licking re- less frequently in primary hypervitaminosis A. It is
moves the thin, oily surface film that protects the lips more common during winter when additional lip lick-
from moisture loss, leading to lip cracking. Lip lesions ing worsens the condition, and in elderly persons2,5. It
are also influenced by saliva, the digestive enzymes of can occur in patients with inflammatory bowel dis-
which can irritate the lips by extracting moisture and eases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis10.
causing evaporation. Some children have the habit of This subtype sometimes develops as part of a group
sucking and biting the lower lip, whereby a sharply of symptoms, which can include atrophic glossitis,
bordered perioral erythema may occur. esophageal webs or strictures, and microcytic hypo-
Differential diagnosis includes contact cheilitis, chromic anemia (Plummer-Vinson syndrome)11. Con-
atopic cheilitis, actinic cheilitis, etc.2,4. Therapy mostly currence of bacterial or candidal infection (primary or
involves advice on dealing with environmental condi- secondary) is common2. Children, especially those
tions and the application of lip balms, petroleum jelly, with atopic dermatitis, are most commonly affected by
emollients and sometimes topical corticosteroids, secondary bacterial infections (staphylococcal and be-
mostly low potency ointments. ta-hemolytic streptococcal) on damaged lip corners.
Angular cheilitis (also termed perleche, cheilosis, or Angular cheilitis with secondary infections often oc-
angular stomatitis or angulus infectiosus) typically curs also in patients with macroglossia (congenital hy-
manifests at the corners of the mouth/lips. The disease pothyroidism and Down syndrome).
is most common in patients with deep wrinkles in lip Differential diagnosis for this type of cheilitis in-
angles and those who are prone to licking lip corners8. cludes recurrent herpes labialis (if lesions are unilater-
Generally, the disease starts during vitamin and min- al) and secondary syphilis (fissured papules at the cor-
eral deficiencies (B vitamins, iron, zinc, etc.), or is ners of the lips similar to cheilitis)2,9. Therapy includes
caused by other conditions and diseases (e.g., poorly elimination of predisposing factors and often topical
fitting dentures and drooling, celiac disease)4,6,9. An antimycotics, antiseptics, antibiotics, and sometimes
important factor is also saliva production, i.e. increased corticosteroids.
secretion and drooling, which contributes to the dis- Contact/eczematous cheilitis is an inflammatory lip
ease. Conversely, during decreased saliva secretion (hy- reaction caused by the irritating or allergic effects of
posalivation), dryness promotes cracking and desqua- various substances found in many products such as lip-
mation, as well as the invasion of Candida albicans with sticks, oral hygiene products (toothpastes), food (e.g.,
the emergence of angular cheilitis inflammation. eggs and crustaceans), ointment bases, fragrances, pre-
Angular cheilitis occurs more commonly in diabet- servatives, antioxidants, dyes, dental materials, musical
ics, in patients with some psychiatric disorders (e.g., lip or occupational instruments, objects put in the mouth
trauma in bulimics or in anorexia nervosa), during cer- daily (e.g., nails, needles, pens), etc.7,12. It manifests as

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Liborija Lugović-Mihić et al. Differential diagnosis of cheilitis

dryness, scaling, erythema or fissuring, more common- liative cheilitis presents with continuous peeling of the
ly on the skin than on mucosa (Fig. 2)2,13,14. This type of vermilion (lip border). Initially, lips may usually look
cheilitis usually presents in patients with atopic der- normal or red, followed by development of a thickened
matitis15. Some authors use the term cheilitis venenata, surface layer, which leads to peeling that may be cyclic
which specifically indicates contact reaction, most and proceeds at different rates and at different sites.
commonly of an allergic type. Sometimes bleeding occurs, later followed by the for-
There is a broad spectrum of products with com- mation of a hemorrhagic crust. The disease may prog-
mon irritants and allergens associated with this sub- ress due to several factors, e.g., open-mouthed breath-
type. Contact reactions to lipsticks, rubber, leather ob- ing, lip licking, sucking, picking, or biting, bacterial
jects, nail polish substances (e.g., formaldehyde), met- (Staphylococcus aureus) or yeast (Candida albicans) in-
als (nickel, cobalt, gold) and topical antibiotics have fection, poor oral hygiene, etc.1. Some use the term
been shown to be some of the more frequent etiologic exfoliative cheilitis as an equivalent to cracked lips,
factors7,12. Reactions to compounds in topical medica- which increases confusion around nomenclature.
tions and medical products, such as topical antibiotics, Differential diagnosis includes contact cheilitis,
virostatic agents, disinfectants, local anesthetics, and cheilitis simplex, etc. Therapy includes topical cortico-
sunscreens are also possible. Factitial cheilitis stands steroids, topical calcineurin inhibitor, topical Calen-
out as a distinct subtype of contact cheilitis, usually dula officinalis L., and in some cases psychotherapy1,18.
triggered by a stressful event (possible self-damaging Occasionally, lesions resolve spontaneously.
behavior). Drug-induced cheilitis refers to lesions due to drug
Use of the patch test is important to determine intake, mainly retinoids (e.g., isotretinoin, acitretin) or
these cheilitis causing allergens and to identify the other medications (topical antibiotics, virostatic agents,
etiologic allergen7. Patch testing usually starts with the lip care products, disinfectants, local anesthetics,
European baseline series and an overview of the pa- creams with protection factors, etc.)19. Also possible
tient’s personal cosmetic and topical products, the re- are drug reactions on skin and lips, in the form of li-
sults of which mostly reveal contact allergens3. Ac- chenoid reactions, fixed drug eruptions, or changes re-
cording to recent patch testing results in patients with sembling erythema multiforme2,19. Emollients are cru-
non-actinic cheilitis, reported by O’Gorman and cial in the treatment, and discontinuation of the of-
Torgerson, the most significant allergens were fra- fending agent when possible.
grance mixes, Myroxilon pereirae resin, dodecyl gallate,
octyl gallate, and benzoic acid13. According to these Irreversible Cheilitis
results, relevant allergens in those patients were fra-
grances, antioxidants, preservatives and metals (nickel This group contains a number of chronic cheilitides
and gold). the verification of which usually calls for biopsy and
Differential diagnosis of contact/eczematous chei- histology (Table 3).
litis includes cheilitis simplex, exfoliative cheilitis, Actinic (solar) cheilitis (actinic cheilosis, sailor’s lip)
among other types of cheilitis. In the treatment, most (Fig. 3) is damage to the lower lip and considered to be
important is to exclude etiologic factors. Therapy in- a potentially malignant disorder. It is caused primarily
cludes mostly topical corticosteroids of low to medium by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, thus it is common-
potency and emollients, which may be combined. ly found in certain groups of workers (sailors, agricul-
Exfoliative cheilitis indicates lip inflammation, ac- tural workers, construction workers, beach workers,
companied by constant desquamation, more common- etc.)20-24. When erosions are a predominant symptom
ly found on just one lip, usually the lower one. This of the condition, then the term cheilitis abrasiva prae-
form occurs a bit less frequently than others, and is cancerosa is used.
common among young people who frequently mois- This disease occurs mostly in middle-aged, fair-
turize their lips, followed by people with vitamin B12 or skinned men and is a potentially malignant condition
iron deficiency, oral candidiasis, patients with allergies that requires biopsies to exclude severe dysplasia or
(e.g., to balsam of Peru) or patients with HIV in whom cancer5. Clinically, the disease manifests with painless
it is often associated with candida infection16-18. Exfo- thickening and whitish discoloration at the borders of

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Liborija Lugović-Mihić et al. Differential diagnosis of cheilitis

Table 3. Common features of mostly persistent cheilitis

Mostly persistent
Occurrence Related factors Therapy
Actinic cheilitis Rare Sun damage Topical low to medium potency
(outdoor workers, corticosteroids or 5-fluorouracil, chemical peel
middle-aged fair-skinned men) cryotherapy, electrosurgery, vermilionectomy,
immunosuppressants, and surgery
Granulomatous Rare Other granulomatous diseases Topical, intralesional (e.g., repeated
cheilitis triamcinolone acetonide 2.5-5.0 mg/mL)
and systemic corticosteroids and/or antibiotics
Glandular cheilitis Very rare Smoking, poor oral hygiene, Systemic antibiotics and topical, intralesional
external influences (sunlight) or systemic corticosteroids, or surgical excision
Plasma cell cheilitis Very rare Unknown Topical and intralesional corticosteroids,
destructive measures, or sometimes even

the lips and skin. Consequently, the lip border (vermil-

ion border) becomes less clear and the lips may gradu-
ally become scaly and indurated. The lesions are usu-
ally persistent and therefore require biopsy for disease
verification. Histopathologically, epithelial atrophy oc-
curs first without cytologic atypia but with solar elas-
tosis of adjacent skin, while later squamous cell carci-
noma in situ develops with cytologic atypia, epithelial
atrophy or hyperplasia, followed by strands of epithe-
lium growing down into the lamina propria2. There-
fore, severe dysplasia is characterized by dyskeratosis
and keratin pearls, nuclei changes (hyperchromasia,
nuclear pleomorphism, anisonucleosis, increased num-
Fig. 3. Actinic cheilitis (a photo from ref. 23;
bers of nucleoli and mitoses, atypical mitoses)25. There
with the author’s permission and by the courtesy
are recent data that indicate, according to Fourier of Professor Mravak-Stipetić).
transform infra red (FT-IR) spectroscopy, that chang-
es in collagen and nucleic acids could be used as mo-
lecular biomarkers for malignant transformation20. etiology, which usually starts in young adults and pres-
Differential diagnosis of actinic cheilitis includes a ents with intermittent or permanent lip swelling (Fig.
number of diseases, i.e. epithelial dysplasia, squamous 4)5,26-28. The cause of granulomatous cheilitis has not
cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, basal cell carci- yet been fully elucidated, but current hypothesis holds
noma, keratoacanthoma, glandular cheilitis, herpes la- that random influx of inflammatory cells is responsi-
bialis, discoid lupus erythematosus, etc. Therapy is re- ble. Other proposed related factors of the disease in-
quired to relieve symptoms and to prevent develop- clude dietary allergens such as cinnamon and benzo-
ment of squamous carcinoma. It includes topical low ates26.
to medium potency corticosteroids, 5-fluorouracil, The disease can occur as Miescher’s isolated granu-
chemical peel, cryotherapy, electrosurgery, vermilion- lomatous cheilitis or with other granulomatous dis-
ectomy, immunosuppressants, surgery, and also sun- eases (Crohn’s disease, sarcoidosis and Melkersson-
screens (sun protection). Rosenthal syndrome)5,7. Melkersson-Rosenthal syn-
Granulomatous cheilitis (or orofacial granulomato- drome is characterized by granulomatous cheilitis, fa-
sis) is chronic granulomatous lip swelling of unknown cial palsy and plicated tongue, although only one or

346 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2018

Liborija Lugović-Mihić et al. Differential diagnosis of cheilitis

gradually evolving lip edema (macrocheilia). It can be

related to chronic irritation of the lower lip (actinic,
atopic or mechanical), with potential secondary causes
being chronic sialadenitis, ductal metaplasia and fibro-
sis. Glandular apostematosa cheilitis is a secondary
staphylococcal infection of the minor salivary glands,
which presents with crust and pus drainage accompa-
nied by pain.
Histopathology is nonspecific with possible sali-
vary gland hyperplasia, duct ectasia, and dermal in-
flammatory infiltrate (lymphocytes, plasma cells, his-
tiocytes). Differential diagnosis includes other forms
of cheilitis and squamous cell carcinoma. Management
Fig. 4. Granulomatous cheilitis. includes histopathologic analysis, identification of eti-
ologic factors, and attempts to alleviate or eradicate
two symptoms usually appear (the complete triad of these factors. Therapy includes systemic antibiotics
symptoms occurs in only 25% of patients). Granulo- and topical, intralesional or systemic corticosteroids, or
matous cheilitis accompanied by persistent intraoral surgical excision.
aphthae may suggest Crohn’s disease. Plasma cell cheilitis is a very rare type of lip inflam-
Histologically, granulomatous cheilitis is charac- mation of unknown etiology characterized histologi-
terized by chronic inflammatory reaction consisting of cally by diffuse plasma cell infiltration in dermis27,30.
lymphocytes, histiocytes, and tuberculoid granuloma Clinically, it presents as a circumscribed and flat to
having epithelioid cells and Langerhans giant cells27. slightly raised eroded area of the lip, or as erythema-
Histology from early lesions shows only edema and tous-violaceous, ulcerated and asymptomatic plaques
sparse infiltrate, while later there is a more intense in- which evolve slowly. Histology includes a band-like
filtrate with small sarcoidal granulomas. Differential infiltrate of plasma cells in the upper dermis, with pos-
diagnosis of granulomatous cheilitis includes elephan- sible capillary dilation, erythrocyte extravasation, he-
tiasis nostras, forms of recurrent erysipelas and herpes mosiderin deposits, and mild epidermal spongiosis.
simplex, macrocheilia, angioedema, tuberculosis, glan- Differential diagnosis includes actinic cheilitis, allergic
dular cheilitis, contact cheilitis, Ascher’s syndrome, or- contact cheilitis, lichen planus, etc. Therapy may in-
ganized hematoma, sarcoidosis, among others14,26,27. clude topical and intralesional corticosteroids, topical
Therapy may include topical, intralesional (e.g., triam- calcineurin inhibitors, destructive treatment methods,
cinolone acetonide 2.5-5.0 mg/mL for several months or sometimes even immunosuppressants30.
or longer) and systemic corticosteroids/antibiotics, di-
etary modifications and surgery, although treatment is Cheilitis Associated with Skin Diseases
not always necessary26,28. and Systemic Diseases
Glandular cheilitis is a rare chronic inflammatory
condition of the minor salivary glands, predominantly The chronic discoid form of lupus erythematosus can
of the lower lip2,29. The disease was first described by sometimes encompass lip changes/lesions, which pres-
von Volkmann under the designation ‘cheilitis glandu- ent as diffuse cheilitis, spreading usually above the ver-
laris apostematosa’ or ‘myxadenitis labialis’29. Etiologic milion zone. Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
factors considered to be involved are smoking, poor rarely includes oral lesions, manifesting with sharply
oral hygiene, chronic exposure to external influences bordered, slightly atrophic erythema of oral mucosa or,
(sunlight, wind, tobacco), bacterial infection and con- as in severe cases, a diffuse erythematous, scar plaque,
genital predisposition. which extends beyond the vermilion. Lip changes in
Variants are cheilitis simplex and cheilitis apostema- systemic lupus erythematosus may present as bordered
tosa. The simplex form usually manifests as tiny red or diffuse erythema, purpuric maculae, erosions or ul-
papules, especially on the lower lip, with a possible, cerations, or patients may have oral ulcerations, which

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Liborija Lugović-Mihić et al. Differential diagnosis of cheilitis

Fig. 5. Lip lesions/cheilitis in association with pemphigus Fig. 6. Lip lesions/cheilitis in association with erythema
vulgaris. multiforme.

are one of the major criteria for systemic lupus erythe- Lips may also be affected as part of other dermato-
matosus diagnosis31. Generalized rash in acute lupus ses, e.g., erythema multiforme (Fig. 6), atopic dermati-
can also affect the lips in some cases. Differential diag- tis, herpes simplex, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and
nosis of lupus erythematosus on the lips may include toxic epidermal necrolysis, often resulting in the for-
allergic contact dermatitis, actinic cheilitis, lichen pla- mation of erosions and crusts2,19.
nus, psoriasis, erythema multiforme, pemphigus vul-
garis, squamous cell carcinoma, etc.
Lichen planus as a chronic mucocutaneous disease
occurs in 6% of cases on the lips in the form of reticu- Cheilitis is a term describing lip inflammation of
lar, striatus or annular Wickham’s striae, irregular various etiologies, which occurs relatively often. The
(patchy) erythema and erosions, especially of the lower disease may appear as an isolated condition or as part
lip32. Differential diagnosis includes lichenoid drug re- of certain systemic diseases or conditions. It may be
actions (e.g., to antiinflammatory medications, angio- part of a clinical picture or an accompanying condi-
tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, antimalarials), tion. Cheilitis can co-occur with many conditions in-
lichenoid contact dermatitis (e.g., to amalgam and cluding anemia, oral candidiasis, atopy, contact reac-
other dental materials), discoid lupus erythematosus, tion to an irritant or allergen (e.g., to cosmetics), drug
etc. intake (e.g., retinoids), etc. Generally, the most com-
Angioedema manifests often on the lips and is monly reported forms in the literature are angular,
mostly allergic19,33. It is one of the most common contact (allergic and irritant), actinic, exfoliative,
causes of transient lip swelling, while macrocheilia de- etc.2,21-24. As contact cheilitis can be related to the ef-
scribes permanent swelling of one or both lips. fects of irritants or allergens, it should be investigated
Manifestations of bullous diseases are also possible with thorough history taking. Some lip lesions require
on the lips, especially in pemphigus vulgaris (Fig. 5), an biopsies, such as chronic actinic cheilitis (to examine
autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering disease the ini- for severe dysplasia or cancer) or granulomatous chei-
tial manifestations of which often are oral lesions (50% litis (to confirm the diagnosis)5,22,35.
to 70% of cases), mostly erosions. Similar changes may When managing and diagnosing cheilitis, com-
be seen in the pemphigoid group34. Sometimes it ini- plete examination of the patient’s oral cavity, skin and
tially presents with single persistent lower lip lesions other mucosae is required, along with appropriate di-
without progressing to other location. Both the pem- agnostic procedures. When approaching patients, sev-
phigus and pemphigoid workups are complex and in- eral factors need to be taken into account, particularly
clude histopathologic and immunofluorescent diag- patient general medical history (e.g., existence of dia-
nostics. betes, atopy, immunosuppression), exposure to external

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Liborija Lugović-Mihić et al. Differential diagnosis of cheilitis

Table 4. Common diagnostic parameters/procedures related to specific cheilitis group

In association with
Mostly persistent
Mostly reversible dermatoses and
systemic diseases
– History data: drug intake, habits (lip licking, biting, sucking, picking, Persistent lesions Diagnostic
etc.), weather conditions (cold, hot, windy, dry weather), age, poor oral require biopsy work-up according
hygiene, open-mouthed breathing, related diseases/conditions and to suspected disease
(e.g., diabetes, psychiatric disorders, atrophic glossitis, dysphagia, histopathologic
esophageal webbing, etc.) analysis
– Deficiencies, e.g., B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B7, B12), iron, zinc, etc.,
malnutrition (e.g., celiac disease), or hypervitaminosis (e.g., vitamin A)
– Atopy (in patient and family): total IgE, allergic skin tests
(patch test, prick test), in vitro allergic tests
– Oral and skin swabs (mycotic and bacterial; e.g., yeast infection such as
Candida albicans or bacterial infection such as Staphylococcus aureus
or Streptococcus)

factors (e.g., weather conditions), the possibility of vi- due to an allergy, toxin, medication or injury (eczema-
tamin or mineral deficiencies, undesirable habits (lip tous cheilitis, allergic contact cheilitis, pigmented con-
licking, frequent sun exposure, lip contact with various tact cheilitis, cheilitis in musicians, contact reactions to
substances), etc. (Table 4). It is also important to know lipsticks and other lipcare products, irritant and aller-
whether the lesions are persistent or whether they are gic contact dermatitis, smoking and its effects on the
reversible since irreversible cheilitis demands a differ- skin, sunburn, isotretinoin treatment, acitretin treat-
ent treatment approach. ment, denture stomatitis); and (3) cheilitis due to nu-
Until now, there have been no clear recommenda- tritional deficiency (iron, vitamin B)4.
tions for the workup and classification of cheilitis al- According to our experience and clinical practice,
though cheilitis has been identified and recognized for we suggest the classification of cheilitis as (1) mainly
quite a long time. In the literature on cheilitis, varied reversible (transient); (2) mainly irreversible (persis-
nomenclature is used and subtypes are grouped and tent); and (3) cheilitis associated with particular der-
named differently. Braun Falco et al., for instance, clas- matoses and systemic diseases (Table 1). This kind of
sify cheilitides as angular, simplex, actinic (acute/ classification would be based upon primary differences
chronic), glandularis, granulomatous and plasma cell in the course and etiology of individual groups of chei-
cheilitis2. According to the PUBMED/MEDLINE litides. Thus, the group of reversible cheilitides (of
database, the total number of published articles re- temporary duration) includes mostly milder types of
trieved by the keywords ‘cheilitis classification’ does cheilitis, which usually significantly regress following
not exceed 14 while those searched by the keywords elimination of the etiologic factor. Rarely they are per-
‘differential diagnosis’ does not exceed 120. Regarding sistent and resistant to treatment. Cheilitides of the
newly published articles, most are case reports and irreversible type have a more lasting character, which
overviews of therapeutic or diagnostic procedures usually requires histologic workup (biopsy). Finally,
based on personal experiences and results. Taking into the third class of cheilitides encompasses inflamma-
account our experience and that of other authors, we tory lip changes related to specific skin or systemic dis-
are offering an overview of the most important cheili- eases.
tis types. According to Oakley, there are few cheilitis There are no precise epidemiologic data on the
groups: (1) cheilitis due to infection or skin conditions prevalence and incidence of each cheilitis type either.
(angular, granulomatous, orofacial granulomatosis, We can only give data on its frequency based on our
Crohn’s skin disease, actinic, exfoliative, glandular, li- clinical experience. The approach to cheilitis needs to
chenoid, cutaneous lupus erythematosus); (2) cheilitis be interdisciplinary and should include dermatolo-

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Liborija Lugović-Mihić et al. Differential diagnosis of cheilitis

gists, oral pathologists, ENT specialists, and also spe- 9. Park KK, Brodell RT, Helms SE. Angular cheilitis. Part 2: Nu-
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L. Lugović-Mihić, K. Pilipović, I. Crnarić, M. Šitum i T. Duvančić

Iako je heilitis kao pojam koji opisuje upalu usnica bio zapažen i prepoznat već prije dugo vremena, dosad nema jasnih
preporuka za dijagnostički postupak i klasifikaciju. Bolest se može javiti kao izolirano stanje ili kao dio nekih bolesti/stanja
poput anemije (zbog nedostatka vitamina B12 i željeza) ili lokalne infekcije (npr. herpes i oralna kandidijaza). Heilitis također
može biti simptom kontaktne reakcije na iritans ili alergen te može biti potaknut izlaganjem suncu (aktinički heilitis) ili
uzimanjem lijeka (osobito retinoida). Općenito se najčešće spominju oblici angularni, kontaktni (alergijski i iritativni), akti-
nički, glandularni, granulomatozni, eksfolijativni i plazmacelularni heilitis. Ipak se u literaturi o heilitisu rabi različita nomen-
klatura pa su podtipovi grupirani i nazvani različito. Prema našem iskustvu i kliničkoj praksi predlažemo klasifikaciju teme-
ljenu na primarnoj razlici u trajanju i etiologiji pojedinih skupina heilitisa: 1. pretežno reverzibilni (simpleks, angularni/in-
fektivni, kontaktni/ekcematoidni, eksfolijativni, lijekom potaknuti), 2. pretežno ireverzibilni (aktinički, granulomatozni,
glandularni, plazmacelularni) i 3. heilitisi povezani s dermatozama i sustavnim bolestima (lupus, lihen planus, skupina pem-
figusa/pemfigoida, angioedem, kserostomija itd.).
Ključne riječi: heilitis; upala; usna, bolesti; aktinički heilitis; klasifikacija; dermatitis, kontaktni

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2018 351

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