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1. Where is your hometown?

2. What do you like about your hometown?
3. What is the weather like in your hometown?
4. What do people in your hometown do?
5. Do you often visit your hometown?
6. How often do you go back to your hometown?
7. How do you go back to your hometown?
8. When are you next going back to your hometown?
9. Is your hometown famous for anything?
10. What are people in your hometown like?
11. How far is it from your hometown to Hanoi?


1. Do you have a large or small family?

2. Do you live with your family?
1. How many brothers & sisters do you have? How old is he/she? What does
he/she look like? What is he/ she like?
3. What do your parents do?
4. Are your parents strict?/ Do you have strict parents?
5. How much time do you spend with your family?
6. What do you like to do together with your family?


1. Where are you studying?

2. What’s your major?
3. Why did you choose that major?
4. What do you plan/ intend to do after your graduation?
5. Which course are you studying?
6. How long does it course last?
7. Do you like learning English?
8. How long have you been studying English?
9. How much time do you spend studying English every week?
10. What subjects do you study in this term? What subject do you like most?
11. How many days a week do you go to school?
12. How do you go to school?
13. How often do you go to school?
14. How many English lessons do you have a week? What time does your English
class start/finish?

Freetime & Hobbies

1. What do you like doing in your free time?

2. Why do you like doing these activities?
3. What do you do when you have a holiday?
4. Who do you usually spend holiday with?
5. Where do you like to spend your holiday? Why?
6. What are your hobbies?
7. How much time do you spend on your hobbies?
8. What do you usually do in the evening?
9. Do you prefer going out or staying ay home? Why?
10. Films
Do you like watching films?
What’s your favorite films?
Who are your favorite actors?
How often do you watch films?
11. Reading
Do you like reading? Why?
What kind of books do you like to read?
Tell me something about your favorite book.
Where do you like to read?
12. Sports
Do you like sports?
Do you like watching or participating in sports?
What sports are most popular in your country?
What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?
13. Music
Do you like music?
What kind of music do you like?
What kind of music did you like when you were younger?
Can you play any musical instruments?

Food and drink

1. What are your favorite foods?

2. What foods are popular in your country?
3. Do you like cooking?
4. Who does the cooking in your family/ house?
5. Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant?

Future plan

1. What are you going to do at weekend?

2. Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
3. Do you have any plans to travel or live abroad?
4. What do you want to do in the future?
5. What should you do to make your dream come true?
6. Where do you want to work ? why do you want to work there.

1. Do you think computers are bad for health?

2. What do you usually do on the Internet?
3. What are some advantages & disadvantages of the Internet?
4. Do you like shopping on the Internet?
5. Do you send & receive email regularly?
6. How often do you check your mail?
7. How often do you use electric appliances at home?

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