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Starbucks has won a number of ethics awards and has been recognized as a role model
of social responsibility. The companys first priority is taking care of the employees in its
retail stores who communicate with and serve customers. Starbucks managers believe
that by taking care of these employees, the company can provide long-term value to

2.3.2. Possibility to intergrate ethics to doing business

In this world, people all understand not all things is right according by law, is ethical too.
In doing business, leaders should focus on the organizations responsibilities rather than
the rights. To begin with, organizations must consider and accept broader criteria for
measuring the its performance and social role than those required by law and the
market place. Many times companies may not need to apply the law or the moral code
of the organization, because either those are insufficient to solve the specific problem or
by implementing the law may lead to actions that are not ethical enough. Doing
business must take define stands on issues of public concern and advocate ethical
norms for the organization, the industry, and business in general.

Ethical issue is the effective way to create and maintain a productive and ethical culture
within the organization. An ethical management climate contributes to profits by
reducing the cost of business transactions, establishing trust for doing business.
Business ethics are considered in many businesses as a source of increased profits and
competitive advantage. Moreover, ethical businesses help the bottom line by improving
competitive advantage through improved performance and fewer negative events that
damage corporate reputation. An ethical climate builds a strong competitive position
that has been shown to positively affect business performance and innovativeness.
Customers are likely to switch to brands associated with companies that have a good
ethics reputation, if price and quality were equal. On the other hand, unethical behavior
could trigger disloyalty and a switch to a competitors brand.As consumers are
responding to ethically concerned businesses, being ethical can be extremely profitable.
a business with high moral and ethical responsibilities will obliquely attract the attention
of consumers, producers, suppliers even employees and this enhances its reputation as
a socially responsible company. Then, being ethical and protecting the society and
welfare will secure the business lots of money in terms of less fines and litigation. The
company would even be safe from publicity of its appalling movements towards the
society, especially with the high technology advancement today. With good status, the
company would be assured of a good prospect in the future.
Hence, businesses and companies should practice the socioeconomic view as they can
implement both protection and preservation of welfare and environment, and, maximize
profit in the long run, rather than merely maximizing profit as long as it constitutes to
the legal requirements.

There are many organizations in the world have created successfully ethical climate

To conclude with, some economists support that the ethics coexist with the enterprising
practice and that the social responsibility of an enterprise is to provide products and
services in a profitable and moral way, and overcame the problems of fraud, existence of
monopolies, big rally of economic force in the hands of few, poor and the wastefulness
of natural resources as well.In the frames of this new environment, the businessman
beyond his traditional activities acquired also two new; he takes into consideration in
each decision the wider economic and social consequences that arise from his actions,
and collaborates with the government in the application of public policy. In that way not
only the whole economy is improving with positive results for the manager and the
enterprise, but also has been achieved resolution of such socio-economic problems, that
if they were left unverifiable would give the stimulus for bigger requirements of
interventions in the operation of enterprises.

In addition, the social sensitivity is essential, because if problems, such as the pollution
of environment or the reduction of raw material, were not be faced directly, then in
some years the society will be led to socio-economic and environmental destruction, so
manager and the enterprises will collapse. Besides, there is no point to say whether are
applied or not egoistic practices, but whether a manager recognizes and achieves his
obligations, as they have been extended to include also the application of moral rules.

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