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Revision 2.

Author: Pierre Chassang
Correc on: Ramón Cutanda, Ray Proudfoot
Copyrights 2017
Concorde Performance System X (referred to as CPS-X herea er) is a standalone u lity which can be used with SSTSIM
for Microso Flight Simulator 2004 (aka FS9) and FSLabs Concorde X for FSX, FSX-SE, P3D v2.x and v3.x.
It allows the most demanding simmers to plan any Concorde flight either subsonic or supersonic.
Any airport included in the simulator can be chosen as departure, des na on or alternate, provided that it has a long
enough runway to takeoff or land Concorde.
CPS-X is only a fuel and performance planner, not a route planner.
This means that you first need to use so ware like PFPX, FS Commander, or any route planning tool to generate the
routes that CPS-X will use.
Those routes must be exclusively created in FS2004 (text file) or FSX/P3D (xml file) *.pln files format. If not, CPS-X will
not be able to use them.

The tool provided by FSLabs only allows the calcula on of the performance for some of the most popular airports used
by Concorde during her illustrious career and only with a few loading profiles.
CPS-X offers virtually unlimited routes only restricted by your own imagina on.

CPS-X allows you to calculate the right balance for any load, the right amount of fuel required and its distribu on
and the correct takeoff and landing performance.

The performance provided by CPS-X is based on the real aircra documenta on from Air France.
CPS-X uses several weather sources to compute the performance and fuel required. Real weather can be dow-
nloaded from NOAA servers or programs such as Hi-Fi Simula on Technologies Ac ve Sky 2016 (only for FSX and P3D)
or set manually by the user.
CPS-X benefits from 5 years of experience developing previous versions while listening to and suppor ng its users. It is
the sum of these 5 years that has helped me to improve it.
This is a short summary of this product that should sa sfy the most demanding fans of “Hard Core” Concorde simula-
Pierre Chassang

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Before using CPS-X, being familiar with the specific flight planning peculiari es for Concorde is highly recommended.

Prior to install, make sure that your Opera ng System is one of the following:
Your Opera ng System must be:
Windows Vista 32/64.
Windows 7 32/64.
Windows 8 /8.1 32/64.
Windows 10 32/64.

Concorde Performance System X must always be launched with Administrator

An Internet connec on is required for normal CPS-X opera ons.

Adobe Acrobat reader must be installed on your computer to view the flight documents generated by CPS-X.
Internet Explorer must be installed on the same computer as CPS-X even if you don't use it as your default browser.
Otherwise, the world map will not be displayed.

CPS-X is DONATIONWARE. This means it can be used for free but cannot be distributed without the wri en permis-
sion of the author.
If you find this tool useful you can make a dona on to the author using the bu on for this purpose that you will find
within the app.
Please follow the process given when bu on is pressed. Only PayPal dona on can be made.

The CPS-X contributors will receive a VIP version of CPS-X and their ini als and country will be added at the VIP list
on the CPS-X web page.

The best contributor by total dona on amount or dona on mes will become Golden Contributor and a Golden ver-
sion of CPS-X will be released. This will be announced on the Web page.

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Downloading and installing CPS-X:
To get CPS-X you should visit the product Web page:
h p://

There you will find the download bu on.

Once the installer has been downloaded just follow the usual and simple steps to install CPS-X on your computer.

Click on CPS-X setup.exe file.

The Installa on wizard will open. It offers 3 languages - French,

English or Spanish.

Read carefully the End User License Agreement,

then select “I accept the agreement.”
to enable the “Next” bu on. Then click it.

Select the Drive and folder in which you wish to

install CPS-X, then click Next.

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Check or uncheck addi onal tasks as desired and
click Next

Check the selected se ngs before install.

If any change must be done, click Back, otherwise,
click Install.

When done, leave the checkbox cked to launch

CPS-X as soon the finish bu on is clicked.
Click Finish to close the installer and launch CPS-X.

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Once the installa on is completed you should find a CPS-X icon on your computer desktop.

Uninstalling CPS-X:
Use Windows Control Panel to uninstall CPS-X.

When the uninstall message is displayed, click Oui (Yes) to star ng the uninstall process.

From me to me, a CPS-X update might add new data into CPSX.cfg file.
In this case, ou, if you wish reinstall from scratch or if don’t plan to reinstall CPS-X, please click Oui (Yes) to delete all
the files and the CPS-X Main folder.

When uninstall is completed the below dialog will be displayed. Click OK to close it.

Registry entries are automa cally deleted by uninstall process. No user ac on is required.

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CPS-X first launch:
The first me CPS-X is launched, a screen from your third party firewall or at least from Windows firewall will be dis-
This advise you that CPS-X wants accessing to Internet and the firewall blocks this access.
You just have to click "Authorize access " to close the window (Windows firewall).

With third party firewall, please read product manual to learn how to authorize the Internet access.

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When launched for the first me, when your firewall is authorized to access Internet, CPS-X requires some informa on
to work properly.
The Control Panel will be displayed at first launch.
Here is the default aspect of Control Panel at first launch.

To be in working order the following fields must be completed:

 One simulator path (path to exe file) FS9/9.1, FSX/SE, P3D all versions.
 Flight plan folder path for the filled simulator.

More than one simulator and flight plan folder path can be filled if they are installed
on the same computer than CPS-X.
If Ac ve Sky 2016 SP1 or above (only) is installed, please complete the Ac ve Sky
program (exe file) path associated with the simulator(s).


Only NOAA and Custom Weather are available for FS9/9.1. Only FSX/SE and P3D
can use Ac ve Sky AS16 as a weather source. Ac ve Sky Next is not compa ble
with CPS-X.

On the panel bo om, there are two fields in which you can enter a default aircra
registra on and a default flight number. These values will appear into the trip plan-
ning module and can be modified there at any me by user.

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When entered, default values can be modified in all other areas of the Control Panel.

These fields are prefilled but are editable if the Wx source is

changed. Do not modify them un l no fied.

FSX/SE P3D users can select NOAA or Ac ve Sky AS16 as their wea-
ther source or Custom to define their own preferences or needs. The
source can be modified at any me.
As explained above Ac ve Sky ASN or AS16 is not available for
FS9/9.1 users.

See next chapter to get weather sources details

The FUEL panel allows the user to define default values for default taxi
amount of fuel and default taxi fuel burn per minute.

The default holding me and holding FL (Flight Level) can be modi-

fied on the right side of the panel.

The fuel bias has been designed to counteract any possible diffe-
rence between the fuel burn calculated by CPS-X and the real con-
sump on in the simulator.
Both FsLabs Concorde X and CPS-X calcula ons are based on real life
figures so you can usually leave the fuel bias value at 100%.

CPS-X allows the user to generate default takeoff and landing forms in Air-France or Bri sh Airways Style.

The forms style must be selected before planning a flight because

some calcula ons are made according to the airline used.
Once the planning is started the selector is disabled un l the RE-
SET FLIGHT bu on is clicked.

UNITS Panel is self-explanatory.

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CPS-X weather sources in detail :
Weather sources provides: METAR for departure, des na on and alternate airports, en route weather for 300, 200
and 100 mb (About FL 300, 390 and 520). Those al tudes were used by real life air-France flight planning .

Star ng on version, CPS-X offers 3 weather sources:

NOAA: Provides en route weather through professional weather data files named grib files. They consist in a
worldwide data virtual grid of 1x1° providing wind direc on, wind speed and temperature for 300, 200 and 100 mb.
To avoid having to download too large a file, CPS only uses an area including the Northernmost route la tude + 1°, the
Southernmost route la tude +1°, the Easternmost route longitude +1° and the Westernmost route longitude +1° as
shown in the picture below.

Then, CPS-X segments the route into 20 parts.

In the LFPG-KJFK example flight this is done like this:
- 4 parts on the departure subsonic step.
- 12 parts on the supersonic flight.
- 4 parts on the des na on subsonic step.

Even if the route has no subsonic step planned, CPS-X assumes Concorde requires 25 NM departure subsonic flight
and 50 NM des na on subsonic flight.

CPS-X calculates the wind components at subsonic parts and wind component + temperature at supersonic parts.

In the example flight, the measures look like this (below).

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Lat Lon Wind Comp Temp Wind/Zones Temp/Zones
49,0241432 2,15727925 14
49,0264397 1,82687557 10 Departure Subso-
49,0277901 1,49644482 11 nic Step
49,0596313 1,15759909 -22 3
49,6443901 -5,02594852 2 -61,1
50,1510353 -11,6080379 5 -62,1
50,7778778 -18,419363 10 -62,2
50,70261 -25,3466492 12 -65,5 7 -62,725
50,3065224 -32,2019081 -6 -61,9
49,4501572 -38,875412 -6 -60,0
Supersonic Flight
48,2045593 -45,2697258 -7 -58,2
46,6655846 -51,3286095 -9 -58,6 -7 -59,675
45,068737 -57,1964798 -13 -59,1
43,4032326 -62,8488274 -18 -61,2
41,2771111 -67,9565735 -13 -62,3
39,7164917 -72,5745316 -24 -64,9 -17 -61,875
39,87146 -73,083374 -14
39,9699249 -73,6112747 -12 Des na on Subso-
40,2323494 -73,8264694 -41 nique Step
40,6458702 -73,7593384 -41 -27
Average -8 -61,4
Delta ISA -4,9

At this end of process, the en route average wind is –8 kt (H8) and delta ISA is –4.9 (-61.4°) as shown above.

For each measure, CPS-X reads 4 points into the file.

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On the picture above blue markers are waypoint, red marker is route measuring point and green marker are grib file
measuring points.
CPS-X performs a double interpola on es ma ng wind and temperature at route measuring point using the 4 grib file
measuring points.
Ac ve Sky: Since AS16 SP1, HiFi Simula on Technology has implemented an API (Applica on Programming Inter-
face) which allows CPS-X to insert weather data into AS among other features.

The process used with AS is the same as for NOAA. On the picture above the same route part is shown. The li le blue
star is the measuring point.
As you can see, the yellow dots which are AS weather sta ons are more largely spaced than in the NOAA system. Due
to the weather interpola on used by AS the result is less accurate than with NOAA. But because the results are directly
injected into simulator, it doesn't ma er because the weather will
the same both in AS and the simulator. Furthermore, an API fea-
ture allows CPS-X to load the flight plan into AS. So the weather is
exactly the same for both CPS-X and the simulator.

CPS-X is now able to launch AS when that is the weather source

selected but the applica on is not running, as shown above.
Clicking Yes will launch AS, Clicking No will revert to NOAA source.
Custom weather: The custom weather can be used together with the simulator custom weather. For a test flight for
The process is easier. CPS-X opens an editor for departure, des na on and alternate airport weather (METARs). Then
an en route weather editor is used to set it.

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When Custom weather source is selected in the Control Panel, the custom weather airport editor is displayed once a
valid ICAO code is entered in the trip planning module.
In this editor, the user can enter:
Wind Dir.: In degrees.
Wind Spd.: In knots. (The Wind component is automa cally calculated in accordance with the selected runway).
Runways: To get a head wind. (The runway length is given under the runway selector).
Temp.: In degrees Celsius. (The ISA devia on is displayed between Temp. And Press. fields).
Press.: In mb/Hpa or Inches of Mercury. ( If mb/Hp is set, Inches of Mercury is displayed to the right and vice versa).
Runway Status: User can select DRY or WET. (Useful for Takeoff performance, landing braking and landing runway
length required).

When completed, click OK. The same

editor will be displayed for des na on
and alternate airport.
When all three are completed, the en-
route custom weather editor will be dis-

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The custom weather editor allows the user to set the average winds for departure subsonic, 3 supersonic zones and
arrival subsonic; and the temperature for 3 supersonic zones.
In case of subsonic flight, only winds fields are displayed
As you can see, the principle is the same as for the NOAA and AS16 weather.

The weather data can be found on the weather charts provided by CPS-X or on any avia on web site providing this
informa on.
Once completed, the rest of the planning con nues as with the other weather sources.

For FS9/9.1 users, I recommend to use of FS Global Real Weather, OpusFSI or FSRealWeather which are all powered by
the same NOAA grib files CPS-X uses. So the fuel accuracy will be be er.

When using NOAA source, the METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report) are provided by Avia on Weather REST
API (h ps://
Reports are pulled from avia, the USA official source for avia on weather. Coordinate-to-sta on is pul-
led from, one of the most widely used sources of geography data.

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WEIGHTS panel is used to define default Crew, Flight A endant, Pax and Baggage

MISCELLANEOUS panel allows to set:

Default subsonic steps flight level.

Default subsonic steps distance.
Subsonic flight flight level (230 to 370).
Random load low and high limits can be set from 0 to
50 (Low) and 51 to 100 (High). These values will be
used by the Random load feature which will load a ran-
dom number of Pax and associated baggage from the
low limit to the high limit.

Alternate Circuit In (A lump sum distance added to the

alternate distance keeping into account a STAR or ap-
proach procedure which is not direct.)

Runway Auto Select can be used to tell CPS-X to select the longest and most appropriate runway based on wind for all
flight airports. The runway auto selected may be changed by user if needed.
When unchecked, the user should select the runways manually.
Default Alternate Max Dist. Allows user to set the max distance at which an alternate airport will be searched.
Only Show alternates with a minimum runway length of: self-explanatory.
Default Flight Map Port is used to set the Google Maps components port if it is in conflict with another running ap-
plica on (e.g. Skype use Port 81 and the basic Google maps uses 81 too. So I set it 82 at install). It can be modified at
any me.
Realism Landing Distance Bias is usually 100% because FsLabs Concorde X has a good flight model at landing. SSTSIM
might need some adjustments.
Default An -Noise Data. These values are used by CPS-X to calculate the an -noise procedure me, TLA and N2 asso-
ciated. User can set them to mean values (Generally: 5 NM and 15°).
A new feature allows users to save values for each runway of each airport making it easy to retrieve those values when
using a par cular runway again.
Once the Control Panel is correctly completed, the Save and Close bu on at Control Panel bo om right must be used.

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Once the Control Panel is correctly completed, the Save and Close bu on at Control Panel bo om right must be
If the “Close without Save” bu on is clicked on first launch, CPS-X will close because it can’t work without at least
one simulator and its flight plan folder path filled and saved.
On later use, clicking “Close without Save” bu on will only close the Control Panel without saving changes.

Once all the changes have been completed and saved, the Control Panel will close and display the CPS-X Main menu.

CPS-X Main Menu:

Using the standard edi on, you will see the following screen at launch.

On each start the dona on screen will be displayed.

When the delay countdown reaches zero, just click anywhere on this screen to close it. If you find the program useful
you may wish to make a dona on.

In the VIP edi on, which you can get by making dona on, the dona on screen is not displayed.

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The CPS-X main menu displays:

 The build or version number.

 If the Standard or VIP edi on is being used.

 Simulator selected and Wx source selected are self-explanatory.

CPS-X Main Menu has six op ons. At launch only the Trip Planning Module, Op ons, About CPS X can be clicked.

The help bu on can be clicked at any me and opens the CPS-X documenta on folder.

So a trip must be selected as first planning opera on.

As previously said, CPS-X is not a ROUTE planner so PFPX, FS Commander or any online route planner must be used
first to create or modify a route.
The routes used by CPS-X must be in *.PLN or *.pln text files (for FS9/9.1) or FSX/P3D xml files.

CPS-X requires a specific route name format:

All routes used in CPS-X must be named as follow:
DDDDAAAAnn.pln or DDDD-AAAAnn.pln where
DDDD : ICAO code for departure airport.
AAAA: ICAO code for des na on airport.
nn: Two digit number which must be unique for a given route. (01 to 99)
CPS-X Will create ADEU files for the route using this format.

All ADEU files generated by previous Concorde Performance System versions are incompa ble and must be de-
As a new heading format is now used by CPS-X the old files no longer work. A new one will be generated at the
first use of the route.

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If a route (*.pln /PLN file) is modified, there is no need to change the nn part. CPS-X will automa cally detect the
change and will create a new ADEU accordingly overwri ng the previous one.
This format also allows the route selec on for the departure airport.

Clicking “Trip Planning Module” bu on opens the trip planner.

CPS-X Trip Planning Module:

The grey areas at the bo om are status panels. You will encounter them at each planning step.
When le panel is red, CPS-X is wai ng for user ac on.
When green, CPS-X is ready to go.

The right panel shows what the user has to do.

Above the Status panels you will find the planning step bu ons. Only the usable ones have their tle in black ink.

The others are greyed out, meaning they are not enabled.

Advice for Concorde route building:

This topic is detailed in appendix

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As indicated in the status panel, CPS-X is wai ng for the ICAO code of the departure airport.
Type a valid ICAO code into the pink-filled field.
If it is not recognised, the status panel will show “Airport not in database”.

The ICAO code field then turns blank, pink and waits for a new entry.

When a valid ICAO code is entered the airport data is displayed.

Now, CPS-X will search for the routes that are available from the selected airport. To do this the PLN selector win-
dow opens automa cally.

It lists all the routes saved into your simulator flight plans folder that depart
from the selected airport as long as the route has been saved in the correct

If no route for the selected airport is found, “No *.PLN file found...” is displayed in the list.

Just click Cancel to select another airport or use any route planning tool to
create it.
Unlike in previous versions, there is no need to “add” the route to get a ‘’S-
“prefix. The route name will not be modified.
As indicated in the window, select a route. This can be done using mouse or
up/down keyboard arrows.
When selected, double click, hit ENTER or click OK.

The message in the window changes to:

“Loading route please wait…” or, if runway auto select has been checked into the Control Panel, “Loading route...
Please wait, runway auto select may take a few more seconds....

Indeed, the loading me is longer in this case because CPS-X has to search the best runways for departure and des-
na on according to wind and runway length.

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When done, the PLN selector closes and the user has to
supply the alternate airport ICAO code the same way as
with the departure one.

The "Isolated airport procedure" bu on func on is de-

tailed in appendix.
Clicking right on ICAO code
field, a popup menu will be
When clicked, an Alternates list will be displayed.

The list is sorted by ascending distance from des na on


This list provides the following informa on:

Alternates ICAO— Distance— Runway— runway length (in
accordance with the control panel minimum runway length
se ng) — Track from des na on— Mil. (If the alternate is
an air force base).

The user has to select the alternate needed by double click,

or OK bu on.

Then the alternates list closes and the airport data are dis-
played in the trip planner.
As for the departure airport, if the NOAA has been se-
lected as Wx source, the Wx loading may be a li le longer
than with Ac ve Sky.

Once alternate and Wx loaded, the status panel displays:

Observe the flight map bu on and the subsonic steps check

boxes are now enabled.
The en route average WX is now calculated and displayed.

Furthermore, the LOAD bu on is enabled too.

As proposed in status panel the user can modify the flight
parameters at discre on before plan the aircra loading.

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It is possible to navigate through airports data using the airport selector.

Just click on the airport and the according data is displayed.

Let’s see what informa on CPS-X provides for airports.

As in previous versions, Longitude, La tude IATA code, Name,

Eleva on, METAR (The alternate airport METAR is provided in
CPS-X unlike in previous versions).

Runway list with Runway auto select indicated if checked in

Control Panel. If this op on is selected, the runway selected is
the longest and with the best head wind.
Then runway data: TORA, Stopway, Heading, LDA, Clearway,
Length, Height (of runway threshold), TODA, Width, Slope
and ASDA will be displayed.

Those abbrevia ons are detailed in the appendix.

The wind component for the selected runway is given under

the Width value and the runway condi on under Slope value.
At the bo om of the panel the Daily Raw Max Takeoff Weight
for the actual weather condi ons is provided .
This value is strictly indica ve and might be modified by the
aircra , loading and fuel limita ons such that WAT (Weight
for Al tude and Temperature), Brakes, and Tyres.

Finally, the “Clear Route” bu on allows the user to delete all


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Under the airport data you can find the Wx Charts and Flight map se ngs.

As in real life, the Captain needs to know the weather along

the route. There are two main type of charts:
SigWx (Significant Weather) which show the general wea-
ther situa on above a determined world region. The informa-
on given with this chart is for flight levels 250 to 630 (25000
to 63000 ).
Turbulences, Thunderstorms, Icing and Jetstream winds are
displayed on this chart.

Here you only have to select SigWx (Default) and the region
desired. Wind/Temp FL and Valid are not used with this kind
of chart.

Winds/Temp are used to get Winds and Temperatures for a

selec on of flight levels and for a me validity. The regions
are the same as for SigWx charts.

Select the chart type, region and FL – Valid (Only for Winds/Temp charts) then click the Wx Chart Bu on to display
the chart. Zoom is enabled using mouse wheel.

Click the top right red X to close the window.

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The Flight map displays the flight path over a word map provided by Google maps.
To get the most complete chart set all the parameters into the trip planner beforehand.

To display the map just click the “Flight Map“ bu on. As with Wx charts you can zoom in and out with the mouse
wheel and navigate with the mouse.

Clicking on any waypoint red circle on the path will show the waypoint name and its coordinates.

A new feature shows both DBPP and ABPP (Departure Bang Pro-
tected Point and Arrival Bang Protected Point) on the map.
To be able to display that feature on the flight map these points
need to be set first if necessary.
Concorde couldn’t fly supersonic above populated regions.
In our example, Concorde can’t accelerate through sound barrier be-
fore reaching the coastline.
Air France abided by environmental rules to protect against superso-
nic bang un l 108 nm a er LFPG or 57 nm a er EVX which is the se-
cond point on the le picture.

WARNING: A corrupted map may be displayed when planning Polar route. This is due to Google maps limita on.

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Unused panel looks like the previous version one, but it is different when ac vated.

First, set Circuit Out, Circuit In before check Subsonic steps.

Circuit Out is an extra distance added to trip when the aircra take off in the opposite direc on to the general
flight path.

E.g. Taking off LFPG using runway 08R /09L, Concorde has to climb outbound then turn le to overfly LFPG then
inbound to EVX. The addi onal distance (about 15 nm in this example) must be entered in the dedicated field.

Circuit In is an extra distance added to the trip when aircra has to land in opposite direc on of the general flight

E.g. Landing at KJFK using runway 13R/13L, Concorde has to circle around the airport. The addi onal distance (about
15 nm) must be entered in the dedicated field.

When the “Circuit Out” and “Circuit In” fields are selected they can be modified using the keyboard up and down
arrows or clicking the up and down bu ons. The “Circuit Out” and “Circuit In” are only enabled if Subsonic Steps
checkbox are unchecked.

Observe that increasing “Circuit Out” increases the distance between the departure airport and the first waypoint in
the flight log. Furthermore, the total ground distance is increased accordingly.
Same result for increasing “Circuit In”. The distance between the last waypoint and the des na on airport will in-
crease accordingly and so will the total ground distance.

Once the Circuit distances are set, the departure subsonic step flight level and distance can be set by checking the
“Departure un l” checkbox.

As it is checked, the panel changes to the picture below.

The default for departure is 0 NM a er [ICAO] departure airport.

Here the user can set flight level and distance from one waypoint to the De-
parture Bang Protected Point (DBPP). In the example the distance is 108 NM
a er LFPG. Just type 108 into the distance field.

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As soon as it is entered, the field will automa cally change and display:

The Total Departure Distance (123 NM) seems wrong at first view.

In fact it is right because 108 NM + 15 NM (Circuit Out) = 123 NM (Total De-

part. Distance).

Finally 108 NM from LFPG is equal to 57 NM from EVX:

66 NM (15 NM Circuit Out included) from LFPG to EVX and 123 – 66 = 57 NM
from EVX to DBPP.

With CPS-X it is also possible to enter the distance BEFORE a waypoint as DBPP. In the above example it possible to
set: 69 NM Before TESGO which is exactly the same loca on as 57 a er EVX because TESGO is 126 NM a er EVX and
EVX is 66 (15 NM Circuit Out included) from LFPG. So:
TESGO is 126 NM + 66 NM (15 NM Circuit Out included) = 192 NM from LFPG and 192 NM – 69 NM = 123 NM from

To toggle A er / Before, click on the label.

The same procedure is followed for the des na on subsonic step.

In the flight KJFK-LFPG, there is a des na on subsonic step which must protect the island of Jersey from the super-
sonic bang.
The ABPP (Arrival Bang Protect Point) must located 5 NM before JSY. but unlike the departure, the des na on sub-
sonic step is longer because the sonic boom goes forward from the aircra by about 50 NM.

See appendix page 44 for further informa on.

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So the user has just to click Waypoint list and select JSY then type 50 + 5 = 55 into the Distance field as shown below.

The total distance from ABPP to des na on airport (LFPG) is 253 NM (Including
15 NM Circuit In):
55 NM to JSY + 71 NM from JSY to INGOR + 22 NM from INGOR to DVL + 69 NM
from DVL to PON + 36 NM from PON to LFPG (Including Circuit In) = 253 NM
from ABPP to LFPG.

The toggle Before / A er works the same as the departure step.

Shown above, the DBPP on the flight map with its coordinates in LFPG-KJFK route.

Shown below, the ABPP on the flight map with its coordinates in KJFK-LFPG route.

Green arrows indicate the flight direc on.

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The next step to plan the trip is select the departure speed restric ons.
First check if required, the“Departure an -noise procedure” box.
If checked, the Captain will have to enter the an noise distance and max bank angle during an noise procedure in
the performance last step as explained further on.

Unchecking “Departure an -noise procedure” can save some fuel, but is very disturbing for people under the flight
The speed restric on below 10000 / FL100 allows the user to set 250 kt (on almost all countries over the world) or
280 kt (which were authorised in France and some other European countries).

280 kt selec on can save some fuel on ATC clearance only.

Below the restric ons frame, the “En route average Wx” condi ons can be
They are for informa on only but used in fuel calcula on.
“Average en route ISA devia on” provides very important informa on which
you need to understand:

In standard atmosphere, temperature is 15°C at sea level when atmospheric

pressure is 1013.25 mb (29.92 Inch of mercury).
When the al tude increases, the temperature decreases by around 2 °C / 1000 un l the tropopause (an atmosphe-
ric boundary) where it reaches -56.5°C.
Above the tropopause the temperature stops decreasing and remains stable at -56.5 °C.
But in real life, the pressure and temperature at sea level differ from standard. And the same happens with al tude.
So the indicated value in “Average en route ISA devia on” is the difference between the real average en route tem-
perature and -56.5°C (The standard ISA temperature.).

In the picture above, the temperature is -65.3°C. That is 8.8°C colder than the -56.5 ºC of the ISA value.
This devia on is useful and indicates that the air is colder than the standard ISA and therefore more dense. This al-
lows the aircra to climb at a faster rate than with a standard ISA temperature.
A warmer temperature would mean the aircra couldn’t climb so fast because the air is less dense.

Average en route wind component indicates the aircra will have a 7 kt head average wind during the flight. A head
wind slows the aircra ground speed and increases fuel consump on and flight me. A tail wind is be er for fuel
efficiency and flight me.

Page: 27
The parameters on the le are very important.
Holding corresponds to final reserve for a normal aircra . Here a 45 minute at
FL 60 in stack hold amount of fuel will be added to the total fuel.

Concorde had two holding pa erns:

Stack is the classic holding oval pa ern used by airliners.
Linear is achieved by an an cipated descent in the goal to lose me before a
waypoint or des na on airport.

Linear hold is more complicated to manage, but more fuel-efficient than

Alternate shows the alternate airport distance from the des na on airport;
including the Circuit In distance. The alternate cruise flight level can be se-

The Flight Type is self-explanatory. In the examples above, the type was su-
See Subsonic flight on next page.

To the right of the screen the flight log can

be found which lists all the flight
waypoints, including ID used by Iner al
Naviga on System, cumula ve and remai-
ning distances.

In Notes, user can find “Load XXXX to XXXX-

This informa on will be detailed in the
Scroll bars allow log naviga on.

Page: 28
Subsonic flight planning with Concorde Performance System-X:
Subsonic flights were not the most common ones because Concorde was designed for supersonic speeds. But in some
occasions, she flew like a classic airliner albeit at a greater speed.

Planning a subsonic flight is not very different from the supersonic planning.
On the trip planner the user has to select subsonic flight.
The selector is only enabled when the alternate airport is selected.

The Trip module layout will change a li le bit.

The "Subsonic Steps" frame is replaced by "Subsonic Flight" frame where there
is only one field.

The user must select the subsonic cruise flight level (from FL260 to FL370 which
are the most commonly levels used).

A new feature calculates the op mal subsonic FL and displays it in the Fuel mo-
Please see page 40 how using it.

The subsonic cruise is always carried out at Mach 0.95. However, the op mum flight level for subsonic cruises varies
considerably depending on the aircra ’s weight. At heavy weights, as for example following a maximum weight take-
off, the op mum subsonic flight level for specific range is ini ally FL250. Any increase in subsonic cruise flight level
above the op mum will have an adverse effect on specific range.
In flight, you will know that your al tude is above the op mum when you keep Mach 0.95 but the IAS falls progressive-
ly. If you keep the same flight level and Mach speed, drag can thus become more and more penalising un l al tude
cannot be maintained at subsonic speeds.

At maximum landing weight the op mum level is about FL370. Regardless of weight it can be seen from the Flight En-
velope that above 41,000 feet the IAS equivalent to Mach 0.95 is prohibited by Vla (Lowest Authorised Speed).
In subsonic flights the Engine Control Schedule should be selected to "Flyover" above Mach 0.8 for op mum perfor-
Regarding the CG, the recommended procedure is to fly with a CG posi on of 55%.

This is the only difference between subsonic and supersonic flight.

The remaining planning opera ons are the same as for a supersonic flight.

Page: 29
During trip planning, as soon as a valid alternate airport was entered the planning navigator Load Planning Module is

CPS-X Load Planning Module:

When the trip se ngs have been completed the user can load the aircra by clicking the planning navigator LOAD
bu on.
The Loading module opens and looks like the picture below.

On the top of the screen the weight informa on for the actual se ngs can be found.

The aircra is basically considered as empty with only 3 crew members in the cockpit (the minimum to perform a flight
or move the aircra ).

The le panel shows the Crew and Flight A endants weight.

Next to the right shows the galley rack weights (there are 4 of them) which contain all drink, food, pillows, blankets,
newspapers etc. and all that is necessary for the passengers comfort during the flight.

Page: 30
Then we can find the weight of the passengers distributed in 4 sec ons from OA to OD (See schema cs below).
Baggage / freight panel shows the weight distribu on into the 3 Compartments CPT1, CPT2 and CPT6.

Finally the Aircra panel shows the empty weight, the Dry Opera ng Weight (Empty Weight + Crew) then the Payload
and the Zero Fuel Weight (DOW + Payload).

The Panel above shows the aircra loading schema cs.

It has 2 layers:
Dry Opera ng: Displaying only crew, AT (Flight A endants), Galleys Racks (G1 to G7).
Number of Crew is shown together with the Galley Racks in weight.
Cockpit crew is 3 minimum and 5 maximum.
AT sta ons can load 0 to 2 flight a endants each.
Galleys Racks can contain 0 to 400 kg each.

Under the tail wheel, a weight increment can be set to 1, 10, 100, 1000 /click. (Default is 10 kg).

Payload: Displays the passengers sec ons and baggage compartments loading.

Each sec on and compartment has a percentage scale viewer.

Under the aircra nose, there are two bu ons:

Random Loading: When clicked, a random loading of the aircra is generated between the 2 limits set into the Con-
trol Panel.
Crew and Galley Rack are automa cally set accordingly.
Lock Pax / Unlock Pax: When clicked, the number of passengers can no longer be increased or decreased.
The user can only move passengers from one sec on to another.
When Lock Pax is selected, the bu on cap on turns to Unlock Pax which will allow the passenger number to be
changed again.

Page: 31
Below the loading schema cs the Balance chart and data can be found.
When the aircra is empty (s ll with 3 cockpit crew members), the centre of gravity (CG) is outside the landing limits
as shown on the chart.
The basis index (a virtual graphical value used to transpose data between charts having different scales) is 31.60. The
cockpit crew moves the index rearward (-3.00). So the corrected index is 28.60.
This index correspond to 54.49% CG usually called ZFW CG (Zero Fuel Weight CG).

CG will be detailed in the appendix.

When the ZFW CG is out of limits as in the above picture, there are two ways to move it into the correct area (between
the dashed lines on the chart).

The first way consists of moving weights in appropriate direc on. Of course Crew, Flight A endants and Galleys can’t
be moved but as each AT slot can have 0 to 2 Flight A endants it is possible to move 1 or more from one area to ano-
Same for Galleys. The goods can be distributed differently (e.g. more rearward or more forward).
With passengers and baggage / freight it is easier. Dispatching them is a good way to get CG into the acceptable range.

This method is less effec ve the heavier the aircra is loaded.

The second way consists of loading a certain amount of fuel in tank 11 (rearward tank) or in tank 9 (forward tank) to
move the CG to the correct posi on.

In this example, the random load has set the above values for 72 Pax. Note the label Random profile loaded 72 Pax.

The Dry Opera ng layer shows 4 crew members in cockpit: 1 Captain, 1 First Officer, 1 Flight Engineer and 1 Observer.
5 Flight A endants will fly with us.

Galley Rack weights are 400, 400, 300 and 180 kg respec vely.

Page: 32
The Payload layer shows there are 14 pax in OA, 14 in OB, 20 in OC and 24 in OD.
Baggage is distributed as follows: 279 kg in CPT1, 164 kg in CPT2 and 637 kg in CPT6.
This distribu on is not random - the distribu on rule is respected by CPS- X internally.

This loading gets a good CG at 52.09%, as indicated on the right panel. The CG bug is green indica ng a good ZFW ba-

In this case there is no need to move anything or add ballast fuel.

Next is an example with the CG out of limits.

Page: 33
This me, the ZFW CG is out of limits range (52.00%).
A red label is warning the user (CoG IS OUT OF LANDING LIMITS check Ballast) and the CG bug is red.
In the balance data, a new field is displayed showing Ballast Fuel required in T11.
The field is set to 0 and a check box Auto Ballast is displayed and unchecked.
As seen above there are two ways to move the CG into the limits.

Let’s test the first:

Lock the Pax number to keep 85 pax on board.

The top Pax panel shows Locked 85 pax in red.

Now move 3 passengers from OA to OD (because when the CG is too far forward, the weight must moved backward
and vice versa). Decreasing OA three mes (using down arrow) the OD sec on is automa cally increased by three.

As shown below, the CG has moved backward and is now 52.22% is green and within the limits.
The field and the check box are now invisible. Everything is good.

Page: 34
Now let’s try the second way using Ballast Fuel.
Go back to the ini al condi on (Wrong CG).

Increase the ballast fuel into T11 (Tank 11) by 10 kg and observe the CG bug moving back.
Increase the ballast fuel un l the the bug turns green and located within the limits range
To get the same CG value than in the previous example (52.18%), 130 kg ballast fuel was needed.

Everything looks good, but the aircra will be 160 kg heavier. Adding extra weight is not the best method. Moving the
pax is more efficient.
Finally let’s see a new feature in CPS-X. The auto ballast.

Now just check the Auto Ballast check box and let’s see what happens...

Page: 35
The CG bug is automa cally set to 53% and the ballast is automa cally set to 734kg.

Of course, the user can increase or decrease the ballast fuel quan ty using the up and down arrows of the field.
So the check box is un cked. This is very useful to fine tune CG correc ons.

As the first way is the more efficient, go back to this se ng (Moving 3 pax from OA to OD).
Observe, that when the CG is out of limits, the step navigator disables the next step FUEL.
When correctly set, the FUEL bu on becomes available.

In the picture above, the aircra is correctly loaded.

Page: 36
CPS-X Fuel Planning Module:
This module automa cally calculates the fuel quan ty required for flying the trip previously set with the aircra loaded
in the load module. En route weather condi on are loaded from NOAA or from Ac ve Sky 2016 (AS16 only available for

It has 3 panels.
The upper le panel shows the fuel and load details.
The data provided here is the same as in the previous versions.

Only the Extra Fuel and the Taxi Fuel fields are editable by the user.
All changes are immediately transferred into the other panels (CG
bug and quan es).
Adding fuel or payload into the aircra modifies the CG. In this case,
the ZFW CG is not affected. The block CG is shown on the bo om
panel. As well as the ZFW CG, it must be set into the limit range.
The top right panel displays the fuel distribu on into the 13 tanks of

Page: 37
In the above picture, the Block CG is out of limit and prohibits the Take-off. The taxi fuel burn will move the CG
forward . As the fuel burnt is less than the taxi fuel (default 1000Kg) the CG should be within the bug limits by the me
you reach the runway holding point.
Click Take-Off Balance View to see where the CG will be and to be able to open the Performance module

Once selected, you can see the CG is between the limits and has changed to green.
So the Take-Off is allowed at 54.0%. The Performance bu on is disabled while the take-off view has not been selected.

The le status panel is red un l the take-off view is selected.

A short transfer T9 to T11 (78 kg) will set the CG at exactly 54%.
See further important informa on on CG se ngs according to Bri sh Airways or Air-France
rules in appendix.

Where the calculated fuel exceeds the maximum fuel capacity (95500 kg) a red warning message showing the excess is
displayed .
The Performance bu on is disabled.

Where the calculated fuel causes the max authorised block weight to be exceeded (186880 kg), the excess block
weight is displayed in red. On the TOCG chart, a message indicates the amount of excess weight.
The Performance bu on is disabled.

Page: 38
Where the calculated fuel causes the max authorised structural weight to be exceeded (185070kg), the excess take-off
weight is displayed in red. On the TOCG chart, a message indicates the amount of excess weight.
The Performance bu on is disabled.

Where the calculated fuel is lower than the minimum fuel (24810kg), the amount of extra fuel required is displayed in
red. On the TOCG chart, a message indicates the amount of fuel weight to add.
The Performance bu on is disabled.

In the above case, please add extra fuel to reach the minimum authorized fuel weight.

A er this extra fuel has been added the take-off weight may be below the minimum authorised take-off weight.
So the above message changes to this:

This case can be

mainly experien-
ced when plan-
ning short subso-
nic flight.

Add extra fuel or

increase the air-
cra loading to
clear the warning.
The performance bu on remains disabled as long as a message is displayed.

Page: 39
The takeoff CG is automa cally set by CPS-X but can be modified by user.

The ZFW CG is displayed for informa on.

The fuel module is the one where the user has the least amount of work to do.
When the se ngs are correctly completed the PERFORMANCE bu on - which will become enabled - can be clicked.
Where subsonic flight is selected, when the user opens the fuel module, if the chosen FL in the Trip planner doesn’t
match the op mum FL calculated by CPS-X, the following message is displayed:

The calculated FL is the flight average one. Click YES to go back to Trip Planner and change the selected FL.
Once done, return to Load module then to Fuel module. The message will not reappear. Click NO to ignore but
bear in mind fuel burn will be affected.

Page: 40
CPS-X Performance Module:
If Max Takeoff Weight (MTOW) is exceeded, the below message is displayed when performance module opens.

There may be several reasons MTOW is lowered:

WAT: (Weight for al tude and temperature) directly affects the MTOW. Weather condi ons may affect MTOW but
not exclusively.
Tyres: As for cars, Concorde tyres had a speed limita on. The takeoff parameter affected by tyre speed limita on is
V2 at which the aircra reaches 35 above the runway where the wheels no longer touch ground.
If the V2 speed for a given MTOW exceeds tyres speed limita on, V2 must be lowered below. Therefore the MTOW
must be lowered as well. So the V2 will be in accordance with tyres speed limita on.

Brakes: The brakes energy dispersal limita on has no effect on the MTOW because it only lowers V1 (Decision speed
to con nue or reject takeoff).

If a such message is displayed on the performance module, you have to go back to the Load module to lighten the air-
cra .
Once done, set the fuel first because as the aircra is lighter the fuel quan ty required will be lower.

Finally go back to the Performance module to see if the message has disappeared. If not, go back again to the load mo-
dule and so on.

Page: 41
In the screenshot above the TOW is 175.2T and MTOW is 176.1T. everything looks good.

Let’s detail the screen:

The TAKE-OFF Performance panel is located at the top le . The Take-off Airport shows the main airport data .
Weather data shows the Wind, Temperature and Pressure values for the selected runway.
Noise reduc on data deserves a en on:
Noise reduc on distance: This distance including the runway length depends on the runway used. This is the distance
at which the an -noise procedure starts. Users should consult airport charts and surroundings.
The purpose of the an -noise procedure is to avoid too much noise above populated areas around the airport.
As Concorde is par cularly noisy during takeoff because the reheats (post combus on equivalent to 4 fighter aircra ),
those reheats must be ex nguished and the thrust reduced before overflying populated areas.
This distance varies from one runway to another for a given airport.
As example, runway 26R at CDG, which was the most commonly used by Air France's Concordes, had a 7 NM an -noise

Noise Reduc on Max Bank Angle: This angle is used to determine the thrust reduc on. Indeed an "in-turn" aircra
needs more thrust than a level off one to conserve a minimum ver cal speed.
The higher the aircra bank angle is, the higher is the amount of thrust required and vice versa.

Page: 42
So let’s set the distance to 7 NM and, as 26R is around the first leg heading, set the maximum bank angle to 15°.

These se ng are used by CPS-X to calculate the noise reduc on me

and the TLA (Thro le Levers Angle) which is associated with the N2
(Engines high pressure compressor speed).

If the airport temperature is equal to or lower than 3°C, then an -ice may be ac vated (this is
highly recommended). Of course the an -ice system requires a lot of hot air from the engines
and this implies an increase in fuel consump on and a decrease in takeoff performance. CPS-
X disables this op on if temperature is above 3°C.

In some rare cases, when the aircra is very lightly loaded, Concorde can take-off without reheat at a TO CG of 53%
To make it possible, the TOW must be lower than 140T. CPS-X calculates the max. without
reheat weight accordingly to the following rule:
Max. without reheat weight = daily corrected MTOW -26.5%. The 26% is due to 53% CG (2%)
and no reheat takeoff (24.5%). CPS-X disables this op on if the right condi ons are not fulfilled.

Even if the performance forms have been selected into the Control
Panel, the user can modify them on the Performance module.

The bo om panel of the Performance module could be called a keyboard. It regroups the main commands of the mo-

From le to right, the form selector allows the user to select which takeoff or landing form he wants to display accor-
ding to the selected style.
The three bu ons to the right of the form selector are new features in CPS-X.
Thanks to them it is easy to save and restore the an -noise data (Distance and max. bank angle) associated with a run-
way for a given airport.

Save An Noise Data: The data entered in both Distance and Max bank angle are saved by clicking the bu on.

Load An Noise Data: The data saved for this runway are loaded by clicking the bu on.
Clear An Noise Data: The data entered is cleared by clicking the bu on.

The next right bu ons are, from top to bo om:

Add Flight Map to Report: As the flight map is displayed in the Trip module, the user could forget to add it to the
flight report. Check the case to display the map and add it to the report.

Page: 43
Flight Report: Clicking the bu on will open the flight map (if op on checked) then will save the document as PDF file
and will display it (Acrobat reader requiered). Further informa on in appendix
Export to Concorde X: This bu on allows the user to export the CPS-X data to the FsLabs addon.

This feature is detailed in appendix

If the selected simulator is FS9/9.1, the above bu on’s cap on is:
Export to SSTSIM: Clicking the bu on will send the CPS-X data to SSTSIM as was the case with the previous version.
This feature is detailed in appendix

In the panel center the ATIS frame can be found. It provides the ATIS (Automa c Terminal Informa on Service) infor-
ma on:
- UTC me
- Runway in use
- Wind (Direc on and speed)
- Temperature
- Transi on al tude

Finally, The latest bu on:

RESET FLIGHT: This bu on allows the user to plan a new flight clearing all the current data and jumping to the main

Page: 44
Page: 45
Up above are shown the various forms generated by CPS-X :

These forms content will be detailed in appendix

Page: 46

Main limita ons

Weights Max taxi weight: 186880 kg.

Max Take off: 185070 kg (Structural limit).

Max Takeoff (USA): 181440 kg.

Max Landing: 111130 kg.

Max ZFW: 92080 kg.

Speeds MMO: M2.04.

Without auto stab: M1.97.

1ADC failure: VMO-10 or MMO- 0.5.

Vr min: 139 kt.

V1 min: 132 kt.

Vref+10: Auto stab, without trim, mech.

Vref+7: 2 engines, AT failure.

Vref+5: 3 engines.

Vref: 4 engines.
Warnings High: VMO + 6, TMO +4°C, A° -5.5° supersonic, Nose.

Warnings Low: I > 16.5°, IAS, < VLA-20, CG out of range, I > 19.5°.
Fuel dump: M.93 max.

Nose 0° not locked: 325 kt. M.95.

Nose 0°: 325 kt. M.80.

Nose 5°: 325 kt. M.80.

Nose 12°: 270 kt. FL200.

Landing Gear: 270 kt. M.70.

Landing light: 270 kt. M.70.

Inflight reversers Inflight reversers: 370 kt.-FL300-4 min. to 220 kt.-3000 .

Balance Taxi: 52.5% to 54.6% (Tilt 56.8%).

Takeoff: 52.5%, 53% (TOW<140 t.), 53.5%, 54% (T1 to T10 full).
Landing: 52.0% to 53.5%.

Winds Takeoff/landing: Crosswind: 30 kt. dry, 15 kt contaminated. Tail: 10 kt.

Landing (Auto): Head: 25 kt. Cross: 15 kt. (USA: 10kt.) Tail: 10 kt.

Page: 47

Parking Parking brake set if wind > 20kt.

Startup Prohibited if tailwind >20 kt.

Advices for Concorde If the flight path has an angle from –45° to +45° rela ve to the coast line, the
route building point of accelera on (DBPP or Departure Bang Protected Point) must be at least
5 NM off the coast.
Concorde is not a typical aircra . So building a route for her is quite different
than usual.
The main difference is SPEED. Always keep in mind at cruise speed Concorde
travels 19.5 nau cal miles per minute.
A classic route has a numbers of waypoints, following airways most of the me.
This is true for Concorde when in subsonic flight or during the departure and
arrival subsonic steps, when needed.
When Concorde breaks the sound barrier and during the supersonic flight she
flies well above airliner routes. Because of this and because of her speed a
smaller number of waypoints must be considered. To get a good Concorde
route waypoint each 100 to 300 NM is recommended.
The second important thing to keep in mind is that Concorde should not fly
beyond speed of sound over populated areas. That’s why subsonic steps have
been created.

Page: 48
If the flight path has an angle from –45° to +45° rela ve to the coast line, In-
bound the point of accelera on (ABPP or Arrival Bang Protected Point) must be
at least 5 NM from the coast.
As the sonic bang may affect environement 50 NM in front of the aircra (0
wind), Concorde must fly subsonic speed at 50 + 5 = 55 NM before the ABPP.
Add 0.16 NM / tail wind knot.
Substract 0.16 NM / head wind knot.

For an angle from 0° (parallel) to 45° rela ve to the coast line, the flight flight
path must remain at least 20 NM away from coasts.

Fuel bias to use Subsonic flight: 150%

with SSTSIM Supersonic loop (AF): 124%
Supersonic flight: 96%
Supersonic flight with long sub. Step: 105%

Page: 49

Isolated airport Planning a flight requires at least one alternate airport in the case the des na on
procedure one is not prac cable because weather condi on or traffic.
Some mes, the des na on is located on an isolated island around which there is
no alternate in the maximum legal range.
In this case, the flight planner agent can plan an "isolated airport procedure".

As there is no alternate, the holding fuel reserve is increased as if the aircra

were to fly to an virtual alternate airport at the maximum legal distance.

So, in the event where the weather condi on or traffic require a diversion, the
aircra will be able to hold a longer me above the des na on.
CPS-X includes a feature achieving this principle.

On the Trip Planning module, when departure and route have been selected,
click “Isolated airport procedure” bu on.

When done, the bu on disappears, NO ALT. Is displayed in the ICAO Code field
and the Isolated airport procedure selected is displayed into the METAR text

Page: 50

Isolated airport The next planning steps don’t change; except that user must load the aircra
procedure more lightly than with an alternate because the holding fuel will be a lot grea-
On the le of the picture below, have a look at the Holding fuel.
The holding me is 01:13 and 17407 kg.
On the right of the picture below, an alternate has been planned as usual.
The holding me is 00:45 and 9255 kg.
It is easy to understand why the aircra must be loaded more lightly...

Runway lengths abre- Here are detailed the runway lengths abbrevia ons:
via ons TORA: (Take-Off Run Available) The length of runway declared available and
suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.

Clearway: (CWY) A clearway is an area beyond the paved runway, free of obs-
truc ons and under the control of the airport authori es. The length of the clear-
way may be included in the length of the takeoff distance available (TODA). For
example, if a paved runway is 2000 m long and there are 400 m of clearway
beyond the end of the runway, the takeoff distance available is 2400 m long.

StopWay: (SWY) The stopway is an area beyond the runway which can be used
for decelera on in the event of a rejected takeoff. It must be:

 At least as wide as the runway

 Centered upon the runway extended centerline

 Capable of suppor ng the aeroplane during an aborted takeoff without

causing structural damage to the aircra .
 Designated by the airport authori es for use in decelera ng the airplane
during an aborted takeoff
 Stopways are iden fied by large yellow chevrons on either end of the main

Page: 51
TODA: (Take-Off Distance Available) The length of the take off run available
(TORA) plus the length of the clearway, where provided.
ASDA: (Accelera on Stop Distance Available) The length of the takeoff run plus
the length of the Stopway, where provided.
LDA: ( Landing Distance Available) The length of the runway which is declared
available by the appropriate Authority and is suitable for the ground run of an
aeroplane landing.

EMDA: (Emergency Distance Available) LDA (or TORA) plus a stopway.


Page: 52

ADEU files Concorde uses Delco Carousel IV-A Iner al Naviga on System as iner al naviga-
on device.
Bri sh Airways added to that system two Automa c Data Entry Units (ADEU) card
reader on their fleet.
This device avoided the manual entry of waypoints into the INS CDUs (Computer
Display Units); something that Air-France Crews did have to do.
The waypoints were saved on magne c cards which were inserted into a card
reader and provided the data to the naviga on system.
Each card included up to 9 waypoints and had to be inserted one a er each

In flight simula on, the magne c cards are replaced by files called ADEU.
CPS-X has a feature to generate these files using *.pln or *.PLN FS9/9.1/FSX/SE/
P3D files as a source.
The files are generated automa cally without any user ac on.
In the CPS-X flight log, the Note column shows:

“Load XXXX to XXXX-nn.n.AWC” from me to me.

This indicates the Captain has to load the ADEU file named XXXX to XXXX-
nn.n.AWC into the INS CDU. (Please read CIVA INS documenta on and SSTSIM /
FSLabs Concorde X manual).

Concorde As with any aircra Concorde has to be correctly balanced to flying at maximum
Centre of efficiency.
Gravity The center of gravity (CG) of an aircra is the point at which the aircra would
balance. Its posi on is calculated a er suppor ng the aircra on at least two sets
of weighing scales or load cells and no ng the weight shown on each set of scales
or load cells. The center of gravity affects the stability of the aircra . To ensure
the aircra is safe to fly, the center of gravity must fall within specified limits es-
tablished by the aircra manufacturer.

The reference datum is a reference plane that allows accurate, and uniform, mea-
36.369 m

21.571 m 27.66 m (MAC)

0 Reference Datum ARM

21.571 m = LeMAC surements to any point on the aircra . The loca on of the reference datum is
21.571 m + 27.66 m = TeMAC established by the manufacturer and is defined in the aircra flight manual. The
horizontal reference datum is an imaginary ver cal plane or point, placed along
36.369 m = Index Origin.
the longitudinal axis of the aircra , from which all horizontal distances are mea-
sured for weight and balance purposes. There is no fixed rule for its loca on.

The ARM is the horizontal distance from the reference datum to the center of
gravity (CG) of an item. The algebraic sign is plus (+) if measured a of the
datum .

Page: 53
A specific chord line of a tapered wing. At the mean aerodynamic chord (MAC),
the center of pressure has the same aerodynamic force, posi on, and area as it
does on the rest of the wing. The MAC represents the width of an equivalent rec-
tangular wing in given condi ons. On some aircra , the center of gravity is ex-
pressed as a percentage of the length of the MAC. In order to make such a calcu-
la on, the posi on of the leading edge of the MAC must be known beforehand.
This posi on is defined as a distance from the reference datum and is found in
the aircra 's flight manual and also on the aircra 's type cer ficate data sheet. If
a general MAC is not given but a LeMAC (leading edge mean aerodynamic chord)
and a TeMAC (trailing edge mean aerodynamic chord) are given (both of which
would be referenced as an arm measured out from the datum line) then your
MAC can be known by finding the difference between your LeMAC and your Te-
TakeOff Form

1 Departure airport ICAO code.

2 Flight number and date eventually. CPS doesn’t show date.

3 Aircra registra on.

4 Selected runway (QFU) and status (DRY/WET).

5 Runway threshold height (Feet).

6 QNH.
7 Airport pressure al tude (Feet).

8 Wind speed and direc on then wind component.

9 Local temperature.
10 Transi on al tude. Not available with CPS.

11 Security al tude.
12 ATIS info. Not available with CPS.

13 Miscellaneous limita ons MTOW, V1 Max, Vr Max, V2 Max, A3 min.

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14 Block fuel (Fuel quan ty before startup).

15 Equivalent weight. Represent the virtual weight in case of reheat failure. If it is

higher than MTOW. So reheat failure before 100 kt triggers rejected takeoff. If
equivalent weight is less than MTOW a 3 reheats akeoff is enable (failure before
100 kt).

16 ZFW. Zero Fuel Weight.

17 ZFCG. Zero Fuel CG according to balance sheet.

18 Block weight.

19 Bloc CG. CG before transfer to TOCG.

20 Takeoff weight. (Block weight minus taxi fuel).

21 TOCG. Takeoff CG according to balance sheet.

22 Number of reheats required at 100 kt. to take-off.

23 RLD Overweight landing parameters (Es mated with a TOW minus 3.5 t)

RLD Vref, RLD Vref + 5 kt., RLD Vref + 20 kt., RLD Vref + 50 kt. are given.
24 N2% Takeoff thrust range N2%Min / N2% below which “failure” must be

announced < Normal TO N2% < N2%Max.

25 EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature). EGT Max during takeoff.

26 P7 (Engine seventh high pressure compressor stage pressure, equivalent to

nozzle exit pressure). Engine N°4 must be set to 0.6 PSI lower than others.

27 FF (Fuel Flow). Engine N°4 must be set to 0.4 t/H lower than others.

28 V1. Decision speed.

29 Vr. Rota on speed.

30 V2. Safe speed at takeoff.

31 A3. Pitch a tude with 3 engines passing 35 .

32 VZ3. Ver cal speed with 3 engines passing 35 .

33 - 34 VZRC3. Zero rate of climb speed with 1 engine out. Landing gear up (33)

and landing gear down (34). Flight slope is null.

35 Δt. Time between brake release to an -noise thrust reduc on.

36 TLA. Thrust Levers Angle for an -noise thrust reduc on.

37 N2% during an -noise reduc on.

38 ZAC. Security al tude at TO and flight path with 1 engine out.

The bo om zone is elevons trim se ng according to TOCG. (Pitch down)

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TakeOff Form 1 Raw V1.

Bri sh Airways 2 Raw Vr.

3 Raw V2.

4 Raw Theta 2 (A3).

5 Limited V1.(WAT, Brakes).

6 Limited Vr. (WAT).

7 Limited V2 .(WAT, Tires).

8 Limited Theta 2 (A3) (WAT, Brakes, Tires).

9 ATOW< PLTOW V1 correc on. (Actual take-off weight < Performance Limited
Take-Off Weight).

10 ATOW< PLTOW Vr correc on. (Actual take-off weight < Performance Limited
Take-Off Weight).

11 ATOW< PLTOW V2 correc on. (Actual take-off weight < Performance Limited

Take-Off Weight).
12 ATOW< PLTOW Theta2 (A3) correc on. (Actual take-off weight <

Performance Limited Take-Off Weight).

13 PLTOW. Performance LimitedTake-Off Weight.

14 MATOW. (NATOW by prin ng error) Maximum Authorized Take-Off Weight.

15 STOP or GO with one reheat failure below 100 kt.

Page: 56
16 Corrected V1.

17 Corrected Vr.
18 Corrected V2.

19 Corrected Theta 2 (A3).

20 Planned climb speed below 10000 /FL100.

21 V2 + 40 kt.
22 RTOW. Regulated take-off weight. (Performance adjusted take-off weight

which must be below your runway/obstacle level off/climb limit weight). Same as

PLTOW with Concorde.

23 ACTUAL TOW. Actual take-off weight.

24 ATIS. 1 engine out procedure at departure.

25 Elevons trim se ng.

26 Take-off CG % MAC.
27 P7 (Engine seventh high pressure compressor stage pressure, equiva-
lent to
nozzle exit pressure). Engine N°4 must be set to 0.6 PSI lower than others.
28 FF (Fuel Flow). Engine N°4 must be set to 0.4 t/H lower than others.
29 3 engines accelera on height (equivalent to ZAC: Safety al tude).
30 Time from brakes release to an -noise thro les reduc on.
31 TLA (Thro les levers angle). Thro les levers posi on at noise reduc on.
32 Noise abatement N2% se ng.
33 Time and N2% schedule of thrust resuming at the end of noise re-
duc on.
34 VZRC3. Zero rate of climb speed with 1 engine out. Landing gear up and
landing gear down. Flight path slope null.
35 N2% minimum.
36 V1 minimum.

Page: 57

Landing Form

1 Des na on airport ICAO code.

2 Flight number – Date of flight. (Date is not available in CPS).

3 Aircra registra on.

4 Selected landing runway – Runway status (DRY/WET).

5 Threshold height (Feet).

6 Local QNH.
7 Pressure al tude.

8 Wind speed and direc on – Runway wind component.

9 Local temperature.
10 Transi on level (New in Concorde Performance System X ).

11 Security al tude.
12 VTT max. Max speed above runway threshold to respect landing distance.

13 Des na on airport METAR.

14 ZFW. Zero Fuel Weight.

15 Planned Landing Fuel.

16 Planned landing weight.

17 Minimum amount of fuel to divert to alternate.

18 Fuel available to hold.

19 Corresponding holding me.

20 VLA. French designa on for Vref.

21 VTT. Target speed above runway threshold.

22 Missed approach procedure.

23 Notes: Shows landing mode, landing length margin (Distance remaining to the
end of runway), fuel transfer to tank 9 to obtain landing CG 53%MAC

Page: 58
The scale on form bo om is landing weight vs. Vref (Above 130 t. is overload


Landing Form
Bri sh Airways

English form gets less data than the French form because it has 2 fields for

des na on runways and some items are not taken into account by CPS.
Outer marker al tude, Runway minima, Go around

al tude are not managed by CPS for example.

1 Des na on airport ICAO code.

2 Landing weight.
3 Vref. Minimum landing speed.

4 Increment to get VTT (always 7).

5 VTT. Target speed above runway threshold.

6 Landing fuel.

7 Fuel to join alternate above designated (KEWR)

8 Holding fuel.

Page: 59
9 Safety al tude above des na on airport.

10 Des na on transi on level.

11 Landing selected runway.

12 Runway threshold eleva on.

Bo om scale is Vref vs. landing weight.

Flight report At the end of planning steps, a flight report document can be generated by CPS-
document X. (See page 43.)
When Genera ng and saving the flight report document, just check Add Flight
Map to Report if you wish include the map into the report.
Then click Flight Report bu on. The Save Flight Report dialog box will open with
the default path : …\CPS X\FlightReports.
The user can change this path at discre on to save the report anywhere on the

computer. His choice will become the default path for future saving.
When loca on is selected, click Save to store the flight report document as PDF
If Acrobat reader is installed the report will be automa cally displayed as soon

Page: 60
Here is below the flight report document contents once in PDF format.

A cover page with departure and des na on airports name

Flight total ground distance.

Aircra registra on (If entered on Trip Module)
Flight number (If entered on Trip Module)
Date and me, UTC from Acrive Sky if selected as Wx source, document genera-
on me Local if NOAA is selected as Wx source.

Page: 61

An opera onal flight plan using the Air-France real life document as model.

Here are the detailed informa on that can be found on this page:

The aircra registra on if entered into trip module.

The flight number if entered into trip module.
The route loaded (*.pln/*.PLN).
The date of flight (DOF) which is the document generated date.

The departure ICAO code

The des na on ICAO code.
The type of flight (Supersonic or Subsonic)
The flight number if entered into trip module.

Page: 62

The fuel summary provides:

On right:
Zero Fuel Weight.
TakeOff WeighT.
LanDinG WeighT.
Average wind component for the whole flight.
Max Zero Fuel Weight.
Max TakeOff WeighT.
Max LanDinG WeighT.
Average ISA devia on for the whole flight (0 if subsonic flight).
Ground distance of the flight.
Passenger on board.
Passenger distribu on into OA to OD.
Baggage / freight weight.
Payload weight.
Baggage and freight distribu on into compartments 1 to 6.
On le :
Fuel required to des na on.
Fuel to alternate.
Alternate ICAO code.
Ballast fuel if required.
Holding fuel.
Con ngency reserve fuel.
Total fuel required for trip.
Extra fuel set by Captain if required.
Taxi fuel.
Release fuel .
The fuel bias se ng.

Ballast fuel and tank if required.

Fuel transfer during taxi and Tank 11 content when transfer done.
Zero fuel CG.

T11 fuel quan ty preset to obtain CG 59% at cruise.

Page: 63

The Take-off thrust parameters provide:

QFU (runway) used.
TORA (Take-off run available) for QFU used.
ASDA (Accelera on stop distance available) for QFU used.
Max structural aircra weight.
Safety al tude above airport on the different departure procedures.
Reheats used (3 or 4) May be 0 in special con ons.
Thrust se ng used (Always T/O for Concorde except with 0 reheat).
Wind component on QFU used.
Atmospheric pressure se ng (QNH).
Temperature (Outside).
Runway condi on (Dry or Wet).
Take-off CG.

Supersonic Subsonic

Planned take-off weight.

Take-off speeds
Theta 3 angle.
Weather source (And mode selected if Ac ve sky is selected)
Subsonic steps if required.

Take-off trim se ng.

Overloaded landing speeds, +0, +5, +20, +50.
An noise Time (seconds), TLA, N2 se ng according with TLA. NA if not set in
performance module.
Engines compressor stage 7 pressure for engines 1 –3 and for engine 4.
Engines Fuel flow for engines 1 –3 and for engine 4.
Maximum exhaust temperature.

Page: 64
Take-off thrust range: Failure N2/Mini, N2, N2 maxi.

Day limita ons:

Day max take-off weight + limita on code if exists.

Day Theta 3.
Day V1 + limita on code if exists.
Day Vr + limita on code if exists.
Day V2 + limita on code if exists.
Limita on code legend.
Take-off condi ons varia on: show the Day limita on for:
Dry runway with actual wind, actual temperature -5°C, actual temperature and
actual temperature +5°C.
Dry runway with Wind –5 kt, actual temperature –5°C, actual temperature and
actual temperature +5°C.
Wet runway with actual wind, actual temperature -5°C, actual temperature and
actual temperature +5°C.
Wet runway with Wind –5 kt, actual temperature –5°C, actual temperature and
actual temperature +5°C.
TOW difference with QNH lower than actual by 1 Hpa.
TOW difference with QNH greater than actual by 1 Hpa.

If Air France is selected as form style, a specific MTOW limita on (CG) is added
into the limit legend. It decreases the MTOW by 2% if the TOCG selected is 52.5%
to 53.4% and increases the MTOW by 0.05% if TOCG selected is 54%.
See appendix for further informa on.

Page: 65

Landing limita ons:

Landing airport ICAO code.

QFU (Runway) used.
LDA (Landing distance available).
Landing mode (Auto / Manual).
Landing distance needed.
Planned landing weight.
Planned landing QNH.
Planned landing temperature.
Planned Landing speed (VLA / Vref).
Planned VTT (approach speed over runway threshold).
Planned Es mated Time of Arrival. (Document me + des na on me. UTC)
Planned VTT max.
Planned Fuel transfer to get 53%MAC at landing.

ATIS for departure, des na on and Alternate airport.

Flight log as in trip module.

Page: 66

Loading module view (Dry Opera ng layer) and ZFW balance chart.

Loading module view (Payload layer) and ZFW balance chart.

Page: 67

Fuel module view and TO balance chart.

Take-off form in the performance module selected style.

Page: 68

Landing form in the performance module selected style.

Flight map if checked into the Performance module.

Page: 69
The airlines having exploited Concorde, was li le bit different concerning the TOCG rules .
CPS-X keeps them into account. Here they are:
Britsh Airways:

The Take-off was prohibited with a TOCG less than 53%.

A 53.0% TOCG was allowed with TOW < 140 t. The TO speeds are then recalculated.
The mainly TOCG used was 53.5%.
If maximum fuel was required with reasonably high load (?) 54% was used.
CPS-X with BA forms selected:

If BA forms are selected into the control panel, the Fuel planner TOCG list only counts 3 se ngs. (53.0, 53.5 and 54%).
If TOW < 140 t. the TOCG is automa cally set to 53.0%.
Else, the TOCG is set to 53.5%, but can be changed to 54% by the Captain planning the flight.


Air-France allowed a TOCG between 52.5% to 53.0 % with TOW < 140 t. and TOW < WAT limita on - 7 t.
if TOW < 140 t. and TOW > WAT limita on - 7 t, the TOCG was 53.5%.
If TOW >= 140 t. TOCG was 53.5% when fuel filling (depending of ZFW and fuel density) was compa ble with this CG.
A TOCG of 54.0% was required when the fuel filling (depending of ZFW and fuel density) was not compa ble with the
53.5% TOCG. In this case all the tanks had to be full except tanks 11.

The taxi should not be ini ated if tanks 11 quan ty was upper the TO required by more than 3300 kg with 53.5%
TOCG, and by 1800 kg with 54.0% TOCG.

CPS-X with AF forms selected:

When AF forms are selected into the control panel, the Fuel planner TOCG list contains all values from 52.5% to 54.0%
by thenth of % (52.5, 52.6…).

CPS-X takes all these rules into account

Page: 70

I hope this manual has been clear and instruc ve, because it is not always easy to
explain all the so ware features a er having had engines in my hand for a long

Now, you are ready to plan any Concorde flight plan.

CPS - X brings a lot of improvement that I wish you will like. Before closing this
book and entrust it to you I would like tell a great thanks to:
All the users of previous versions they have donate or not with a special wink

Ramón Cutanda López for his support and help from the beginning, for the web
page design and host, dona ons, beta tes ng and so much more.

Ray Proudfoot as Ramón Cutanda López, present from the early CPS version
that he has always supported, contributor, beta tester and very good advisor.

Pierre Dolez for his mathema cs skills which saved me hundreds of hours
scanning data.
Maxime Konareff for his help and constant encouragement, for his
dra smanship skill and all the me he spent to test CPS with FS9 and to hear me
talking about CPS again and again and for the main menu design.

Chris an Reber as Silver contributor.

Denis Linchamps as Gold contributor and for all.

Andrew Wilson for his kindness, the great work he done with SSTSIM and

FSLabs ConcordeX, for his welcome to the FSLabs forum and for whatever he
will do to allow more CPS data to be exported ConcordeX.

Lucien Bredon (Cnarfou) for his support of every moment, the fuel bias for
SSTSIM published above and the tests he done with FS9.

Richard Stefan (Navigraph) who have interest for my project and provides
worldwide airports and runways database with each new AIRAC cycles.

Daniel Péréard (Lenflure) who have supported the project from the first day.

Chris an Grill and Judith Blaschegg (FlightSimSo GmbH) who have

inspired to me this project.

Frazz From FsLabs forum for the T11 fuel preset table he kindly shares with us.
A erburner From FsLabs forum for his modified Concorde.air and FuelBurn.ini
files he kindly shared with us.

Pierre Chassang, April 2017.

Pictures credits:
Page 2 : © 2003
Page 3: Public domain. Thanks to

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