Write The Room-March 1

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Teacher: Miss.

Hoisington Date: March 1, 2021

Class: Literacy
Time: 30 min

Write the Room

Student Information:
Previous Knowledge:
 Throughout the previous weeks, Ss have engaged in various rhyming activities to
familiarize themselves with different rhyming words. Ss know that rhyming words sound
the same at the end.
 We have also started working on the Heggerty Phonological Awareness word games
daily to help Ss hear rhymes.
Summary Overview:
 During this lesson, Ss will engage in a write the room activity in which they will have to
match and identify eight rhyming pairs.

Curriculum Objectives:
General Outcomes: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to…
o Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media
Specific Outcomes:
o 2D- I can explore rhyme

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, a student will be able to…
1) Recall what it means when words rhyme
2) Identify & match rhyming pictures, then write one word for each one

Whole Class

 Consider having numbers written on the cards to match with the rhyming pairs- this will
help Ss to identify the rhymes. Some may use this, and some may not need it, but it will
be helpful to support the Ss who will need a little bit of extra guidance while still
allowing for independence.


 Write the room cards (2 copies)
 Write the room sheets (one for each student, plus an extra for demo)


Introduction Time
 Begin by asking Ss if anyone can remind us what it means when words
 Have 3-4 Ss share an example of a rhyming pair!
6 min
 Tell Ss that today we are going to try something new, called “Write the
Room,” where we will go around the room and try to find all of the
rhyming word pairs!
Body Time
Write the Room  Before giving Ss their write the room papers, do a
couple of examples to help Ss understand what
they will be doing.
 Show them the sheet and go through all of the
rhyming pictures so they know what they are.
 Once finished, find the closest card and
demonstrate the process for them: “This card I
see is “down,” which picture does it match on my
sheet? Read through a few of them, including the
one that rhymes Oh I see it, clown! Clown, and
down- those rhyme! So, I am going to write this
word point to the card on my sheet beside clown!”
20 min
 Have a couple of Ss involved to demonstrate the
next one- one student can choose a card they see,
then they can choose a friend to find the rhyming
word on the sheet and write it.
 Tell Ss that once they have their paper their job is
to go get a pencil and they can start! You can
mention that there are also numbers they can
match up if they are not sure about one of them!
 Have Ss form a thank-you line to hand out papers.
 Be sure to wander around the room and provide
support where necessary
 Once Ss finish they can start centres
Conclusion Time
 Thank Ss for all of their hard work, they can put their sheets into
their backpack to show their grownups!
4 min
 Ask if anyone has another rhyming pair to share- let them know we
will be working on a rhyming book tomorrow!


 No formal assessment today; just observe and make note if anyone is struggling to
identify the rhyming pairs.

Teacher Notes:
 Be sure to really make expectations clear for this activity- make sure to tell Ss what we
should NOT be seeing/hearing!
 Hang the word cards around the room in the morning so they are ready to go

Reflection: How did the lesson go? Is there anything you would do differently next time? What
worked well/ not so well?

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