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Name and Type of Project

 Program Title : Eco-Farm Tourism Program

 Brief Description : Establishment/construction of Tourism Office
 Project Proponent : LGU
 Category : Peace and Culture
 Project Location : Talayan
 Would the project be at any risk from
environmental or human-made hazards? : No
 Are the project’s demands on the natural
resources assured of being met for the life
of the project? : No

Program Components :

Program Component Activities Location Beneficiaries Desired Output Responsible Person

Establishment/construc Establishmen Talayan LGU Permanent Data Tourism Officer
tion of Tourism Office t of BAse
data base
Inventory of Talayan LGU/Farming Inventory of Tourism Officer
potential sector potential eco-
eco-farm farm sites
tourism sites
Inventory of Talayan LGU Inventory of Tourism Officer
existing cultural artifacts
Institutionali Talayan All sectors Local Festivity Tourism
zing Local created Officer/Sangguniang
Festival Bayan
Construction Talayan LGU Tourism Office LCE
of Tourism

Estimated Cost of Resource Inputs:

Budget Items Funds Needed Funding Source Implementation Schedule

Establishment of 300, 000.00 General Fund 2022-2027
permanent data base
Inventory of potential 300, 000.00 General Fund 2022-2027
eco-farm tourism sites
Inventory of existing 300, 000.00 General Fund 2022-2027
cultural artifacts
Institutionalizing Local 400, 000.00 General Fund 2022-2027
Construction of Tourism 1, 500, 000.00 General Fund 2022-2027
Total Cost 2, 800, 000.00

Justification of the Project : To have a permanent Tourism Office.

Target Beneficiaries : LGU

Target Outputs or Success Indicators : 1 Tourism Office

Objectives Desired Output / Success Indicators Means of verification

 To establish Tourism Permanent Data Base Computerize Tracking
Data Base by 80% at System on Tourism
the end of 2027.
Inventory of potential Logbook with
eco-farm sites Complete List of
potential eco-farm
tourism sites
Inventory of cultural local cultural artifacts
artifacts compilation with
technical descriptions
Local Festivity created Ordinance Declaring
Festivity Day

Possible Risks or External Factors that Could Frustrate the Realization of the Project :

Expected Private Sector Response : Easy access to lgu transactions

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