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Music on the Brain

It’s hard to exaggerate the

effect music can have on By Michael D. Lemonick Sunday, May 28, 2000
the human brain. A mere That’s why Zatorre helped an instrument, and whether or
snippet of song from the organize a conference, “The not the music involves lyrics.
past can trigger memories Biological Foundations of
as vivid as anything Proust Music,” sponsored last week Specific brain disorders
experienced from the aroma by the New York Academy can affect the perception
of his petite madeleine. A tune of Sciences, at which experts of music in very specific
can induce emotions ranging in disciplines ranging from ways. Experiments done on
from unabashed joy to deep neuroscience and neurology epileptics decades ago showed
sorrow and can drive listeners to brain imaging and that stimulating certain areas
into states of patriotic fervor psychology met to exchange of the temporal lobe on both
or religious frenzy--to say notes about what’s known- sides of the brain awakened
nothing of its legendary ability-and, more important, what “musical memories”--vivid
to soothe the savage beast. remains to be learned--in re-creations of melodies
Yet in spite of music’s this small but growing field. that the patients had heard
remarkable influence on the years earlier. Lesions in the
human psyche, scientists have What seems clear is that the temporal lobe can result in so-
spent little time attempting to ability to experience and react called musicogenic epilepsy,
understand why it possesses to music is deeply embedded an extremely rare form of the
such potency. “We tend in the biology of the nervous disorder in which seizures
to think of music as an art system. While music tends are triggered by the sound of
or a cultural attribute,” to be processed mostly in the music. Autism offers an even
notes Robert Zatorre, a right hemisphere of the brain, greater puzzle. People with
neuroscientist at McGill no single set of cells is devoted this condition are mentally
University in Montreal, to the task. Different networks deficient, yet most are
“but it is a complex human of neurons are activated, proficient musicians; some are
behavior that is as worthy of depending on whether a person “musical savants” possessed
scientific study as any other.” is listening to music or playing of extraordinary talent.
The opposite is true of the least, music can evidently as well as trigger release of
less than 1% of the population trigger physical changes the natural opiates known
who suffer from amusia, in the brain’s wiring. By as endorphins. Using PET
or true tone deafness. They measuring faint magnetic scanners, Zatorre has shown
literally cannot recognize fields emitted by the brains that the parts of the brain
a melody, let alone tell two of professional musicians, a involved in processing emotion
of them apart, and they are team led by Christo Pantev of seem to light up with activity
incapable of repeating a song the University of Muenster’s when a subject hears music.
(although they think they Institute of Experimental
are doing it correctly). Even Audiology in Germany has As tantalizing as these bits of
simple, familiar tunes such shown that intensive practice research are, they barely begin
as Frere Jacques and Happy of an instrument leads to to address the mysteries of
Birthday are mystifying to discernible enlargement of music and the brain, including
amusics, but when the lyrics parts of the cerebral cortex, the deepest question of all:
are spoken rather than sung, the layer of gray matter Why do we appreciate music?
amusics are able to recognize most closely associated Did our musical ancestors
the song immediately. with higher brain function. have an evolutionary edge over
their tin-eared fellows? Or is
“This goes way beyond an As for music’s emotional music, as M.I.T. neuroscientist
inability to carry a tune,” impact, there is some indication Steven Pinker asserts, just
observes psychologist Isabelle that music can affect levels of “auditory cheesecake,” with
Peretz of the University various hormones, including no biological value? Given
of Montreal. “They can’t cortisol (involved in arousal music’s central role in most
dance, and they can’t tell and stress), testosterone of our lives, it’s time that
the difference between (aggression and arousal) and scientists found the answers.
consonance [harmony] and oxytocin (nurturing behavior)
dissonance either. They all
appear to have been born
without the wiring necessary to
process music.” Intriguingly,
people with amusia show no
overt signs of brain damage
or short-term-memory
impairment, and magnetic-
resonance-imaging scans
of their brains look normal.
There is evidently no way to
help these unfortunate folks
(though, admittedly, they don’t
know what they’re missing).
But for instrumentalists, at

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