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50. Why can’t Schindler add more names to the list?

51. What does Schindler do to get Helen on his list?

52. Name three things that happen to the women.

53. How does Schindler say he is protected?

54. What excuse does Schindler give the officers to save the children’s lives?

55. Who does Schindler see in church?

56. Why are the candles in color? Why do you think this is significant?

57. Why is Schindler considered a criminal?

58. What is Schindler’s present and what is inscribed on it?

59. What is Schindler’s reaction to receiving this gift? What does this say about him
as an individual?

Open Ended Questions

Answer the following questions below. You may use a separate sheet of paper if
you don’t have enough room.

1. Schindler risked his life in order to save Jews. It was a time when terror reigned.
The Jews had been dehumanized in non-Jewish eyes by Nazi propaganda and
brutality. Tom Keneally, the author of the book Schindler's List, quotes Schindler as
having said that "A life is not worth a pack of cigarettes." Yet Schindler risked his
own life. Why do you think he did this based on what you saw in the film?

2. In making Schindler’s List, Spielberg says he tried to be “more of a reporter than

a passionate, involved filmmaker—because I wanted to communicate information
more than I needed to proselytize and convert. The information is so compelling
because it wasn’t written by Hollywood authors. It comes out of the human
experience…[but] out of history.” That vision influenced many of his decisions as
the film’s director. Identify and describe 3 scenes that reflect Spielberg’s desire to
place the viewer “inside the experiences of Holocaust survivors and actual victims
as close as a movie can.” Describe the effect these scenes had on you as a

3. Schindler went from being an “antihero” to a hero. What specific events did he
experience and realizations did he have to create this transformation?

50.¿ Por qué no pudo Schindler agregar más nombres a la lista? .

R: Because he had already spent all his fortune paying to include each member to
the list.

51.¿Que hace Schindler para incluir a Helen en su lista? .

R: He goes to talk to Captain Goet and pays him a large sum of money so that
Helen can be included as a factory worker.

52. ¿Nombre tres cosas que pasaron con las mujeres? .

R: The Nazis cut their hair, took their children and separated them from their
husbands in the concentration camp.

53. ¿Cómo asevera Shchindler que él es protegido? .

R: At the end of the war the Jews give Schindler a letter signed by all of them
saying that he had saved them.

54. ¿ Que escusa le da Schindler a los oficiales para salvar la vida de los niños? .

R: Argues that children were instrumental in the manufacture of weapons by their

small hands which arrived at rents that the hands of adults did not reach.

55. ¿ Que vé Schindler en la iglesia? .

R: Schindler realizes the clandestine commerce of the Jews and sees a business

56. ¿Por qué las velas están en color? , ¿que piensas que significa esto? .

R: The candles are consuming themselves and the image is in color and after they
are consumed it is left in black and white because the black page of the Nazi
olocaust begins for the Jews.

57. ¿ Por qué es Schindler considerado criminal? .

R: After the war is considered criminal for being a member of the Nazi party and
recruiting Jews for his Factory.

58. ¿Cuál es el regalo de Schindler? Y ¿ qué inscripción lleva?.

R: The Jews in gratitude coined to Schindler a ring of pure gold and they make
him the inscription that say “.who saves a life save the whole world”.

59. ¿Cual es la reacción de Schindler al recibir el regalo? Y ¿que dice la

inscripción del regalo sobre el como individuo? .

R: Schindler is deeply moved, cries and wonders why he did not save more Jews.
The inscription of the ring speaks of that he was their savior.

1. Schindler arriesgó su vida para salvar a los judíos. Era un tiempo en que
reinaba el terror. Los judíos habían sido deshumanizados en los ojos no judíos por
la propaganda y la brutalidad nazis. Tom Keneally, autor del libro Schindler's List,
cita a Schindler como quien ha dicho que "una vida no vale la pena un paquete de
cigarrillos". Sin embargo, Schindler arriesgó su propia vida. ¿Por qué crees que lo
hizo basándose en lo que viste en la película?

R: After having financial goals and personal profit Schindler was sensitized of the
pain and the injustice that lived the Jews and risked his life to save them.

2. Al hacer la Lista de Schindler, Spielberg dice que trató de ser "más un reportero
que un cineasta apasionado, porque quería comunicar información más de lo que
necesitaba para proselitismo y conversión. La información es tan convincente
porque no fue escrita por autores de Hollywood. Surge de la experiencia humana
de la historia ". Esa visión influyó en muchas de sus decisiones como director de la
película. Identificar y describir 3 escenas que reflejan el deseo de Spielberg de
colocar al espectador "dentro de las experiencias de sobrevivientes del Holocausto
y las víctimas reales tan cerca como una película puede". Describa el efecto que
estas escenas tuvieron en usted como espectador.

1. When the Nazis take the Jews out of their homes and they look for a
thousand ways to hide.
2. When the captain from his balcony points and kills the Jewish woman for
simple sport.
3. When the children of the concentration camp hide in the most unexpected
places not to be killed.

4. These scenes generated a lot of sadness, impotence and astonishment in

my being.
3. Schindler pasó de ser un "antihéroe" a un héroe. ¿Qué eventos concretos
experimentó y realizaciones tuvo que crear esta transformación?

1. Schindler realized the barbarism exercised by the Nazis towards the Jews.
2. Schindelr was moved and pained of the Jewish race.
3. Schindler realized the human, labor and social qualities of the Jewish
4. Schindler realized the great opportunity he had to save them and did
everything he could to achieve it.

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