Actividades de Ingles de La Guia 2

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Laura Rosa Bueno Bedoya y Mariana Taborda Mejía


Ilduara Gonzales Mejía

Institución Educativa La Inmaculada

Media técnica
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. D

1st. ACTIVITY: Look at the text and answer the questions.

A. What kind of text is it?

R: Motivational, pharases

B. If people are interested in the jobs, what should they do?

R: Believe in yourself, pursue your dreams and fight for them.

C. What general skills do people need for each department?

R: Smarter tan you think

International engineering company needs staff in four of its London offices:
● Information technology
● Business & Finance
● Engineering (Mechanical, electrical & industrial)
● Human Resources
QUALIFICATIONS: Degree/Diploma in related subject and two years’ experience.

APPLY: Please send your C.V. to

2nd. ACTIVITY: 5 Questions That will help you choose the right career

1. What are you good at, and what do you love? Social job
2. Are you promotion- or prevention-focused? Yes
3. What is the best environment for your personality type? Quiet, where people are very
4. What kind of lifestyle do you want? I just want to help people who need another chance
in life
5. Where do you want to live? Patagonia, Argentina
1. What do you like to do in your free time?
R: b. Tyde your room
2. You have the opportunity to go on TV. What sort of show do you choose?
R. D. A singning competition

3. What would you like to do if you had a free evening?

R: C. Do my hobby

4. If you went to a party, what would you do?

R: C. Help to prepare the food

5. Whar sort of films do you like?

R: C Action

6. How do you think your Friends describe you?

R: B. Inteligent
A. Public speaking, writing, reading comprehension

B. Because through them, we can define what are the good and bad points, so that we can
understand that our career is focused on what we are best at.

10. José Gómez:_Lawyer

Kelly Sánchez: Doctor


B. Roberto likes working with people

c. Maria doesnt want to work in an office

D. Maria is creative

E. Roberto might need to use english

F. Maria: Can work well without other people

12. Public speaking, writing, I am a fast learner, I adapt to situations, I am good at speaking and
getting the message across to people in the right way, I like to help people when I have the

Useful lemguage

I am good at talking to people

I am skilled at organizing projects

I am able to adapt easily to situations

I know about human rights

I am not good at technology

I am terrible at music

I can't, I don't think I ever use that word, I always can.

I could never, it doesn't work for me either, for me, I will always be capable in everything, not the
best, but I will try.

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