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This substance can enhance extracerebral metabolism of Levodopa: Pyridoxine

2. Intracellular inclusion bodies containing a-synuclein into the brain of parkinsonian patients
may suggest a prion disease: Lewy Bodies
3. True regarding dopamine receptor agonists: Acts on Postsynaptic Dopamine receptors
4. Contraindication in giving Levodopa: Psychosis
5. Benefits of Levodopa treatment often begin to diminish after: 3yrs
6. Impair dopaminergic neurotransmitter by depleting central monoamines: Reserpine
7. MAO inhibitor used in Parkinson’s Disease: Rasagiline
8. MOA of Pramipexole: D3 receptor agonist
9. Chelating agent used to treat Wilson’s Disease: Trientine HCl
10. DOC for Restless Leg Syndrome: Pramipexole
11. Patient with rigidity, fever, changes in mental status, and autonomic dysfunction:
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
12. More potent MAO-B inhibitor in preventing MPTP-induced parkinsonism: Rasagiline
13. Potent nonergoline dopamine agonist that interacts with post-synaptic D2 receptors in the
caudate nucleus and putamen: Apomorphine
14. Potentiates the synthesis, release, or reuptake of dopamine: Amantadine
15. Prolongs the action of levodopa by diminishing its peripheral metabolism: Entacapone
16. Non-ergot dopamine agonist which has a high affinity for the dopamine D3 receptor:
17. Neurofibrillary tangles: Alzheimer’s Disease
18. Potent dopamine receptor agonist injected SC that may provide rapid but temporary relief of
“off-periods” akinesia: Apomorphine
19. Symptoms of erythromelalgia would abate within a few days if patient will stop taking this
antiparkinsons drug: Bromocriptine
20. Selective inhibitor of monoamine oxidase type B: Selegiline
21. In parkinsonism, there is a reduced number of: Dopamine
22. Drug interaction of levodopa with MAO-A inhibitor: Hypertensive Crisis
23. Dopamine agonist, Ergot derivative: Bromocriptine
24. Irregular, unpredictable, involuntary muscle jerks that occur in diff. parts of the body and
impair voluntary activity: Chorea
25. Improve the tremor and rigidity of parkinsonism but have little effect on bradykinesia:
Acetylcholine blocking agents
26. Only this much of administered levodopa actually enters the brain unaltered: 1-3%
27. First line treatment of Tics: Pimozide
28. Reduces the amplitude of tremors: Propanolol
29. Used in the treatment of Tourette’s syndrome: Pimozide
30. Acetylcholine deficiency syndrome: Alzheimer’s Disease
31. Neuroleptic induced disorder that manifests as rhythmic vertical movements about the
mouth: Rabbit Syndrome
32. Lewy body: Parkinson’s Disease
33. Unpleasant creeping discomfort that seems to arise deep within the legs and occasionally
the arms can be treated by: Pramipexole
34. Can induce irreversible parkinsonism through destruction of dopaminergic neurons in the
nigriostriatal tract: MPTP
35. Increase acetylcholinesterase activity: Parkinsons Disease

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