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Teacher: Miss.

Hoisington Date: March 15-16, 2021

Class: Literacy
Time: 45 min (day 1), 30 min (day 2)

Phonics Bootcamp- Aa

Student Information:
Previous Knowledge:
Summary Overview:
 During this series of lessons, students will continue their Phonics Bootcamp by engaging
with the Aa sound over 2 days!
 For the first day of Aa, students will practice printing and brainstorming words that start
with the target sound.
 For day 2, students will apply their knowledge of the target sound to find images that
have that sound at the beginning.

Curriculum Objectives:
General Outcomes: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to…
 GLO 2- comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other
media texts
Specific Outcomes:
 2B- I can demonstrate pre-reading skills
 2C- I can play with the alphabet

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, a student will be able to…
1) Identify the target sound, Aa, in a variety of contexts
2) Print 6 upper- and lower-case letters

Whole Class

 No specific adaptations for this lesson; be sure to provide support where necessary while
students are working!
 Consider carrying your highlighter to help students form their letters if they struggle

 Document Camera
 Green Books
 Crayons & pencils

 Aa initial sound cards
 Aa search and find
 Aa Anchor Chart


Introduction- Aa, Day 1 Time

 Begin by having students sit at their dots- ask if anyone knows what the
letter is, and what sound it makes
o The letter Aa is a special letter, it is called a vowel, which means
it makes 2 sounds! A long sound (aaaaaapple) and a short sound
(Angel) 5 min
 Let students know that we are going to do some work with the sound
today, and tomorrow!
 Before moving into the bulk of the lesson, sing the alphabet song with
them (Ants on an Apple, a, a, a)
Body Time
Printing  Start by directing Students to the correct page to
work on and demonstrating how to print the
 Do two, then have 2 students come up and
demonstrate. Repeat for the lower-case. 10 min
 Their job is to print 6 upper-, and 6 lower-case
 Once they are done, they can read a story while
we all finish (leaving their tools at their desk)
Labelling &  Gather students back at their dots- next we will
Pictures brainstorm some Aa words and pictures, then
practice labelling the first sound (aim for 5)
 After that, have students shift their attention back
to the document camera for the initial sound
picture cards- tell them what we will do with
them, and how to do it! Go over each picture-
show where to glue
 Students will also be asked to draw their own Aa
25 min
picture and label it- demonstrate where to draw
the picture and show the label
 Have Students choose their cards and return to
their desks
 They will need to put their hand up before
putting their things away. They can do puzzles,
play dough or stories once they finish.
 Be sure to add a new sticker for the next day once
they finish.
Conclusion Time

 Thank students for all of their hard work, let them know that
5 min
tomorrow we will be doing some more practice with the Aa sound!

Introduction- Aa, Day 2 Time

 Have students sitting at their dots- begin by reviewing the letter and the
8 min
 Remind students of the pictures on our chart and see if anyone has
another picture/word we can add before we do our job!
Body Time
Sound ID  Have students redirect their attention to the
document camera- we are going to do a search
and find for Aa sound pictures!
 Go over each of the pictures with the students-
asking for a silent thumb up if it has the target
 Once we go over all of the pictures, have 2
students come up and circle a picture- ask them
why? What sound does it start with? Etc.
 They may colour, but they do not have to! Colour
20 min
ONLY the pictures you circle
 Have students collect their books and papers,
then go to their desks to work!
 While students are working be sure to note if
anyone struggles or does not circle the correct
pictures- ask them what they called it if it is not
an Aa picture.
 Once they finish, they can do puzzles or stories-
be sure to add a new sticker for the next day as
they finish.
Conclusion Time
 Thank students for all of the hard work!
 Next, we will start the letter Tt- ask if anyone knows what sound that 3 min
letter makes!

 I will formatively assess the Day 1 for following directions and then day 2 will be
assessed for the application of the target sound based on completion and accuracy.

Teacher Notes:
 If you cannot get the document camera to work, you can use the chart paper for Students
to practice printing and see their jobs
 Have everything copied and ready to go- this will cut down on prep time!!
 Add stickers to the pages so they know where to look!

Reflection: How did the lesson go? Is there anything you would do differently next time? What
worked well/ not so well?

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