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Serving Edgewood

Week of April 25 Happy Birthday to:

Sound ......................... Walter Nesbitt Eric Happell 24
Ursula Crowell 25
Sling ....................................Allen Posey Pete Sanders-Nesbitt 26
Tiffany Ingram 29
Screen .................................... Kris Jain
Greeting Cards ........ Virginia Gilmore
Ushers/Greeters; .. Marge Welker &
....................................... Karen Rodgers
Sanctuary .......................... Sarah Pope
Security ......................... Lucile DuToit

Please be in prayer…
Lord, help us to put on a heart of
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness,
and patience; bearing with one another,
and forgiving each other. Help us to be
peacemakers within our communities.
(Colossians 3:12-13, Matthew 5:9 NASB)
Worthy Please Remember in Prayer
Shut-ins Health Grieving
Mildred Hunter Ted Ford The Gilmore Family
Katherine Roark Claudia Wells The Summers Family
Nell Swenson Sue Holt The Holt Family
Lee Hartline Karen Hotard The Spear Family
 The service will continue to be available online.
 Don’t forget Wednesday evenings bible study zoom meeting at 7:30 pm. Here is the link
 Edgewood's handbell choir is meeting on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM to practice
handbells. this a wonderful experience to gather and play music which glorifies God. If you
would like to play with us, please contact Susan Gilbert and we will assign you a bell to play.

 Kris Jain will be facilitating a bi-monthly Zoom Grief Support Small Group for
anyone interested in participating. We will be using the book, Grief Day By
Day. The information is below if you would like to go ahead and order your
book. The Zoom meetings will be on Saturday mornings at 10 am, beginning on
May 8th. If you plan to participate, please email Kris Jain
at or Call 706-718-6603.

 As Covid restrictions begin to ease, activity at the Abbey has begun. We have started to
provide food to CSU students targeting those residing and attending classes in the downtown
area. Several Saturday food banks have been held at the Abbey location with fresh grocery
items and frozen individual casseroles. The events have been very successful with over 30
students attending. A few of us at Edgewood did a "test run" and prepared about 18 individual
frozen meals. These meals were from our "recycled" recipes we had prepared for the Abbey
Tuesday lunches. We are hoping to continue this but need to gauge our support. Please let us
know if you would be willing to prepare a single casserole. Each casserole yields approximately
six individual servings. Containers will be provided to you along with prepared labels. We are
including a short note of encouragement with each. Please respond to Karen Wetherell or Tiffany Ingram if you are willing and able.

Coming Events at EPC

Mark your calendars now…
April 25 – George’s last Sunday to preach Sunday Worship Service.
May 2 – Farewell Reception for George and Jeanne Haugen – 12:00 in Fellowship Hall.
May 6 — National Day of Prayer
Prayer Calendar—April 2021

1. 2. 3.
Megan Thompson Tiffany, Autumn, Dave,
Stephanie, & Betha
Stephanie Tidwell Isaiah

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
er Bob & Claudia Bob & Karen Walter & Shirley Sheryl & Allen Lisa & Gus Lenny
Wells Wetherell Williams Wright Youmans

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

s Liz Allison Patricia Banks Barry Barrentine Stephanie J.C. Bray Brend

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

sh Pat Collins Tom Collins Barry, Ginger, & Ursula Crowell Amy Dinsmore Lucile
Mariel Cosby

26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

on Jean Fleisch Ted Ford Lloyd & Cynthia Ron & Susan
Brian, Gina,
Frey Gilbert
Dhavid, Brianna,
& Abigail Evans

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