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J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800

DOI 10.1007/s11368-015-1306-0


Phytotoxicity of natural soils using physiological and biochemical

endpoints reveals confounding factors: can a weight of evidence
tackle uncertainty?
Sara C. Antunes 1,2 & Bruno B. Castro 2,3 & Maria Celeste Dias 4 & José Moutinho-Pereira 5 &
Carlos M. Correia 5 & Maria T. Claro 3 & Ana Gavina 1,6 & Conceição Santos 1,7 &
Fernando Gonçalves 2,3 & Glória Pinto 2,3

Received: 13 April 2015 / Accepted: 16 November 2015 / Published online: 21 November 2015
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Purpose Standard assays for phytotoxicity provide a reduc- (OECD) soil, standard LUFA 2.2 soil, and turf-perlite) against
tionist view on the performance of plants under toxic stress. three natural soils representing a gradient of contamination
To address two of the most prominent issues in plant toxicity (from a deactivated uranium mine). Standard endpoints (emer-
studies, our aims were (1) to assess how well physiological gence and biomass) were estimated, along with pigment con-
and biochemical parameters complement standard toxicolog- tent, photosynthetic parameters, cellular injury, and proline
ical endpoints when testing natural soils and (2) to assess the content.
suitability of three commonly used control soils as compara- Results and discussion The toxicological profile of natural
tive references. soils was highly dependent on the control soil used as refer-
Material and methods We compared the performance of Zea ence; also, plant physiological performance was influenced by
mays and Helianthus annuus in three control soils (artificial the soils’ properties. We discuss the need to interpret and
combine multiple lines of evidence as a way to increase the
degree of confidence one classifies soils based on their
Responsible editor: Caixian Tang
ecotoxicity, and this is where the integration of physiological
and biochemical parameters bring added value.
* Sara C. Antunes
Conclusions When facing large variability in soil characteris-;
tics, it is best to collect and integrate as much information
possible to strengthen conclusions about phytotoxicity of nat-
Departamento de Biologia da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade ural soils. Obviously, this refutes reductionist views and
do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre s/n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
places the final conclusion in the hands of expert judgment.
Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (CESAM), Universidade
de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago,
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal Keywords Natural and standard soils . Physiological
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus performance . Plant bioassays . Standard protocols
Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Centro de Ecologia Funcional (CEF), Departamento de Ciências da
Vida, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de
Coimbra, Calçada Martim de Freitas, 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal
1 Introduction
Centro de Investigação e de Tecnologias Agroambientais e
Biológicas (CITAB), Department Biologia e Ambiente,
Human activities, such as industry, agriculture, and mining
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 5000-801 Vila exploitation, can harm the environment in numerous ways,
Real, Portugal causing disturbances in ecosystems and consequent loss of
Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental biodiversity and sustainability (Ernst and Peterson 1994).
(CIIMAR), Rua dos Bragas n° 289, 4050-123 Porto, Portugal The soil compartment is crucial for land-based life, and
GreenUP, CITAB-UP, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do (Abrahams 2002; O’Halloran 2006) it is highly vulnerable to
Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 4769-007 Porto, Portugal contaminant accumulation. Some authors suggest that
786 J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800

concentrations of contaminants in soil are higher than in any pigments, sugar contents, and biochemical injury (Ali et al.
other environmental component (O’Halloran 2006). For ex- 2004; Yu et al. 2007; Monteiro et al. 2009; Gill and Tuteja
ample, the widespread accumulation of metals presents a risk 2010). Gavina et al. (2013) found that photosynthetic and cell
for primary and secondary consumers and, ultimately, humans injury parameters provided increased discriminatory power in
(Nedelkoska and Doran 2000). Although some metals are plant performance relatively to emergence and biomass esti-
essential or beneficial micronutrients for microorganisms, mates. Unlike for terrestrial and aquatic animals, where bio-
plants, and animals, high concentrations have strong toxic markers have been used extensively in the field, more research
effects over the biota, and metals may become an environmen- is necessary before plant biomarkers can be used in environ-
tal threat after a certain threshold (Nedelkoska and Doran mental surveys and regulation (Ernst and Peterson 1994;
2000; Munzuroglu and Geckil 2002). This has been studied Lagadic et al. 1994; Brain and Cedergreen 2009). Such markers
thoroughly in deactivated mining areas, due to the deposition are considered to be early warning signs, with biochemical
of mine tailing and sludge (Wong 2003; Antunes et al. 2011; injury occurring at lower levels of contamination than individ-
Pereira et al. 2014). ual endpoints (Peakall 1992; Sanchez-Hernandez 2011); see
In order to assess environmental impacts from metals and Brain and Cedergreen (2009) rationale for aquatic plants.
other pollutants, ecological risk assessment (ERA) is an in- Another important issue when assessing the phytotoxic po-
creasingly important part of the decision-making process for tential of soils is that noxious effects are inferred by compar-
managing contaminated soils, and its application to mine ex- ing plant performance of test or spiked soils relatively to a
ploitation zones has been largely documented (Weeks et al. reference or control soil(s). Therefore, the discriminatory
2004; Weeks and Comber 2005; Antunes et al. 2008a; Pereira power is dependent on the choice of control or reference
et al. 2008). Ecological risk assessment requires an integrated soil—Gavina et al. (2013) used Organisation for Economic
appraisal of distinct lines of evidence and information flows, Co-operation and Development (OECD) as the control soil
as suggested, for example, in the triad approach (Rutgers et al. plus an additional local reference. In this sense, ecotoxicolog-
2000). In this approach, an important role is played by bioas- ical assays lack full standardization of a proper control soil,
says, because chemical analyses alone are not adequate to although numerous attempts have been made to provide syn-
assess the potential ecological impact of contaminated soil thetic and natural alternatives for a multipurpose and adequate
(Breure and Peijnenburg 2003; Banks and Schultz 2005). substrate for both plants and edaphic invertebrates (e.g.,
Bioassays are experiments where organisms are exposed to Gawlik et al. 2003; Hofman et al. 2009; Caetano et al.
chemicals or environmental samples, and their response is 2012). Also, other studies have shown that soil properties
observed under standardized conditions (van Straalen 2002). add uncertainty to ecotoxicological assessments (Amorim
For example, plant toxicity assays (ISO 1995) are particularly et al. 2005; OECD 2006; Römbke et al. 2006; Hofman et al.
relevant when phytotoxic contaminants are present in soil, 2009; Chelinho et al. 2011), which is especially important in
such as metals, since plants are naturally exposed to these plants (see differences in TBT toxicity between natural and
stressors in their habitat (Munzuroglu and Geckil 2002). control soils in Römbke et al. 2006), as they physically depend
Standard protocols for plant toxicity assays have been suc- on the soil substrate. So, the biological interpretation of plant-
cessfully implemented, yet they still provide a somewhat reduc- soil interactions (both physical and chemical) strongly de-
tionist view: protocols require the determination of emergence pends on experimental design procedures and this is, in part,
and plant growth (biomass) in early stages of development the approach explored in this manuscript.
(OECD 1984; ISO 1995; OECD 2006). Emergence was found Bearing in mind this background information, the aim of
to be less sensitive or even insensitive to metal toxicity (e.g., this study was twofold: (1) to assess how well physiological
Cd) and is not considered by several authors (e.g., An et al. and biochemical parameters complement standard toxicolog-
2004; Wang and Zhou 2005) as a good endpoint to assess metal ical endpoints when testing natural soils and (2) to assess the
toxicity in soils. Classical parameters such as these do not give suitability of three commonly used control soils as compara-
a complete idea of the physiological performance of plants tive references in terms of plant performance. The first objec-
under toxic stress. Higher plants, being sessile organisms, have tive (use of physiological measures) is especially important to
developed tolerance against several stresses (Hirayma and provide additional information in ecotoxicological assess-
Shinozaky 2010), displaying an array of defenses to environ- ments. The second objective relates to the use of proper
mental challenges (e.g., proline, an amino acid which plays a control/reference soils, in order to reduce uncertainties in eco-
highly beneficial role in plants exposed to various stress condi- toxicological assessments. This is especially relevant in stud-
tions; Hayat et al. 2012). Various other physiological modifica- ies with natural soils, as these provide an additional challenge
tions and injuries have been documented with different degrees given the heterogeneity of the substrates’ properties. While
of impact in the photosynthetic process, as well as in plant physiological endpoints may help teasing out contaminant-
growth and metabolism. This includes stomatal and non- induced changes from natural variation, they may also be
stomatal limitations to photosynthesis, photosynthetic themselves subjected to confounding factors (Römbke et al.
J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800 787

2006). Our experiment aims at clarifying this, by using natural and may have different strategies to cope with soil contami-
soils that have been thoroughly characterized in terms of their nants. Moreover, standardized protocols usually select a min-
chemical composition and ecotoxicity. imum of two species, comprising at least one species from
each of the two groups mentioned (ISO 1995; OECD 2004).
Seeds were purchased in a local supplier and visually
2 Material and methods inspected before using; damaged seeds were discarded.

2.1 Natural and artificial soils 2.3 Experimental procedure

The natural soils used in this study were from a deactivated Simple test chambers were used in the experiments, consisting
uranium mine in the area of Cunha Baixa, Mangualde of polystyrene cups with 55 mm of diameter and 125 mm of
(Portugal). This was considered one of the mining areas of height, whose base was perforated to allow proper drainage.
major concern due to the in situ acid leaching of pore ore Cups were filled with 75 g of each standard or natural soil
performed in the past, which still contributes for the produc- (<2 mm fraction). Germination and growth assays were per-
tion of acid mine drainage. This mine was classified as deserv- formed following standard procedures described in ISO
ing priority intervention, after environmental impact studies 11269-2 guideline (ISO 1995). Fifteen replicates for each
revealed water and soil contamination due the dispersion and plant species×soil combination were used. Soil moisture
accumulation of chemical elements originating from the min- was adjusted to 80 % water-holding capacity (ISO 2005) with
ing area (Antunes et al. 2007; Antunes et al. 2008a; Pereira distilled water, prior to adding the seeds. Seeds of both species
et al. 2008; Marques et al. 2009; Pereira et al. 2009). The small (in separate) were individually added to each cup and gently
borough of Cunha Baixa is particularly close to the mine, and covered with ca. 1 cm of corresponding soil. To minimize
inhabitants use the local soil for subsistence farming and use potential differences among soils in terms of plant growth
subterranean water for agriculture, domestic, and animal due to the test soils’ nutrient content, half-strength (0.8 g l−1)
drinking purposes (Lourenço et al. 2013). Three natural soils Hoagland’s solution (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) was added
from the deactivated mining area were selected as test soils. every 2 days to provide adequate and equal nourishment. A
Two of these soils were characterized as being potentially half-strength solution was used as a precaution, because this
toxic (TA and TE) based on previous chemical and ecotoxico- nutritive mixture contains trace metals and chelating agents
logical screening (Antunes et al. 2008a, 2008b, 2011; Pereira that could alter soil contaminant bioavailability; we found this
et al. 2008; 2009). According to these studies, an addi- to be an acceptable trade-off to minimize potentially large
tional soil (TI) was selected displaying a lower level of differences in the mineral and organic profile of the test soils,
environmental risk. which could exacerbate differences among test soils in terms
Three standard soils were used as negative controls: artifi- of plant performance. Test chambers were checked daily for
cial OECD substrate (10:20:70 mixture of sphagnum peat seed germination and soil moisture and were maintained at
(turf), kaolinite clay, and quartz sand; OECD 2004); standard constant temperature (22±2 °C), photoperiod (16 hL:8 hD)
LUFA 2.2 (Agricultural Research Centre, Speyer, Germany), and light intensity (ca. 200 μmol m−2 s−1), in a climatic growth
a natural soil; and a mixture of turf-perlite (80:20). They will chamber (Model Microclima 1000, ASL-Snijders,
be referred to as CO, CL, and CT throughout the manuscript. The Netherlands). Assay duration depended on plant perfor-
Soils CO and CL are commonly used as reference or control mance in control soils (see 2.4 Seed emergence and plant
soils, as well as standard substrates for edaphic organism cul- biomass section).
turing (Antunes et al. 2008a, 2008b). Soil CT is an example
usually used in plant physiology studies and plant perfor- 2.4 Seed emergence and plant biomass
mance evaluation (e.g., Correia et al. 2014) by our re-
search team. A rapid soil characterization was conducted Seed emergence (%) and time-to-emergence (days) were
for the six soils, by measuring soil pH, conductivity, and quantified in each replicate test vessel; time-to-emergence
organic matter (OM), according to standard protocols was calculated solely with data from the test vessels where
(FAOUN 1984; SPAC 2000). seeds emerged. Total plant biomass (g) was determined
14 days after 50 % of the seeds in any of the control soils
2.2 Biological material emerged (following ISO 1995), by harvesting plants (root,
stem, and leaves) and determining dry weight (DW) after
The species used in this study were Zea mays L. (maize) and 16 h at 70 °C. Plant biomass was determined in six individual
Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower), both proposed as test spe- replicates, while six others were harvested for the quantifica-
cies by ISO (1995). These species belong to two different tion of several physiological parameters (see below).
classes (monocotyledon and dicotyledonous, respectively) Whenever emergence was insufficient (<80 %), the number
788 J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800

of replicates for biomass determinations was sacrificed (i.e., n 2.7 Cellular injury: lipid peroxidation and electrolyte
<6). For H. annuus in soil TA, no plants were available for leakage
biomass determination.
Lipid peroxidation was estimated by determining the
malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in the leaves according to
2.5 Pigment quantification (chlorophylls and carotenoids) Elkahoui et al. (2005). Leaf samples (0.5 g per replicate) were
homogenized in 5 ml of 0.1 % trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The
Pigments were extracted from leaf samples in cold acetone/ homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000g for 5 min at 4 °C. An
Tris 50 mM pH 7.8 buffer solution (80:20, v:v) and centri- aliquot of 0.3 ml of supernatant was mixed with 1.2 ml of
fuged at 28,000g during 5 min, according to Sims and 0.5 % thiobarbituric acid (TBA) prepared in 20 % TCA, and
Gamon (2002). The absorbance at 470, 537, 647, and incubated at 95 °C for 30 min. After stopping the reaction in
663 nm was determined with a Thermo Fisher Scientific spec- an ice bath for 5 min, samples were centrifuged at 10,000g for
trophotometer (Genesys 10-uv S). The contents of chlorophyll 10 min at 25 °C. The supernatant absorbance at 532 nm was
a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b), and carotenoids were calcu- then measured using a Thermo Fisher Scientific spectropho-
lated using the formulae of Sims and Gamon (2002). tometer (Genesys 10-uv S). After subtracting the non-specific
absorbance at 600 nm, MDA concentration was determined
using the extinction coefficient 0.155 μM−1 cm−1 (Elkahoui
2.6 Chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange et al. 2005), following the equation:
MDA equivalent ¼ ðA532 −A600 Þ=0:155
Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were determined in For electrolyte leakage assessment, leaf samples were
situ on the adaxial side in full expanded leaves, with a pulse- washed with deionized water to remove surface-adhered elec-
amplitude-modulated fluorimeter (FMS 2, Hansatech trolytes according to Lutts et al. (1996). One leaf from each
Instruments, Norfolk, England). Maximum quantum efficien- replicate was weighed, washed with Milli Q water, and then
cy of photosystem II (PSII) was calculated as F v / placed in falcon tubes filled with Milli Q water. The
Fm =(Fm−F0)/Fm by measuring the fluorescence signal from mass:volume ratio was the same in all tubes. The tubes were
a dark-adapted leaf when all reaction centers are open using a shaken mechanically for 12 h in an orbital shaker (100 rpm) at
low-intensity pulsed measuring light source (F0) and during a 23 °C, after which the electrical conductivity of the bathing
pulse saturating light (0.7 s pulse of 15,000 μmol photons solution (Lt) was determined. Samples were then autoclaved at
m−2s−1 of white light) when all reaction centers are closed 120 °C for 20 min, and a final conductivity reading (L0) was
(Fm). Leaves were dark adapted for 30 min using dark- obtained upon equilibration at room temperature. Electrolyte
adapting leaf clips for these measurements. Following Fv/Fm leakage was defined as Lt/L0 and expressed as percent.
estimation, after a 20-s exposure to actinic light
(1500 μmol m−2 s−1), light-adapted steady-state fluorescence
yield (Fs) was averaged over 2.5 s, followed by exposure to 2.8 Proline content
saturating light (15,000 μmol m−2s−1) for 0.7 s to establish F′
Proline was measured as described by Bates et al. (1973).
m. The sample was then shaded for 5 s with a far-red light
source to determine F′0. From these measurements, the effi- Frozen leaf samples (0.1 g) were homogenized in 1.5 ml of
ciency of electron transport as a measure of the quantum ef- 3 % sulphosalicylic acid and centrifuged (4000g). Then, 2 ml
fective efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII =ΔF/F′m =(F′m−Fs)/F′m) was of glacial acetic acid and 2 ml of ninhydrin acid were added to
calculated, according to van Kooten and Snel (1990). 100 μl of the extract and incubated for 1 h at 100 °C. After
In situ leaf gas exchange measurements (net CO2 assimila- cooling in ice, 1 ml of toluene was added. The chromophore
tion rate, A; transpiration rate, E; and the ratio between inter- phase containing toluene was measured at 520 nm. The
cellular and ambient CO2 concentration, Ci/Ca) were per- amount of proline was determined from a standard curve
formed using a portable infrared gas analyzer (LCpro+, (R2 =0.99).
ADC, Hoddesdon, UK), operating in open mode under growth
chamber conditions. The stomatal conductance (gs) was auto- 2.9 Statistical analysis
matically calculated according to von Caemmerer and
Farquhar (1981). Measurements were always performed in One-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) were used to deter-
the youngest fully developed leaf, between 10:00 and 12:00 mine significant differences between natural and standard
a.m. (6–8 h after the beginning of the light period), at growth soils, for plant biomass and physiological and biochemical
temperature (24± 2 °C) conditions and atmospheric CO2 endpoints. The normal procedure in ecotoxicological assess-
concentration. ments is to compare putatively contaminated soils with a
J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800 789

standard control or reference soil (OECD 1984, 2004). To 67 % emergence, which is below the recommended 80 %
assess whether different control soils provide different out- emergence for control soils—see Section 2). In the test soils,
comes using the latter approach, we conducted separate Z. mays seeds performed equally well—or even better (soil
ANOVAs for comparing the three natural soils with each TI)—when compared to controls (100 % emergence after 3–
one of the standard soils (i.e., three ANOVAs per endpoint× 4 days). This was not the case of H. annuus, which was more
plant species=78 separate ANOVAs). These are clearly a se- sensitive than Z. mays (Table 2). Emergence of H. annuus was
ries of tests of multiple related hypotheses, which suffer from suboptimal in all test soils, and it was particularly low in soil
loss of control of the significance level and loss of power TA. Also, its seeds took longer to germinate in this soil (up to
(Benjamini and Hochberg 1995; Quinn and Keough 2002). 1–2 more days than in control soils); in soils TE and TI, time to
Because Bonferroni-type adjustments are very conservative emergence was similar to control soils.
and inappropriate for such a large number of multiple com- Plant growth was very different among the control soils,
parisons (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995; Pike 2011), we with very high biomass accumulation of both species recorded
corrected for multiplicity by adjusting p values with the con- in soil T, relatively to soil CO and CL. Consequently, the ability
servative one-stage procedure based on the control of false to discriminate differences between control and test soils was
discovery rate (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995), using the highly dependent on the choice of control soil (Fig. 1 and
spreadsheet provided by Pike (2011). In the cases where the Table 3). When soil CT was used as the control benchmark,
ANOVA was significant, we tested differences between the plants from both species underperformed in all test soils.
control soil and natural soils with a Dunnett test (Quinn and When soil CO was used as the control benchmark, Z. mays
Keough 2002). biomass was significantly lower in soil TA; unfortunately, no
Non-parametric correlation analysis (Spearman rs, Quinn comparison is available for H. annuus in soil TA, because of
and Keough 2002) was used to explore relationships between insufficient number of individuals for assessing biomass.
mean values of physical and chemical soil characteristics and When soil CL was used as the control benchmark, no signif-
mean values of measured endpoints in plants (a total of six icant differences in plant performance were observed.
data points). The use of this nonparametric method allowed a
conservative approach, thus avoiding the caveats of the large 3.2 Photosynthetic pigment contents
variability and non-normality of the data. All statistical anal-
yses used a 0.05 significance level. Statistical software The response profile of the plants to the test and control soils
Minitab (v16) and SPSS (v17) were used. was similar within the same species, but completely different
between Z. mays and H. annuus (Fig. 2 and Table 3). In the
former species, plants grown on soil TA had higher levels of
3 Results chlorophylls and carotenoids, which were in line with the
level of pigments on control soils CO and CL. Plants grown
3.1 Soil characteristics and standard endpoints of plant on soils TE and TI had lower levels of pigments, but these were
performance in line with the observed pigment content of control soil CT.
For H. annuus, plants on soil TI achieved the highest chloro-
The standard soils differed greatly, namely in their organic phyll and carotenoid contents, which were significantly higher
matter and mineral content (indirectly measured as than those of the plants grown on the control soils CT and CO.
conductivity, see Table 1). Soil CT was, by far, the richest Plants grown on soils TA and TE had a pigment content similar
substrate for plants because of its high content in turf to control soils CT and CO, but significantly lower than soil
(80 %). On the other hand, soil CL—the only non-artificial CL. This lack of consistency between species and the highly
control soil—had the lowest organic matter content among the variable response of control soils suggest that other factors
standard soils. The test soils from the mining area were very may be involved, some of which may be species specific
heterogeneous, ranging from very low (TA) to moderate levels and related with morphological, physiological, and biochem-
(TI) of organic matter content. These natural soils were also ical features of the two groups of plants included in this study
more acidic than the control soils (Table 1). High metal con- (H. annuus: C3 photosynthetic pathway and Z. mays: C4 pho-
centrations were found in all test soils, and the most important tosynthetic pathway).
are shown in Table 1.
Seeds from both species had variable performance in the 3.3 Chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange
tested soils (Table 2). In control soils, H. annuus and Z. mays
plantlets emerged in average after 5–6 days or 3–4 days, re- No significant differences (Table 3) were observed in the Fv/
spectively. Soil CO promoted 100 % seed germination in both Fm of plants grown in the test soils, independently of the
species, while the lowest performance among control soils control soil used, for both species (data not shown). The other
was achieved in soil CL, particularly for H. annuus (only photosynthetic related endpoints (quantum effective
790 J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800

Table 1 Mean (± standard error) physical and chemical parameters of control (CT, CL, and CO) and test soils (TA, TE, and TI; from a deactivated mining

pH (H2O) Conductivity (μS/cm) Organic matter (%) Pseudo-total metal (mg/Kg soil)

CT 6.42±0.04 1080±80.8 54.2±0.80

CL 5.97±0.13 333±32.4 2.88±0.12
CO 6.77±0.08 97.7±4.54 7.43±0.99
TAa 5.28±0.04 9.63±0.12 0.66±0.57 U=13.4; Al=545; Fe=617
TEa 5.84±0.11 61.4±2.19 6.32±0.15 U=524; Al=9007; Fe=4747
TIa 4.81±0.04 20.7±0.66 11.5±0.16 U=16.4; Al=3963; Fe=2650
From Pereira et al. (2008)

efficiency of PSII, ΦPSII, and gas exchange) were elevated in not with CL. Similarly to Z. mays, the lowest values of Ci/Ca
control soil CT, except for Ci/Ca ratio (see below). This was ratio were found in soil I, which were significantly lower to
particularly noticeable in Z. mays, where in most cases, the control soils CO and CT.
performance of plants in the test soils (TA, TE, TI) was consis-
tently lower than control soil CT (Table 3, Fig. 3). Still, of all 3.4 Lipid peroxidation, cell membrane damage,
the tested soils, performance was less suboptimal in soil CI, and proline content
namely in transpiration and net CO2 assimilation rate (espe-
cially the latter). Using CL as the benchmark, results also point For Z. mays, some consistent patterns were observed (Table 3,
to a lower performance in soils TA and TE, relatively to TI—no Fig. 4). All test soils had electrolyte leakage levels similar to
significant differences between CL and TI for transpiration control soils CO and CL, but lower than control soil CT. Soil TI
rate, net CO2 assimilation rate, and stomatal conductance pa- had significantly higher lipid peroxidation relatively to all
rameters. Plant photosynthetic performance in soil CO was controls; similarly, soil TE had significantly higher proline
comparable to that of test soils (almost no significant differ- content. This response profile for H. annuus was not as
ences were found between soil CO and soils TA, TE, and TI), straightforward, particularly because of the very high levels
with the exception of ΦPSII, where test soils had significantly of lipid peroxidation and proline in the control soil CL, which
higher values. The Ci/Ca ratio had an opposite response pat- were significantly higher to all of the test soils. Soils TA and
tern, being significantly higher in soils TA (compared to soil TE had significantly higher lipid peroxidation levels than con-
CL and CT) and TE (compared to CT). trol soils CT and CO, while soils TA and TI had significantly
Regarding H. annuus, its response pattern is less consistent higher proline content than control soil CT.
(Table 3, Fig. 3). Overall, there are significantly lower values
of ΦPSII and net CO2 assimilation rate in all test soils, com- 3.5 Associations between plant physiological performance
pared to any control (except for ΦPSII in soil CO). On the and soil features
contrary, no differences were found among soils for transpira-
tion rate. Soil TE had extremely high levels of stomatal con- Plant biomass (at the end of the experiments) was not corre-
ductance, which were in line with control soils CO and CT, but lated with any physiological or biochemical parameters in
Z. mays and H. annuus (Spearman correlation, p>0.05). On
the contrary, significant associations were found between
Table 2 Emergence and mean (±standard error) time-to-emergence of
H. annuus and Z. mays in control (CT, CL, and CO) and test soils (TA, TE,
emergence and net CO2 assimilation rate (rs =0.89, p=0.018)
and TI; from a deactivated mining area) and MDA content (rs =−0.83, p=0.042), for H. annuus, but
none for Z. mays.
Emergence (%) Time-to-emergence (days) Significant correlations were found between soil prop-
H.annuus Z.mays H. annuus Z. mays erties (pH organic matter content and soil conductivity)
and plant physiological status. In H. annuus, plant bio-
CT 86.7 100 5.2±0.4 3.0±0.0 mass was positively correlated with organic matter con-
CL 66.7 93.3 5.5±1.2 3.1±0.5 tent (rs = 0.90, p= 0.037). Also, electrolyte leakage and
CO 100.0 100 5.9±1.0 4.1±1.8 net CO2 assimilation rate were significantly correlated
TA 46.7 100 7.1±3.8 3.9±1.1 with soil conductivity (rs =−0.83, p=0.042; rs =0.89, p=
TE 60.0 100 5.0±0.5 3.3±0.9 0.019), while pigments were negatively associated with
TI 73.3 100 5.0±1.3 2.9±0.3 soil pH (rs =−0.83, p=0.042). In Z. mays, biomass was
also strongly associated with soil conductivity (rs =0.82,
J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800 791

Z. mays Total Biomass H. annuus
1.0 * *

g.DW -1
0.6 * * *
0.4 CO CO
0.2 CL
Soils Soils
Fig. 1 Total biomass of Z. mays and H. annuus exposed to natural soils differences (Dunnett test) between natural soils and the corresponding
from a deactivated mining area (TA,TE, TI). For comparative purposes, standard soil, when placed next to respective reference line; multiple
reference lines (dashed) represent average biomass in standard soils (CT, asterisks for the same natural soil mean that it is significantly different
CO, CL). Bars represent mean ± SD. Asterisks stand for significant than more than one standard soil

p=0.046) and organic matter content (rs =0.82, p=0.046). objectives initially proposed and our specific case study
Net CO2 assimilation rate (rs =0.83, p=0.042), leaf Ci/Ca (soils from deactivated mining area).
(rs = −0.83, p = 0.042), and MDA (rs = −0.89, p = 0.019) Plant performance varied between test species: H. annuus
were correlated with soil conductivity. was apparently more sensitive than Z. mays to soil characteris-
tics, displaying suboptimal emergence in all test soils (<75 %)
and also in control soil CL. This was also reflected in differ-
ences in the physiological and biochemical profiles of both
4 Discussion species. Overall, literature suggests that dicotyledonous (such
as H. annuus) are more sensitive to stress than monocotyledon-
One of the purposes of this study was to assess how ous (Gong et al. 1999; Shao et al. 2013), but this maybe a
physiological and biochemical parameters of plant premature generalization (Sunahara et al. 2000). Piršelová
performance complement standard toxicological et al. (2011) reported that soybean (dicotyledonous) was more
endpoints when testing natural soils. Gavina et al. tolerant to metals and showed more pronounced defense re-
(2013) found that photosynthetic and cell injury parame- sponses than maize. Once again, the differences between stud-
ters provided increased discriminatory power in plant ies are highly influenced by experimental procedures, the type
physiological performance relatively to emergence and of metal, and the doses tested. Still, interspecific differences are
biomass estimates. However, this discriminatory power natural, hence the need for using more than one species.
is dependent on the control or reference soil used
(Gavina et al. 2013 used OECD as the control soil and
a local reference). In the present study, we showed that 4.1 Plant physiology meets ecotoxicology
the toxicological profile of natural soils from a
deactivated mining area was highly dependent on the As expected, plant performance was variable among soils
control/reference soil used (part of the second objective and this variation strongly depended on the measured
of this study). Also, plant physiological performance in endpoint. If only standard endpoints are considered,
control soils was very variable, and some confounding two soils stand out: soil CT, which promoted high yield
factors have arisen. Here, differences in nutrient levels in terms of biomass of both species, and soil TA, which
among soils were minimized by adding a nutritive solu- led to slight underperformance of Z. mays (in terms of
tion; still, other variables (e.g., pH, texture, organic mat- biomass) and severe underperformance of H. annuus (in
ter) seem to play an important role, especially in a later terms of emergence). The superior performance of plants
stage of development (post-plantlet). During this study, in soil CT is a likely consequence of its distinctly higher
we were challenged by the influence that soil properties organic matter (OM) content. On the contrary, soil TA
exert in plant physiological status and growth. In fact, had the lowest amount of OM. Together, these two facts
soil combines various properties that interact with each may partially explain the correlations observed between
other, directly or indirectly influencing the overall plant plant biomass and OM (and also conductivity). However,
status in a positive or negative manner. Dealing with the lower performance of H. annuus (see emergence,
such uncertainty is a challenge in phytotoxicity studies, Table 2) in soil TA cannot be explained solely by its
and we address this below taking into account the two low organic content, and results suggest this soil is

Table 3 Summary of one-way ANOVA of biomass and physiological/biochemical endpoints measured in Z. mays and H. annuus exposed to natural (TA, TE, and TI) and standard (CT, CL, and CO) soils

TA, TE, TI vs. CT TA, TE, TI vs. CO TA, TE, TI vs. CL

F MS df adj-p F MS df adj-p F MS df adj-p

Zea mays Chl a+b 6.532 0.344 3, 11 <0.001 12.230 0.867 3, 12 0.001 10.212 0.706 3, 11 0.003
Carotenoids 5.107 0.034 3, 12 0.024 5.230 0.034 3, 13 0.021 3.302 0.032 3, 12 0.076
Fv/Fm 0.868 1.9E−4 3, 19 0.507 0.912 1.9E−4 3, 19 0.492 0.797 1.7E−4 3, 19 0.538
ΦPSII 22.76 0.008 3, 15 <0.001 4.859 1.7E−3 3, 15 0.022 3.771 1.2E−3 3, 15 0.047
E (transpiration rate) 10.40 0.169 3, 14 0.002 2.689 0.050 3, 14 0.112 11.72 0.151 3, 14 0.001
A (net CO2 assimilation rate) 14.36 19.12 3, 16 <0.001 10.75 5.455 3, 16 0.001 12.79 8.508 3, 16 <0.001
gs (stomatal conductance) 34.41 1008 3, 13 <0.001 3.437 166.5 3, 14 0.062 14.15 468.0 3, 14 <0.001
Ci/Ca 9.013 0.091 3, 15 0.002 3.781 0.027 3, 15 0.047 6.372 0.046 3, 15 0.010
Lipid peroxidation 26.23 30.55 3, 9 <0.001 24.23 23.37 3, 10 <0.001 26.68 32.38 3, 11 <0.001
Electrolyte leakage 17.68 62.47 3, 13 <0.001 0.099 0.319 3, 12 0.959 0.742 2.385 3, 12 0.569
Proline 25.84 0.010 3, 8 <0.001 17.09 0.009 3, 8 0.002 17.75 0.008 3, 8 0.002
Biomass 11.45 0.179 3, 19 <0.001 3.553 0.016 3, 19 0.047 1.802 0.008 3, 19 0.224
Helianthus annuus Chl a+b 5.065 0.204 3, 13 0.023 12.04 0.346 3, 14 0.001 6.547 0.220 3, 14 0.010
Carotenoids 5.266 0.034 3, 14 0.020 11.68 0.046 3, 14 0.001 6.231 0.029 3, 13 0.013
Fv/Fm 1.235 1.0E−4 3, 17 0.365 1.142 8.9E−5 3, 17 0.396 1.391 1.4E−4 3, 17 0.326
ΦPSII 32.33 0.026 3, 14 <0.001 9.393 5.3E−3 3, 14 0.002 29.49 0.017 3, 15 <0.001
E (transpiration rate) 1.598 0.434 3, 17 0.272 0.482 0.110 3, 16 0.718 0.225 0.063 3, 17 0.889
A (net CO2 assimilation rate) 36.38 27.81 3, 17 <0.001 10.28 8.618 3, 17 0.001 4.864 3.204 3, 17 0.020
gS (stomatal conductance) 161.2 5.5E4 3, 10 <0.001 207.7 6.3E4 3.12 <0.001 19.49 4.1E4 3, 12 <0.001
Ci/Ca 10.90 0.085 3, 12 0.002 15.66 0.103 3, 14 <0.001 6.717 0.078 3, 14 0.009
Lipid peroxidation 23.01 7.317 3, 16 <0.001 24.82 7.398 3, 16 <0.001 24.26 13.46 3, 14 <0.001
Electrolyte leakage 1.317 21.13 3, 14 0.348 2.567 14.82 3, 14 0.123 2.469 20.97 3, 14 0.132
Proline 5.515 0.006 3, 12 0.020 1.441 2.2E−3 3, 12 0.326 7.741 0.014 3, 10 0.010
Biomass 19.27 0.716 2, 8 0.002 1.394 0.031 2, 8 0.347 2.178 0.033 2, 7 0.224

For each endpoint, three ANOVAs were conducted, so that natural soils were separately compared to each standard control soil. For each ANOVA, we present F statistic (F), mean squares (MS), degrees of
freedom (df), and probability level—adjusted for multiple comparisons (adj-p), by controlling false discovery rate (Pike 2011)
J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800
J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800 793

Fig. 2 Pigment content (Chl a+b Z. mays Chlorophyll a+b H. annuus

and carotenoids) of Z. mays and CO
H. annuus exposed to natural ** ** CL CL
soils from a deactivated mining 1.5
* *

mol.gFW -1
area (TA,TE, TI). For comparative CT
purposes, reference lines (dashed) CT *
represent average pigment 1.0 * CO
content in standard soils (CT, CO,
CL). Bars represent mean±SD. 0.5
Asterisks stand for significant
differences (Dunnett test)
between natural soils and the 0.0
corresponding standard soil, Z. mays Carotenoids H. annuus
when placed next to respective
reference line; multiple asterisks
for the same natural soil mean that 0.6
* *

mol.gFW -1
it is significantly different than
more than one standard soil CL CT
* *


Soils Soils

potentially hazardous. Concern about this soil had al- observed differences in pigments content among soils, not
ready been reported in several studies in terms of soil necessarily suggesting phytotoxicity. Indeed, other works
metal concentrations (U, Al, Fe, Mn; Pereira et al. from our team have shown that pigments, for example, can
2008), toxicological screening with animals (Antunes respond to natural stressors (Santos 2004; Correia et al. 2014).
et al. 2008a; 2008b), and community structure and func- Therefore, pigments do not seem to be a good marker for
tion (Antunes et al. 2011, 2013). assessing the toxicity of natural soils.
In order to get a finer resolution in terms of plant performance Photosynthetic related indicators were also variable, but
in the tested soils, additional measures complemented the stan- some patterns emerge. In general, plants performed better in
dard endpoints. Plant physiological and biochemical parameters control soils than in test soils. Diminished net CO2 assimila-
such as photosynthetic pigments, gas exchange parameters, tion rate and augmented Ci/Ca ratio were observed in soil TA
chlorophyll fluorescence, cell injury, lipid peroxidation, and pro- and, partially, TE. While the lower performance of plants in TA
line are commonly be used to determine plant response to stress confirms the information provided by standard endpoints (see
conditions (Piršelová et al. 2011; Correia et al. 2014; Nunes above), some uncertainty is associated to soil TE, as revealed
et al. 2014). This was the underlying reason for the choice of by the unexplainable profiles in terms of stomatal conductance
the specific parameters used in this study, which were expected and Ci/Ca in H. annuus and by the low values in transpiration
to confirm the information provided by standard endpoints, thus and net CO2 assimilation rate in Z. mays. Previous chemical
validating it, while allowing the detection of stress responses or and ecotoxicological studies did not observe evidences of po-
specific pathways that could be affected. Few correlations be- tential toxicity in this particular site (see Pereira et al. 2008;
tween physiological/biochemical parameters and standard end- Antunes et al. 2008a; 2011; 2013), nor did biomass and
points were observed, suggesting that these responses are not emergence.
necessarily coupled with plant biomass or seed emergence. Cell injury parameters revealed large variations, show-
Therefore, a more detailed analysis is in order. ing that natural variability can drastically affect these
Photosynthetic pigments content was highly variable parameters. In Z. mays, soil TI caused high levels of lipid
among soils and species. Plants grown in soil T I (for peroxidation, contrarily to the pattern found in
H. annuus) and TA (for Z. mays) had the highest chlorophyll H. annuus. Proline levels were significantly higher in
and carotenoid content. The profile of both species was soil TE for Z. mays but not for H. annuus. As for pig-
completely opposite, both in terms of the test soils and the ment data, contrasting results do not aid in our ability to
relative position of the control soils. These species-specific detect putative phytotoxicity of test soils. Again, control
and contradictory results suggest that factors associated to soil soils behaved sometimes very differently; plants from
features (e.g., pH, soil nutrients) may play a role in the soil CL showed high levels of lipid peroxidation and
794 J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800

Fig. 3 Chlorophyll a Z. mays  PSII - Quantum yield of photosystemII H. annuus

fluorescence and gas exchange 0.5

parameters of Z. mays and CT

H. annuus exposed to natural 0.4 * * * CL
soils from a deactivated mining * * *
area (TA,TE, TI). For comparative 0.3 CO
CT *
purposes, reference lines (dashed) * * *
represent average of the 0.2
corresponding parameter in *
standard soils (CT, CO, CL). Bars * * * CO
represent mean±SD. Asterisks
stand for significant differences 0.0
(Dunnett test) between natural Z. mays E - transpiration rate H. annuus
soils and the corresponding
standard soil, when placed next to CO
respective reference line; multiple 3

asterisks for the same natural soil
mean that it is significantly
different than more than one
standard soil
** ** CL
Z. mays A - net CO2 assimilation rate H. annuus
* * * CT
10 CO
* * *
* * *
-2 -1

mol.m s

6 * * *
4 * *
* CO

Z. mays gS - stomatal condutance H. annuus

300 CO
* *
* * *

** ** * CL


Z. mays Ci/Ca - internal [CO2]/environment[CO2] H. annuus


0.8 *
0.6 * CL

* * CT


Soils Soils
J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800 795

proline in H. annuus, which suggests a stress response. overperformed in terms of biomass, quantum yield, and pho-
Unlike the other physiological parameters, cell injury da- tosynthetic assimilation rate. This is not surprising, as organic
ta did not clearly discriminate soil TA as a potential most matter is rapidly mineralized in the soil matrix, transferring
noxious test soil, with the exception of H. annuus data nutrients to the plant and thus promoting growth (Seiter and
on lipid peroxidation. Horwat 2004). However, this soil also promoted high electro-
lyte leakage in Z. mays, which is an unexpected sign of dis-
4.2 Standard control soils as benchmarks of plant tress. Of course, the overall excellent performance of plants in
performance CT increases the chances of overestimating toxicity, when it is
used as a comparative reference (i.e., control). This was prob-
Regardless of the use of standard (biomass, emergence) or ably the case for biomass, quantum yield, and net assimilation
physiological endpoints, much of the conclusions regarding rate (see Figs. 1 and 3).
phytotoxicity depended greatly on the comparative reference On the opposite end, soil CL caused plant underperfor-
used, i.e., the control soil(s)—see Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Because mance; indeed, this was the only control soil not to fulfill the
of high variability among control soils, our results can be validation criterion (<80 % emergence for H. annuus). Plants
interpreted either as augmented or diminished plant perfor- grown in this soil displayed lower biomass (for both species),
mance, depending on the control soil used (Table 4). This net assimilation rate, and stomatal conductance (for H. annuus
produces considerable uncertainty, whether one considers only) than the other controls, and they even underperformed
standard or physiological responses. Large differences among plants in some of the test soils (see e.g., biomass results,
plant performance in control soils were probably attributable Fig. 1). Moreover, soil CL caused elevated lipid peroxidation
to soil features. This was the case of soil CT, which has very and proline content, suggesting some degree of cell injury.
high organic matter content, and where plants consistently Being a natural soil, unlike CT and CO (artificial or formulated

Fig. 4 Cellular injury parameters Z. mays Electrolyte leakage H. annuus

(electrolyte leakage, MDA 30
concentration and proline
25 CO
content) in leaves of Z. mays and
H. annuus exposed to natural
mg.gFW -1

20 CT, CL
soils from a deactivated mining
area (TA, TE, TI). For comparative 15 CT
purposes, reference lines (dashed)
* * *
represent average of the CL
corresponding parameter in 5
standard soils (CT, CO, CL). Bars CO
represent mean±SD. Asterisks 0
stand for significant differences Z. mays Lipid Peroxidation H. annuus
M MDA equivalent.gFW -1

(Dunnett test) between natural

soils and the corresponding
standard soil, when placed next to 12
respective reference line; multiple 10
asterisks for the same natural soil
mean that it is significantly
8 * CL CL

different than more than one 6

* * * *
* CT
standard soil 4
2 * * CO
0 * *
Z. mays Proline H. annuus
* * *
mol.gFW -1


0.10 CL
* CT
* CT
0.05 * *
* CO
Soils Soils
796 J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800

Table 4 Summary table of significant effects observed in each parameter, using three different control soils as a comparative reference (see
Section 4.2)

Symbols and stand for a corresponding significant decrease or increase of the parameter relatively to each control soil. Underlined symbols ( or
) represent changes in parameters that are considered deleterious
ND no data
A deleterious effect was considered to occur when a decrease in gS was accompanied by an increase in Ci/Ca, suggesting underperformance in terms of
CO2 metabolism

soils), one cannot exclude the presence of natural contami- control, as CT seems to be Btoo good.^ Note that the use of a
nants, despite its widespread use in soil toxicity studies single control or reference soil would have provided
(Hund-Rinke et al. 2003; Römbke et al. 2006; Antunes et al. completely opposite results: if only soil CT or CL had been
2008a; Frankenbach et al. 2014; Gomes et al. 2014; used, all test soils could be considered potentially hazardous
Scheffczyk et al. 2014) and the claims of its adequateness as or environmentally safe, respectively, when considering stan-
a reference benchmark (Kalsch et al. 2006). Indeed, a few dard endpoints.
metals have been quantified in samples of this soil, and there Plant performance in soil CO was intermediate between
is evidence they are bioavailable (Antunes et al. 2008b), al- soils CT and CL. The only apparent negative finding in this
though the observed levels do not seem to deserve concern. soil was the low quantum yield, which was significantly lower
Irrespective of the reasons, evidence suggests soil CL is a poor than all test soils in Z. mays. Other than that, this soil
J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800 797

performed better than or equally well as test soils, despite on the plants’ physiological profile, a multiplicity of combi-
having low OM content (see Table 1). When used as the ref- nations between factors would be required (e.g., pH correc-
erence soil, it discriminated plants grown in soil TA for having tion, nutrient addition, particle-size manipulation); this is vir-
lower emergence (in H. annuus), lower biomass, lower net tually impossible in terms of experimental design, taking into
assimilation rate, and higher lipid peroxidation (in account the necessary multifactorial framework, especially
H. annuus). These are consistent signs of plant when studying natural soils, as in the case of this study.
underperformance, and they are partially corroborated when Therefore, in our opinion, there is a need to interpret and
using soil CT as benchmark (see also Table 4). Evidence of combine multiple lines of evidence (not restricted to standard
damage in soils TE and TI (higher proline content and lipid ecotoxicological parameters) as a way to increase the degree
peroxidation, respectively, in Z. mays) were also supported, of confidence with which one classifies soils based on their
when using both soils as benchmark. Thus, consistent trends ecotoxicity. With this approach, there is more information
emerge when natural soils are compared with both CO and CT. available to distinguish noise (sporadic fluctuations) and con-
Adding all together, results suggest that CL is not an ade- sistent trends (among species and measured parameters), with
quate control soil in this case, while CO and CT promoted the overall physiological profile confirming or rejecting the
good plant performance, although the use of CT should be conclusions derived from the standard endpoints (see the
restricted to studies wishing to determine optimal plant per- integration of information in Table 4). This brings added value
formance (acknowledging it may overestimate phytotoxicity). for reducing uncertainty in the assessment of phytotoxicity of
Although the use of natural reference soils is suggested by contaminated soils.
various authors (Kalsch et al. 2006; Römbke et al. 2006; Taking into account the correlations observed between
Pereira et al. 2009; Chelinho et al. 2011; Frankenbach et al. plant performance and soil organic matter and conductivity,
2014), this only makes sense if these are local natural refer- it is desirable that the reference soils allow proper control of
ences, with the same background levels of contaminants and these variables. Indeed, there were major differences in terms
geological features. The use of a local soil from another area of organic matter and conductivity between soils CT and CO,
(such as CL), even if fully characterized physically (texture, partly explaining the differences in plant performance of the
etc.) and chemically (metals, pesticides, etc.), should be plants grown in two soils (see above). Given the natural var-
avoided. This idea is partially corroborated by OECD guide- iability (see Table 1) and importance (see biomass data, Fig. 1)
lines (2006), which advise against the use of natural soils. The of organic matter, a suitable solution would be the use of
use of formulated control soils seems more adequate, although control soils differing in the amount of organic matter, thus
necessarily more artificial. Because of that, a combination of mimicking the natural variability of the natural soils under
several control/reference artificial soils (as in this study) may test. For soils CO and CT, this would be as easy as adjusting
provide a more balanced approach; the use of a single all- the amount of turf/peat added to the formulation (see example
purpose control soil is unrealistic. in Spurgeon and Hopkin 1996). The same would be valid for
texture (particle size) and other simple variables, provid-
4.3 An open gate to phytotoxicity studies ed that the number of potential control soils does not
turn the experimental design unfeasible. There is no
A weight-of-evidence approach suggests that soils from the doubt that a proper benchmark is pivotal for reaching a
mining area are potentially hazardous, particularly soil TA. conclusion about the phytotoxic potential of natural soils.
This is supported both by standard parameters and physiolog- Again, using several control/reference soils and combin-
ical endpoints and after comparing this soil to the most suit- ing multiple lines of evidence seems to be the way to go
able controls (CO and CT)—Table 4. Additionally, physiolog- (Antunes et al. 2011), as it is likely that, with so many
ical endpoints raised some uncertainty regarding soils TE and confounding factors, we will never completely erase the
TI, which deserves further research. The physiological condi- existing uncertainty degree in phytotoxicity assessments
tion of plants is associated with many abiotic variables, espe- of natural, contaminated soils.
cially those that depend on soil physicochemical properties
(Morgan and Connolly 2013). The properties of soil affect
plant root vigor, length, density, and uptake of water and nu- 5 Conclusions
trients, among others. Therefore, the inclusion of physiologi-
cal parameters brings added value and potential discriminato- Our results clearly demonstrate the need for a weight-of-
ry power to phytotoxicity bioassays, as shown here. However, evidence approach, where all the different types of data,
this study also shows that species-specific responses to con- comprehending different species, are integrated to generate a
founding factors may add some uncertainty in the assessment weighted conclusion. In our case, data suggests some degree
of noxious soil samples (see pigment profiles, Fig. 2). To of concern of the tested soils, albeit some noise and, even
properly tackle the potential influence of confounding factors more important, a strong dependence on the choice of control
798 J Soils Sediments (2016) 16:785–800

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