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Date: 05/11/2020


Department of Civil Engineering
Program: B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Semester Final Examination, Fall-2019

Year: 1st Course No: CE 101
Semester: 2nd Course Name: Engineering Mechanics
Time: 2 (Two) hours Full marks: 40

Use separate answer script for each section

Instructions: i) Answer script should be hand written and should be written in A4 white paper.
You must submit the hard copy of this answer script to the Department when
the university reopens.
ii) Write down Student ID, Course number, and put your signature on top of
every single page of the answer script.
iii) Write down page number at the bottom of every page of the answer script.
iv) Upload the scan copy of your answer script in PDF format at the respective
site of the course at google classroom through provided google form link
using institutional email within the allocated time. Uploading clear and
readable scan copy is your responsibility and must cover the full page of your
answer script.
v) You must avoid plagiarism, maintain academic integrity, and ethics. You
are not allowed to take any help from another individual and if taken so can
result in stern disciplinary actions from the university authority.

Instructions: i) Before uploading rename the PDF file as
e.g. CE 101_180107001_partA_section1.pdf
CE 101_180107001_partA_section2.pdf
ii) There are 3 (Three) Questions in each section, Answer any 2 (Two) from
each section.
iii) Marks allotted are indicated in the right margin.
iv) Necessary charts/tables are attached at the end of the question paper.
v) Assume any reasonable data if needed.
vi) Symbols and characters have their usual meaning.

The answer script (one single pdf file) of this section (Section-1) must be uploaded at designated
location in the provided google form link available in the google classroom.

Question 1. [Marks: 10]

a) Two elevators in adjoining shafts approach one another after starting simultaneously from [5]
rest when they are (450 + Last 3 digit of St. Id) ft. apart. The top elevator A travels down
with a constant acceleration of 2 fps2. The other elevator B has a uniform acceleration of 4
fps2 upward. After what time are they opposite each other? How far has each traveled at
this instant?
b) Locate the centroid of the area bounded by the parabolas y2 = 16 x and x2 = (16 + 0.01 × [5]
Last 3 digit of St. Id) × y.

Question 2. [Marks: 10]

a) Locate the centroid of the I section shown in Fig. 1. [5]

Fig. 1
b) For the same section shown in Fig. 1, find the centroidal moments of inertia. [5]

Question 3. [Marks: 10]
a) A box of sand A weighing 15 lb. is moving toward the left on a horizontal plane, where f [5]
= 0.4, with a velocity of 6 fps when it is struck by a bullet weighing 0.4 lb., which is
moving toward the right with a velocity of (1800 + Last 3 digit of St. Id) fps. The bullet
embeds itself in the box. i) what is the resulting velocity of the box? ii) As measured from
the instant of impact, when does the box come to rest? iii) How far does it move from the
point of contact?
b) A right circular cylinder of steel is (18 + 0.01 × Last 3 digit of St. Id) inch in diameter and [5]
(30 + 0.01 × Last 3 digit of St. Id) inch long. i) what is its moment of inertia about a line
of the surface parallel to the geometric axis? Steel weighs 490 lb. per cu. ft. ii) The same
as i) except that the axis is at a distance of 5 ft. from the geometric axis. Use the parallel
axis theorem.

The answer script (one single pdf file) of this section (Section-2) must be uploaded at designated
location in the provided google form link available in the google classroom.

Question 4. [Marks: 10]

For the simply supported truss shown in Fig. 2, find the magnitude and nature of the force in [10]
the members al, cm, dn, np and ef using section method.

Fig. 2

Question 5. [Marks: 10]
The bodies A and B weighing WA lb. and WB lb., respectively, are held in position against a [10]
horizontal plane and an inclined plane by applying a horizontal force P as shown in Fig. 3. If
the coefficient of static friction for all contact surfaces is 0.2, find the least value of P which
will induce motion of the body A up the inclined plane.

Fig. 3

Question 6. [Marks: 10]

A right-angle bend pipe is loaded by force P as shown in Fig. 4 has been supported in a [10]
horizontal plane with the help of three vertical wires AB, CD and EF. The pipe weighs W lb/ft.
Calculate the following:
a) Determine the total weight of the whole pipe.
b) Calculate the values of tension in the wires AB, CD and EF.
c) If a vertical wire is added in addition to the three previous wires, can you determine the
tension acting in all the wires, justify your answer.

Fig. 4

Date: 05/11/2020


Department of Civil Engineering
Program: B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Semester Final Examination, Fall-2019

Part-B (Open book exam)

Year: 1st Course No: CE 101
Semester: 2nd Course Name: Engineering Mechanics
Submission deadline: Next day 6.30 pm Full marks: 20

Use separate answer script for each section

Instructions: i) Answer script should be hand written and should be written in A4 white paper.
You must submit the hard copy of this answer script to the Department when
the university reopens.
ii) Write down Student ID, Course number, and put your signature on top of
every single page of the answer script.
iii) Write down page number at the bottom of every page of the answer script.
iv) Upload the scan copy of your answer script in PDF format at the respective
site of the course at google classroom through provided google form link
using institutional email within the allocated time. Uploading clear and
readable scan copy is your responsibility and must cover the full page of your
answer script.
v) You must avoid plagiarism, maintain academic integrity, and ethics. You
are not allowed to take any help from another individual and if taken so can
result in stern disciplinary actions from the university authority.

Instructions: i) Before uploading rename the PDF file as
e.g. CE 101_180107001_partB_section1.pdf
CE 101_180107001_partB_section2.pdf
ii) Answer all the Questions.
iii) Marks allotted are indicated in the right margin.
iv) Necessary graphs/tables are attached at the end of the question paper.
v) Assume any reasonable data if needed.
vi) Symbols and characters have their usual meaning.

The answer script (one single pdf file) of this section (Section-1) must be uploaded at designated
location in the provided google form link available in the google classroom.

Question 1. [Marks: 10]

a) A 2′ × 2′ × 8′ box B containing cork and weighing (300 + Last 3 digit of St. Id) lb. is placed [5]
on a car A, as shown in Fig. 1. At C is a fixed peg for which fC = 0. The car A is given an
acceleration of a = 2.62 fps2 leftward. i) what is the weight W if the box is about to turn
over? Solve without and with REF. ii) if the co-efficient of friction between A and B is fB =
0.15, would the box turn over or slide?

Fig. 1
b) A (3000 + 0.05 × Last 3 digit of St. Id) ton train has a resistance of 20 lb. per ton and a [5]
drawbar pull of 135000 lb. produced by a Virginian steam locomotive. With what minimum
speed must the train hit the foot of a 1-mile-long, 1.5% grade to clear the top with a speed
of 75 fps? Would you suggest a smaller locomotive or the use of two of these locomotives
to attain the objective of 75 fps?

The answer script (one single pdf file) of this section (Section-2) must be uploaded at designated
location in the provided google form link available in the google classroom.

Question 2. [Marks: 10]

Assume the cable in the assembly shown in Fig. 2 is weightless except the segment between [10]
smooth pegs at A and B which are of negligible diameter. The cable is continued after B peg
though a smooth pulley system. If the whole assembly is in equilibrium, determine:
a) Horizontal length between the two pegs.
b) The value of W.

w = 1.5 lb/ft along the cable 400′



100′ 300′ cable

Fig. 2

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